Violence against Islam

So this board is a bit slow, but elsewhere on 8ch someone live streamed their mass shooting of a mosque about an hour ago. What specifically is he in for, religiously speaking? Also he killed himself. I know Hell but I’m curious what the Christian perspective in on a man - misguided or otherwise - lashing out against a system he perceived to be wholly corrupt, unconquerable, and dedicated to his destruction

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Other urls found in this thread:

Murder and Suicide are both sins against God. Pray for his victims.

This was a horrible sin and disaster that happened. Even if the small portion of Islam does encourage violence, killing innocent people is absolutely not the answer. Unless he’s mentally insane, I hate to say it, but he’s almost definitely in hell.

Its on Zig Forums, the whole board is flarring up

War is coming, certainly, but what he did is not the way. I agree with the other posters in this thread.

explains why the site is running a bit slow tonight.

This is a suprise to you? Zig Forums loves violence, no matter who it is against. I don't like Islam as much as the next Christian, but shooting up their mosques will only:
1) encourage them to commit more violence
2) harden their hearts and embolden their faith in Moohammed
3) give the loony left more of a reason to hate on Christianity as if they needed more reasons in their deluded minds

Just like that guy that shot up that synagogue in Pittsburgh, both are absolutely in the wrong .

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Today, (((they))) celebrated

I don’t recall any Crusaders killing themselves so I doubt he’s up in heaven with them… but I’m not God so I could be wrong.

He was pro-Israel. Possibly brainwashed by the kikes to do what he did.

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God forgives the crusader for being misled by their leaders, but this guy? He's gonna have a hard time.

The Crusaders weren’t misled. They fit in the just war doctrine. I’m not sure if just terrorism exists, but it might. I’m not going to jump on the feefee train and say all violence is automatically wrong.

Tbh I'm not against just war but I only don't like it because they turned it into something religious. God doesn't will wars.

Read Joshua.

Also shooting unarmed civilians is against just war.

The law hadn't been fulfilled by then.

He's almost certainly in hell. The shooting accomplished nothing. Even if he was trying to reduce the Muslim population where he lived, they breed like rabbits anyway and the New Zealand government is going to crackdown on it's citizens hard after this, so any delusion of other white men in his area "rising up" and doing something similar can safely be dismissed. The shooting was based solely on emotion. He threw any sort of reason out the window and surrendered to his passions.

I don’t believe in Mosaic exceptionalism.

He was a pagan. Hence why he said Vahalla.

Calling it out, it will be jut like the Pittsburg Shooting. E.Michael Jones is going to make a video on it and be immediately censored in less than one hour (which literally happened on original Synagogue Shooting)

Killing innocents is evil.
At the same time, it is not inherently wrong to sympathize with the shooter's viewpoint, or wrong to be pleased with a potential diminishing in white replacement that could arise. Remember that when tragedy strikes, people vote more conservative. Even on gun laws.

Retaliation should be expected in any case of diversity, what's shocking is to see the white man finally grow a backbone.

We as Christians should view this in a similar way as to socialism: potentially an earnest and good intent that's tragic in application.

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This video

I want to clarify that I'm understanding the objective of the shooter being fewer/removal of arab muslims from his home or all of the west.

Christ didn't abolish the mosaic law, but made it better. That's the whole point of the Sermon on the Mount. He also said that Moses had to "water down" God's laws because people were too "hard hearted" to accept them, and therefore Christ came to earth there to preach the purest and most truthful law.

There's really nothing to say other than this is horrible. Good to see fellow christians at least acknowleging this fact instead of cheering it.

Christ came not to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it. So Jesus isn't a revolutionary, the Jews are.

There aren't even many muslims in new zealand. Also muslim fundamentalists are extremely restrictive about marrying non-muslims. So, I don't see the point.

What do you mean?

Not sure, if this fits into the Orthodox Doctrine of Just War. I'm going to go with a No on this one. But yea not jumping on that train of, well all violence is wrong, the crusades were an unjust cause etc. And tbh New Zealand being a mostly Protestant maybe roman catholic Country in Heresies. God may give them over to their enemies as we're seeing in the west really. Humanist Values from the Enlightenment we're always a dead end let it go.

I’m always skeptical when someone brings up the SOM. That’s the exception to the NT not the rule. Jesus said to those that have more will be given and to those who have not more will be taken away. He also whipped certain people and always challenged his accusers verbally instead of turning the other cheek.

Also this.

In the manifesto he's speaking of the whole white race, and all western society. The threat isn't of browning out through miscegenation, it's displacement and replacement. See the UK today.

You both are right. Neither of your statements contradict.

A revolutionary, someone who want for the inversion of values (making virtuous which is evil, and making evil which is virtuous).

He also said the Father in heaven falls down rain on the good and wicked alike.
None of those are murder. And didn't you know that christians are told to preach and say yes when it means yes and no when it means no?

I mean, is this a counter argument to mine?

Not exactly. But the way I phrased it is that Jesus was here not the fulfill the "mosaic law", but he was there to fulfill the universal law of the universe. So in a way, the fulfillment of the mosaic law is to put an end to the old covenant and to be one in Christ, without any tribal racial supremacy.
So he wasn't just there to fufill the law of mosaic law, he was there to fufill the law of the universe.

He is in hell.
And the Crusaders who killed innocents with no justification, as opposed the ones who faced down their enemy on the field are in hell.

I wager that most of the participants of the Fourth Crusade are in hell for the atrocities they carried out.


People always take out violence on the little guys. Roof shot up a black church, the synagogue shooter, this guy. It’s really horrible. These victims are just regular people, whatever you think politically, these people are just innocent bystanders. I’m thinking of repenting of my online edgelordiness

You were never a true edgelord if it ever felt sinful to you, just a rebellious good goy. Not hating on you. Most people don’t have what it takes to follow their edgy heart over social norms. Don’t confuse the shooter for an edgelord either. He’s probably just a mossad false flagger since he’s pro-Israel.

I don't believe that violence is inherently bad, but certainly I'd never knowingly condone the killing of an innocent, much less innocent women or those inmocent who couldn't even stand to defend themselves. There is nothing honorable or righteous about slaughtering those people. I just pray that some good can come out of this tragedy somehow for someone.

Yea, that's another thing is that's missing in modern day secular Godless west, is that Well Chivalry. There were just Wars, Executions etc. But they weren't carried out with all this bloodlust, all this lack of really treating people in the image of God, Even when that means the hammer has to be brought down. I always think back to what Father Rose said with the communist in Russia, Yes it was an Evil but out of that Evil God used, Hopefully god willing some people in New Zealand wake up and return to Orthodoxy. Whatever that may be.

Christianity is as much as a bloodlust and violent ideology as Zig Forums. Imagine thinking that someone deserve to suffer forever. You're rotten to the core and make me sick to be honest.

Yeah, innocents that burn in hell just as much as the shooter because they chose the wrong religion. I think you forgot to mention that.

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Such chivalry, wow.

Every time.
People only go to hell because they choose too by rejecting Christ.
Again, they chose their fate. Doesn't mean they deserved to be killed.

Heaven and hell is the same place its just experienced differently by different people. Our Father in Heaven wants to save us and we are not going to end up in hell because of some technicality.

According to the saints, the “fire” that will consume sinners at the coming of the Kingdom of God is the same “fire” that will shine with splendor in the saints. It is the “fire” of God’s love; the “fire” of God Himself who is Love. “For our God is a consuming fire” (Heb 12.29) who “dwells in unapproachable light” (1 Tim 6.16). For those who love God and who love all creation in Him, the “consuming fire” of God will be radiant bliss and unspeakable delight. For those who do not love God, and who do not love at all, this same “consuming fire” will be the cause of their “weeping” and their “gnashing of teeth.”

Thus it is the Church’s spiritual teaching that God does not punish man by some material fire or physical torment. God simply reveals Himself in the risen Lord Jesus in such a glorious way that no man can fail to behold His glory. It is the presence of God’s splendid glory and love that is the scourge of those who reject its radiant power and light.

That anime/cartoon image is so gay btw.

Yep, and there you go. Proper Orthodox Teaching, not some Western Legalized Religion we've been brought up in the west with.

I bet you won't hear about that in the Jew news.

I bet he wasn't even a Christian.

But we'll still get a bunch of hasbara sons of the devil on here.

This is why we lose debates.

I bet you believe the rape gangs in Sodom were nothing but dindus as well.

Oh definitely.

Muhammadan Devil Dogs get put down.

Taking Bible verses out of their Context away from church fathers? probably. But Also it's pointless to try and import Humanist Enlightenment, Atheistic Meaningless value judgments into verse that don't suit it. And Just War theory does it exist there are cases where Christian States, Byzantium, Russian Empire, Reconqista. Are going to be brought into a state of War be it defensive or offensive. It's Thy will be done, not My will be done. And proceed to throw and temper tantrum like a child who then goes to slap his Father. And as if the wars haven't stopped, they're still secular states still raging proxy wars all over the world, committing killing already, Various Subterfuge, Etc. Unless you're going to go into utopian fantasy's of if we could just get this Utopia if we could, if we could just…. Just this one necessary thing. And peace on Earth. Sorry This problem is far more severe going back to the fall. No man made ideology is going to save you.

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Stop it, their LARPagans brains won't take it.

Zig Forums in a pagan thread: Christian protected Europe from Muslim, Deus Vult.

Zig Forums in any other thread: curse those evil mass-murdering pagans, pray for the innocent muslims *cry crocodile tears*

You are all disgusting.

Another G*d didn't mean it when he said it, winnie the pooh wow.

So what the winnie the pooh does he mean?

You mean all those child murdering pagan children and women?

Europe isn't Christian anymore, but. It is secular. Back in the Medieval Era the Muslims were literally invading and kidnapping people. In today's modern era the secular European government literally invites the Muslims over.

The Muslims that were fought during the Crusades were literal soldiers. The Muslims that were killed in that shooting were innocent bystanders.

So spare us the sarcasm and tip your fedora elsewhere.

Pagans were best friends with Muzzies. Sold Slav women taken as slaves from Russia to the Muzzies.

So because Europe is not christian, it is noble and just to let muslim ruin it. This is why christians are ultimate traitors.

No they weren't, crusaders didn't only fight soldiers, they raid, rob and rape as well.

Actually, vikings did their fair share of killing muslim as mercenaries, but other pagans such as ancient Sassanids fought the biggest war against muslim.

I’m glad that you posted that, but I also kind of regret reading it. This guy wasn’t stupid, he seemed to be pretty smart and kind of funny in some places too. I think I probably would have liked hanging out with him (minus the homicides obviously), and there’s a lot of truth in what he writes unfortunately. The thing that’s missing however, is hope, he gives lip service to hope that Whites will rise up, but it’s a blackpilled, backhanded hope. This is what happens when you see things through a purely material lense. There is a God, a Redeemer, and Hope. I know, because before I was breadpilled I used to think in similar ways, not as far as this guy of course, but closer than your average normie. If you see things in a purely material way, you don’t see the actual Hope of Christ, you just see the judgement of the European Lamb that’s strayed from the flock and is being devoured by wolves. It’s a bleak and angry place, I get it, but it’s hopeless life despite his attempt at an upbeat, funny tone. I hope everyone else prays for this guy even if he is in Hell, it’s still an act of mercy for one of God’s creatures who let the evil in the world eat him up bit by bit.

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Then again this tigger will probably praise BASTE CHARLESMAGNE when he massacres those filfthy saxons.

You can write God you Jew.

Where are the proofs that he killed himself?
OP is a retard.

But I won't, because winnie the pooh g*d, desert demon.

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I’ve literally never done that. I’ve made fun of Pagang for being gay and annoying and getting their trees chopped down, but I’ve never celebrated Charlemagne. It’s a real, real bad situation that Whites are in right now, but I’ve never seen how returning to paganism would solve anything(if it would ever happen, it won’t btw). If paganism was as popular as Christianity, it would just get subverted too, there’s a ton of anti-racist pagan groups, but you knew that already. I’m not black or brown or yellow either.

winnie the pooh you kike.

Returning to paganism would literally solve everything considering how pagans treated jews (the burning of the temple and the enslavement of them).

Daily reminder that despite all the bullshit against "pagan", christians are okay with jewish ghettos, jews in the church, jews in the Court because apparently, g*d protect them.

This is a stupid rationalization and you know it. It literally doesn't matter if it's literal fire and brimstone or not, the fact non-christians will suffer forever and ever according to your ideology. FOREVER. Put that inside your head and take responsibility.

God created humans because he wanted too. He created humans knowing about their future. It's 100% his fault, and it's disgusting to believe that.

Explain the context then, lol.

Thinking CHILDREN shouldn't be murdered is an atheistic value, Jesus.

This guy will end up in Valhal.

Not hell, not heaven, but Valhal, like all sons of Odin.

valhalla doesn't exist, it is an invention of nordic poets

Yes it does, it is the home of the braves where they live forever until Ragnarok.

more poetic invention, why would heaven end in hell?

Ragnarok is not hell, it is the final battle where things begin anew.

Hell exists, and it is below Midgard.

so you're basically an edgy hindu?

The what?

Every myth has its doomsday and rebirth.

Greek mythology: the end day where titans rebel and zeus and hercules fight them.
Egyptian: the return of Orisis and the living dead.
Nordic: the giants attack Asgard along with Loke's bastard children.

the nordic end-game is clearly reincarnation, what's exactly the difference besides the valhalla interlude?

To prepare for the final battle, we need warriors.

In fact, this is the reason why Zeus/Athena/Apollo create so many heroes.

Yep it's just all his fault we didn't possibly do anything to end up in this situation.

And yes Just war theory still exist and God has laid this down. And i say Atheist ethics because that's what the belief entails. That pain and death are the worst things in this universe and have to avoided at all cost. And the Church has commented on this yes they are Evils but not the highest. You're not thinking cleary. Get out of the normie world view. But but killing people is wrong,,,, just ,,,, just because. That's so wrong duuuudee. I'd say go check out Lewis's Article on Pacifism where he shows. No civilization in history has ever supported pacifism. From the Ancients to Medieval Christianity. It's only once you get into the enlightenment/Humanism do you start to see these radical doctrines pop up. As for the context of that verse, i believe that may be one of the periods when old testament Israel fell into various pagan faiths that involved Human sacrifices, Sodomy, Etc. But not to sure, as to be honest finding in depth lectures from proper orthodox world view is hard enough to find. The only one i've found so far was Father Seraphim Rose's lecture on Genesis where he lays it out perfectly. But Again. Thy will Be done, not my will. That's the first step.

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Their actions are forgiven because it is an act of war not murder

a) ignore the cringy circular logic pagan troll;
b) the shooter accomplished jack shit.
Doesnt fall under just war, suicide is the biggest sin, and he should have fought wahhabi influencers and saudis, instead of this crap.

In better news:
Daesh getting exterminated

Praise the Lord and let His will be done!
Non nobis domine
Ave Christus Rex

The muslims are a problem that the established government refuses to recognize and forces the common folk to take action into their own hands.
I can't condone mowing down defenseless women and children, but this was inevitable.

You are still talking about the symptom here. The real problem is, always was and always will be JEWS, and we have to go back to some kind of "Sicut Judeais Non" again.

Except Julian the Apostate was literally the first shabbos goy and tried to rebuild the temple.

Considering we literally have child murdering pagan women and children right now…

Agreed. But as long as the governing powers refuse to take care of the problems, things like this will continue to happen.

Well of course, Dr. E.Michael Jones did an entire video telling the Jews exactly that….The fact that the ADL is responsible for the Synagogue Shooting because of their constant draconian censorship.

The more I see about this guy, the more I like him.

fag detected, stop jerking off to pornography

Except that's wrong. Read Dante's inferno.

Like his message.

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So it is okay to kill them? Okay.

Except Titus is the one who burned down the temple, and Julian did so to prevent the Empire into turning into Goyianity.

Yep, draconian censorship is what makes people hate jews.

Jesus christ.

Dante's Inferno is literally fanfiction.

Wow, another le baste anti-racist anti-semitist dude?

Is this the new Jordan Petersein?


Jews are resented for being antithetical to Christ. Instead of being forgiving, benevolent, and merciful, they're vindictive, selfish, and merciless. You'll notice their behavior if you're attentive to it.

Christ forgave his persecutors who wanted to execute him. In contrast, Jews want to imprison people for placing "It's Okay to be white" posters.

Julian built the temple so that the jews can shut up about it.

Meanwhile, now they actually build the temple, what are christians doing about it? Oh yeah, jubilee.

Christ is a jew, his followers are jews.

This makes no sense.

No, Jewish Behavior is what makes people hate Jews.
Jewish Draconian Censorship is what makes people violent because they can't talk about the Jewish problem.

Peterstein is a controlled opposition who never names the Jew and even finds some kind of crypto-racial argument of superior "IQ".
EMJ is the contrary.

Yeah! That'll teach those jews to mess with us!

False, not talking about the Jewish problem is not what makes people angry, it's about NOT SOLVING the jewish problem.
EMJ is the exact same controlled opposition who denies racial characters.

You're descended from Christians so you're a jew now.

Giving the jews the 3rd temple is not what they want.

The jews want the dominion of the roman empire, which christians give it to them.

I'm a vietnamese, I'm not descended from any christian.

Nice try, jew cuck.

It makes no sense if you don't know anything about Judaism nor Christianity. Jewish people deny that Christ practices Judaism since he follows the OT/Tanakh+NT as opposed to the Tanakh+Talmud.

Again, Christ is a jew, and jews converting to his sect do not stop them from being jewish.

inb4 christ is magic and can override DNA