Hypothetically lets say tomorrow Pope Francis resigns and the college of cardinals decide to randomly select a practicing catholic man from a computer. You win the jackpot and become Pope and are elevated to the pontificate. What would you do? What would your papacy be like? What name would you choose?
What would you do if?
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Um let see:
1. Defrock and excommunicate all priests, bishops or otherwise, who are sodomites, modernists or heterodox in any respect.
2. End communion in hand, and all liturgical abuses, as well as promote Latin and the Extraordinary form.
3. Decree hard preaching from the pulpit against modern immoralities, like sodomy, fornication, birth control, transgenderism, divorce etc…
4. Invoke my Papal infallibility and dogmatically define retribution as an essential part of God's Justice. Change the Catechism to support the death penalty for capital crimes.
5. Support an underground Catholic Church is China.
6. Write a paper addressing the Western World against mass immigration, anti-White racism, libertinism, the excesses of capitalism, secularism/atheism and religious indifferentism.
7. Start an effort to re-Christianize the West.
8. Suppress the Jesuits and bring back inquisitors.
Oh and I forgot.
9. Excommunicate all "catholic" politicians and other public figures who do not espouse Church teachings and instead support things like abortion.
You have my vote on everything, except for the Latin rite promotion. I'll never understand the desire for it. Just like I don't understand Jews who think everyone should read the Torah in Hebrew. The insistence on the temporal, as if it gives more meaning to the eternal, bugs me. Languages are not divine.
In terms of vernacular, the NO can still be faithful. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. I just want them to fast track biblical translations to properly be in accord with Liturgiam Authenticam and other Vatican directions. Make them all faithful reflections of the Nova Vulgata, basically. Any regional bishop's conference who tries to do their own thing gets replaced.
Latin for the Church has an important quality that languages spoken today do not: It is a dead language, actually spoken by no culture, and so cannot culturally "evolve" and have its meaning perverted over time.
It's a guard against error, in other words. What happened to the word "literally" can't ever happen to Latin. This is the same reason that the medical and legal professions have so much Latin jargon.
There's also an argument that it's a throwback to tradition, and we could definitely use more of that nowadays.
I'm not too familiar with the Jesuits, why do you want to suppress them?
Jesuits are the ones who created liberation theology ( literally communism under the guise of Christianity)
Jesuits are the ones in Upper Academia that are trying to push liberalism and the homo agenda onto the youth.
They want started out as a good religious order, but they have been subverted by the smoke of satan and now are some of the leaders pushing the homo agenda and covering for abusive priests.
Don't get me wrong there are some good Jesuits, but I have yet to find any.
*once started out…
Even a pope you tried suppressing them, but was unsuccessful
I’d follow the plot of Mysterium Iniquitatis by Sergio Quinzio to a tee.
1. Excommunicate all abortion supporters/lukewarms. Excommunicate all Jesuits everywhere. (Those who leave the jesuits afterwards can have their excommunication lifted).
2. Make Vatican III happen. We would revise Vatican II, and throw out the parts that are toxic.
3. Bring back masculinity to the church by promoting militancy and active service.
4. Launch a crusade on capitalism and secularism.
5. Beatify Hitler
6. Launch a campaign against the concept of "judeo-christian" values. We are not the same people, we are mortal enemies.
7. Launch a campaign against liberalism, nominalism, feminism and communism.
8. Strictly define the concept of race and support all preservative measures. Demand greater support for environmentalist causes and protect all races (including human biodiversity).
9. Launch a research laboratory to cure AIDS and homosexuality.
10. Start a new monastic order for homosexuals, build them monasteries in remote areas to separate them from the flock until a cure is found.
11. Force all cardinals to resign and elect new ones. Vet them. No liberals/modernists/progressives allowed.
12. Bring back the latin rite on Sundays, but otherwise the priest can perform it on whatever language.
13. Welcome SSPX back into the fold and lift the excommunication of Lefebvre, also beatify him.
14. Support Catholicism in China.
15. Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
16. Promote self-sufficiency and eugenic selection in poor african countries so that they don't have to rely on the Western world anymore. Strongly encourage the colonial elites to return to their countries of origin to make the third world more liveable.
17. Launch the Vatican Space program
18. Colonize space and bring the Gospel to the stars.
Remove all the man-made nonsense it's come up with
>>>Zig Forums
Back to leftypol, cringefag.
Hitler declared his loyalty and works to God in Mein Kampf, which is exactly why jews hate him so much.
Hitler is probably in either purgatory or heaven.
Mussolini is in purgatory, so why not Hitler?
What: said
But also with more efforts of reuniting Christendom especially in the Protestant Parts of Europe
The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy if he sends the clergy who opposes his ideology to concentration camps.
He was literally a secular humanist who supported multiple pagan cults, and then sent himself to hell.
OP said a Catholic man. You're clearly not Catholic.
Ignoring the political stuff it’s pretty obvious that Hitler lived a life of mortal sin. He didn’t go to church every sunday to fulfill his obligation, he didn’t seek the confessional before his death, he committed sucide for pooh’s sake, he fornicated with his girlfriend, those closest to him report he wasn’t christian and hated what christianity is.
With the political stuff it only gets worse. He supported euthanasia and abortion, he unlawfully broken many war crimes (both those that go against secular laws and religious laws of war) which include atrocities against polish catholics, he even started his own heretical christian sect which rejected saint paul and the old testament.
One of these reasons is enough to damn someone to hell for all eternity all of this together proves he’s an anti christ.
Literally every modernist church.
Funny how right-wing totalitarianism and homosexual utopism always go hand-in-hand
Hey look, it's that dude who spams "back to leftypol" to anyone with different opinion
while i virulently detest several of his policies, it would be quite funny if he was pope… until he sent the lads round with the rope… so he gets my vote
no better reason, some christanons just wanna watch the world burn (with white smoke) i guess
If I recall correctly, something like that actually did happen once. The sede went empty for too long after the Pope died, so the cardinals just picked some random monk. Pope Saint Celestine V. One of the few Popes who resigned.
Immediately resign and place John MacArthur in my place, finish the Reformation
I would employ the "shit sandwich" method
Phase 1: establish a good relationship with the flock, as well as the media
This is the first slice of bread in the shit sandwich.
Phase 2: the inquisition
That's the shit log in the shit sandwich
Phase 3: unity
This is the other slice of bread
I am not the man to do this though. I've done a lot of depraved stuff
Today’s Vatican makes communists like that El Salvadoran guy saints so the sad thing is that isn’t any worse than what the Vatican actually does.
Step one: defrock all bishops and cardinals who promote, engage in, or cover up modernism, sodomy, or pedophilia.
Step two: resign.
I'm not fit to be Pope, but I would want to make sure that the next Pope would be an adequate defender of the faith.
blast this in Rome h24
If he becomes the people there would be no man in the world except him.
1. Recant of all Latin heresies
2. Come back into communion with Christ's holy Orthodox Catholic Church.
That's what I would do.
1) use papal tiara.
2) restore the holy office.
3) restore the oath against modernism and make it be sworn every sunday
4) abolish all instruments, although might leave organ have its place.
5) forbid lay women from doing altar services.
would also put greek as the second language of the vatican.
kek. first papal bull would be made to disincourage shitposting as a venial sin
He was a warrior of the highest order and the leader of the last stand that Europeans took against materialism. You clearly haven't read Mein Kampf.
What is wrong with sending heretics to concetration camps?
Only Satan is preoccupied with accusing us. God wants to forgive us. Your attempt to character assassinate the good Führer doesn't diminish his heroic spirit, nor does it condemn him.
Plus the Catholic Church makes NO pronunciations about who is in hell, only about who is in heaven (saints).
And you are a lukewarm faggot.
Jesus came to save the sinners, not to kill them all. winnie the pooh you, you unchristian faggot.
Hitler was a devoted servant of the Lord. He said so in Mein Kampf. He was also a man of peace, but you commie faggots will never read his works.
I was completely serious.
We will never beatify a person who lived in unrepentant mortal sin. Hitler didn’t go to church, he killed himself, and he had premarital sex. None of these things are debatable even to the biggest “Xd holocaust=hoax” LARPer therefore we should never beatify Hitler.
Apologize and repent.
You have no power here :D
A saint is by definition not a heretic.
Your "argument" is not an argument.
The vatican is not a democracy faggot.
At least it shouldn't be.
The Catholic Church (or more exactly said, the Vatican) is an electoral monarchy
It is not a democracy, but in theory every catholic can be elected as one
By we I mean the catholic church which laity are also a part of.
Then apologize to Saint Maximilian
Pope Æthelstan or something like that. An old name.
As for actions, it's difficult to say. I think a priority would be to reiterate Church Dogma in the face of a secularised and milquetoast laity, from the ground up. I'd also be far more ruthless in finding and disciplining scandal and heterodoxy—the contemporary practice is too slow and polite since it's mostly in the hands of bureaucratic boomers who don't want to offend anyone. I'd reaffirm the truth that the Church stands ontologically against modernity, and from that precedent most things would flow naturally.
Liturgy, traditions, all this—none of it stands in a vacuum. So long as the core of the Church is rightly orientated the proper organisation of these things follows logically. The main hurdle in the way of this is disobedient bishops, so that would be another key area where a sort of rigid discipline is kept in check.
Honestly, though, the fundaments of Christianity—let alone Catholicism—are traditionalist (as they are true, of course). It's liberal boomers and their polite semantics which is causing much confusion at the present time. If Pope Francis just picked his words better and was a bit more masculine there'd be little to complain about. After all, Mother Church is exactly that—it's the men within who need to act properly.
Condemn Vatican 2 as a robber council and issue a syllabus of errors against all that have cropped up from it. All new priests and bishops must be ordained by those who have not been ordained in the new rite.
Anathematise novus ordo and the 1962 rites. Anathematize the St Pius X breviary and all subsequent divine office innovation abominations, returning to the 1910 version. Condemn these liturgical innovations as errors and even heresy.
Promote the Anglican use and other exact literal translations of the Roman rite with local customs as secondary masses.
Ban Low Mass as it is abused as the norm. All masses must be sung or not done at all as there is no excuse. Multiple masses must not be done on a day unless there are coinciding feasts eg. ferial mass + duplex feast + simplex feast. All priests must assist each other at mass and not say mass separately. One properly sung solemn mass is infinitely better than 10 mumbled low masses which is offensive to God. All liturgy must be sung at the proper traditional times of day.
The priests must sing the hours of lauds and vespers publicly in church. The other hours should be encouraged to be sung publicly too. Basically benedictine style. Allow vernacular literal translations of divine office and use of local customs as long as they have no protestant innovations and conform to the 1910 divine office eg. Anglican use Evensong and Morningsong.
Enforce minor orders as necessary for any layman who wishes to exercise a liturgical function eg. all servers must be minor orders and tonsured as per sacred tradition. All minor orders and major orders must sing in choir. Women are not allowed to sing the liturgy or responses in Church. Suffer not a woman to speak in Church, she must be silent. Reinforce segregation of sexes, veils and proper modest dress at Church. Women are banned from teaching. Suffer not a woman to teach. Women are not allowed to talk to priests unless she has no father or husband for she must ask them instead. If a woman does not understand something at church she must wait until she is at home then ask her husband or father. Priests must follow this chain of command in speaking and teaching to men only (outside of homilies).
Condemn NFP as mortally sinful. Condemn women working jobs outside of grave necessity as mortally sinful. Condemn women disobeying their husbands as mortally sinful. Condemn evolution as heresy. Condemn heliocentrism as heresy. Affirm geocentrism as dogma. Galileo was wrong, the Church is right.
Reinstate the index of banned books and put the neo vulgate and all modernist translations on it. Instate the 1610 Douay Rheims as the only permitted English translation.
Probably more too but that's all I can think of right now.
I wonder what part of "universal"/Catholic these posers don't understand? It's glaringly obvious this is not the church for them.
what level of Jesuit trickery is this
Maybe they are masculine enough to consider taking it over.
Jews go back to /synagogue/
I didn't hurt him, so I don't have to.
protard detected
Basic bitch jewish tricks.
You can't be serious.
Don't forget to hire an extra twenty super loyal bodyguards that follow you everywhere.
You'll definitely become the target of a (((hit)) God bless you though