Is paganism or Christianity the religion of white European peoples? Sorry I am debating a pagan and he says Christianity is a Jewish death cult from the middle east. Responses? Is Christianity white?
Is Christianity the religion of Europeans?
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Christianity is open to all people. Jesus came to save the world, not just a specific people.
If you want my advice, don't waste your time with a vain idolater. If he is stiff-necked, prideful, idolatrous, etc. then you can afford to pay him as little mind as you would an atheist. Nothing he says has a snowball's chance in hell of being right.
Why not be just as shrill back to him and tell him about how he's advocating for savages who lived in mud huts, at the same level of development as today's darkest Africa? Speak also about whether he is comfortable that his religion, which is supposedly so much less deathly than Christianity, is the sort of religion that throws virgins into bogs? In short, ask why he likes savages and wants to be like them?
Also let him know what his gods really are; voodoo from the time that Europe was as savage as Africa, designed by the druids (those voodoo practitioners of the Celts) to basically extract other people's time and money through using superstition to leverage political power.
fpbp, hate to compare it to something worldly but you're at the same thought level of "is vanilla frosting the topping of white people?" OP
Lets us do a mental exercise.
Let us assume in the near future, esoteric neo-shintoism starts to flourish among the realms of the former abrahamic faiths.
In the meantime, we start expanding into space, and the followers of the old monotheistic religions start getting called derogatorily "grounders".
2000 years from now, they are extinct, while ENS is the dominant religion across Earth and most of its super genetically diverse colonies.
So some guys start calling themselves grounders, in some super LARPish and historically ignorant rituals (think a super incomplete Sarum rite, with the Words of Consecration replaced with the Shahada written in hebrew script, and teenagers in hieromonk robes memeing on the Extranet on their brave terran ancestors are chilling in Shamayin, with their 72 virgins carrying lamps) to carry the true spirituality of their grounder ancestors, and inject terran supremacist rhetoric into their faith.
Now, is grounderism or esoteric neoshintoism the religion of red-blooded Terran peoples?
No, Christianity is Truth. LARPagans treat religion like fashion, something to put on for identity, not as something that is the Truth (capital T). Here is a question: does he believe that the pagan gods created the world? If yes, then which ones did create the world? Every pagan religion has its own creation myths, they cannot be all true at the same time. So if he believes that only his gods are the real ones, does that mean that all other people in the world are worshiping false gods? Should they then convert to his particular flavor of paganism? Would he like Africans, Asians, Jews, Indians, Eskimos, Aboriginals and all other people to worship his gods as well, join all his LARPing club?
Christians believe that Christianity is the only true religion, which is why it needs to be spread to all people. It is not something for Europeans to wear like a fashion statement. Yes, different cultures have different outwards expression (vestments, iconography, architecture), but we are united in one faith in Christ.
If Christianity is a Jewish psy-op, why are Jews trying so hard to eradicate it? LARPagans are closer to Jews than they know. Judaism is more of an ethnic identity than an actual religion. This is why you can have "atheist Jews", but you cannot have "atheist Christians". Jews rejected Christ because they were expecting a warlord who would drive out the Romans and establish Jewish supremacy over the whole world, not someone who would open up their privileged status to every nation in the world.
There is no getting around the fact that christianity originates in the same mythology as the current jewish people. The current jewish people have, however, denied their messiah and do not represent the original inhabitants of judea, especially considering the abomination they have made in the talmud.
It’s THE religion, m8.
The question isn't whether Christianity is compatible with x culture, the skeptic is concerned that Christianity is subversive against Europeans. A historical case for Christian dominance in Euro history would be the area to argue
Tell him that paganism is a nature cult from India.
hey pol, now go back to your hellhole.
Christianity has done more for Europe than the mud hut living, cum guzzing, vikangz ever could have.
Chances are that your people knew the name of Christ longer than Oden or Zeus at this point.
Ahem… r/Christianity says otherwise
dont cast pearls before swine.
The teachings of Jesus are acceptable. The teachings of Saul/Paul ie. Christianity = Jewish death cult and path to futility and enslavement.
For the life of me, I can't figure this one out. It's like saying "quadriplegic jogger," "seven foot midget," or "dry water." What the hell is a Christian Atheist?
Why he should care whether or not Christianity is European rather than whether or not it is "true"? Religion is not a fashion statement.
A cafeteria Christian fasting. They're just there for the atmosphere.
Yes OP.
Chrstianity and Europeans were in a circular effect on one-another.
First Christianity made Europeans into more effective and productive, and in turn Europeans made Christianity more artistic and more refined. Imagine this going on for 2000 years and you have civilization.
The problem is that when we proselytize we are trying to export the European brand of christianity, tailored to those people's needs.
Which are not the same as the needs of asians or blacks.
Proselytizing is good and we should turn all of the planet catholic, but we should preserve native cultures and racial diversity.
How is modern paganism European when it was invented in the 60's with the New Age movement?
Most of it's ideas are taken fron Buddhism, Hinduism, Talmud and Kabbalah, only the cosplay remains somewhat European.
Our God is a God of love and proved through Abraham that He doesn't need a human sacrifice to be appeased.
Nice try though.
We don't have to sacrifice animals, human sacrifices were always considered abominable.
Pagans, everyone
Stop being moths, idiots.
Underrated poist. Grounders vs ENS (vs the re-introduction and establishment or even major suppression persecution of Christian orthodoxy - maybe the setting be parts of the end times) sci fi novel when?
I get that they're answering different questions to what is being asked/challenged by the page, but I would say it's absolutely pointless to engage with anyone on this level and it's far more important to open their eyes (or at least try to make a case) as to whether it's a non issue. Why should we be wasting time debating about something that's irrelevant?
in the name of winnie the pooh that's a wierd meme
No u numpty, see Numbers 29: 7 - 11. Sacrifice is central to Christianity and the sacrificial system of the atonement of sin through the scapegoat to the OT, which was a type for Christ.
It's a Jewish Life Cult. We don't do repeated sacrifice like old Jews. And if pagans were honest and not posers, they'd be hopelessly sacrificing too. This idea that their religion is about "teachings" is completely foreign to much of actual pagan thought. Mostly it's just Christianity and Buddhism who can properly say they've done away with it… albeit for different reasons.
The main issue with paganism, beyond its obvious redundancy considering the coming of Christ, is one of initiatic succession. In short, the chain has been broken; the mysteries have been lost – what can be reclaimed via archæology and textual criticism of the ancient ways is incomplete; not to mention, knowledge alone does not confer initiation.
This is the biggest issue LARPagans have to face, the fact that their traditions have not been persevered by an unbroken initiatic chain. One can't just "rebirth" an entire religion based on some historical facts and a bit of zeal.
Obviously, with the laying on of hands, the apostolic Churches don't have to worry about this. Everyone else claiming divine beginnings – including the pagans – should worry intensely if they care at all about doctrinal authenticity, priestly authority, etc..
The very fact most of these nitwits themselves refer their belief as Paganism should tell them all they need to know. Paganism of what? Vikings? Romans? African Tribe beliefs?
Tell them that Paganism itself wasn't compatible with European culture as their own warfare eventually ended them.
Who the winnie the pooh cares? Even if Jesus appeared to the Chinese I wouldn't care.
Truth is infinite times more important than race and homeland.
based and redpilled
My tigga the Jews sacrificed animals. Not humans.
Got more information about this?
Just admit that you're attempting to convince (((shills))) on Zig Forums next time.
there is no religion of the Europeans, even paganism was foreign, brought by the indo-europeans
irrelevant my tigga, it's the principle, which is exactly the same, spilt blood is an atonement and a scapegoat for the just retribution of sin. implied sacrifice is irrelevant since Jesus came, when it's not is bloody central (pun intended).
That's the thing about paganism though. The whole point is that there is no doctrinal authenticity or priestly authority. Take the Asatruars, they don't have a single authoritative text like what is found in Abrahamic religions. There is no theology; there is no liturgy; there is no canon. Hell, even from what we can find in the archeological record, it is clear that the attributes and patronage of the gods changed radically over time–new gods were added, old gods were reconstructed, etc. They're totally fine with this, because (well… they have to be) their gods are more like personifications of natural forces rather than flesh and blood like Jesus.
We were discussion human sacrifices only I guess with God always forbade, except the sacrifice of His Son.
We were discussing human sacrifices only I guess, which God always forbade, except the sacrifice of His Son.
There was that one other time in Judges 12, of course.
It wasn't really a religious sacrifice.
Christianity, if it is true, is by definition not of any man-made origin. The God of the Bible, if real, predates all human races. He appeared to Adam and Eve, who were not Jews, in the Garden. He later reappeared to Abraham, again not a Jew, and according to tradition, the ancestor of both the Jews and the Arabs. Abraham was the father of Isaac who was the father of Jacob. Jacob's name was changed to Israel, so his children were the first 'Israelites', one for each of the twelve tribes. One of the twelve children was Judah, so his kids were called Judahites which is where the term Jew comes from. Also the twelve tribes were split into two houses, the house of Judah containing Judah, Benjamin, and some of the Levites, and the house of Israel containing the other nine and a half tribes. Israel and Judah were even at war with each other at one point. Jesus was from the tribe of Judah, so a Jew ethnically. But remember if Christianity is true, he is God, and existed before Jews or any other race. Jesus' foremost opponents were the Pharisees. Modern rabbinical Judaism is the direct ideological descendant of the Pharisees. None of the other schools of thought at the time, like the Saduccees or Essenes, survived. Jesus condemned what he called 'the tradition of elders' which was later codified as the Talmud, and which modern Jews follow. I'm not sure how close modern Jews are genetically to the Jews of those days. You are considered a Jew if your mother is one even if your father isn't so there's probably been some mixing over the years. Regardless, the important point is God predates all human races, and God is no respecter of persons and the gospel is for everyone. If Christianity is made up, it makes no matter whether it was made up by Jews or gentiles, either way it's useless if it's false. And if it's true, it's origin is a God who predates all of us.
An unbroken oral tradition is at least something they possessed once, but the same cannot be said today.
Idk much about the renaissance, can someone fill me in?
Stop wasting your time.
The Renaissance was a garbage time period that layed the grounds for Protestantism and all the wars that happened because of protestantism and all the humanist garbage we have to deal with today.
wew lad
Here’s the comments if you want to fill in your piece
No. truth is universal
It used to be. It is a rudimentary, very simple understanding of Logos. Christianity is the revealed truth in its full form. It is the only way of getting to God.
There was. There are also pagan traditions outside: India. Notice how those "muh white pagan" larpers espouse often Indian pagan tradition (yugas, etc). If they lived up to their standards they should not use it. ut well they have no standards to begin with.
Furthermore there is no "pagan" doctrine, no coherent dogma, there are very few rites nowadays and those larpers certainly do not attend them.
I will say this: Those pagans want to worship themselves, basically their own asses. "MUH HUWITE RELIGION" "MIGHT IS RIGHT" "MUH NEITZCHE AND SHEIT".
They are so jewed spiritually by enlightenment, atheism and nihilism that they are essentially kikes. What they seem to want to invent is white talmudism to replace Christianity. The parallels are there:
So paradoxically they claim CHristianity is jewed by acting as kikes themselves.
Yes in Hebrew tradition there was revealed Truth, the messiah came there.
Some of them acccepted it, some made a direct inversion of everything when they rejected him. Then many converted to "religion" of "judaism" (see the name itself is an idolatry of one tribe) to larp for money they screw gentiles of.
To see how pathetic it is to claim that "jewish" is a race is shown by the following: there are descendants of tribe of Judah, Khazars, Askenazis, etc. Claiming they're ethnically same is ludicrous. SOme had to convert. You cannot convert to blood religion, if you can then you no longer can claim "muh blood"
Tl dr. Most of those pagans are spiritual jews. Do not waste time debating them as well as actual jews.
In one thread I argued with a pagan.
All he did was spouting anti christian atheist memes and talmudism.
However he said that White is an ethnicity - a nation - so I drowned him by continually asking him if he thinks Russian and Spanish is the same thing. If so why.
He NEVER answered that question, just derailed into
Imagine my surprise when after posts he admited that he is neither white, nor European, nor American. But he was larping as "european pagan" Telling Europeans what they should do/ "we fellow whites should worship our blood"
This is the kind of people you engage online. Keep that in mind. I literally did not even believe what I read there when he tried to justify his positions of larping as "european religion" while not even being an european.
The jokes write themselves.
This, Christianity took Europeans worldwide and made the conquerors.
As a Swede I would have to agree.
Christianity sculpted Europe to what it were to become, and anti-Christianity created what Europe is now
Just say it: you're arguing with a meme flag on Zig Forums. Save yourself some time and effort and just post memes to counter the larper's 'arguments'.
If someone is unironically saying 'le jewish death cult' they are not mature enough for an actual debate or discussion. Say your piece and leave.
This is pretty much all you'll get from auguring with larpers. Though I will say that once in a blue moon you can come across a Swede or Norwegian pagan that you can have an actual conversation and discussion with, but those are rare.
The Romans were pagans and they had a lot of great technology for the time; I would think about a stronger argument, like how Christians were able to conver a corrupt Empire mostly by way of them bravely risking their lives on a daily basis (something that, as a person who has almost completely lost that faith, I still admire).
Can only disprove these?
Can you*
yes, all of europe was united under Christianity. if you're talking individual ethos, no, it was just a smattering of random mythos and various amounts of forms of worship.
Also, all results say the codex was created in the 5th century, not the 4th..
The Jews:
yeah, sounds like it was all part of (((their))) master plan all along…
yes, it's called motivated reasoning. It's easy to cherry pick a bunch of unrelated points to suit any arbitrary claims when you throw out their context, history, and underlying philosophy. The mere fact that the truthfulness/utility of monotheism over paganism (as it was viewed back then) doesn't even come up should be a big red flag.
(((They’re))) pushing a new meme about ethno-religions
Forgot to ask if anyone could offer a refutation that I can screen cap.
The Pharisees were satanic civnats. Every Christian nation was ethnonationalist. (No, America isn’t Christian, it’s jewish.)
America is a bunch of state/nations, not one whole.
The states are more provinces
Speaking as someone who's worked with multiple states' legislature and lobbied in the federal level, each state really is more like a mini country. They get treated like provinces, but the way they function and act, themselves, is as a mini country.
Modern Christianity is the same as communism in terms of followers…countless denominations and everyone says theirs is the only real one. Christianity as a religion died with Jesus and became satans whore. Christianity as a tool for teaching morality can only be found in the old testament, and anyone interested in joining today should only take God, the crucifix and morality of the scriptures from it…the rest is worthless.
I would have disagreed with if I were younger but I think you’re right. The beast in Revelation sounds a lot like well… mainstream Christianity. Maybe we spent too long building a mountain out of a satanic molehill and the truth is simply Jesus and the morals He espoused in the Old Testament.
I made a little research and found out that some times, the indigineous people of central america really did convert out of defeat- But of course there were still the majority of the indians that weren't warriors, and were converted by tradional means, such as the elites being converted first, then the populace. There are also dozens of mexican and african saints, going against the theory that other peoples can't follow a universalitst religion and set of habits. "Primitive roots of jewish subversive agitation and hatred for civilization" really? He sounds like of one those people who think Jesus was a political revolutionary, having no knowlegde of the early church's history (such as Peter's command for christians to honor the emperor, jewish subversion amirite?) apart from "muh socialist early christians". The main problem with the religious syncretism is the lack of catholic education and cathechesis. Here in Brazil, lots of people are nominally catholic at least, showing very little signs of the old pagan indigenoous gods. There's little sense of "racial pshyche" here since there was a lot of miscigenation and mixing…and it's catholicism, even if it's not very accurate due to bad education, is certainly fairly orthodox and free of other influences. I'm willing to bet that it was this way in other countries too, the lack of an catholic education. So in conclusion, i do agree that historically catholicism has let old cultures still have an effect on the people, but the thing is..if the education is sufficient, catholicism removes all the bad aspects of a certain culture ( like, Germanic warrior culture that led men to early graves ) and transformed them into good things ( like the author said, Germanic chivarly). That's my two cents
Let me guess: you think Paul was mean.
I don’t. My beliefs are probably more in line with Paul’s than most Christians.
Don't throw pearls at swines.
I grew up in an household which was half-Catholic half-atheist; my very Catholic grandmother used to read my siblings, cousins and me all the old myths of our ancestors. Greek, Roman and Nordic tales: she explained us how there was a spark of truth, of that Divine light even in those legends.
I am a terrible Christian, I can admit that, but my grandmother taught me something important: Christianity is real, and has not destroyed but fulfilled the longing of those pagans. They were looking for Christ, but could not see Him; now we can see Him and finally revere and venerate Him as God. Pray for those fake pagans, as they follow something we know about thanks to the work of monks and religious figures who wrote down all these myths because they were part of the culture of different people in the sake of memory. I studied the history of my people, their ancient beliefs and while I still take that as part of who I am, God alone is the One I bow to.
After I mentioned Revelations 3:9, is he wrong?
By cutting their trees, burning their houses and killing them.
Yep, much fulfilled.
Christians just pretty much admit they got brainwashed and that paganism is truth.
Yes, he's wrong. Synagogue and church are two different words in greek with two different meanings. It's like the difference between the words 'cathedral' and 'mosque'. They are two obviously different things that serve a similar purpose.
Yeah, and the pagan romans were absolutely tolerant of the germanic tribal religions and would have NEVER dreamed of doing something like say enslaving them for being barbaric savages. Nope, not at all. No siree.
Nothing three trends:
1. Reduce Christianity to some sort of ideology/pagan god that was useful in the past but we need something new now, there is a lot of emphasis of it being to “go back to our roots” (even though all pagan religions are merely an evolved corruption of Christianity) or to “make an Aryan religion”. (Intentionally disgarding any assumption that there was truth in it).
2. “Christianity fundamentally is stupid, but the Europeans shaped it to suit their own needs (mention whatever pagan mixing).
3. Utilizing “If you repeat a lie, eventually people will believe it true”. Making multiple small lies that don’t seem too far off the truth, then pressing them in (usually as a meme) with other deliberate lies so people might consider those also.
The more you observe them the more you realize they act like shills
Aksually, the romans and greek just combine the gods with their foreign equivalent.
This is primal example of Zeus-Amun, and Tacticus's later equivalence of Hercules/Thor and Mercury/Odin.
The biggest lie of all.
Christianity is a paganized version of judaism. This is why the OG romans were wary of it since it is subversion.
Ah, yes.
We chopped down a tree that some germanics wanted to do human sacrifice under, and Charlemagne went crazy and mass-executed some saxon rebels, something that would be a stain upon his reign that everyone called him out on until his death(a sort of late Antiquity Benghazi).
Truly its another Shoah.
Fun Fact:
Charlemagne is considered a Blessed in the Catholic Church
mainly because Charlemagne did nothing wrong
Who cares? Christ is the way, the truth and the life.
Pagans deforested Norway long before Christianity ever reached the region. Pagans weren't a bunch of environmentalists, stop chugging down Hollywood horseshit. That's about as accurate a portrayal of history as disneys Pocahontas.
WNs would rather take credit for barbarian tribes that raped and looted surrounding islands than the actual time period of technological, navigational, scientific, and artistic innovation that put Europe in the position as world leader for the sake of """STRENGTH""" and larping as nords. And they wonder why they've never made much progress past the Third Reich, where they pretended to be Christians.
Yep so winnie the pooh strong, except you winnie the poohers eat and drink a jew's flesh and blood every mass.
Shoah as in a genocide? Truly, no saxon pagan was spared.
Pagan kept the forest in Germany, Denmark, and even Gaul. Forest were sacred, since it's a symbol of their gods.
Then Christianity came in and built stupid churches, with no nationality nor style.
Oh please, the Western Roman Empire was only christian for 100 years, and it was in decline.
The much advanced Roman empire one was the pagan one.
And the jumpstart that made European into world power happen during the Renaissance, which means the flowback of classical Greco-Roman art and idealism, NOT Christianity.
You are historically illiterate. The reason trees became sacred to Norse pagans is that they literally chopped them all down, so a grove was a rare sight. They were about as advanced as sub-Saharan Africans before monks brought them civilization.
Sacred groves are a thing for celt, german and norse, because of the Tree of Life/Yggdrasil.
It has nothing to do with deforestation.
Find me some sub-saharan that built wooden cities, make better steel than the romans and built boats to travel the globe.
You can't.
Euro churches have different architectural style even across regions within a country, let alone states.
The Roman Empire was a clusterf*ck of invasions, balkanisations, currency devalutions, depopulations, corruption, etc. in it's pagan prime, that started after it conquered Dacia.
The entire pagan 3rd century is one big mess for Rome, constantly invaded, poor and shattered into 4 succesor states.
And it's not like it came out of nowhere.
Figures as late as Diocletian, Gaius Marius, and as early as the Grachii brothers realized the whole empire was based on a plunder economy and constantly increasing wealth inequality, and tried to to unscrew that unsustainable wreck.
It wasnt Constantine that abandoned the West and stabilized the East, but Diocletian.
All look the same to me, some stupid building.
And? That's the most advanced state of the Roman empire.
3rd century is basically lost history, but that's not when Rome is most pagan, in fact, Christianity is already infecting Rome in that period.
The most pagan Rome remains the Julius Caesar to Marcus Aurelius reign.
The empire lasted for about 1000 year, not counting the Republic.
It only spent 100 years being Christian, and you think Christianity "saved" it, LOL.
I was referring to medieval and renaissance Europe, as well as the British empire, the colonization of the Americas (beyond icy nothingness)… I could keep going.
You guys talk about heritage, and yet all of my recent ancestors were christian. You guys are forsaking a massive portion of European history for the sake of pretending like Thor and Loki are more than just fairytales, as well as a means of justifying brutality based on the tenants of Nordic paganism.
Also, it's funny you mention Rome, because I haven't met a single neopagan who believes in the Roman or Greek pantheon. It's always Nordic, Germanic, or Celtic. Rome would make sense, since they weren't just a band of thieves and rapists, but I have never seen one of you take that stance.