I have been jacking off ever since I was exposed to pornography at 13, I am 22 now and this is still my biggest and most agregious folly against the Lord. To a myriad of degenerate material over the years I have been indulging, I want to be rid of it. Every time I do it I pray to the Lord for forgiveness and help from this disease but I go right back and spit on the blessing’s I’ve been given and I go back and do it again and again. Please help me brothers, how do I stay away from the lusts that drive me to pornography and eschew this from my life, I fear my spiritual integrity and limp dick.
I have been jacking off ever since I was exposed to pornography at 13...
Set a daily prayer rule, every morning, every night before sleep. Ask God to grant you a hatred of sin and a desire for holiness daily.
Remember that however strong the temptation seems, the Lord is stronger.
I will pray for you.
Sorry friend this is the malus of our generation, it affects me too sadly, I've been in for much longer.
Just realize this an addiction and treat as such. Completely wipe it from your life, go cold turkey, if the lewd desires arise, go to something else.
Search for actual "porn addiction" and get informed, if it need be with lust taking you over, don't do it to porn.
Finally pray and repent.
Thanks guys. I will cleanse myself, gonna fast here for the first time in a long while. Enough is enough, I can’t express how much this is a plague upon myself and on society at large. It’s a tool for subversion and temptation, but it’s my fault fot rejecting it.
Think of it this way: When you look at porn you are essentially looking at a mentally ill woman (and/or man) that is so traumatized that they are selling their body for money. All porn stars become prostitutes at some point, because they can't escape the demonic spirits that are in them (unless they become followers of Jesus).
By looking at this kind of person for sexual pleasure is basically the same as using another person as nothing but a tool of pleasure, knowing that they are being destroyed and degraded in the process. By looking at porn you are essentially using a human as a dirty rag and throwing it away when its used up. Looking at it will corrupt you as well.
When you understand that looking at it is so filthy and sick, you shouldn't really look at it anymore. If you can, then you should think if your mind is truly renewed. Just stop it, you know that it's wrong and keeping God from being able to fix you.
As a side note, there are a lot of Catholics here that seem to think that any kind of sexual drive is wrong, and that you should not release it in any way. I've tried to talk about it with them but it's impossible. So I'm just going to say this, masturbation is not wrong unless you're thinking of degenerate sexual desires that conflict with what God thinks is right. For example: Thinking of wanting to hurt someone while having sex is wrong, homoerotic thoughts, and basically everything that conflicts with the law that Jesus said covers all the laws, Love.
God created us as sexual beings, and not releasing our sexual buildup will only make us depressed, don't become a compulsive masturbator though either, because you are not a slave anymore.
Of course, read the Bible yourself and if you have a different opinion, go with that. Since The Holy Spirit helps us understand what is right and wrong.
Sorry, this is kind of a ramble.
go to confession after you jack off.
What 'God thinks is right' is that penis goes into vagina. Or tell me, how do you masturbate without fantasies or porn?
Thanks for saying this, I've troubled with masturbation since, I'm trying to quit porn for good but my sex drive is still strong.
So I turn to dry fapping, and when I do usually the only things that come my mind were the loving times I spent with my ex.
I know most here wouldn't approve of either, but such was the world I was brought in.
So basically what you're saying that if you don't happen to get a wife somehow, you can't release your sexual desire or you're committing a sin?
I've studied the Bible all this time and never have I gotten that impression. You're free to have your own understanding of the scriptures, but the Holy Spirit has not once given me even a slight hint that masturbation is wrong.
Arguing about things like this isn't what followers of Christ are supposed to be doing anyway, so lets just stop here, because this conversation has been had many times here. It will not lead anywhere, because I won't be able to convince you otherwise even if I prove you wrong form the bible.
stop jacking off
satan-worshipping jewish shill
Do your best to stop. Find a good Christian girl that knows it's her duty to have sex within marriage constantly, and then get married. Don't marry a woman that won't put out after marriage. She's not Christian.
Yes, everything I just said is Scripturally sound. Read Dalrock.
Could you try anyway?
Install an "adult content blocker" in your browser. They have them for all of the major browsers. When you get the urge to look at porn, get up off of the computer and do something else.
Well, I can't find the thread from the archive in which I talked with people about this here, but essentially all the scripture that implies masturbation is wrong, like Conan spilling his seed (the reason why he did evil in the sight of the Lord was because he refused to impregnate like God commanded him) is just taken out of context or badly understood. At least all that I saw in that thread.
But hey, this isn't that important of a topic, it's just masturbation. If you want to have testicular cancer its your own decision. I just don't think that masturbation is wrong and that's that. I have read the Bible many times, and pray frequently to my Lord Jesus Christ. But as I've already pissed off people like for example. I just want to leave this thread already and stop talking about this. I'm glad at least was able to get something nice out of my quick drivel.
Have a nice day everyone! May God bless you and fill you with his Holy Spirit, and guide you in every situation, Amen.
Literally no saint, martyr, theologian, holy person, priest or mystic has ever agreed with you, you poor, deluded fool. They all say the exact opposite and not without coincidence. Even most pagan masters considered masturbation to be a sign of evil on par with adultery.
You say I'm deluded, but this isn't some sort of teaching, this is my consciousness of right and wrong, that God wrote to my heart when I was born.
Do you imply that the very act of masturbation is evil no matter what? Then why do animals do it, they were not affected by the fall?
Yes, the ones that that the catholic church has approved.
The bible says that the ones who follow Jesus have a holy calling (2 Timothy 1:9), we are not just some "normies" we are called by God just like these "holy persons" "saints" and "martyrs" you talk about. Of course I would die for my faith just like them, as would any other person who truly follows Jesus. There are many followers of Jesus who agree with me regarding masturbation. Just because you want to have these useless rules and regulations with an appearance of wisdom, don't confuse them with actual Christianity.
Such as?
I'll just add what I was talking about here too: "You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world, such as, “Don’t handle! Don’t taste! Don’t touch!”? Such rules are mere human teachings about things that deteriorate as we use them. These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial, and severe bodily discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires." (Colossians 2:20-23 NLT)
I will stop masturbating when the Holy Spirit tells be it's wrong, it's that simple. God will guide me to stay in the right path if I'm serious about following Him. He isn't going to judge someone for actions they don't think are wrong, because God is just.
Maybe someday I will have the some opinion about masturbation as you, but for now I simply don't see it as wrong in the slightest, and that's that.
My mother for example, and many Christians I've happened to see online talk about the matter. I don't have Christian friends except for my mother, so I can't say know any personally.
Do tell, how does one masturbate without having Lust in their heart?
How does one glorify God through the act of masturbation?
Do you masturbate before going to Church? Would that feel wrong to you?
Masturbation is a habit that the most pious monks struggle to overcome in the beginning of their vocation. But there is a reason they must overcome this.
You compare Humans to animals on the subject of masturbation, are we animals? Or are we made in God's image for the sole purpose to Glorify him?
Please, please take it more serious. Sin is in every layer of the Human life, you must acknowledge it, and work against it.
When every Christian in history is so anti-masturbation you literally beg your own mother for permission to wank hahaha
You don't get to decide what's right or wrong, you're a slave to your passions and they inform your moral compass. Lust drives people to do things they wouldn't have done otherwise, there's a reason Jesus taught people to control their passions and be free from sin. You can't serve God and your dick you need to quit watching that filth so that you can start to think straight and make decisions based on reason.
Lust for someones wife you mean? I simply dont.
By feeling good. Sexual pleasure only exists because God exists
No? There is nothing wrong with it.
I'm not comparing Humans to animals, I'm only saying that animals are not Evil. We humans are not the only ones that worship the Creator. The Bible says that all of creation sings God's praise.
I know, I flee from sin as best as I can.
And why do you think that? My mother is the one who taught me about sex and masturbation to begin with, like a good parent is supposed to.
And I am controlling my passions, as best as I can. I know I don't get to decide what's right or wrong, God decides that. And there is nothing the Bible that implies that masturbation is wrong.
What filth?
When I quoted that I meant to say "what filth?"
And to add to the first point, it's not like I'm thinking of someone who isn't my wife either, I think of someone that doesn't exist.
Really now? Honestly I discovered masturbation by myself when I was around 9 years old, it's kinda odd that your parents would teach you that, as I think most people instinctively discover it on their own.
So just to be clear, you don't think that masturbation comes under the heading of 'sexual immorality'?
Any woman.
Feeling Good is not the meaning if existence.
If a priest or pastor masturbated everytime before service, and you found out, would you not question his holiness? Do you think sexual urges are Holy urges?
We are not animals, we are of Gods image. We are higher than they.
You seem to embrace it.
But it's obviously Satan that teaches little kids about masturbation according to Catholics.
Also in my third answer in I didnt mean to quote the second question twice, I meant to answer the third question
Exactly, I don't think masturbation is sexual immorality.
Well, it's not about the works of Satan, but rather that us humans are corrupted ever since the descent of Adam and Eve. Regardless of how you view it, it's probably best to avoid it as it only makes you a slave to your desire.
Yes, I don't lust for any existing woman, I think that's wrong.
I didn't imply that, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying things… Do you think enjoying things is wrong?
We are humans, we have a sexual drive that God created for us. There is nothing wrong with that.
I don't think I said anything that conflicts with that? I agree.
All I said was that animals were not affected by the fall like us humans.
Jesus gave us freedom, I don't intend to go back to slavery, despite what you seem to think.
He is here in this thread, chastising you for your sins, you idiot child. God have mercy on your soul.
You are a slave to sin. You have turned your God-given faculties for procreative activity into a toy – the very part of your body meant for the glories of new life is nothing to you but a distraction, an itch you scratch whenever you feel like it. It is a monstrosity; an abomination.
So how do you masturbate?
Yes, creating a habit of self pleasure is wrong. The only pleasure we should live for is Love.
Yes, he created it for a specific reason- to have children, not to masturbate.
You are going against his desires, so you are wrong.
You pointed at the action of animals to justify your reasoning– that is wrong.
We aren't talking about the acts of animals here tho are we? You said animals masturbate so we should to. Animals also rape, when Humans do rape it's considered a great act of sin.
We are slaves of Christ, despite what you think.
Masturbating is not bad.
It's good and having children is bad.
That's not what the Holy Spirit does. When The Holy Spirit does something, He does it to glorify Jesus Christ. He doesn't blame or convict anyone of Sin, but instead teaches and disciplines us.
Christ disciplined when The Holy Spirit was with him.
What are you talking about?
You are on the verge of heresy
Begone Satan.
Jesus Christ drove the merchants out of the temple with a whip. As such, we are called to drive out sin with a sword. Bitching about us being meanies is not only a waste of time, but also unmanly; effeminacy being a sin. Stop it.
Masturbation is a sin. Your own private interpretation – ignorant of wisdom as held by great men and women of God – is wrong. Repent.
Yes, I am a slave of Christ. But not because he forced me to, it's because I chose to be a slave of Christ out of my own free will, because that's the right thing to do. That's completely different from being a slave to sin.
Would you rather belong to God who can't do wrong, or would you rather belong to Satan who doesn't love, only hates, lies and murders.
You say that masturbation is so obviously wrong, but there is nothing in the Bible that implies that is is.
And yes, rape it obviously wrong, but masturbation isn't.
I think you misread my post. Read it again.
It's wrong? And what if I say that I think you're wrong? Your word is not the word of God.
I understood you perfectly fine.
You are gravely mistaken about this subject.
Why do you think Chastity is considered a virtue? Because it rebukes sin. Note; Chastity denies masturbatiom BECAUSE it revokes sin.
2D is it?
Ok, so show me in the word of God why masturbation is wrong so I have a reason to chastise myself in that specific area.
Let's not change the subject okay? I'm just trying to figure out why you guys are so insistent on masturbation being wrong, that's all.
Animals were affectedb y the fall.
In Paradise there was no need that one animal would ever have to eat another animal.
Furthermore God made us stewards of his creation which means that animals are supposed to be under our command. They aren't supposed to attack us yet they do.
Do you have OTHER examples?
Because if masturbation was always valid, then there would be examples of people accepting it before the protestant reformation(as the teachings of Jesus Christ are immutable)
For example, you say
"My consciousness of right and wrong, that God wrote to my heart when I was born."
And do not consider that other humans would have the same sense of right or wrong.
I'm not saying just Catholicism or Orthodoxy either. Literally nobody, not even other Christians such as Anabaptist that existed before the protestant revolution, thought that masturbation was non-sinful. Your consciousness is stained by sin is the more likely answer I am afraid. At least, its less insane than claiming that nobody recognized something in the faith until year 1900+ when some Christians started believing Masturbation was okay.
No, my word is that of the Church since the very beginning. Every Church Father, all the Doctors of the Church, saints from East and West, great religious from Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant backgrounds, ALL say the same thing about masturbation: It is fornication of the heart; it is a serious sin against God and what He intends for us with regard to ordered sexual function.
Masturbation is to sex what a lie is to spoken truth; a hollow, pale version stripped of all Godliness. THAT is what makes it a sin against God.
Notice that nobody on this board will agree with you – and there is a range of perspectives, from Traditionalist Catholics to Non-denominationals – because you are flat-out wrong about this. We can debate denominations and high theology and metaphysics, but sexual sin is an area so black and white that there is virtually no debate surrounding it throughout Christian history, from St. Augustine to St. Aquinas; from Martin Luther to William Lane Craig; there is unanimity in the same what that there is unanimity about Jesus performing miracles and God being a Trinity.
same way that*
Well hang on. Are we arguing over whether masturbation is instrinscly sinful, or is it only masturbating to certain things which is? Is it only sinful to masturbate to pornography involving real women? Is it not sinful to masturbate to depictions of fictional women? What if you have a waifu, is that not sinful or is it idolatry as well as sexual immorality? Where is the line drawn?
user is claiming that masturbation, in and of itself, practised for pleasure, is not sinful.
This argument drives me up the wall
In Paradise there was no need that one animal would ever have to eat another animal.
Exactly, IN paradise.
Adam committed the first sin by allowing Eve to be deceived. His blood flows in us today, so his sinful blood is in us.
Animals have nothing to do with it.
As I said, Christians I've seen on the internet. People who aren't catholics.
Umm ok, but… Jesus never said masturbation is wrong..? Nowhere in the bible it says masturbation is wrong. It doesn't matter what people think.
This board is pretty much all catholics, I'm not surprised in the slightest you guys dont agree with me.
But all of those are things that God said was wrong. Sexual desire on the other hand, is created by God, those other things are a result of sin.
as someone who suffers from gluttony and masturbation the urge feels very much the same, i have gone long periods without masturbation and didn't feel like i needed to "release" anymore than when i feel i need to indulge my gluttony
Also is that a mod for darkest dungeon, or is that just artwork? I'd like to get it
1 Corinthians
Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
1 Peter 2:11
Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God;
Romans 13:14
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.
It does? If the Holy Spirit is guiding us, there must be deeper implications to that.
If you think you and modern people(that are surrounded by lewdness everywhere, which is something you should consider) are more guided by the holy spirit than older people, then that's Pride.
I'd like to argue your other points but it seems you don't keep track of the argument, so its impossible.
For example:
You're trying to make a argument here on this last point, but its a non-sequitur.
Let me guide you into the conversation, so I can demonstrate why.
user claims that lust must need a outlet, and therefore, there must exist a non-sinful way to get rid of it.
I argue that this is a non-argument because
You argue that God doesn't point out masturbation is bad in the bible.
Which is cool and all, but you are ignoring the flow of the conversation. We are arguing if masturbation is lawful based on the need of a outlet for it, and this post doesn't address that at all, instead derailing the conversation.
Every single sensation you could ever feel was created by God and has a proper place and function. All of them can be abused and masturbation is one such abuse. Don't lie to yourself.
Just that artwork as far as I'm aware. Its Star Breaker, form Orange Juice's games.
Why'd you bring them up then?
On the contrary, the scriptures are full of condemnations of sexual immorality, which has been reasoned ITT to include masturbation because it feeds desire and is a waste of seed. You have yet to present a convincing argument for why masturbation should not be considered sexual immorality.
I have serious doubts about what you are saying.
t. Protestant
Sexual desire, much like the desire for food, is an appetite for those things which humans are naturally inclined towards, viz. sustenance and procreation. C.S. Lewis summarised it well when he said that when you commit sexual immorality, you are trying to isolate one element of the sexual desire (physical pleasure) from the whole (love of your wife, conception of a child), just as if you were trying to gain the pleasure of taste by chewing food and then not swallowing it.
None of those imply masturbation is wrong
So, what is sexual immorality the bible talks about?
Fornication, adultery, sexual degeneration like homosexuality etc. Where do you get the idea that masturbation is wrong?
How does masturbation wage war against my soul?
And that last point, Romans 13:14 does not mean that we are not allowed to enjoy anything
Try not to masturbate for a few weeks. You'll see that you'll have a strong desire to masturbate again.
Exactly, thats why we shouldn't just believe every random person that claims to speak what God has told them.
Alright, sorry. I misunderstood.
But I don't feel like I'm abusing it, I really don't. Sorry.
On the contrary, the scriptures are full of condemnations of sexual immorality, which has been reasoned ITT to include masturbation because it feeds desire and is a waste of seed.
So peeing and pooping is wrong because it feeds desire? Ok.
Yeah, ive done that many times.
The reason I want to masturbate is because I'm horny, not because I'm addicted to it.
Btw you guy are barraging me with a bunch of questions every 7 seconds. I just can't answer everything.
I'm gonna stop soon, this is just ridiculous at this point
What is the first step of an addiction? Admitting guilt.
Urine and feces are waste products of digestion. Semen is not. I think you know that.
Can you accept that just because the scriptures don't contain the word 'masturbation', and you don't "feel" sinful when you do it, that doesn't mean it's not sinful?
Just turned midnight GMT, Merry Christmas all
Jeez you dodged the point of what I was saying pretty badly there. And I thought I had a pretty good argument done.
Well then, bye. As the bible has spoken I shall, repeat– Let you be accursed for trying to bring another person into your modern thought.
I am somewhat suspicious that you're actually trolling. It's like if someone came here and posted that murder isn't actually wrong if the person murdered was suicidal or something equally stupid.
There's also the fact that you were apparently taught this nonsensical view of masturbation by your mother. How convenient that, when telling us this, you forgot 1 Timothy 2:12 in the process.
Back to the matter, however, I urge you to go to any historian who specialises in Levantine history and ask them if the Hebrews of the early first century (which included Our Lord and His Apostles) considered masturbation a sin. You will find the answer to be, to no-one's surprise but yours, YES.
Your feelings are little compared to the insight of saints who died for Christ.
I used to be a slave to sin.
I used to be mean to my mother. Avoiding her and pushing her away from me, disrespecting her.
I used to look at disgusting, sinful things on the internet, like gore, porn etc.
I used to hate the way I looked.
I don't do any of those things now, because I belong to Jesus Christ now. I repented.
Yeah Im becoming tired of this, sorry for my lazy answers. I want to just stop this.
If God wants to curse me because I wondered why a lot Christians seem to think masturbation is wrong, feel guilt from it, and asking them questions as to why they think that way, then let it be so. Sorry for missing your argument.
Ok. I'm going now, bye. Also, it's true that God prefers that women should teach other women, not men, a woman who is spiritually wiser than a man should be able to teach that man, and not leave them in ignorance.
I will pray for you.
Still are, as we all are, you are no exception.
Yes woman can teach man, but they are not to take a role of authority especially in a heirarchy of Church.
Read romans. If you follow Jesus with all your heart you are His servant, not a slave to sin.
Jesus died on the cross so we don't have to be slaves to sin.
That's pretty much the core message of the bible, how did you miss it?
Yes, and Unfortunately you don't employ your full Heart.
Hate to say it, but you're not a Saint.
You have no discipline.
You have no respect.
You are fallen as we all are.
You hold your self in a possition of pride
You find your self mighty for being a basic human being. Congradulations you now respect your mother. Congradulations you no longer despise your self.
But I say to you, even these ""virtues"" that you have claim to conqured are far off from what God wants, you are short of Heaven and no works that you ever provide God will be Good enough.
Perfection is what God wants, and perfection is a pathway and you my friend are not on this path.
I said earlier in this thread Chastity is a great virtue- you have none of it.
I do not think of myself as mighty for these things I stopped doing. These are deeds of repentance, and it's what God wants us to do. This is a way of showing that you want to follow Jesus. These are not works.
Perfection is a pathway that starts when you start following Jesus and give your mind to him. And yes, I am on that pathway. Jesus has made me better person after I started following him, and I have noticed this.
Let's stop this. I love you, but talking with you makes me feel disgusted. It's like you're spitting in the face of Jesus for this gift he has given us and making it about you chastising yourself from every pleasure.
I'm not wise enough to continue talking about this
You completely miss what we are saying to you. You bring up literal defection and compare it ejaculation.
I'll pray for you as another user said. This is no longer a conversation of Good Faith when you accuse us of spitting on Christ's message. God have mercy.
Also, masturbation is but a pleasure of Flesh.
Only actions of Love may pleasure our heart, and those are graces given by the Holy Spirit.
Nice projection. There's nothing wrong with sexual desire and sex with your wife. Everything else is immoral.
quit bragging and change your ways thru empathy of the exploited and settling down with a hefty gal
winnie the pooh off you sola scriptura retard.
Your conscious means nothing with regards to morality, you delusional retard.
But you supported and even defended masturbation instead of just questioning about it.
For example
Outright defense, not questioning.
I also find it funny because this is a similar line of thought to ones I've seen before.
A lot of homosexuals think their "free love"(IE:Sex) is a gift form God, and I can see disturbing parallels to their thoughts here too, in this argument, even if on a relatively lesser problem(masturbation as opposed to outright sodomy).
Look buddy, I also wish masturbation wasn't wrong, but that's clearly not the answer. The fact that you're trying to defend that position and don't see yourself having developed an addiction merely proves the point that masturbation is a dangerous sinful addiction.
A Protestant trying to justify sin because of muh interpretation or muh feelings. Where have I seen this before?
Just don't feed the troll guys
No. Masturbation is immoral.
Offenses against chastity
2351 Lust is disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive purposes.
Sorry, didn't mean to quote 2351, but it's not a bad reminder.
Mormons also have their own understanding of the KJV Bible. Why don't you go join them with their endless celestial sex spiel?
No, we're not going to stop here. We're not going to stop unless you repent of your heretical belief. Either you repent or you leave and go join the celestial sex club. Also read the Bible where as a Body of Christ we're supposed to debate about these doctrinal issues and not just "brush them under the carpet."
No it doesn't. Anything can be compulsive, and when it becomes compulsive it becomes a sin.
Yes, I know. But this is nothing more than arguing that leads nowhere.
You guys are just constantly attacking me and treating me like an idiot because I came to different conclusions from reading the bible than you, do I don't really want to continue because this will lead nowhere.
I'm not going to stop doing things just because you think it's wrong. The word of God teaches us about how we can renew our mind and turn away from things that are sinful.
Jesus taught us not to steal, murder or false testimony. Instead, love one another like yourself, and God in every situation.
If God is the sort of person that just lets someone commit a sin without them knowing, even if they are trying their best by praying and studying the bible for years, and then throws them into hell because they didn't know that they were not allowed to masturbate, then I guess I'm going there.
I truly am trying my best to talk with you guys here but then you start saying stuff like: "We are still slaves to sin, the blood of Jesus didn't do anything" and that "repentance is just something you say with your mouth and showing that you repent by being sorry enough to stop sinning", and honestly that just makes me depressed to be here.
So I will leave this place for good now like you wanted me to, I obviously don't belong here.
Except the Bible does tell people to not masturbate. Just because you interpret it wrong doesn't make you right.
Bye, don't come back.
Reading the Bible should kill you.
None of us cares what you do, it's your choice. It's your choice to love God or to hate Him. It's your choice to be Holy, or to sin. However when you make a blatantly heretical statement like that we're going to fight back.
Make sure to clean yourself up thoroughly after you rub one out before reading the Bible and communing with God. You fool. Good bye.
I really hate the American government for allowing pornography to be legal.
“Now therefore say to the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem, ‘This is what the Lord says: Look! I am preparing a disaster for you and devising a plan against you. So turn from your evil ways, each one of you, and reform your ways and your actions.’ But they will reply, ‘It’s no use. We will continue with our own plans; we will all follow the stubbornness of our evil hearts.’” (Jeremiah 18:11-12)
Well now you know that masturbation is sin, now what are you going to do to stop it? Perhaps God is using us to tell you explicitly in your face that what you're doing is sinful and it's impeding your relationship with God.
You could take it a step further and use the legality of pornography as a justification for radicalizing under the banner of Christ.
There's many people out there suffering from what our government allows.
We will be punished by God if we do not attempt to revolt against the federal systems.
"If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength! Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, "But we knew nothing about this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?"
lol what anime is that
what if you masturbate to the sexual desire of your future hypothetical wife?
then its a sin and you're a low test cuck for not winnie the pooh her and jacking off instead