Help with breakup

Hello Brothers/Sisters, i would like to request some prayers and guidance for me, a man (22) who has been in a relationship for almost 3 years.

I posted a couple of times here for relationship advice with her, but i guess this was the straw that broke the camels back.

About an hour and a half ago, my now ex-girlfriend broke up with me, so apologies for the format of this post, im still quiet shaky.

I must say that she was the apple of my eye, i focused a lot of my life around her, i lost my virginty to her, as did she, we watched anime together (weeb, dont shame please), we made dinner together even though she stayed at her parents not too far from mines, we just did everything together for the last 3 years, she was the reason i stopped masturbating everyday and stopped watching porn. We met on tinder (yeah i know, however it was the day she downloaded it) june 23 2016, and she was very shy, i liked her from the first day, about 2 months later, my mother passed, and she helped me through an extremely hard time in my life. She helped me move on, find a place to rent by myself, took my side.

Recently shes been a bit distant but still kept contact and called/texted everyday, until she suddenly fell ill before our restaraunt reservation. Next day i found out that she felt sick going to something that she didnt want to go to.

She said that she felt unhappy, and stated many reasons which i debunked, but she was stubborn. I need her so much that i begged her, which i regret now. She shed some tears, she knew that i loved her, yet she still said no.
This happened once before, about a year ago, but she said that if id improve then she would stay with me, which is when i stopped with self rape.

I feel it definetly is my fault, i have been going down a downward spiral recently, depressed and tired, failing the course which is very unenjoyable and she said she doesnt want to be dragged down with me. I felt like the love she had was probably gone.

I feel awful, empty inside, the other half of me was taken, yet i see an opportunity, im trying to be positivem i feel like this is a chance to become more failthful, closer to the lord. I havent been the most faithful, i havent been going to gym, and i have been slothing around. Could i get some advice/guidance on how to read my orthodox bible more, how to attend a church in my area, as there is only catholic and protestand churches here, how to become more willing and how to become closer to the Lord, could i please get some prayers, for me and for me to pray. I just need some help.

Thank you if you've read this far of my venting.

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pray the rosary friend.

I’ll pray for you bro. It’ll be alright

Unironically this

/ourLady/ will keep you comfort and pray for you . I will also say a rosary for you today as well. I'm sorry for your loss, brother.

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This is why the church says you must be married. If you will enter another long term relationship, marry! The concept of a girlfriend is in itself not Christian.

What is the correlation between being a weak man and watching anime?

Heartbreak is the inevitable fruit of fornication. Please turn from this path, this will happen again and again, each time the same feeling of loss, but a little less each time as your heart hardens, and eventually there will be nothing left to dedicate to a wife.

Op here.
Yes, I see it in myself and in others who I share this past time with. I am currently the president of an Anime and Manga club in my college, and it’s been a great success. The people who attend it usually are extremely anxious and shy. I wish they could turn to the Lord for help instead of indulging in a timesink, but this time sink is what brought some of my best friends to me.

I by no way do live my life by just watching anime, it’s the same as any other hobby. That’s what I can say about it, I myself believe not to have shit taste, emasculating bullshit can go to trash.

Op here.
I absolutely believe that you are right, after I met her, I was not set on the path of the Lord, and I still believe I can improve. Fornication only happened in the single digits within those 3 years. She had probalems with libido, and believed herslwf to be pansexual. I tried to show her otherwise, but she was very stubborn about everything.

One of the red flags that I noticed was that she did not take Faith as seriously as I did, she was raised in a Protestant family, who very lovely, but caused her faith to be lacking.

1 Corinthians Chapter 6

18 Flee fornication! Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

Chapter 7

8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. 9But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.


To be honest, you dodged a major bullet. She was given over to her passions and maybe a Jezebel spirit of rebellion. You're better off, and when you're feeling better after a few months or so, you will be wiser in your search for your wife. She is out there, waiting to be found.

Thank you brother, just having another person next to you feels warm and comforting to me. I wish so much to find her, but I believe that the Lord will make it happen when it needs to happen.

Don't beat yourself up too much over this.
She didn't love you for who you are, she just loved your potential.
Women like her are dime a dozen, and quite frankly, they are also the vast majority of all women. It is a very good thing that you stopped masturbation and porn, keep that up, but take credit for your own accomplishments as well and don't act as if your efforts were her doing.

You owe gratitude only to God, not to some girl who dumps you over something as frivolous and meaningless as "unhappiness". When you love someone, you stick to them, no matter what. She didn't love you. If she did she'd still be at your side.

She said she was unhappy, but that isn't your fault either. She wants more. Wanting more is the root of all unhappiness. She should've been instead grateful for what she had and be content, while slowly working her way towards even greater fulfillment by preparing to be a good mother for you and your children. She believes that the grass is greener on the other side, but she will be thoroughly disappointed when she realizes that no other men will make you happy. She is unhappy because she considers most things to be below herself.

Contemplate your relationship and learn the lessons that it taught you.
Don't pretend that this relationship was only for your benefit and to her detriment. Look at your relationship and you will see that she benefitted from being with you and she just wants to monkey-branch her way to higher status.

The pain you will feel is disillusionment with love, relationships and women. It will pass in time and you will be able to see women for what they are and you'll be able to tell valuable women from shallow harpies.

May God bless you and soothe your pain. I'm sure you'll find someone much better, however a pro-tip from someone who had a very similar thing happening to him half a year ago: Practice discipline and get very good at a skillset. That is the way forward in this world and it will help you achieve emotional stability, and confidence. Mourn your loss, but learn to move on. And please, please, PLEASE ban her on all social media and avoid seeing her. It is the best way forward.

She believes that the grass is greener on the other side, but she will be thoroughly disappointed when she realizes that no other men will make her happy.


Also, here's a bit of advice:
It might not be the best idea to pray for her.
I prayed (and still do) pray for my ex and it's probably the reason why it was so hard for me to move on.
I prayed the rosary for my ex's salvation and eventual conversion, but really that just reinforced my attachment.
I'm not saying your ex shouldn't be prayed for, but I am saying that for your own sake maybe you should NOT keep her in your mind and your heart any more, then she's already there.

I know this is controversial advice, so take it or leave it and other anons, please give your input.

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Remember lads, you almost never matter to her as much as she matters to you.

For real OP don't stress this one, you're stil very young and women like her are numerous, accept that she wasn't special and just move on.

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I've met quite a few Protestant women my age who believed the same. I had one girl who was interested in me (her friend informed me), and once that girl said "I'm pansexual", I lost all interest in her. That label alone suggests they're deep down the rabbit hole of sexual immorality and embrace it as an identity rather than repent. I'm not going to waste my time on someone like that… besides, the only women who use those labels are feminists, and again, why waste my time even thinking about someone like that, let alone dating them? You shouldn't either, friend.
I grew up Protestant, and that's very accurate. It's rather ironic, as my Prot dad was very "hands-off" with my faith growing up (never took me to church, rarely talked about the Bible, and he didn't seem to care I was becoming atheist), and yet once I got back into Christianity and converted to Catholicism, he became assblasted over my decision… evangelicals.

What did he do? Just curious.

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Maybe this is a good idea. We will pray for her on OP's behalf and he will be permitted to move on with his life.

Best post in this thread.

Only worthwhile women are saints anyway. And they are not on this world :^)

Somewhat similar positiob here. Thinking of converting to catholicism, and my family is freaking out a bit..and they were too kind of "hands off". And i'm gonna take my sister with me, she is 7 and i absolutely positively don't want her to become a lukewarm, so i try to teach to faith as many times as i can get. I also prayed the rosary with her yesterday, felt amazing..

What did they say? Just curious my dude.

I've been exactly there bro, at 22 I was dating my hs sweetheart into my senior year of college. We had a shaky episode one year before the split too.

You were wrong to try and "debunk" her reasons. Even if they were faulty, it doesn't matter.
You are feeling the consequences of fornicating. Intercourse is part of the experience that brings the two people into one flesh. You probably feel a guilt that you are both going to be soiled for your spouses.

My advice: drop the eastern orthodox meme. Drop the Catholic meme. You need a spiritual family to counsel you, and you are only indwelt with the spirit when you are saved by placing your belief SOLELY in faith in Christ's atonement, not via works. Look at conservative Evangelical churches and you'll see for yourself how caring and selfless they behave.

Begone Prot.

OP seriously don’t do that. Don’t go pray with heretics and put your soul at risk just because muh community is nice. Evangelical communities like that will go from nice to not nice in about 5 seconds like when you ask them who compiled their bible.

Orthodoxy is not a meme it exists in America.

They questioned me over the devotion to Mary, prayer to saints to pray for us, you know, the usual. I have haven't made the full leap yet, but i'm seriously considering it..ironically enough my father admitted to praying to his deceased mother to pray for him..but by all means they respect my decision, they just questioned me a bit.

This is good.
This is not good.


May the Madonna forgive them.

My man, only God forgives. /ourLady/ does not. She is only able to pray with us and to ask Her Son to answer our prayers.

I was once playing EU4 and I got a decision saying that. I guess they don’t know squat about theology at Paradox. Thanks for the correction.

Do not attribute Zionism to my churches
There is not a denomination in America without zionist agents

Thank you, your post resonates with me extremely.

OP here, update after a single day.
FYI im in Scotland, that is why Prot and Cath churches are the most prominent

I feel like i have made considerable progress, i could not sleep much overnight and eat, yet i deecided to jog a couple of miles to my gym, in which i did a brisk wotrkout in. I already feel much better knowing that i can make it there by jogging again. I downloaded a gym workout app to help me lose weight (im not overweight, just average, but that isnt good enough for me) and to gain muscle.

Even more importantly, i feel like i have made a goal for myself, as i started taking the opportunities that i see before me, God is great.
I decided that i would like to study abroad, Japan specifically (please dont judge, reasons), i would love to live there and learn the language through a course. After learning a language, i wish to teach people english, and even spread the world of the Lord. I am extremely exited to find a church there. The only problem would be that i am quiet strapped for cash, however, being with her for so long i realised that i havent been looking to those people who care for me for help.

My grandmother (mothers mother) heard my story over the phone, she even met my ex a year ago, even though she lives abroad, and told me that she would love to make my dream come true, and that she knew that it would be a monetary problem. I couldnt hold back my tears, i felt such guilt for asking a relative that i love so much for help with money, she always called me her sun. Its times like these that make me remember that we have been through so much together, even though we live countries apart.

I feel truly blessed, thank you for having me in your prayers. I am just a man with a broken heart, yet everyone shows me such charity.

Thank you, i think this too. I know i gave her my world, and she is about to lose it.


I feel your pain OP, I've been meaning to help you since I saw this post earlier, but I've been putting it off, out of laziness, and perhaps fear to remember my own case.
I've been through something very similar, its a hell of emotional roller coaster for me, and I know how hard it is to get out of this pithell once you get hooked by that emotional temptress.
I intend to write more and help you out in detail, however lets me just say it outright:
She doesn't to have her life be the focus of your life, no woman wants, and begging is definitely something that would even make it worser.
So starting by which, you shouldn't be idolizing her, this is one of the greatest pitfalls of falling passionately in love, it fools your senses and flurry your perception of what she really is, you start giving her qualities she doesn't really, plus there is only thing you should really put your faith in, and that is God.
I'm very sleepy and distracted now, but surely will write in more detail later, however, make sure to check up on the "nature of women" and "relationships" threads in the meantime.
Just remember, it must feel like hell now, and a billion things will be going through your head, including denial and wanting to chase her back, but as all things in life, this too shall pass.

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I don't think its a protestant issue; every "catholic" I've known IRL supports gay marriage.

it's an issue afflicting all of the West, what protects the Catholic Church is previous councils/papal approval of scriptural truth, protestants end schisming among themselves endlessly

That's laughable and off topic besides. Point is, you can't attribute the degeneracy of an individual to their particular denom.

If the denomination itself is a standing refutation to the true religion, it's inevitable what will happen.

God sends people in our lives for a reason, bro…..

Maybe that was just her main purpose in your life. Her "mission". To be your comforter at that time. She wasn't meant for you permanently. But we do tend to be clingy when we are desperate and never experienced a positive thing in quite a long time. People are in our lives for either a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

Looking back, more likely you would have been a wreck without her presence in your existence after that tragic loss.

TD Jake's vids got me thru some tough situations. In his sermons he literally hits on all of the emotional relationship stuff that we all go thru. Look them up for yourself and just let the wisdom soak in.

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Do not follow TD jakes
Pentecostal, oneness (anti trinitarian) fag enabler

I do not judge the person. I look at the message.. the fruit that the person bears. What 'people' do you deem as "truthful people", oh stone caster?

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you should judge the person by his fruits, and especially if he's a pastor. He must be blameless, above reproach.
Titus 1:6 An elder must be blameless, the husband of one wife, with faithful children who cannot be charged with dissipation or rebellion.
For comparison, look at RC Sproul. In DFW, look at Tommy Nelson at Denton Bible Church.

You don't get to have it both ways. Either you look to the fruits, as you are instructed by the Scripture, or you call the entire idea a fallacy and ignore Scripture. It's not me you admonish, but the writers of the Gospel.

In any case, a doctrine of a faith having serious deficiencies should, by all accounts, have a negative influence in ways how individuals should act. There are many degenerate Catholics, but one can reasonably point out that the fault lies with the individual, not with the religion itself.

/ourLady/ is a false prophet and praying to her is a direct violation of the second commandment. Don't do this.

the absolute state of iconoclasts

Mary isn't a prophet you silly goose. She is the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven. Stop being disrespectful to Jesus' mother. If you ask anyone to pray for you, you are a hypocrite

user, I lost the girl I wanted to marry at that age as well, 22. But our relationship was established on a shaky, sinful foundation anyway, I just wanted to see the good in it only, reject the bad. I wanted to see a future, not realizing how terrible a person I was in many respects.

I wasn't a believer then, there again, neither was she. I lost five+ years of my life miserable after she left. It seriously got so bad, that after 5 years of dealing with what I can only call a major depression, I began taking meds, because I simply couldn't take the mental torture anymore, I was burnt out from within. It destroyed me as a person.

To make matters worse, my desperation to get over her and "move on", only led me to make dumber mistakes along the way. I look back ..all I can say is, I learned a few things. I wish I had taken those meds (celexa) sooner, that's for sure. Now I'm 33, and working on improving my character as a person.

user, whatever God removes from your life, understand, you have more than likely dodged a bullet. God forbid you spend the rest of your life with a miserable wife who will hate you as the years go by.

There was another girl I wanted to marry recently (2018), and she cheated before we could even start anything. She was also a Christian, so it dealt a huge blow. But there again, God removes from your life, that which you do no need in it. And God will help you become a better person. A woman who sincerely wants to marry is also important in these matters, if she does not want to marry, if she does not fear the Lord, be patient, someone else may be around the corner.

Prayer and worship are two different words meaning two different things for a reason.

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