Being a Chad

How do I be a Chad?

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You don't. As a married man who went through a lot of problems before meeting his wife, lemme tell you how the whole Virgin vs. Chad thing came to be.

Until relatively recently, everybody understood that women tended to subconsciously look for protector/provider qualities in men in the same way men subconsciously look for fertility and nurturing. Men looking to attract women attempted to exude confidence, kept a job, and was up front about being interested in a girl. This is what you should do.

In recent times, probably sometime around the 60s, two norms changed that messed things up. Women were told they could go ahead and have sex and not regret it, so they removed a lot of the hesitation that made women wait for relatively stable people, and many foolish women went for people who were 'confident' without bothering to see what they were confident about, relying solely on feelings. At the same time, feminism was telling men that acting like a traditional man was a turnoff and modern men needed to be more sensitive. Enter the virgin and the Chad.

The virgin buys the feminist line wholesale. He sucks up to women and treats them like queens. This is pathetic and doesn't signal confidence. Confident men may be let down by a rejection, but they know going in they'll have another shot with somebody else. He gets forever friend-zones, leading to frustration at being friend-zoned, which then comes off as creepy, because no woman can be friends with him anymore without wondering if he's just trying to get into her pants.

The Chad takes advantage of the situation. He struts around, giving off confidence, and generally treating women like crap. A huge chunk of them blow him off as a jerk, but there are enough reasonably attractive, emotionally driven women out there that he gets a steady supply of sex with no commitment, also something you want to avoid, as it leads to STDs and an unfulfilling life.

What you want to do in the dating world is remind yourself that you have certain requirements for a mate and you're not going to settle for somebody who doesn't live up to them. This doesn't mean you'll settle for nothing less than a 9 on the hotness scale, but rather you vet girls from minute one whether they live up to your standard as a Christian and as a person. If you show confidence, you can, in fact, act like a gentleman around friends and girlfriends alike without looking like a chump. It's hard to nail it on the head, but the biggest thing about gentlemanly behavior is making it known that you do it because it's the right thing to do and not because you expect something in return.

I would also recommend making friends with women you have no interest in marrying (but can still be friends with) just to get practice interacting with women in general and to get advice. Female friends want you to be in a relationship and will help you in that regard. When I was still a bachelor, I had a few hot female friends who were either already taken or whose personalities weren't exactly right for me for a wife, and I took them with me clothes shopping or getting haircuts. I got experience interacting with women and they were invaluable in finding good looking clothes for me and making sure my hair was nice.

Its either you or you are not. You can try your hardest to become one but if a real chad would pass by your woman would leave you or think about him .

You don't you, be a man.

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Fully submit yourself to the Lord your God and he will Build You Up to be the perfect man you were ment to be. You must remember that your body is a temple, so Build It Up (ie lift, fast, abstaine from drugs and junk food, and learn skills) and a woman will find you and thank the Lord she has you in her life.

saved, thanks user.

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Change your name to Chad.

by being bigger and standing next to them, preferably if you dislike them, then taking a picture and posting it on a imageboard.

Chads are bad people user, remember that.
They are all about confidence and carelessness.
That's not what we do here.
Confidence and conviction are neccessary, but we are not careless, we don't just pump and dump women. Even if we don't wait until marriage, we don't just treat our sexpartners like sex-toys. We are responsible, and try to live up to a higher standard out of love for God, and not out of love for our own ego like Chad does.
Keep this in mind, and remember that Chad completely and utterly fails when his ego is hurt, because to Chad it's all about himself.

how to fast without ruining gains? I have pfts every month

Good post. OP, don't confuse being a Chad with being a dominant male. Do you know how the life of a Chad typically goes?
The Chad lifestyle is not sustainable, with their pursuit of short-term pleasures always ending in pain and suffering, both in this world and for eternity in Hell. The dominant Christian man recognizes this.

Not on topic butdoes porn do this too? I've been jacking off for nearly 20 years and can't stop, intense 'addiction' depreesive lifestyle outside of work barely keeping it together there too been jacking off too horrible porn extremely frequently past few years especially, ami screwed for pair bonding?


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Given OP's image, it seems clear he thinks Chad just means "man with qualities I identify as positive" and not the default one society makes.
Not that any of the posts here are bad, of course.

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This guy gets it, The biggest problem I see nowadays though is how hard it is to find a proper woman, that is:
1- a proper well educated christian
2- that didn't fall for the media and degeneracy
3- in the desire age range
4- that fits your attraction standards
5- the is at least smart and mentally compatible
6- that has a similar purpose in life
7- and finally, that is in stage in her life that she would be ready to find love and commit

I would say, the hardest thing is finding someone who would be mature and ready for the commitment with bullshit, seems to me that relationships that work are a lot more about situational availability (eg both want to make it work), than it is in finding a suitable partner.
Right now at least I feel I got most of it figured out, at least I know how to deal with females and not fall into the usual relationship and passionate traps, however I'm failing in settling myself financially, once I finally get this part ironed I hope to find a proper wife.

Good luck. Because you won't find a woman that meets more than two of those conditions at the most.

Prepare to settle for a woman that wants to do most of the same things you do and is the age you're looking for and nothing else.

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protein supplement, not sure what 'pfts' is.

Read this book about quitting porn and trust the author, it saved my life.

It is so tempting to just have sex before marriage, good hard sex is the only thing a woman really wants from a man that the government can't get her. If you give it to them good they would want to marry you afterwards. The only other way I can think of is playing the really long game. Spend the next 10 years teaching everyone how a girl should act, while being a really attractive man and maybe there will be a 20 year old with your ideals at the end of it.

I didn't like this book, to be honest.

How can it not work? To me it was perfect. I had been trying to stop for a long time, caught in the exact trap he is talking about, and it was like he was reading my mind, listing all the excuses I had been making and destroying them one by one untill I felt there was nothing at all to gain from porn, and I already knew there was a lot to lose.

I felt that this was not only the perfect solution, but that variations of this method could be used to free you from any sin. I would really like to know how much of it you read and if you understood the concept of how this method works, when you do, I can't see how it couldn't work.

I found one that fits all except the last. Her parents don't even want her married yet, but now that she knows I like her she feels awkward around me. She's taken to "forcing" (and it does look extremely forced when she does it) herself to be someshat rude and cold to me in fear of "leading me on" as she put it. I'm down for being just friends with her. Honestly just having a girl like that in my life is nice knowing that such actually exist. Pray for me bros.

This is kind of cute in a way.