Ive thought long and hard

Zig Forums is basically the pharisees of Christianity. You use the law and knowledge in disgusting ways and would probably refuse a man in a wheel chair communion cause he is incapable of kneeling.

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ur jus jealous of how good we are at christianity and law all the people love it when we pray in public ha haha

delet ur threb

If you're going to be sanctimonious you probably shouldn't make moral judgements.

In my experience, your opinion tends to be the opinion of people who believe that they should just do whatever feels right to them.

Go back to reddit.

Not sure what you even mean by legalism. The only common theme I see here, no matter the denomination, is a general disgust for Zionism.

Which is nice.

I believe that God has not abandoned his people and in the last days the nation of Israel will be fully restored to the promised land, with a fully restored Jerusalem and a new physical temple.

And you call US legalists? The temple is what would restore the Torah (at least in their minds) and enact sacrifices again. An abomination, since the Lamb of God already shed his blood for the sins of the world.

And you would wish to undo Christ's prophecy. You would undo the very temple destruction Jesus said would happen and who claimed to be the real temple of God himself. He even rent the curtain of the Holy of Holies at his crucifixion, to put a final end to it. What part of New Covenant do you not understand?

Of course, now I know I'm speaking to a blind man. Dispensationalists deny the gospel and blood of Christ and think it was a "Plan B" and a mistake.. that Jesus was meant to be an earthly king all along, and he only invited Gentiles later because he failed. It's blasphemy and you must repent. What you yourself are embracing is legalism and not the Good News (the Good News that frees you of legalism). You're embracing Bad News and a champion for rebels who killed their own King.

OP has a point.
This board is ridden with self-righteous pseudo believers who'd rather bicker about stupid doctrine and their tradition superiority than truly follow the teachings of Christ.

And you don't think in our perspective is the "stupid doctrine and our tradition"?

Well, for one, following the teachings of Christ means actually looking and reading them. And not yearning for some temple he said would be destroyed himself or siding with murderers who literally teach their children that Jesus is boiling in a pile of feces in Hell.

That's hardly following Christ.

I never called anyone a legalist. All I'm saying is I believe in a God who keeps his promises. I'm not sure what its gonna look like in detail but I'm sure he's gonna work it all out.

t. The river Nile is drying up

I believe that at least. And it will be on Christ's terms, when they come back in the fold (in larger numbers.. because the church has always had a remnant). This whole ordeal of doing it on Israel's terms though is what I have an issue with… because what they want is the complete opposite of Jesus.

The difference between a pharesee and a good christian is humility and the pursuit of morality not for vanity and pride, but out of love, gratitude and charity for God.

so use your superior arguments and spirit-filled Bible exposition to prove us wrong

When an madman almost drown a little girl, screaming the devil's inside of her, or some stupid priests says that a kid who committed suicide is in hell AT THE KID'S OWN FUNERAL and to his family…
Then yeah.
Doctrine is stupid and tradition is meaningless.

I'm not talking about reading and learning from texts of the ancients. That is a vital thing to do.
But when some prick who read all the Church fathers start yammering about his own piety over others, that is disgusting and you know that MOST people here are just like that.

Talking loud or screaming?
The truth hurts.
You know what’s truly meaningless? Modernist “Christianity”. God does not change. The morals given by Christ and held by the apostle Paul are the morals of true followers of Christ.

You know exactly what I'm referencing.

Said like a true psycho. It's people like you who ruin the faith than help heal it.

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Not ur best work, as insults go, but I accept your accusation. There's a fair amount of pharisaical proclamationing going on. But it's not entirely bad. A lot of people jump on the bandwagon because they're immature Christians. But it's also about people working out their faith, what they believe, how to be faithful to God in the context of a vile world, and how to deal with issues of heinous sin. All must learn to reject sin, and here one can learn well. I, for one, would prefer people do that here on this Zig Forums hugbox than do damage in the "real world" to the mission and purpose of God's Church.

< And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?"
< On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
< Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

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Sounds like we're on the same page tbh. I don't know much about modern day Zionist movement, but I'm hoping for a large scale salvation of the Jewish people. And I suppose the church is a physical temple

Go back to reddit, if you want a 'feel-good Christianity'.
Here we care about doctrine and truth.
Speaking of that, I noticed that this board has been infested with Redditors lately. No wonder quality posting has pratically disappeared.

Christ talked about H’ll more than He ever talked about Heaven. Oh, but I’m sure it’s your special soyflake interpretation that’s correct.

I can say with full confidence that neither you nor I know what true hell is, but only how to avoid it.
Also I never had soy once in my life and probably lift more than you.

The way to avoid it is laid out in scripture. Christ and Paul said literally nothing wrong.
Soy is a mentality.

Don't hide your arrogance and high-mightedness under Paul or Christ.
You're literally arguing for doctrinal superiority over the Holy Spirit. You're literally a modern day pharisee and they can ban me for saying this, but Christ would abhor people like you.

You keep saying it, but ou provide no scriptural evidence to back up your claims. Prove that sinners don’t go to hell.

He would despise people like you, redditor. I doubt you are even christian.
You already said you believe the Jews are the (((chosen people))), with is absolutely retarded as well as heretical.
I said it before and i will say it again: Go. Back. To. Reddit.