Transgender Advocate Attacks Statue of Virgin Mary

Transgender Advocate Attacks Statue of Virgin Mary.

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It's not attack, it's veneration. Get it right protestards.(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST)

For some reason, it makes me a little more comfortable that they would attack.. rather than try to re-appropriate Mary or Christ and try to say they're on their side. I'm glad people like this know that Mary is their enemy.. rather than the stupid notion that she's their accomplice.

In other words, those within the Church are far more destructive than outsiders. Take Pedosta or Pelosi, for instance.

Or even that Gov. of New York State that legalized abortion. Absolutely sickening the smoke of satan is.

American public school everyone. Ain't it grand?

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That’s a mushroom with Down syndrome

At least it's a retarded demon.

Satan is made to leave with prayer, because even he recognizes Christ as Lord.

I'm a tranny, and like Satan I acknowledge Jesus even as I run from him.

People who attack Mary don't even have Satan's respect for her and her son. If Satan or I was told to leave in the name of the Lord, we would run in terror and shame.

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Why dont you embrace and accept him if you aknowlegde him

I can't give up my sin. I'm a reprobate. I hate my body and want a new one, and God won't give me one here or in Heaven. It's not that I don't love God, but I can't accept the standards you have to live by to go to Heaven.

I feel compelled to make my body look like a woman's, and I care more about that than I care about God. Since God won't let me do this, and I'd have to give up this desire for all eternity to be with God, I can't miss my only opportunity to be feminine on Earth.

Hell may be bad, but Heaven would be a Hell for me.

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Your conception of heaven is too materialistic.
Does the conception of "body of glory/body of resurrection" evokes anything in your mind?
Your conception of heaven implies you'll have the same body there that the one you have on earth and that sexual dimorphism will matter

"25When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage. Instead, they will be like the angels in heaven. "

Also, sorry to bust your bubble but you will *never* achieve your dreams. Even the best looking trans needs a shittons of makeup and photoshop to not look rometely awkward.
A man can feel these things, even if a photo or a film can fool us, you will *NEVER* get rid of your masculine essence.

You're mentally ill, seek God and seek help. God bless you.

pray the rosary fren

1 Corinthians 15 is my favorite part of the Bible.

Jesus rose as he looked in death - with wounds. Yet Corinthians says we'll be changed, without defining that change.

But neither my personal experiences nor the discussions I've had with Christians suggest this new body will look like a woman.

The angels are like something out of a drug trip, and I've done drugs and I can imagine what being a sexless angel would be like.

The Bible also says we get to build houses and plant vineyards. I'm not sure how to harmonize that with humans becoming like angels.

There are lots of ugly women too. I have no idea why God made me and these women so ugly (In our eyes, not God's eyes - God thinks we're all beautiful) and then said, 'you don't get to be pretty in Heaven either.'

I don't mind my male essence - I want a female wrapper.

I think mental illness in this sense is bullshit. Demented people or schizophrenics are mentally ill - I'm just commiting sin. If we define sin as 'unfruitfulness,' then transexually is sinful because it creates people who compared to born-females/males are ugly and unfruitful

I had a drug trip and God explained everything to me. I begged Him for a personal audience, which God granted.

It's just the way things are - God won't take me because I'm a tranny. The rejection hurts so bad. I could go to a liberal church, hang out with atheists - but my heart would tell me that I was cheating myself.

Looking through history, through all the religions, I never found any acceptance of transsexuality. I can't even say that Christianity is wrong, because every other religion rejects me as well.

Society didn't make me this way, either. God made me this way, or Satan corrupted me. Even if my sin is genetic, it means Satan cursed my blood. Who I am is fundamentally sinful - my own personal 'Transsexual sin' like Original sin belongs to all people.

Thanks. God bless you too.

I've done that, and it makes me feel better - like cold water on a burn. But I can't pray the rosary all the time, and the fact that the pain comes back the moment I stop praying, and it feels pointless.

I actually spent time to learn the rosary, but I stopped praying it because I felt like I was insulting God because I wouldn't give up being a tranny.

If I said that I didn't like my arm, and that I wish I didn't have it, and actively tried to pretend that I only had one arm, the only conclusion would be mental illness. It's not normal to feel that you're something that you aren't. It's not normal to desire that up was down in a way that leads to mental despair, self mutilation and suicide. If you truly feel this way, then you are mentally ill.

Some people are given particularly burdensome, lifelong crosses such as homosexuality or having conflicting gender identity. God did not make you this way, but He allowed you to be born this way out of his respect for the fallen nature of man and Adam's choice to allow for the corruption of nature and birth. Nevertheless, God made you a man and intended for you to be a man.
You need to realize that transgenderism, just like homosexuality, is a false promise of happiness. We were made by God and for God and not for sexual immorality. The Devil likes to make us believe that we know better than God what is good for us. Why do you care so much about appearance? You acknowledge that God doesn't care. God allowed me to be born with a medically winnie the pooh'd body, and sometimes I admit I ask "Why God?" out of frustration, but ultimately it is because I am able to glorify God through my sufferings in this body by persevering through his grace.

You again? How many times do we have to tell you that we will never condone you trying to turn yourself into a woman.
Stop believeing (((satan)))'s lies and man up already.

And stop blaming God for your parents' sins. He did not will that, (((satan))) did. My parents put me through Hell too, but you don't see me crying and trying to distort the body God gave me. Be stronger than the lies you were told.

And pray the rosary daily. I know you haven't.

The hope of looking like a woman is purely vanity. What does this profit you? Even a lifetime of perfect pleasure and peace adds up to nothing at all when compared with eternity. Yet you say that the hope of gratifying this wish is all you have... do you not think that possessing God Himself, the very source of all good, will be better than this? In God is everything you could ever possibly want, in greater abundance than you can ever imagine. You won't think "aw I wish I could x" because the hole in your heart will finally be filled.

God does not allow for sad-faced saints. Trust His providence... He will fill you with joy you never thought possible.

Before Eve, the category of woman did not even exist. She was a rib... is a rib itself male if it comes from a male? The rib was not an organism just a body part but then became male. It was not a sex change operation. This was the divine act of creating. To say this is equal to... that... is to blaspheme against God's act of creation.

God has given you this homosexuality as a temptation, as a cross you must bear and learn to resist, even if it is done through great suffering. You must be in a constant state of suffering. Your mind must be tormented by Lucifer as you cut your arm and hurt what God has created. God is not a legalistic monster like the Satanists say He is. He wants to help you as a true Father does.

Again, problem of evil has already been answered. You're asking for utopia but if man stepped into utopia it would take him ten seconds to go berserk and destroy it. God will not take away our free will as it would reduce us to simple automatons. There is great evil in the world but it comes from man and the consequences of the fall.

There is a lot of anger at God in your post, and we will pray for you that you learn to overcome the material darkness of this world.

You are already clearly living in a hell brother and we pray for your conversion. Heaven and hell is the same place experienced by different people, some willing to accept God's grace and some unwilling.

There is so much you don't understand and you lash out at God. Have you read the Bible where Christ says it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven? So God has already given you a gift and you blaspheme Him for it. It hurts the soul to blaspheme. Repent, user. Confess your sins before God almighty.

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Going off of what said
Your vanity won't get you into heaven and a deathbed confession is no way to repent. You already know what you are doing is wrong, and yet you do it anyway. That is a sin. A bigger sin than wanting to distort the body God gave you.

Please watch embed related and learn more about your vanity. For the love of all that is good and holy, stop polluting your body with those drugs. It messes with your head.

Maybe it helps to think about it on a more meta level. I don't think we could perceive/interpret heaven or hell with our human senses and knowledge the same way we do perceive life here and now. I don't think you will literally sit in Abrahams bosom.
Hell is often described/transcribed as a painful and eternal division from God (suffering). Metaphorically coupled with a sense of asphyxiating utter darkness, stench, intense pain and sensation of burning (but I think I read somewhere it's not actually perceived as hot, not sure) - at least that's what we would probably feel if we could physically be there now.
Heaven is described as final union with God - love, bliss, harmony, suffering of the human condition done away with. I don't think you'll need your physical body (in the way that you seem to think) for your union with God if he doesn't deem it necessary.

I'd even say that if you do love Him (and He DOES love you!), he would not cause you suffering by making your union with him the thing you fear most. It would be contrary to what we know about Him.

I don't know if you believe in purgatory or a sort of cleansing beforehand - but if you do, I wouldn't think that you could pass through and still be tainted by what's tormenting you here and now.

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Yep. I'll be here forever.

Hence why I called myself a reprobate.

>Stop believeing (((satan)))'s lies and man up already

I've spent two weeks putting in 25lb shelves at grocery stores and taking the glass bottles of juice off the shelf and replacing them. Not as a stocker with a job that nets me social security - as a contractor.

Why does God blame me for becoming a tranny in the face of abusive parents who beat and abuse me, homelessness, and no hope on Earth or in Heaven?

Why didn't my grandparents baptise me after being given permission by my parents? Why did God tell all these people to keep me from him?

I just tried to teach it to my brother yesterday. I recited the first chaplet in front of him.

Teaching others Christianity - he's now reading the Catechism - counts for nothing I guess.

I've seen God. I'm being told here I can't go live with Him as a tranny. This wish is all I have because God won't give me Heaven.

Except the beauty of a woman, apparently.

I never said it was. I said Adam was created by God from dirt - he transmuted dirt that had no gender into male Adam - and then created Eve from male flesh by transmuting that male flesh into female flesh.

God took Adam's rib and made woman from it. God had to delete Adam's Y, because unless he had a genome with a Y to delete he wasn't a man. God would then have had to copy the X, or else Eve would have been XO and had Turner's syndrome.

Woman was made from man. It says so right in the Bible. If the soul is beyons sex, than it doesn't matter that Eve's sexless soul resided in Adam's body before the rib was removed and transformed into Eve's body.

God placed souls into bodies - he didn't do sex changes. Eve's soul was always destined for a female body, mine was not. I asked why God would work a miracle to make female bodies, then give some souls female bodies and others male bodies.

I don't lust for men. I want to look like a woman and marry a woman.

I feel crushed by God, not angry with him. I've done drugs, and I think I saw him and he told me to stop masturbating and turn my life around. During these experiences, it seemed pointless to fight God - His will was the final decision.

It's like being told 'no, you can't come,' and knowing you'll never be able to even debate with God about your rejection.

I'm whining and begging for salvation.

I've already been converted and have a drug habit I can't quit - being a transsexual. If anything, I'm angry with myself for being something that denies me Heaven, but I feel it's not my fault that I'm this way.

Yes, that's what I meant by 'Heaven sounds like Hell to me.'

I understand the beauty of God. I came to Christianity exicted to focus on Him, only to discover that He doesn't want me like I am.

If crying over rejection by God is an attack against Him, I don't know what to say.

I'm homeless, and God won't take me. I thought that verse referred to love of Earthly wealth/things?

What gift? Homelessness? A father who beats me? Exposure to influences that made me a transsexual? The life he gave me is shit.

The only gift God gave me was Heaven, and I can't have it apparently.

I've stolen tons of booze and drugs from my Mom and Dad. My half brother let me stay with him because I was homeless, and I stole his booze. I had sex with my brother for years before finally swearing off homosexuality in 2015. I've said God was a shemale. I've condemned Pope's and excused my behavior because these Pope's were evil. I masturbated to CP once, over ten years ago.

All I can do is ask for mercy.

My sin is pride. I don't care what others think of me - I care about how I look to myself.

So I never get to enjoy my flesh because I was poor on Earth and hated my body, then I go to a disembodied Heaven and never get to enjoy what tons of other people did on Earth.

I want to be with Him, but I also want to look like a woman. Only not looking like a woman for all eternity would make me suffer. If I can't look like a woman with Him, then the glory of being with him would not be mine. I'd have to dissociate my mind from the scene of being with God, and at that point I wouldn't feel His glory - I would have scooted myself off the table, and into Hell.

So you admit you are not a woman.

You have a serious dissociative disorder. You must be suffering intensely. Someone say a rosary for this man.

tigga i already told you to either:
1- Seek treatment
2- Make a pilgrimage, travel, and of course before you go, throw all of that tranny shit away.

If you continue to not do these things, then yoi haven't done everything you could have. We are all praying for you hoping you can abandon this obsession.

Get over it.
If I can forgive my parents for emotionally abusing my sisters and I you can forgive your abusive father for beating you.
Stop polluting your body with drugs, and stop thinking you will be a reprobate. You too can be saved, but you have to set your vanity aside and just listen.
Leave your pride forever and stop believing the lies of (((satan))). You will never get a woman's body.
No matter how many drugs you take to screw up your hormones,
No matter how many times you fry your brain,
No matter of you mutilate your body,



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