User, you have heard my voice. Ask for whatever you want me to give you

What do?

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I want to know if I've done enough to enter your Kingdom.

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take me into the kingdom. nothing less makes any sense.

This is the only correct answer while we're still on this God-forsaken soil.

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So was Adam a real dude or is he a metaphor for all of humanity?

"Depends." G-d relied
"Which version do you want, and it'll be granted to you."

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Off-topic, but you know. There was this one time I was in the cathedral alone in the dark of night. I kneel and prayed before the icon of Jesus Christ. I prayed that if He heard my prayers, please have mercy upon me and for one more thing, to reveal His presence to me to dispel all my doubts and troubles.

Just as I was about to finish speaking those words, I felt something upon my heart and around me. I immediately realised what it is. If He reveals Himself to us in all His Glory, to our sinful selves, His Holiness would blow us away. We would tremble, our words be lost, and our convictions straight. It will be too overwhelming for our scarred and sinful spirits.

Every time I see threads like this or people whether atheists or Christians saying they wish God would reveal Himself to us. I am reminded of that event. God knows what is best for us all. That is why we have relationship with Him as it is like now and only the saints can have the honour to feel His presence more because they can bear it. It totally affirms that He is with us and in us all.

This is probably the best answer. If you can ask for more than one thing, it would be both this and:

Essentially, once I've confirmed it's Him, he did more than he ever had to.

Honestly if God directly spoke to me, I don't think I'd ask this. Not because I don't want it (I obviously do) but because the faith would be so unshakeable as to keep me doing everything in my mortal power to stay the straight and narrow.

Give me enough grace to beat temptations… and a gf pls


Superpowers pls

That people are able to brace through this wicked world.

Can I get a "what what"?

Enough faith to, should you ask again, wish for instead of some other shit.

Which church is the True Church.

Lord have mercy on me, a sinner

Nothing, I don't understand hebrew.

God speaks the queen's English

Does He speak Spanish?


No thats the holy spirit

Both. Arguably Christ too as to not cause your brothers (who belive making images of Jesus is blasphemy) to stumble.

Gf pls

I don't really want anything.


Yeah, but he has a pretty strong accent and he can only say Don Quijote references.


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Mfw we already delt with these heretics.

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I agree, but I'm afraid of not having done enough to ensure my salvation. Other than that, I would wish for his Second Coming just so we could put an end to all suffering on Earth already, though this may prevent some people from converting to Christianity before it's too late.

Unsurprised at the level of immaturity on this board tbh

no more atheists


Nice bait.

This absolutely
