I'm having trouble understanding why God turned Loot's wife into salt pillar just for looking back at destruction of Sodom. Sure, it was direct disobedience of Lord, but we flawed humans seldom are doled such direct punishment for even worse deeds. What aspect am I overlooking for not understanding what God meant by this?
Loot's wife
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The destruction of the city involved divine "magic"
God told them to not look back just like you shouldn't look at an eclipse without glasses if you don't want to become blind.
Tl;DR : Mankind winnie the pooh it up as always even when God give them an order for their best interest.
Which verses support that explanation? Why didn't God tell about that? Why wasn't destruction more directed? Did random shepherds and other bystanders who happened to look into that direction also turn into salt pillars? No, your explanation is shoddy.
Why do you deserve a full answer? What right do you claim to full knowledge?
Any connection to the cities had to be wiped out. She clearly still desired the wealth of Sodom and Gomorrah, so the Lord struck her down.
Do you think there is a verse where someone explains just what you're asking?
Careful not to question the doctrine too much or else you'll get murdered by their death squads for 'insulting their faith/religion/prophet'.
This is how their clerics think - that we are merely cattle to be indoctrinated, undeserving of answers, only to be intimidated and cowed into obedience and guilty silence by fear of an evil god's wrath.
I have my own interpretation, about why God turned Loot's wife into salt, so I may be wrong. So my interpretation is that she looking back at Sodom means that she still held the city in her memory,meaning that she cared about the city's fate, so thats why God turned her into salt.
The Old Testament's scriptures are a pedagogue for the fullness of revelation that is to come. Christ expresses more directly what the story of Lot's wife teaches: "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."
Never use "divine" and "magic" next to each other again. Please.
1 John 2:15-17
Sodom represents "the world". "The world" will be purified with destructive fire, and the destruction of Sodom with fire and brimstone was a prefiguration of this, a pedagogue for the still spiritually immature Israel:
Luke 17:28-30
Lot and his family were rescued from Sodom before it was punished, but Lot's wife was still attached to Sodom and therefore was not fit for salvation. Christ rescues us from the world before it is punished, but, again, "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."
The thing about Gnosticism is, they're not sending us their best.
By why did God allow satan to kill Job's children who did nothing wrong?
It doesn't say God turned Lot's wife into a pillar salt. It says she stopped running to look at the burning city. She most likely died from the heat and burned up into a salty pillar.
You see OP, when Allah tells us to do things, He tells us this for a very good reason.
No one has ever been able to comprehend Allah's divine justice. Due to the orginal sin A&E committed, we as humans can't withstand His presence. When Allah revealed Himself to Musa, He could only show him His backside. Allah Himself even said (in Exodus 33)
>“you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live.”
So because we cannot see His face one can conclude that when He came down to exterminate Sodom and Gomorrha, Allah was facing His opponent, the wicked cities.
Allah told Lut and family not to look back because if they did, they would be seeing the face of Allah and perish because of His infinite and divine glory. It's kinda like looking directly into the sun. As beautiful as it is, it can be harmful to look at directly. Same goes for Allah, but His presence is infinitely more intense. Our eyes staring at the sun for an extended period of time can damage our eyes. Now imagine the sun being infinitely brighter and intense. Infinitely more radiation being beamed directly into your eyes. You'd go blind near instantly.
We will never know, but one could conclude that they were too far away to fully see what was happening and thus spared the same fate of Lut's wife.
When Allah commands us to do something, He doesn't do it for arbitrary reasons. No one can see the Face of Allah and live to tell about it. That is until He sent down His only Son, Jesus Christ.
I read something interesting on that subject and basically god is an asshole, and Job was "too good", too "high and mighty" even though he was humble.
God wants everyone broken and pliable in some way but not so broken that they're not pliable. winnie the poohed up mane, I don't even know why I'm here but that's some shit I can't abide by, I don't care whether it's a physical person or the conscious origin of all we know, that's not something I can get behind.
To prove the satan wrong. The satan wanted to prove to God us humans only worship Him because of His blessings. God proved the satan wrong by subjecting Job to suffer. Tragic as it was Job kept his faith in God and God blessed Job tenfold. Because our God is a just God, He will return His debts to you in this life and after you enter His eternal Kingdom.
God puts suffering in our way because He knows we can handle it.
What are you on about?
Oh, okay. It says she turned into a pillar of salt, but not that God did it directly.
Human beings were designed to be incentive driven, which makes what god did extra narcissistic if that's your reasoning.
Either way, fugged up.
Did God reveal this to you, or did you just happen to take a peek at him while he was creating mankind?
But nothing. You might as well complain that God expelled Adam from Eden just for eating some fruit. The wage of sin is death, and sometimes God means that in a very literal and immediate sense.
Glad you spotted that too
Nice catch! That is true. He actually did not do that directly. Not to mention next day Abraham goes strolling about looking at ruin and nothing happens to him. God warned not to look. Can we really assume Lot's wife's death was mere unfortunate collateral? However that happens after escape: Lot and his family is already at Soar.
Also interesting.
When we are delivered from sin, we should blot it out entirely, not looking back and caring for how god destroys it, but only looking forward to the goodness of god.
Lot's wife is a type of the people who apostacize from christianity on account of "i cant fathom my non christian relatives going to hell".
First to bfto satan
Secondly if his children were as good as their dad death was a blessing for them, since you know there's life after death ans stuff.
Man the thread quality around here is really declining lately, how long 'til we hit rock bottom?
We've been flooded with newfriends recently. Now we just have to start the red pilling process again.
that doesn't happen everyday m8
We are using our logical faculties and knowledge to elucidate the meaning of scripture, not demanding God reveal his reasoning.
Following your line of reasoning would be intellectual castration.