Hello Brothers/Sisters, i would like to request some prayers and guidance for me, a man (22) who has been in a relationship for almost 3 years.
I posted a couple of times here for relationship advice with her, but i guess this was the straw that broke the camels back.
About an hour and a half ago, my now ex-girlfriend broke up with me, so apologies for the format of this post, im still quiet shaky.
I must say that she was the apple of my eye, i focused a lot of my life around her, i lost my virginty to her, as did she, we watched anime together (weeb, dont shame please), we made dinner together even though she stayed at her parents not too far from mines, we just did everything together for the last 3 years, she was the reason i stopped masturbating everyday and stopped watching porn. We met on tinder (yeah i know, however it was the day she downloaded it) june 23 2016, and she was very shy, i liked her from the first day, about 2 months later, my mother passed, and she helped me through an extremely hard time in my life. She helped me move on, find a place to rent by myself, took my side.
Recently shes been a bit distant but still kept contact and called/texted everyday, until she suddenly fell ill before our restaraunt reservation. Next day i found out that she felt sick going to something that she didnt want to go to.
She said that she felt unhappy, and stated many reasons which i debunked, but she was stubborn. I need her so much that i begged her, which i regret now. She shed some tears, she knew that i loved her, yet she still said no.
This happened once before, about a year ago, but she said that if id improve then she would stay with me, which is when i stopped with self rape.
I feel it definetly is my fault, i have been going down a downward spiral recently, depressed and tired, failing the course which is very unenjoyable and she said she doesnt want to be dragged down with me. I felt like the love she had was probably gone.
I feel awful, empty inside, the other half of me was taken, yet i see an opportunity, im trying to be positivem i feel like this is a chance to become more failthful, closer to the lord. I havent been the most faithful, i havent been going to gym, and i have been slothing around. Could i get some advice/guidance on how to read my orthodox bible more, how to attend a church in my area, as there is only catholic and protestand churches here, how to become more willing and how to become closer to the Lord, could i please get some prayers, for me and for me to pray. I just need some help.
Thank you if you've read this far of my venting.