So, what does Zig Forums think of them?
My protshit crazy dad seemed to think they were angels and/or demons.
Personally, I don't know and I've never seen one.
Don't speak ill of your own father, brother. And try not to cuss.
I also don't know, hence why I'm inquiring. But I have some sympathy for the fallen angel/demon angle.
All I know is that we need to evangelize them.
I'm not sure they're real, but if they are, my only option is "demons" too. What better deception to turn people away from God. Or almost as bad: Form some cheesy Star Trek like communist utopia to "unite" and move towards the vast frontier of space?
People need to look into their souls before anything.
L.A. Marzulli's been watching this phenomenon from a Christian perspective since the early 1990s, UFOs are most likely of demonic origin. They are not extra-terrestrial, but extra-dimensional.
They're already here
Tom Horn and the late Cris Putnam did some work regarding the possibility of UFOs, extraterrestrials, and how the Gospel of Jesus Christ fits into all of this. What they have discovered is that the Vatican has been expecting and preparing for a possibility of "alien visitors" coming to Earth and potentially evangelizing to them. It's worth reading and looking into this subject.
When did the Vatican decide this?
Because they burned Giordano Bruno alive when he simply said the universe was full of planets.
They lay it out in their book Exo-Vaticana (
No, he was burned for heresy against the Holy Trinity and the divinity of Christ
Well, that sounds like the most wholesome episode of Star Trek that was never shot.
Well, in that case, he was definitely treading deadly territory. Unfortunately, I think they went too far anyways. They should have just exiled him. Science just holds him up as a martyr now.
Their just that; an unidentified flying object. There's a whole lot of wired, natural phenomenon that happens in the earth's atmosphere. If you look at the more famous UFO sightings you'll notice most of them have something to gain from it, take for example Roswell NM: Literally bum-frick nowhere until a 'UFO' crashed landed there.
Aliens however are demons.
Lol what some winnie the pooh bullshit.
Unless Noah's descends got their hands on some pre diluvian space ship (assuming they were technological advanced and not some random tiggers in cities in the middle of the desert) how could we evangelise them if they aren't descends of Adam?
I might just as well evangelise my cats since it's the same winnie the pooh thing.
Btw if the telescope is real (too lazy to check out) the name was well chosen.
because aliens are demons.
The Vatican is overrun. It's filled with crypto-atheists.
Countries have the right to maintain sovereignty over the airspace above them and everybody flying above it should identify himself when asked.
Just posted vid related in the tulpa thread and Steve Bancarz suggests similar thing from around 23.15 in. Apparently a lot of testimonies claim the entities yield to the name of Jesus when the people having these experiences rebuke them in his name.
Anthony Patch is another interesting guy to listen to on that weird side of youtube who is convinced CERN and quantum computers are going to open up a portal into another dimension to let demons flood the earth and run amok while we get visitors from outer space who will claim to be our makers or ancestors or similar and everyone under the influence of the one world government and religion and beast will believe them but they're ofc demonic
Almost as if aliens were demons
Lmao. CERN is just a cyclotron, a giant particle accelerator. It just produces a strong a winnie the pooh electric field that makes particles fly at almost the speed of light at then they make them crash against other particles and see what happened.
I don't know why people say this shit without even know the very basics of a particle accelerator.
Nothing else happens. Particles physics is boring as winnie the pooh.
And besides the energies the LHC can use are so winnie the pooh small compared with the energy we actually need to study other physical phenomenon that it is laughable that it could make time portals (wtv they are), other dimensions (what is a dimension?) or my favorite black holes top kek. Even if we got 100000x more energy the black hole it could create would disappear after swallowing the first atom in the surroundings and then it would dissappear due to Hawking's radiation.
The amount of /x/ shit in this thread. Just focus on faith and your love for Jesus, and everything will be fine.
“Chariots of fire”
What’s up Elijah!
there's five parts, be sure not to only read the page I linked