Hello. Should I convert to Islam or Christianity? I am ready to convert to something. Which religion should I be? I believe in God. I read both Bible and Quran a little too. Should I be baptized or do shahada?
Hello. Should I convert to Islam or Christianity? I am ready to convert to something. Which religion should I be...
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You're asking Zig Forums if you should convert of Islam? kek
Lol, you are on Zig Forums. You already know what the majority answer will be.
Tbh famalam, go with whichever is calling you the most. Go with whichever you know God wants you to go to. What we or /islam/ tell you doesn't matter. What matters is what you feel is right.
So you are converting just because?
Stop for a minute and study both religions. And read more about who Muhammad was. Think for a minute and think if God would choose someone like him, a perfect example of chastity and kindness, to be his prophet.
Ay Dios mio! I've been found out!
Implying pope Francis would say an heresy like that.
He is a Catholic, although when he says something right the media ignores him.
Catholicism. Outwardly it's Christianity, but spiritually it's Islam.
Become Alawi. You get the best of both worlds. You can praise Jesus 5 times a day while revering Ali and not eating ham.
What the winnie the pooh is that?
also are being ironic or being serious?
The Mormons of Shia Islam
Alawites are those people ISIS is trying to wipe off the face of the earth. You should pay more attention to what's going on around you.
Wtf it's just a mix of Christianity, Islam and oriental bullshit.
Also I live very far away from these guys and local media never talked about them.
It's Assad's religion btw. His main saving grace is he actually probably cares about what's happening to the churches in Syria.
You live in a place where the media never talks about ISIS? Where do you live and how can I move there? Here in America, ISIS is all anyone can talk about.
Do you think dogs are good or bad?
By asking this question you're already unfit for both of them, because you're compromising between two very different paths instead of being naturally drawn into a direction. So instead of letting others influence you on your decisions, how about you put your faith into yourself and the people that support you? Doing it like this doesn't require you to fit in with others and you can still do all the things they do.
Go back to r/Christianity
No, it's because you're materialistic. But you are/love fags.
You really want to go there?
Hard to say what those people in the pic were though. A huge wing of Baptists are Mainline, right?
Groups like American Baptists are mainline but groups like Southern Baptists are Evangelicals.
The point, my friend, is that every single denomination can be shown to have an adherent who supports lgbt causes. An individual, however, doesn't mean "the Church". There are American Catholics who believe in gay marriage, but what is the actual stance of the Church? Simple: homosexuality is a massive sin and the church does not recognize, nor will it perform, gay marriages. So, showing someone holding up a sign in support of gay rights doesn't mean that individual speaks for the church.
As for those Buddhists, well, they don't have a central authoritative body, so that doesn't really mean much either.
Based Dalai Lama against both gays and rampant immigration.
you get the best shitposts
case and point they censer N.igger here
They talked about ISIS when they hitted some neighbouring countries like in France, and talk about the Syrian refugees, but it's not all the time. Perhaps once a week. I've heard of the yhaziris or wtv they're called though.
You what mate?
That's very interesting but check these
Christianity. Its the only religon in the world with legitimate fulfilled prophesy, and is also the only religon which is based on a verifiable historical event, rather than private revelation. Islam is a satanic death cult that was founded by an illiterate pedophile warlord, while Christianity was founded after Jesus Christ rose from the dead, which was witnessed by both his enemies and apostles, and his enemies converted and went to their deaths refusing to renounce him after. Second, the Koran affirms the Gospel and Torah (5:47 etc), and yet completely contradicts it on every major theological point. Look up acts17apologetics on youtube
Too bad he nor his father cared about the Churches and Christians in Lebanon when they massacred them and starved them.
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Muhammad Hijab beat David! David's career is over!
You know the answer.
Which should you follow: the belief which has succeed the test as the most evidential, best ethics, greatest impact, saves people from hell, promoted literacy across the world, etc. of all religions or Islam?
Hard choice.
Read letters from St Ignatius, who was an apostle of John. He calls Jesus God multiple times, refuting the idea that Jesus was a mere prophet.
Muslims believe that the Apostles were good muslims, so they couldn't understand how an disciple of John would say such things. Well, unless he was telling the truth
Best post and best pic
Imagine not liking BASED transvestite David Wood.
I mean like, I'm 100% a Christian. But when I'm feeling down (about current events), Islam seems…. more virile, I guess. But it's a fallacy. Christianity used to have the same vigor as Islam and we need to get it back.
If you have the mentality of a 7th century warlord, you'll appear "more virile" to modern sensibilities.
Yeah, that's similar to how I feel… it's impossible for me to believe in false religions like Islam when I know the Gospel to be true. Plus, Muslims really aren't much better off than us Christians at the moment… the Muslims in the West have largely succumbed to modernism, while those in the East are becoming progressively cucked by our Zionist governments.
Agreed. Problems with Christianity in America became apparent when these effeminate Baby Boomer pastors (pic related) started flooding churches; soft-spoken, careful not to offend, and money-hungry… Gen. X/Millennial pastors aren't much better. Women like to whine about the lack of men in churches, and that gap will persist so long as churches drive men away with Jesus jams and soft preaching. The Orthodox Church does not have this problem.