Hi Zig Forums,
A very close friend of mine who is catholic started dating a Muslim guy a year ago. she is 22 and he is 21. a couple weeks ago she found out she is 6 weeks pregnant. It was totally unplanned. She chose not to get an abortion and im happy about that but he is insisting that the child will have to be Muslim and she will have to marry him now before she has the child. She is agreeing to all of this without even thinking first. I know deep down she is afraid of the future and shes a kind person but I think that this time it may have gotten the better of her. Im not a super religious person but this has really struck a cord with me. I don't want her to live a life of sin or bring a child into the world that will follow a faith of hate, lies and destruction. I find myself praying the rosary multiple times a day in the hope that God will use his clear judgment and step in and cancel the pregnancy for her and help her find a christian man to be with instead. Is this wrong?
For a friend
As a catholic, i'd by lying if I said I didn't share your feel and hope God cancels the pregnancy, but I know asking God to kill an innocent child is wrong. I'll pray the rosary with you tonight in hope she delivers the baby but doesn't marry the Saracen. No good will come from it. Maybe the mooselimb can take care of the child or she can give it up for adoption.
Let me guess, she is a euro?
Pray for her and convince her that she is not committing a sin by disobeying the muslim and following the true faith.
Im not praying for God to "kill" the child but instead cancel the pregnancy and hold the child's soul for the right time if that makes sense
No shes American but European.
Then the child will forever be in sin
Bait thread?
Why would your Catholic friend date a Muslim man, knowing that they cannot get married if he remains a non-Christian?
Why would you pray for the child to die in her womb?
Why would a "not super religious person" pray the Rosary multiple times a day, even for this situation?
But assuming this isn't a troll: in my opinion she must contact her priest and ask him how to proceed if she indeed gives birth. This is a really pastoral issue, and any suggestion I can give would most likely not be the will of God.
That's not how it works. Pray that either the man may become Christian, or that the woman will separate herself from him and not become apostate. Scripture does make the case that those who break a relationship for the true religion are blessed, not cursed.
Seems like bait, but I will pray for the young man to come to Christ. I'm going to vigil in a couple of hours and will ask others to pray with me for him.
Why do you assume he's Syrian? Or do you assume that "Saracen" means "any and all Muslims"?
If she cares about her faith at all then she cannot marry this man and take on his religion and condemn her child to be raised in his religion. Maybe you could try to convince her of the importance of her faith and of raising her child in the faith to sway her away from marrying him. She's clearly simple and impressionable and is under the muslim's influence, his influence needs to be counter-balanced by a strong Catholic perspective. Essentially she's under his spell and the spell needs to be broken, the infatuation needs to be exposed to reason.
It's almost certain that he will at some point strongly compel her to convert to Islam herself. Perhaps you could ask her if she seriously wants to abandon the faith and become a muslim, try to get her to think hard about the reality of that. Is her infatuation with this man worth betraying Christ? Is it worth raising her child up to never know Christ? Does she think it's acceptable that this man try to make her change everything about herself spiritually and culturally because she made a mistake and got pregnant? They always make the women convert and try to immerse them in their oriental culture and ingratiate them into their own family.
Try to frame it to her as what it actually is, a man trying to control her and her future, and her child's future, and using the fact that he got her pregnant as leverage to do so. Lay it out for her that it's a manipulation, and that she should stick up for her faith and her identity, even if she's strayed from the faith in recent times. This is a dire and stomach churning situation. If you bring any of these talking points to her, you have to do it with kindness, but also be bold. Boldness is effective with impressionable women like this. Try to be firm and convince her that she's worth more than what this man is trying to manipulate her into becoming, his muslim housewife. Give her a rosary and tell her to pray it for help in this situation, this could make a huge difference in addition to some wise counsel. It's a hard thing to do OP, but it's worth trying, and as her friend and fellow Catholic you have a responsibility to try.
Thanks user but she may not listen to me or she might cut me out completely. We used to date so I don't want it to seem like Im trying to take her back or make it seem like a jealousy kind of thing.
I feel the only way to fix this situation is through prayer and let God make his decisions and help her.
I assume you slept with her too? If so it sounds like she was going to be in this situation to begin with
No, I never did
You have to try. That's the right thing to do. Be a real man and don't be afraid. If she cuts you out, she will be doing that out of her accord. If this happens, then continue praying for her that she may come to the light before it's too late.
I don't really know what to tell you then. She isn't going to listen to a friend over the father of her child. Her, her child and her boyfriend are all bound for hell most likely, pray for them but expect nothing.
Whether or not the pregnancy comes to term is a decision that we should leave entirely to the will of God. It's sensible to assume that she will have the baby, so we must pray that she would be strengthened in her faith and that He might call upon this Muslim man through her witness.
Nothing is beyond the power of the Lord.
These posts are retarded, defeatist and blackpilled. Why are you making assumptions about the OPs behaviour with this woman and condemning people to hell in your mind?
Anyway, despite the circumstances I still really think you should try to talk to her OP. I think it could be effective because women are easily susceptible to appeals to their autonomy. By that I mean, if she can perceive the fact that this man is attempting to recreate her in his own image, she may begin to see it as an assault against her empowerment and freedom of thought as a woman. It's possible that she could take it the wrong way, but honestly I'm not sure that she would assume you're trying to be possessive and "get her back" when she's pregnant with this guys child. You would have to make it clear that you're coming from a place of legitimate concern for her future and for her child's future. It's a really hard thing to do and I understand your reticence, I don't think that not trying would make you a bad person, but objectively speaking it's a gamble worth taking.
I don't know user.
We live in weird winnie the pooh times where one so called Catholic goes winnie the pooh with a muslim. There was of course Catholic women who've slept with their future husbands before marriage, but dating and having sex with a man whose religion promotes rape, murder and treats women below dogs indicates some sort of mental disability (no offense meant OP).
I guess what I'm trying to say is, the same mental weakness that the muslim exploited could be used to try to guide her back.
Maybe. But women are most of the times too blind for the guy that gives them dick.
Daily reminder that women never listen to reason, only feelings and OP isn't going to sleep with her to get that edge.
It will be hard for OP to pull it off.
OP here with a update. I tried speaking to her and her mother tried speaking to her about the situation and there was no luck….
Please pray for her….
It does.
Ensoulment happens at conception, bro. Why do you think faithful christians consider abortion to be such an abomination?
I will do my best to pray for your friend 3 rosaries a day (a full rosary). If you could give me a name I could use that would be better but it's optional. God bless this story made me feel very sad. I will do my best to help hopefully my prayers work.
It doesn't though.
Calling someone like a Bosnak Muslim a Saracen is just objectively wrong and goes a long way to show one's ignorance.
Just call them Muslims or Mohammedans.
We can pray for her but recognise not everyone will see the error of their ways. Women generally in this era are quite prideful and that leads them to their own desolation.
Also Orthodox priests are not allowed to intermarry Muslims and Orthodox… and I’m pretty sure it’s the same way in RC. Talk to a priest about this. I think this is why divorce is sometimes permitted in Orthodoxy for awkward situations like these. Not an expert on that topic eh.
Could she give the child up for adoption? That’s much better than accepting marriage with an infidel who will force his barbarian religion on her and mutilate her.
Seriously guys we need to send these kebabs packing out of Europe. This story is upsetting on so many levels.
Her name is Kaitlyn and I love her very much. I would have given her the world if I got back together with her. I had multiple chances over the last 7 years Ive known her but I was to shy to take them. Now shes in a situation like this… Shes made mistakes through life but in her heart shes a kind person and means well. If any anons here want to hear our full story Im willing to share it if interested.
Thank you all for praying for her with me. I hope God brings truth to her situation and she stops this.
Not in Europe user. Im in the US, but yes I agree they need to go back and with there own kind.
Honestly at first I did want her back with me but now after all this I don't even care about that anymore. It would be nice but it doesn't matter, at this point I just want her to stay true to her own faith.
OP with a update and I just need to talk. I have some hopeful news. Her and the Muslim got into a argument the other day and she told him she would raise the child herself if she had to. They made up after the argument but just the idea of her saying that to him gives me hope that maybe God is answering my prayers. Please, if your praying the rosary keep her in your thoughts. I know its a lot to ask because none of you even know me and im a complete stranger but I don't know what else to do besides pray for her. Ive been praying the rosary 3 times a day asking God to intervene and change this for her. Please, it hurts so much to see her go down this path.
I just wanna talk about our story. I met her back in high school when we were both 15. We dated for a month back then until she cheated on me. She was upset about it and I forgave her. We decided to say goodbye to each other and move on but it never happened. Every time we would try and say goodbye we always started talking again. Needless to say we just became very close friends and shared everything in our lives together even though we were never dating. All through high school we would talk on the phone daily about anything and everything from our dreams to our feelings and views on things. She became a very special person in my life and I became special to her as well. Even though we were always talking like we were still in a relationship we never were again. Since we weren't dating she would date other guys and of course fornicate with them, She always had a problem controlling herself. I would try to talk her out of it but it would never work. Even though that would upset me and it would upset her at times I still cared about her and she still cared about me. The strange thing was since we broke up we would never spend time with each other in person. We were always just talking or texting over the phone. We would see each other in person in the hallways during school and just give each other a simple hello or a wave but after the school day would end and we could be on the phone for hours. We both knew we still liked and had feelings for each other which eventually turned to love at least for me. The reason I never asked her out again is because I have really bad social anxiety and ill regret not doing that for the rest of my life. We always said we would get back together again because we both knew that we loved each other but we never did because something in our lives would always get in the way. We have been speaking daily or weekly for the last 7 years since we met and we both know everything about each other and we both love one another. But when she broke this news to me it completely broke my heart. I love her and everything about her. Over the last 7 years I wanted a second chance with her more than anything in the world. I would have treated her right and most likely ended up marrying her and having children together. I feel like some of this is my fault. Maybe if I wasn't so shy and just asked her out at some point over the years she wouldn't be in this position. Its to late for that now though. All I can do now is pray that she doesn't throw her faith away and a child's faith away by marrying a Muslim. Sorry for the blog post but Im so hurt by all of it.
I love you Kaitlyn, please let God guide you away from this and find you christian man to be with.
I feel you OP. But let me try to say something that will take some weight off you, and i dont want to offend you or your friend, but maybe you dodged a bullet. She had fornicated with other guys before, and even if that's not a big deal for you, non-virgins have more difficulty bonding with other guys, and i gets progressively worse as she fornicates more. She is a part of the past, and you need to truly move on. I know praying for her is good, but as other anons have said, it gets harder to move on when you are praying that much for a person. Try to move and accept, maybe find another person, and leave the heavylifting ( praying) to us.
OP, my heart goes out to you and I will add you (or more accurately, Kaitlyn) to my prayers. But I just wanna say, this part really pisses me off. Either she conveniently "forgot" her pills or the Saracen had an "accident" with his condom. The odds of this happening "totally unplanned" are so ridiculously low that the first suspicion should be that Kaitlyn roastied it up or the Saracen deliberately sabotaged his condom so that he could get her pregnant and use that as leverage to turn her to Islam.
Roasties need to be disciplined and Saracens need to be driven off European and American soil. Deus Vult.
OP you have done a truly Christian thing. You planted the idea in her head and that is all one can do at this time.
Women are flighty and they need a man to bring them back to reason as you have done.
As for your feelings for this woman, I once had a similar all-consuming love for a girl but I realized I had made an idol of her. My vision of her was angelic when really she wasn't like that very much. Pray to God and put yourself as a servant into his hands, perhaps He does not wish this union to come to pass. He works in mysterious ways. If man in single life will fall into immorality, marriage is what God demands. But it is up to Him not to us if, when, and with whom that union occurs.
"" "" "" "" "Catholic" "" "" "" "" “
I get what your saying user but it really was unplanned. She wasn't using pills, she was taking the shot so there's no way to really sabotage that. she just got stuck with being part of 00.01 percent of birth control failures.
I get what both of you are saying but I also have other problems and this happening just makes it worse. I stopped talking to all my friends after I finished high school because of my social anxiety. I live at home with a father that can care less about me and a mother that cares but she's always working and is never around. I stay at work late on purpose because I have nothing worth coming home to. That's just a summery of what i deal with and now the one person that still cares about me and I still care about is gone. This happening forced my depression back out again. I was using the idea of maybe having a second chance with her as cover for my feelings of always being alone and feeling unloved. She always cared about me. Even a few days ago when we spoke she apologized for all this happening because she knows how it's affecting me. And even then she told me she will always love me and care about me. I've already let the idea of a second chance with her go, that's not the problem. The issue is there will always be a place in my heart that she was meant to fill. That hurts immensely. I can't stop praying for her though I have to at least try to ask God to help fix this. I can't just willingly allow this to happen to someone I love and care about this deeply. If God still wills it for her to go down this route despite my prayers then so be it but I can at least say I tried. I don't want her to be stuck in a life of sin. Despite the mistakes she's made she doesn't deserve this. She's a kind and loving person at heart.
Are you saying God would want one of his followers even if lost to throw away their own faith by marrying outside of it?
Muslims are winnie the pooh gay lol just beat him with bamboo
Sorry, freaking*
What part of scripture says this? Not argueing just wondering
You're going to be fine. I was literally the same way over this girl.
I meant union between the OP and Kaitlyn.
Why is God allowing this with her and the Muslim? I'm not sure but if every time a woman made a mistake God had to intervene then we would live in a world with much less free will. Her suffering, though self-inflicted, is part of God's bigger plan.
*not THIS girl Kaitlyn, but a girl I knew in high school.
God permits humans to do evil because He loves us. Just like how a father allows his child to make a mistake so the child can learn from it.
You can never force someone to love you, no matter how hard you try.
Very true.
As Christ said, forgive them Father for they know not what they do.
I had the same depression in high school over this girl who I barely even spoke to. It was bizarre but from our limited interactions I thought I really read what she was like. Time, reflection, and prayer heals all wounds to the soul.
I'm going to also go out on a limb and say Kaitlyn didn't have a strong father and other male figures in her life. If this happened in an Eastern European country they would kick the winne the pooh out of the Muslim, not saying OP should do that because the anglosphere has gay laws.
We met in high school, were both out and work full time. Her and I are both 22.
Shes not the main reason why Im depressed but all this happening to her is causing my depression to come back. What scares me about that is Ive attempted suicide twice in the past and Im also praying I don't make that choice again along with praying for her.
Sorta kinda.. Her parents are divorced and she has never gotten along well with her mother because quite honestly her mother was very promiscuous like her and made alot of the same mistakes shes made so because of that her mother is was always trying to tell her what to do or stop her from making the same mistakes. She doesn't get along with her mom because of that. Like mother like daughter. And she loves her dad and he is a good man and would do anything for her but he always let her get away with what ever she wanted unlike her mother. Sigh… Idk anons thanks for letting me vent and talk about this with all of you. Its really hard for me. Thanks for the prayers as well now I can only hope that she listens to god and gets out of this.
Sounds rough.
I'm not going to give you some "just look up" cheesiness as the world is dark today from man's errors. Man has had a tendency towards corruption since the fall.
Man however is made in the image of God and has dignity.
Your ability to forgive and love unconditionally is unique user. Never let go of this.
Obviously don't kill yourself my dude. Pray to God and ask Him for discernment, I know this sounds cheesy but it works. And take care of yourself, you are God's creation too.
She is a piece of human shit. Stop talking to her you cuck faggot. You are literally praying for a dead baby so some thot you have a crush on won't have to face responsibility for her satanic actions. Her evil ass should be excommunicated and you pray for a dead body so that she can go on living a happy care free life filled with disgusting sexual abominations. You make me sick.
If that wasn’t sarcastic then you’re a terrible excuse for a Christian
I hope this is bait.
You're right. A young Catholic woman going off and having sex with Muslim is totally okay. I'm sure the Christians of the first 1500 years of the church would totally love that she did that and would probably reward her for being so loving to a heathen. Also it's okay to pray for a dead baby because it's okay if god's the one who does the abortion. Yes I'm the one in the wrong here.
They never said it was okay. Don't put words in their mouths.
Where did anyone say pray for a dead baby? OP is doing what he can in this modern era. We must rebuke sinners but in the attempt to convert them.
No they would definitely think it's okay for all Catholic women to go around fugging dirty Muslim's guys. In fact they surely must have encouraged it now that I think about it. You see, Christianity is all about being stuck apparently. You have to have a crush on some skank for years and years and still love her even when she gets knocked up by Achmed. Then when she decides not to marry him and starts looking for a betabux to settle down with because she needs someone to clean up her train wreck of a life, you step in and raise Achmed's baby. This is the essence of Christianity, thank you to all the anons who have made this clear to me now. I have finally seen the light.
Absolutely based.
What a cuck story wow, no wonder you're Catholic. Omega tier cuck.
OP with another update. Well he proposed to her and she said yes. Now shes engaged… With this set back Im finding it hard to keep praying for God to intervene and help her away from this. But I know if I stop praying for God to help her now it will feel like I gave up to soon. If she marries him nothing good will come from it. Its either going to end in her condemning her child to that cult faith and her becoming apostate herself or over time shes gonna realize the mistake she made and have to go through the pain and confusion of divorce. I need some motivation to keep my own faith strong to keep praying for her. I never would have guessed that she would go down this route. When she was younger she used to help teach CCD to children. Its really upsetting to me that she used to teach kids about God but if she continues down this path she wont even teach her own about him. I just want her to have christian a child and marry a christian man. This is so hard to watch this happen to someone you care about. I cant give up yet though, shes still my friend and if there is a chance God can help her away from this then Ill continue to pray for it.
You should be praying for God to convert the man, lad.
Ironic thing I forgot to mention is that his mother is actually catholic. He openly refuses Christianity
You need to stop obsessing about this so much. I know a woman who married a muslim, they had 3 kids together. They did get divorced, but the kids are all Catholics now and on of the kids became a monk.
I would also suggest that you move on from her emotionally and focus on finding a good Christian woman. Otherwise, you'll just be needlessly torturing yourself.
I know user its just hurts and I have alot of problems of my own. What happened to the woman in your story after the divorce and what made the kids convert if you don't mind me asking?
Just move on, trust me, you'll get destroyed otherwise. Completely eliminate her from your life.
She's living a normal, successful life. I don't know what and if she specifically did something to convert them but my understanding is that the kids found the truth pretty much on their own.
Thanks for sharing, gives me some comfort
Maybe you should take a different approach. Broaden the scope of your prayer. Recognize that you should not be praying for your own desires on this earth, but for God's desires, that all of his children should be saved.
Remember that the lord works in mysterious ways and that Saint Augustine strayed from the path for years. Be like his mother. Saint Monica.
I would highly recommend you pray for (her) saintly intercession.
This is bad news. Yikes, I didn't want to read this. I have been praying every Rosary I did for her (and some other people). Actually I had a bit of a crisis of faith and stopped praying my rosary for a few days, and now I read this. In fact I was going to leave my house before praying a rosary (I pray 15 decades when I do, in 3 parts). This made me feel terrible reading this - I'm going to pray the Rosary immediately after this. Don't give up, please pray and fast for this - I will do the same. I guess this bad news is what I needed too in order to keep fighting. Our Lady will solve this brother. Let's not give up. I'm so sorry for slacking off, I can't let my faith be shaken when things like this are going on. God bless.
I promise I don't care if you give the worst updates, till I die if I ever say a Rosary I'll include her name. God bless.
user, you deserve better than this über-roastie.Out there there are actually good people, with decency, who are not promiscuous monsters.
You are young, and there are plenty of christian groups where you can look for such a person.
Hi, I was wondering if you could give a last initial, or last name (somewhere secure - maybe we can think of something I dunno) so that I can offer some masses for this. I am praying for this every day don't worry. Story hits home hard for me. Anyways God bless Happy Easter friend.
Bismillahi rahman al rahim
Over 200 crusaders killed including americans and anglos by the Islamic State allies.
All praise is due to Allah (SWT) lord of the worlds.
And all curse upon the christians and jews as they have taken the graves of their prophets as places of worship.
Takbir, Allahu Akbar!
Sorry, didn't see this until now, Happy belated Easter. Last initial is N, and thanks for the prayers I cant tell you how much I appreciate it. I haven't gotten the chance to speak with her in over a week. I hope everything is going well for her and the prayers are helping her away from these bad decisions
Its killing me… You know, when your watching all the chaos the mudslime refugees are causing in Europe and how there intermingling with the native Christians and forcing there faith on them it makes you feel bad. But when it happens to someone you love and care about its another whole feeling of absolute sadness and shock. Especially when its someone you have wanted a relationship with the last 7 years. I dont even care about a relationship with her after all this anymore though, All I want and all Im praying for is that if this child is born that its Christian and that she either stays single or marries a Christian.
What makes it even worse on top of all this is shes one of the last friends I have. My whole life I haven't been super social but I have always had a small group of good friends but due to some poor choices I made after high school I choose to stop talking to them. Shes one of the last people I still talk to and if im not talking to her Im always alone… So shes more than just someone I wanted a relationship with, shes one of the last people I have that I can call a friend. Seeing this happen to her is probably one of the most painful things ive been through next to my grandparents passing away.
You're such a winnie the pooh cuck lmao. Thanks God I'm not Catholic.
She probably doesn't take her faith seriously if she's with a Muslim or if she's this promiscuous before marriage. Shame on her father for not raising her virtuously.
user, I had a similar one-sided love story in my youth, with the difference of no-one of us being religious, no pregnancies and no Muslims involved. Also we were about 500 miles apart and met only twice.
She is simply going to cut you off at some point in her life, when she doesn't need you anymore, regardless of how the current story plays out.
Once her life troubles are more or less solved, you are gone. This is the reality you have to accept sooner or later.
From your perspective she is now forever with you, while she is not. What you are going through now emotionally is equivalent with divorce. You fell into the virtual engagement trap and your heart will be scarred forever.
This is the reason, why we used to have such strict rules about courtship and marriage. In a functioning society the stuff you did at high school would have been prohibited bei either one of your parents.
The sad thing is, that you personally can't do anything about it, except for waiting it out and wait for her cutting you off, because you won't be able to disconnect.
Your only hope is, that your suffering will bring you closer to the Lord opening new ways to deeper faith and better understanding of His plan.
There was a time when she did cut me off and I did just let her go and accepted it that things were done with. Needless to say two years later she came back to me in tears and apologizing…
Your state is "virtual engagement", means your heart has "married" her, while reality doesn't reflect that.
This state is really unhealthy and wears your bonding capacity down, until you became a bitter emeritus.
You might notice, that I don't have any advice, because there are no options of doing anything. People who have not gone through such a story, usually have various "simple" ideas, but these are all not actionable in your state of heart.
You at least have the option to pray to the Lord, I didn't have that. Jesus is the only One who can help you and heal you.
But you have to ask Him for that. You have to beg Him to force you through His plan to get you off this sad ride. It won't be pleasant, but there is hope.
She will force herself back into your life, once new big troubles appear, even after decades, even when you already managed your life and having wife and kids.
That might be for example a Muslim marriage she decided to escape after two decades, her husband trying to kill her and trying to kill everyone trying to protect her.
That's your future, because you "engaged" her at high school…
You’re very poor at baiting user