as a show of solidarity please type stunning and brave
[Provocative sexual picture] Catholic mother wrote a polite letter requesting girls not wear legging
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provocative pic here.
Dr. E.Michael Jones did a program on that university, Notre Dame.
He says that it has been stolen from the Church by Father Hesburg and was used by the government to social engineer young catholic students with feminism,darwinism, psychology, … And getting them in debt.
Fu king disgusting
smells like roast
Btw i wish they bring long skirts back to fashion. I only see leftie girls and young gypsies wearing them anymore and it's a shame because they're hot af
Leggings aren't a problem, just wear a nice skirt or dress over them
What a meme. That place secularized a long time ago.
It's true, yoga pants are terrible. I think the other element is that the yoga pants women are just lazy to be wearing workout clothes all the time. How standards have dropped completely. Well I guess that's what E Michael Jones talks about in Libido Dominandi. Sexual liberation as a form of control.
On the topic of university degeneracy, I once had a professor (((confirmed))) btw who joked that the university monitors who's using the wifi and that they might become suspicious of you if you didn't watch pron as everyone was doing it. NoFap is fascism apparently.
Individualism was a mistake.
What a sad abomination these whores are. A woman in a traditional long skirt will always be more attractive to me than the most raunchily dressed whore.
Beauty comes from the soul, someone needs to tell these soulless creatures that. winnie the pooh the West and Western culture.
Yes, dresses are more attractive but the standards have just fallen tremendously. Thanks boomers. Thanks cultural revolution. Thanks feminism and egalitarianism. Thanks freemasonry.
I recently saw a girl in a dress walking down the street and it was a stunning moment. That's how uncommon it is.
I just hope we can revive old Western culture pre-Enlightenment, pre liberalism, before everything got degenerate.
Why does that woman keep staring at girl's butts?
So, they fill you with lust? Hmm.
Women are supposed to do that user
No, not lust. Lust is a sin. Women are our partners and should be treated with love, not animal lust.
The irony is Christian women used to be telling women not to wear jeans for the same reasons.
Do you even know what a Boomer is? It's not them, its younger people. It started with Gen X and became popular with Millennials
Okay so everyone is always concerned with what women should be wearing to be modest, and I know men don't really have to be super modest in the way they dress, because we don't inspire lust as easily and we also have to work, but I'm wondering what the male equivalent of something like pic related would be. Not even do that I can be modest or anything, but when I go to mass and see a girl dressed in a long skirt or a baggy sweater and stuff like that it warms my heart and reminds me that not everyone is a giant piece of shit in the world. It's sort of "inspiring" in a way when you actually see someone who is dressed like they actually care and not like they just buy cheap low maintenance trshbag clothes. I want people to see me and think, wow he's dressed like he actually gives a winnie the pooh about his presentation, but not in a conceited way. Polo's and dress shirts and chinos and prep shit still seem like trash to me
The cultural revolution in America, refers to a specific period, the 1960s. Boomers had everything to do with that. And in the 1980s the boomers became neocons. That leads up into today.
The boomers created all kinds of revolutions. The "silent revolution" in Quebec against Catholicism to name one in particular.
Matthew 5:29
Does it say "Stop being sexy! D: D: D:"
Does it say "Stop your lustful gazes!"
Choose wisely.
Why are you blaming everyone but yourself? "It's the Boomer's fault!" or "It's the Jews' fault!" or whatever? Aren't you responsible for your own sin?
Why are you being so defensive? You have just created an absurd strawman. I never blamed the boomers for my personal sins. But we aren't talking about my personal sins, duh. Can you read?
Listen cuck, we're talking about a CATHOLIC university where the students attending are supposed to be CATHOLIC. If you're a Catholic man, and you choose a Catholic university, you should be able to expect a certain degree of order, you should be able to walk around campus without being surrounded by half naked women.
AND the girls are supposed to be Catholic too, which means they have standards to live up to themselves, they don't get a free pass to do whatever the winnie the pooh they want just because they have a pussy.
No one said anything about the jews, rabbi. Your nose is showing.
If you're lusting after some random girl's butt because of leggings, then we are talking about your personal sin. Stop lustfully looking at women.
Oh, so you're a roastie. Please leave sweetie, the men are talking.
Romans 14:13
Does it say "If you cause a brother to stumble, it's on them"?
Or does it say "Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother"?
Are you making an argument that yoga pants are biblical? Is this board seriously this retarded?
Yes, you should not cause your brother to stumble, but Christ clearly said that your sin is your own. Don't rely on your feels.
Sure. (((It's totally wholesome that women should be walking around in scantily clad clothing. In fact, women should all be walking around stark naked because this is so wholesome and Christian. It's men's complete percent fault for then having lustful thoughts.)))
Yes, you sound like a roastie.
I'm not saying it's wholesome. I'm saying that if your eye offends thee, tear it out and cast it from you. Do you deny Christ?
Listen sweetie, it's a sin to wear yoga pants, mkay? No amount of rationalization will change that. Stop dressing like a prostitute if you want to be a Christian.
If you say so. But is it not a sin to stare at women's butts who wear yoga pants? Is your sin forgiven because you're lusting after a woman in tight clothes?
Lol Jesus never forgave a prostitute! XD
Why do you continue to take all accountability away from the offending women and put it all on men? Sure, men should practice restraint, but you seem to be interested in placing all the responsibility on men and men alone.
Your sin is yours. Do you not understand that? If you look at a woman with lust, it is YOUR sin.
The problem isn't anyone's eyes, but the sins of people around them. Do you think Christ would have told Lot to pluck out his eyes when he was disturbed by the sins of Sodom?
The prostitute changed her ways. It's not like she kept being a prostitute after Jesus got to her.
You have no idea what it is like to be a man. You have no idea what seeing a thin layer of spandex suction cupped up a woman's crotch and into her pussy does to mans brain so shut the winnie the pooh up.
Because she's a woman.
If you tempt a man and put a stumbling block I'm his path, than that is also YOUR SIN.
Yes! He was told not to look back and his wife did look back and she got punished. Stop winnie the pooh looking!
Unironically reported. You are not a Christian.
Qur'an says "protect your modesty". It's nice to see Christians following Qur'an.
Report all you want. Jesus's was very specific.
If you love your yoga pants more than your own brothers than rejoice because you can wear them in hell all you want
Jesus also said that anyone who led a child into sin ought to have a millstone tied about their neck and be thrown into the sea. What exactly do you think provacatively-dressed women are doing to, say, 13 year old boys? No, you very obviously should not commit sins. But if you cause another to sin, particularly a child, then you share in the responsibility for that sin. So put some real pants on already, thot.
I am genuinely amazed at how many people want to blame others for their sin. "omg she's wearing sexy pants!" That's your sin, no matter how you want to slice it. Stop … just STOP … looking at those women's butts. JUST STOP.
Or don't. The sin is yours.
You are literally>>789591
Do you not realize how difficult it is to not look at someone's butt? It's right in the middle of their body. The only way to not see butts in public accidentally is to just never go outside. How shameful for a woman to prefer a world where men can't even go outside than to not dress like a whore. Why are you even on this board? Do you think Mary would ever wear yoga pants or, lord forgive me, a bikini?!
Just look at icons. Just look at how nuns are dressed. Christ draws on the tradition of Isaiah who specifically talked about whorish women being a huge problem in ancient Israel.
This thread started as a societal critique and has now become according to you "just stop looking at their butts".
Both parties have sinned the man looking and the woman being an attention whore.
Your defensiveness implies that this story hits home. You should go to confession. We men have to go to confession when we sin. So do you.
Christian universities are supposed to foster a Christian culture of chastity and modesty.
Why do you assume I have to be talking about myself? Personally, I make a point not to stare at butts. That doesn't mean that it's okay to flaunt your butt around willy-nilly. Again, see the example of the hormonal 13 year old boy. By increasing the liklihood that he'll fall into lust, you also increase the likelihood of your own damnation. Repent.
I live with this "problem" every day and I don't stare and their butts and I don't succumb to lust. What's your excuse?
GOOD! Keep that up, brother.
Jesus never tells us to harm ourselves. We are God's creation, that's why suicide is a sin. Evil isn't in our body parts that's Manicheanism, a Persian philosophy which teaches there is an evil spirit inside us. It's dualism, totally heretical. Man is not bad by nature that would imply God would create something bad. Man has a tendency towards corruption, but he is not bad by nature.
What part of "tear thy eye out and cast it from you" do you not understand?
That's not what the passage says in the full context. Now you're just being dishonest.
Tear thy eye out … cut thy hand off … why is that so difficult for you?
Your fee-fees don't matter. If your right eye offends thee, tear it out! You can either stop having lustful thoughts or you can blame others. Take your pick.
What was the last time you sinned? Did you cut your hand off? Cut an eyeball off? Cut your leg off? Cut your brain off? No Christian does that. The body does not sin. The body is a temple of the Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 6:
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?"
For Matthew 5:30, it was not Christ’s intention for this instruction to be taken literally. Eyes, hands and feet cannot, of and by themselves, commit sin. Sin begins in a person’s mind (James 1:14). For example, a person who is totally blind, or one who is missing an arm or leg, can still sin.
It's dem girl's fault! It's not mine! I fap to butts but that sin ain't mine! omg jesus plz kill dem girlies! D: D: D: D: D: D:
Would it not be better? Have you actually read the Bible?
My "excuse" is that I'm a 20 year old man with testosterone and years of porn addiction who unfortunately isn't a literal saint and I don't appreciate it when "christian" women think it's okay to be exactly like the heathen women and tempt their brothers who are not as strong as they should be. No decent Christian girl would EVER find fault in these statement. What a travesty that the only female on this board is just another thot. Enjoy hell, I guess.
No. Just no. Your sin is your own.
Read my statements.
READ, woman. READ. BOTH parties SIN.
If you took that literally it would contradict everything we know about God. Christ is making a point there a bit too meta for you.
Literally just stop dressing like a slut holy shit the mental gymnastics here are astounding. Yes, staring at butts is wrong. But so is making your butt more likely to be stared at. Both are sins. What is so hard to understand about this? Nobody is an isolated little island responsible for nobody but themselves. When Cain asks if he is his brother's keeper, the answer will always be "yes". We are responsible for everyone who comes into our lives. We are responsible for their body, mind, and soul. We must never cause harm to come to our fellow Christians in any way.
Would you leave crack pipes all over a recovering crack addict's house and then tell him that it's all his fault when he smokes one? Partially, it is his fault. But he never would have smoked that crack if you hadn't left dozens of crack pipes in his house to tempt him. So it's your fault too. You need to stop leaving your crack pipes all over crack addicts' houses, and you need to stop flaunting your butt at teenage boys.
This is why there aren't female priests thankfully.
I'm done arguing with you, you're literally just making me sad now.
Alright, lemme know when you start wearing robes and dish-dasha and all those nice 1st century clothing. You know you don't, so stop it.
If this was true, God never would have punished the serpent who tempted Eve. If there can be shared responsibility in the first sin, then there can be shared responsibility in all sins. Your fellow Christian's sin may be your sin as well.
Argument ad-absurdum. Literally just put on some normal slack-fit jeans, or a knee-length skirt. Nobody's asking for anything absurd here, just the bare minimum of modesty.
Jesus told us to tear out our eye when we see lust.
Qur'an tells women to "protect their modesty".
Are you Muslim?
Where does this line of dysfunction start? With the man ogling the woman wearing yoga pants that ride right up her arse, or with the woman waking up in the morning and looking into her closet deciding whether she should wear something provocative or modest? The onus is on both parties to do the right thing, of course, but do you not believe that the woman should have just dressed properly to prevent the ogling from ever occurring in the first place? Because you give me the impression that you're some idiot modernist who believes that women should be able to wear whatever they want and men just have to deal with it. I don't even really struggle with ogling provocatively dressed women, but I know that many men do, so the solution is to tell women to stop dressing like harlots, and to tell men to stop ogling them, but you only seem interested in doing one of those things.
Nobody is saying that.
Damn dude you got us we actually all wear tight, bulge revealing, David Bowie in Labyrinth leggings for all of our lady friends to ogle at. Get real.
God is not a libertarian. God is not a libertine. He does not tell us to live and let live.
The Virgin Mary is always depicted with pious modesty. She is the ultimate example of how a Christian woman should live.
Are you saying the Virgin Mary is a Muslim?
Jesus said tear our your body parts if they sin, which they do not. BODY PARTS DO NOT SIN. HE IS MAKING A NUANCED POINT THERE. THE BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (1 Cor 6). It cannot sin.
There's no point, even the bare minimum is too much for a modern Christian women to offer. This thread is very blackpilling.
Guys, it's a goon. Stop.
Re-read . Paul, an Apostle of Christ whose writings are infallibly inspired by the Holy Spirit, tells us not to be a stumbling block to others on the road to salvation. And, yes, a part of not being a stumbling block is indeed protecting your modesty.
A statement isn't false just because Muslims would agree with it in some manner. Muslims also say that there is one God, so does professing my faith in one God make me a muslim? Jews consider Abraham an important patriarch, does agreeing with this assessment make me a jew? Certain pagan sects say that homosexuality is wrong, does agreeing with them make me a pagan? Atheists say that the sky is blue, so I guess agreeing with them in this makes me an atheist?
Dress like pic related.
It's a bit difficult to say since men don't have dress clothing that exposes their upper chests, shins, or feet, but I suppose a sweater worn over a button-up shirt, dress pants, and loafers would come pretty close.
Indeed it is… you can't ask anything of women today.
I will pray for you
Individualism is cancer. There is no getting through to you at all.
The best way to honor God in your appearance is to be a manly man. You are already created in his image, no amount of clothing can add to that. Just work out and carry yourself like a man, it doesn't matter what you wear.
Men should always wear a jacket and tie to church (at least). Dress pants if possible, although I understand some people may not be able to afford dress pants. But there's no excuse for not wearing a jacket and tie. Unless you're literally homeless you can afford them. They don't have to be 100% silk.
That style of clothing was only invented a couple hundred years ago at best. If you feel that making the effort is respectful, that's great, but leave that judgement between you and God. We don't know everyone's story though. Some people might have nothing.. some might've been in pain, or lost someone in their life and haven't taken care of themselves, or simply have had a terrible week.. and merely walked in on a whim because God's grace was leading them. You could even be judging one of God's angels, come there to test you specifically, and pay for it dearly by being so vain. "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." -Hebrews 13:2
"You pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say, “Sit here, please,” while you say to the poor one, “Stand there,” or “Sit at my feet,” have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil designs?" - James 2:3,4
This is so obvious it's kind of ridiculous you would even say it. We're talking about contemporary Western society, so I'm saying people should be wearing a jacket and tie. The point is wearing basic formal clothing.
None of this is even remotely relevant. No-one is talking about mistreating people who don't have a suit on. I think you just squirted this out of your ass because you wanted to feel morally superior, ironically. Stating that people should behave a certain way is not failing to entertain strangers or treating rich people differently than poor people.
Kek, pretty much. I suppose it's a pretty poor comparison since Ned Flanders' outfit is casual wear and not something I'd wear to Church, while the aforementioned lady's outfit is (in my opinion) appropriate for Church.
Kek, are you new? Reviewbrah is one of the pillars of /fa/, my man. He's 100% legit.
You have to go back.
Libertarian philosophy, especially when it comes to morals and societal issues, are absolute trash. This thread has confirmed it here. Unfortunately, no place in the world is safe. Where the West's social "values", if one can even call them that, have been introduced, this MEN SHOULDN'T RAPE/LOOK/STARE/LUST OVER A WOMAN. WHAT? I'M DRESSED LIKE A COMPLETE WHORE? BIGOT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It gets so tiring, bros. I'm afraid I won't find a beautiful wholesome Christian woman in my life, with the current state of affairs in the world.
You probably won't. Best thing to do is probably to find a young virgin girl who wants to be good and mold her into the ideal Christian wife.
What does this have to do with libertarianism