Which version ?
Since english is not my mother tongue but that I speak french instead, I would like to know, since I don't want to read the bible for the first time with a kiked translation.
So...what's the most accurate FRENCH catholic bible ?
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Well, since Liturgiam Authenticam, the Church has prescribed that there only be one translation in any given Bishop's Conference (but it's not retroactive). Good thing is, France issued the "Officielle Liturgique" a few years ago, and while I'm not a native speaker, it seems better than the NAB. Keeps a lot of traditional readings (such as Isa 7.14), and is meant for both private and public reading. I hope the NAB (which is being revised) knocks it out of the park like this next time.
I see they changed some lines according to this…Apparently, they removed the word "race" in one passage to replace it with "descendant"…They also changed the famous "Do not submit us to temptation" that I recall from my childhood and my earlier prayers as a kid to another formulation.
Qu’est ce qui change ?
Pas grand-chose ! Il serait illusoire d’attendre de très profondes modifications qui révéleraient un sens nouveau aux textes… ou des secrets dévoilés. Ainsi le Notre Père où « Ne nous soumets pas à la tentation » devient « Et ne nous laisse pas entrer en tentation ». Dans le Magnificat, les mots « amour » et « race » sont remplacés par « miséricorde » et « descendance ». Dans la même veine, d’autres passages ont ainsi été repris. Le livre des Psaumes n’a pas été touché…
Here, in the video, he said that he corrected the word "race" because it was not the true translation, but the true word was "Semen" thus "descendance"…But he also says that the word "race" actually has a bad connotation…So yeah.
Probably will pick up this bible anyway.
La Bible Crampon est très prisée. Perso j'ai lu la Bible de Jérusalem mais je me souviens que certaines parties de la traduction sont moins que parfaites.
Je suis Orthodoxe, pas Catholique, et je lis la Traduction Oecuménique de la Bible. C'est en général une très bonne traduction sauf pour certains choix bizarres.
Si je ne me trompe pas, ça ne fait que rapprocher la traduction Catholique française de la traduction Orthodoxe française. Rien de bien méchant.
Hmm.. I see your concern. But it still doesn't sound as left leaning as the NAB in parts though (not sure if you're familiar with it).
Have you also tried the old Sacy/Port Royal (translated from Vulgate)? I've never read it, but heard that's "the" classical French bible. I mentioned the modern one because it seems like that's the direction things are going (both in Bible reading and liturgical texts. May as well get acquainted with it at least).
Get the Jerusalem Bible
The only reason I didn't recommend it is that name "Yahweh" is a little dubious. "W" in general is not a Hebrew letter per se. At least not to any speakers today. It has stronger V sound. W sounds are more Arabic.
If you're prot then get Louis Segond Bible of 1910
Uh? My Bible de Jérusalem repeatedly calls Him "Yahvé".
Ah…I'm mixing it up with English :\ Apologies
user, as a French catholic, I find the Jerusalem Bible really dull. I advice you theses
Bible Fillion, one of the best, made with a lot of explanation, for seminarists and priests.
Bible du chanoine Crampon, I like it a lot, the style is really fluid and easy to read.
Bible de Maredsous, the first Bible I got, comfy and pastoral, written by monks. ( the one who makes the beer :^))
Bible Le Maistre Sacy, XVIth century Bible, it comes from Port-Royal, I heard some criticism because Port-Royal was influenced by Jansenism, but I find it really accurate and it's the most beautiful language wise. It's the language of Racine and Corneille, so it's really something else.
But obviously, since you're French or speak French, learn Latin and read directly the Vulgate.
Pour moi la meilleure traduction française est celle d'Émile Osty. Il a travaillé sur la Bible de Jérusalem par la suite mais celle qu'il a effectué en solitaire est divine. fr.wikipedia.org
As long as it's translated from the vulgate and pre-1960 it's usually fine. Bonus points if the OT is translated from the Septuagint and not the (((Masoretic text)))
Woah. Thank you for all the feedback.
But so you wouldn't recommand me to get the new 2013 Officielle Liturgique translation ? Do you have any specific problem with it ?
I have problems with the Masoretic as much as anyone, and could go into it extensively. But it's not all bad (like 99% is similar). Besides that, Liturgiam Authenticam specifically prescribed that Church texts maintain readings that have been passed down in tradition. It's a work in progress to get every regional text in line, but it looks like the French did it better than some others already (which is why I think it's better than the English NAB). It goes to the Septuagint or LXX when Masoretic stuff is unacceptable.
History book
Let me guess, your professor at a (((liberal arts college))) told you?
Lol. Sure, which book?
Can someone answer this? thans.
You know, in the end, a Bible is a Bible. It remains holy scripture regardless of how precise and well done the translation is. If the bishops have figured that it can be used because it reflects the original texts well enough, then use it.
I don't know anyone who reads the 2013 liturgical translation, and I've never read it myself, so I can't give feedback here. Maybe ask your priest?
I'll be curious to see if it picks up for private reading. Because the whole point of these Bishop's translations is the Vatican to have one (Catholic) translation per region…for both liturgy and reading, if possible.
Comment est l'église orthodoxe en France ? C'est surtout le clergé Russe à l'international non ?
La plupart des paroisses font partie de l'Archdiocèse des églises de tradition russe en Europe occidentale (sous le Patriarcat Oecuménique) ou sont sous le Patriarcat de Roumanie.
Mais beaucoup des membres du clergé sont Français. Il se trouve que parmi les 2 évêques que je connais, les 2 sont français, et parmi les 4 prêtres que je connais, 3 sont français, et parmi les 3 diacres que je connais… les 3 sont français. Le prêtre qui n'est pas français est Ukrainien.
Il y a aussi l'Eglise Orthodoxe Française. Elle est schismatique, mais beaucoup de ses membres se sont ralliés au Patriarcat de Roumanie après une controverse dans les année 90 concernant les relations cachées qu'avait leur évêque.
N'empêche, même si la plupart des membres du clergé que j'ai pu rencontrer ont été français, la vaste majorité des Orthodoxes laïque que j'ai pu voir sont de pays étrangers. Surtout russes, mais aussi roumains, géorgiens, libanais, grecs, ukrainians… Et quelques-un du congo. Il y a aussi des non-Chalcédoniens d'égypte, d'éthiopie et d'éritrée qui restent dans nos paroisses.
Merci, je suis catholique dans une paroisse FSSPX mais je m'intéresse beaucoup à l'Orthodoxie.