Weed is fully legalized in my state for full recreational use of adults 21+. I am above 21. Is it still a sin if I smoke a little bit?
Weed is fully legalized in my state for full recreational use of adults 21+. I am above 21...
You have it exactly backwards. Disobeying the government is not a sin, but using mind altering drugs is.
Being under the effects of such substances falls beneath the category of drunkenness, which is a sin.
Lol no. It just makes me kinda hungry and some stuff slightly funnier than usual but that's really it. Trust me, I have been drunk before (I regret it now) and I have taken in marijuana before. Big difference.
The main reason why the use of mind-altering drugs are considered a sin is because it erodes the faculties of reason and autonomy, very important human traits and gifts from God. When these faculties are reduced, it leaves us more vulnerable to sin; I can't tell you how many times I failed to fight the urge to masturbate or fornicate because I was drunk or high.
The point is that it's ethically related to the biblical admonition against drunkenness
It's the pharmakeia St. Paul and Revelations was talking about. Only pagans use mind and mood altering drugs. God calls us to be better than the pagans.
You should repent just for living in that state.
Glory to God in the highest.
But on the subject, if its any mood altering drug, what about coffee, teas and such milder stuff.
I comprehend marijuana, because it makes you high, dazes your mind and thought, and can even lead to long term depression.
But lets, even wine, can get you a bit drunk easily.
Is tea mind altering in the sense that it rodes reason and common sense to even a slight extent? I would think not.
Coffee is also bad but you stay within reason I would say unless you drink too much which is a sin.
Alcohol like wine is again fine as long as your state of mind isn't altered to the point of being drunk.
Substances are almost always fine to consume as long as you're not taking in too much, weed and even coffee I would say isn't advised in small amount since even a small amount can effect you a lot and they have addictive qualities that are likely to lead to sin.
I started no fap last week and days after I smoked with my cousin. As soon as we got home and he went to sleep I went strait to my room and blew my grand streak of 3 days. Felt pretty bad. I'm going to try my best to stop both now.
As a catholic this is a big question for me. I don't like the physical effects of the sugar in beer, but I drink on my days off because the emotional effect is so pleasant.
St. John Chrysostom referred to alcohol as the "King of angels;" however, drunkeness is an idolatrous sin.
The sin must lie between the line of buzzed and drunk.
Where is that line?
Is there not an equal line between high off of a pinch hit and stoned off of a bong rip?
I would say there is, but no public traditional catholic has spoken from experience, as far as I know.
is chocolate also haram?
Use whatever you want. I doubt judgement will be based on "You smoked pot, therefore you're condemned to hell".
It will be much more like: "Did you rape children and abuse your power as a priest of Christ's church to rape children?"
Sorry, but it's still pharmekeia. Pot smokers are trash.
Can confirm. Was a cronic pot smoker and lost alot of oppertunites in college because of it. It always starts small "im just gonna hit from my one hitter once a week on Saturdays" than it devolves into "if I don't have my two blunts today, i'm gonna be bored outta my mind and won't be able to enjoy the vidya/youtube videos/porn/excersize that I plan on doing today." All the money I wasted on pot I could have put as a down payment on a new car.
Whats worse is that everytime I tried to quit, I would hear Mary Jane calling me like a siren's call and I would cave to my old dealers messages and buy more. That junk does stuff to your mind that I don't wish upon even my worst enemies.
Christians have to remember that the devil's temptations always start out great and make you feel good, but after a while the devil demands more and more and will lead you astray from God. Like the temptations Balaam and Balak cast on Israel with hedonistic pleasures of the flesh. Once Israel indulged they were easily led astray from God.
Ignore the Balaams of this world Zig Forums and let praying to Jesus be the only high you need.
Are you saying it's okay to abuse hemp and get high? Also just because the Lord gave us hemp doesn't mean we can smoke it, just that we may use it for other uses such as rope.
Find one verse that admonishes the use of mind-altering drugs.
The use of recreational drugs is a hallmark of modernist moral relativism.
I let the other preach to you about drugs, but remember this…do NOT buy your weed from the government. It's all filled to the brim with pharmaceutical poison. Order some seeds from outside the US and grow your own shit. The pharma weed is weaponized, do not touch it.
tbh I had a feeling you did imply it, but I wanted to meme
imagine being this blue pilled. Just because something is legal/illegal that does not mean it is / is not sin.
To answer your question: yes it is a sin.
I think what OP was referring to is the verses in the Bible about obeying the government, like Romans 13. When weed was illegal, it was easy to just point to the law and use the verses telling Christians to be law-abiding as a reason not to imbibe weed. Now that it is legal in some states and countries, that doesn't work any more. We can say that it's equivalent to drunkenness instead. But it's not entirely clear to me that drinking a single glass of wine and inhaling a single puff of marijuana are very different. Either one will have some very slight 'mind-altering' pleasurable effects but impair very little or more likely not at all.
Of course smoking a whole joint will probably impair your judgement, but so will drinking a whole bottle of wine. I'm just not sure what the difference is or why there is a difference. Of curse if you drink wine every day, you may feel that a glass of wine does nothing, because your body is used to it, and if you consume marijuana for the first time you may feel it's effects strongly.
As for the pharmakeia argument.. I don't reject it but I don't know enough to say whether it's right or not. Does anyone have any more resources regarding how the word was used in the region in that time period? I'm not a Greek scholar. For all I know it could be referring to:
What if it makes me less likely to sin? I am happier, do not worry (which is a sin) and more motivated when I smoke? I don't get lazy like most people do. I actually go outside and do yard work and stuff and enjoy going to work, I am more social as well.
They same can be said for anything else. We don't live to be happy, we live to have faithful and virtuous lives.
Fair enough.
Is depression a sin?
Yes. Self-hatred is contrary to the virtue of charity.
Ever notice how bluepilled most weedcucks are?
It is to be succumbed by it. What ever you are suffering the Lord suffered much more on the Cross for you.
Why not?
Well, it might not be those exact words, but it will be "You broke one of my commandments for the sake of your own pleasure, therefore you're condemned to hell."
But whatever you say, keep smoking pot like a loser, you stupid protestant.
I'd seriously say most people addicted to drugs haven't experienced the spiritual rush of deep prayer. Drugs are a mere simulation of the experience.
what about coffee and energy drinks?
neither (unless abused in a serious manner - caffeine pills and 50x monster drinks or 4 locos or something) alter consciousness in the same manner as alcohol
And that's just the way the dems want it. It alot easier to pass feel-good policy when majorty of voters are strung out on the green devil.
Unless the law is in direct contradiction to your faith, you are obliged to obey it. Drug laws are not in contradiction to the Christian faith, ergo they must be obeyed. Unless you are a sketchy heretic sect that worships the DUDE WEED LMAO, weed is illegal to smoke.
Hey OP, I bet it's also legal to have an abortion and to blaspheme the name of the Lord in your state but you aren't going to do those things are you? Even if it's just a little bit?
Seeing the debate of what pharmakeia means I think it may help to try to explain.
The word 'pharmacon' φάρμᾰκον has multiple uses which the word 'drug' encompasses the most. It is also translated as cure, potion, medicine, poison, sorcery, and in more other ways. This demonstrates why things shouldn't always be interpreted to the utmost literality.
The use of drugs (pharmakeia) i.e. druggery, could be what is referred to in Gal. 5:20 and Rev. 18:23. The sorcery interpretation could be taken from observation of the use of concoctions and potions in divinatory and shamanistic rituals. Such a thing could have been sought to be avoided because of the potential it has to give people a false sense of inspiration from the perspective of the NT authors. The recreational drug use of today would seem to be divorced from this spiritist aspect, yet the possible admonitions of the NT writers may still be observed in the instances of drugged individuals exhibiting deliria.
A meaning of poison might also be possible taken together with other things in the pertinent contexts: murder, fornication, theft, falsehood, but also however cowardice, idolatry, and unbelief.
Latin uses derivatives of venenum from where 'venom' is derived, such as veneficium (the act of poisoning, poisonous substance, the preparation of magic potions, sorcery, witchcraft, magic, magic potion) and veneficus (poisoner, sorcerer, wizard).
One Middle English use of the word (venym) was for a potion or liquid used for dyeing, which is one of the ways Greek 'pharmacon' was used.
The word pharmacon also happens to be attested in the English language.
Here are a couple of interesting and illustrative takes from classical Greek literature.
Euripides Bacchae
For two things, young man, [275] are first among men: the goddess Demeter—she is the earth, but call her whatever name you wish; she nourishes mortals with dry food; but he who came afterwards, the offspring of Semele (i.e. Dionysus), discovered a match to it, the liquid drink of the grape, and introduced it [280] to mortals. It releases wretched mortals from grief, whenever they are filled with the stream of the vine, and gives them sleep, a means of forgetting their daily troubles, nor is there another cure (pharmacon) for hardships. He who is a god is poured out in offerings to the gods, [285] so that by his means men may have good things.
Hippocrates, Aphorismi, Ch. 1, Pt. 24
Use purgative medicines (pharmakeia) sparingly in acute diseases, and at the commencement, and not without proper circumspection.
In the past magic, sorcery, and healing existed jointly and were not always distinguished. It's believed cures to many ailments in the world today may lie hidden within the practices of remote tribes. Bushman's Secret (2006) and The Shaman's Apprentice (2001), related to the book of the same name, are two documentaries which discuss the subject.
In my experience, drugs just place a filter over reality and never actually take you to your intended destination.
It also affects the nervous system and makes it more difficult to get spiritual experiences while sober.
It's like pressing a pause button on your spiritual development.
You're better off doing these things for bliss and enlightenment:
Semen retention
It is still against federal law