I'm done with the protestant life boys, does anyone have any resources to help me become a proper catholic...

I'm done with the protestant life boys, does anyone have any resources to help me become a proper catholic? I know very little. I wouldn't even know how to pray the rosary if you paid me.

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Begome Orthodox instead.

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That's what catechism is for, find a church you like and sign up.

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This. Also I would recommend joining the board's discord server, tutor is an rcia (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) and can help you out better than any of us could.

Why are you done with protestant life?

Just call you local Diocese and tell the Priest your situation, I had a nice Priest come to my house and chat with me for awhile, having a formal RCIA meeting on Tuesday.
There’s podcasts for that, I use the 15 guided rosary, it’s kinda gay sounding, but I can pray a rosary now.

Why are you leaving Protestantism? Maybe I can help. Also, what denom were you a part of?

I'm very, very embarrassed by the countless protestant denominations and their terrible interpretation of biblical text. I hate that I have to clarify what kind of Lutheran I am constantly because people keep confusing me with the disgusting heretical gay loving woman pastor having ones. It also makes me feel weird that Luther tried to remove books from the bible. That thought is constantly niggling in the back of my mind. I don't like the company I am in.

By 'gay loving' I of course mean they find nothing wrong with and embrace the act of being a homosexual.

Why are apostates so prideful? We never get threads by converts from Romanism but near daily apostate threads

I've definitely become more open and leaning to apostlolic faith/high church view of sacraments etc in the past few months here simply by osmosis and dueto lack of exposure to the alternative's. I've been here since 2015 raised a poor prot (as in, doctrinally poor) but this place is literally now an echo chamber. You read through threads where actual discussion occurred and half the posts have been deleted (though you can still get the gist from the on-side user's green text of the banned user, which doesn't seem to ever quote anything ban worthy interestingly). I like this place and like the user here and occasional discussion, but it's now become so monocultural and insular it's dangerous. I'm gonna leave soon, I guess like how all the rest of the prots seemed to have done already. Sage for off topic.

Studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church in conjunction with asking the priest near you.
Join the discord server, that's also good.


Not OP, but I'm a protestant who's also looking at other denominations. I don't know if I'm leaving protestantism altogether or just my current denomination. I just want to find the right denomination of Christianity.

I don't know if it's the same for other protestants, but in my case the reasoning is that once you worry about your protestant denomination being possibly incorrect, and you fear misconstruing God's teachings or just missing something important. So I tried to find the most accurate Church, something with good Bible translations, Christian traditions, and access to theology. In my case and I expect others, the first Church we think of is the Catholic Church, because it's the oldest and many protestants (myself included until going on this board) haven't even heard of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Though they don't immediately start going to a Catholic church, because there's a lot going on there and it's a big step changing denominations and you want to make sure to find what you believe to be the right one. So some people start looking at Eastern Orthodox as an alternative once they learn about it as a non-protestant church that separated earlier, or they look at Lutheran churches because they aren't sure if he was right about his grievances, but it seems more likely than any of the other protestant denominations that broke off after.

tldr; I think most protestants that try to find another denomination are most likely to look at the Catholic, Orthodox, and Lutheran churches. (I know there are different kinds of Lutherans. Are there different kinds of Catholics or Orthodox that I should know about when looking into them?)


Begome Heterodox Orthodox? Well, which one are you talking about?
There is no salvation outside of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

Attached: one holy catholic apostolic.png (960x763 1.11 MB, 1.15M)

Hey Bub, did you know that when you join the Orthodox Church closets to you, you join all the Orthodox Churches in the whole world? It's pretty neat, you should try it.

what does ekklesia mean?

Not enough for the actual spiritual unity of the faith, according to the present leadership.
Really, it's quite amusing to see the Orthodox acting as the proverbial adult in the room, having seen all this nonsense over nearly two millennia.

Catechism: ewtn.com/library/CATECHSM/PIUSXCAT.HTM
← How to pray the Rosary

You were never a protestant other than the title.


You have to go back.