Apparently, Jesus said that if you remarry and have another woman, you are commitung adultery, and thus you are sinning.
Which I can understand if you do it volontary.
But what if you marry to a woman and that said woman decides that she later wants to be a "strong and independant woman" and devorce you/ left you, by the catholic faith, you can't remarry and start a family with another woman and you are destined to live childless and without family for the rest of your life, only because that woman left you for apparently no legitamate reasons ?
And what if you marry a woman and that you want to procreate many children and have a happy life and then, the woman dies in an accident, you are yet supposed not to marry with someone else because you would be commiting adultery ?
Can someone explain this to me, because this would be very unfair to the man in this example.
Wait, you can't re-marry and have another wife if your current left his husband ?
You understand it right, and it's not just the Catholic faith but the Bible plainly says that.
The hypothetical situation is unfair, but it's the woman in that story who made it that way, not God.
If the woman you're planning to marry considers divorce to ever be an option, she isn't suitable to be a wife.
Incels the thread.
But wait, in the verse, what does the word "divorce" includes? For example, does death/accident of the wife considered "divorce" for example ?
Moreover, only considering this verse, it says that actively divorcing is adultery and it says that marrying a woman that was divorced from a husband is adultery. But what about if your woman divorces you, you can't remarry with a virgin never married woman ?
Well, I ask all of that because it seems really stretch out and unfair that because of the degeneracy ,sins and viciousness of someone else, which you very much might never be responsible in anyway, shape or form, that you are being punished for life to stay unmarried for life, no possibility of having a family and thus dying alone and having your ancesetory being terminated for ever…All because the wife wanted to divorce to be free and degenerate and that you have to pay the tremendous price for it. Something doesn't sound right here.
This is correct.
If a woman divorces you, you have not divorced her.
If you divorce her, she has not divorced you.
This particular obstacle might be solved in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. It goes:
* Do not be yoked with those who are different, with unbelievers.* For what partnership do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness?
What accord has Christ with Beliar? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?
l What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said:
“I will live with them and move among them,*
and I will be their God
and they shall be my people.
Therefore, come forth from them
and be separate,” says the Lord,
“and touch nothing unclean;
then I will receive youm
and I will be a father to you,
and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.”
I'm not a pastor, but if I understand this verse correctly you're situation allows you to remarry.It sounds like it's saying if your wife becomes an unbeliever and wants to divorce, you're okay. You can marry again. But of course make sure you consult your pastor
You have to trust your spouse, that's how marriage works. If you can't handle it don't get married.
That's why it's crucial to find a woman who is in communion with God and the church, someone who knows that divorce should not be an option.
What do you think "Until death to us apart" mean when doing the vows? Paul also allowed widows to marry again in 1 Corinthians 7
Yeah, that's exactly it. You could be as pure and honest as a saint and be a devout christian…But one day, you meet a woman, you spend years as a close friend, being close, knowing her closely, seeing her parents, see if she's pure, devout christian, if she takes marriage and having children seriously,…You have all the green lights with this loving virgin, then you marry her and then, she's scared, decided that she's "too young" and that she has to "live her youth and be wild", she has sex with men behind you back, then she divorce you…Then, how is this logical or even remotely moral that the man pays for it all his life, can't marry another woman,thus be alone all his life, thus having no family and no children, thus dying without having any descandant, thus terminating your thousands year family line…All because of the degeneracy of a woman, and not because of a wrong doing on your part.
Like I said, I don't think that the bible/church would support this view point, that seems incredibly non-logical and chaotic logic.
Let's move the debate away from "what I think is fair" and into "what does the Bible say"
You mean "what is fair" and "what does the Bible say", because the Bible is Logos, and what is Logos is fair.
Are you sure about that ? So what is your status as the man if the woman divorces you? Are you celibate again or some kind of widow ?
I said what I mean
I wish I could be that naive again.
I've seen it happen firsthand and its terrifying.
Divorced legally, but not of the Heart.
I can feel the newfaggotry in the air, not only for the poor writing, but the lack of differentiation between divorced and a widower.
This thread is just retarded
>Marriage is a covenant between both spouses and God only death can break<
Sage and move on
Thank good we live in a totally christian society where women don't cheat behind their backs, ask for no-fault divorce in their favor and get to stole you 50% of your propriety…
My career was strangled in the cradle by a woman doing instant-180 away from her husband - my employer - because he was hospitalized from overwork sickness. Broke every law in the book and then the courts point fingers at the man by default. The man was never fully functional again and the woman just sits on her butt and plays the victim for not receiving the wagons of free cash she thought she had coming.
I have as little to add to the conversation as the rest of us; just venting.
Those are the rules. Do you find the teachings of Christ hard? Well they are and the Jews thought the same.
Matthew 19:10
His disciples say unto him: If the case of a man with his wife be so, it is not expedient to marry.
Well but this is the case.
In case you didn't understand Christianity isn't about feeling good. It's about the truth.
Then the sin is on her. It would be unfair indeed if there was just this life, but there's another one. This one is a valley of tears.
One more thing
That's your fault tbh.
Prenups are for those who don't trust God and their Spouse.
Ie, those with deceipt in their heart.
I'm not denying that it happens
Yeah I know it's a bad practice, but this winnie the pooh world is rough.
Not that I care much about material things.
Which just means one thing. We must choose a woman very carefully.
Well ehh, " 'Till death do us part" was what you say at the altar in English, right?
Wow who would of thought.
Making up strawwomen like an incel and blaming hypothetical problems on an unfair divorce system is directly opposed to Christian thought and practice. Think of how fickle you percieve earthly women, and multiply that by a hundred thousand and you get the Church, the bride of Christ. How unfair is it for Christ to have to forgive all our sins day by day? Yet he still loves us and shows us mercy, even to those who no longer want to be with him. if marriage is a pale shadow of the divine union between God and man, and we are called to be Christlike in all things, then the rules of divorce and remarriage are not only fair, but just and merciful as well.
What is fair is not always what is right, so seek righteousness first before you are dealt justice.
The exact opposite of this true.
You will find out exactly what kind of woman you are pledging your life to when she finds out your assets will can't be extracted through legal manipulation.
It should be standard practice, it exposes someones true intentions.
If you seriously care that much about material possessions you're not putting Christ/Faith first and you have bigger problems to worry about than the Woman you wish to marry.
No my man.
If SHE cares that much about material possessions she's not putting Christ/Faith first and she has bigger problems to worry about than the man she wishes to marry.
Wow you sure stumped me with that one.
Feel free to make an argument.
I can't, you're way to smart. Congradulations.
Yes, I agree. I just recently discovered “logos” got translated “word”, that was a powerful and very helpful realization.
Jesus also implies that following his will comes above everything, literally everything, including family and wife and children. He says this verbatim I believe at one point in the gospels. I think bottom line is listen to and follow God’s will. Sometimes this will require leaving everything and everybody. I am actually of the mind st the moment that it perhaps ALWAYS requires this. I am not positive. But if I get more direct guidance and I am convicted it is from the Lord the right thing to do is follow it, anything else is sin. These are just more “laws” , and laws can’t save, only God can.
but to clarify that thought, i don’t mean to imply that this means literally the right thing to do is for everyone to actually and literally abandon everything and everyone, but thst everyone must be WILLING to do exactly that, should it be required of us, because following the Lord comes above everything. I think that is biblical…
Jesus Christ
He said this while willingly carrying his cross to be executed for crimes he did not commit.
Rev. Fulton Sheen
We have to be willing to die out of love for those who will spit on us while we do it. This is the price Our Lord has set for us, and the way he has told us we can show our love in and faith for him.
This thread brings up a question that I have in regards to my spouse. My wife was recently divorced when I first met her. We've been married for nearly 10 years now. I have heard God's calling and I decided to answer, and she has been supportive, but I'm worried about her status in the eyes of the lord. What should I do?
If God calls you and you're married he calls to the both of you. For the two of you are one Vessel for the Lords work.
Since you didn't have a religious marriage, just get a legal divorce and move on
No, we get along fine and love each other, we're not fighting or anything.
Sup, CIA.
Also my question is what if she divorced you over abuse. Like real actual physical stuff, not just yelling at her or having overly high expectations?
Sometimes I think I chose the harder path by being celibate, but not so. May God bless and take care of you all for walking this minefield.
Marrying a divorced woman is a sin, but it sounds like you don't actually care about that.
It's a good thing Jesus died on the cross so our sins can be forgiven
Did I stutter?
Living in a constant state of sin, they cannot be forgiven, because they can't repent while actually carrying out the sin continuously.
What a waste of a paragraph.
Is she baptised? Are you baptised? Is her ex husband dead? If the answer is not "no" at all this questions you cannot fug anymore until her ex husband dies.
tfw fascists will read that last pic and still call Christianity "slave morality"
I remember reading that in the context of the Covenant the death of a spouse is perfectly okay to remarry and would not break any Law.
This is incorrect. If your wife dies, you can remarry without committing adultery.