Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: Saint Jerome.jpg (503x640 56.89 KB, 128.62K)

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Quick rundown on the conflict?

What am I looking at? I'm not Catholic.

But I'll say off the bat that Catholics have an unsettling knack of disembodying the divine a lot (such as the Sacred Heart like what it seems like in the pic.. or how they view the Eucharistic adoration outside of Jesus command to "Take, eat..").


Ah, something I'm slightly familiar with then. Just not that artwork (sacred heart imagery wasn't even used in St. Jerome's day).

St. Augustine was definitely right on this (although he used a pretty poor Old Latin translation himself.. but at least the base texts it used were the LXX). The LXX is now even more vindicated than in their day, because of Qumran, and that we've discovered much of the base Hebrew text the LXX was similar to. Jerome unfortunately didn't know of it. He was sincere in wanting to go back to original texts and thought he could create something like the LXX for Latin, but he's only as good as his sources. Same goes for the KJV or whatnot.

It saddens me that it's taken this long for the non-Eastern church to acknowledge the importance of the LXX. Or that they actually trusted Jews before the Church… as if the latter was more worthy of suspicion and tainting things. One step in an Orthodox church and you'll see how much they revere the holy scriptures. There's been no justification in treating them as careless stewards. Rabbis, otoh, come from the same group that killed Christ. And they're the ones without the agenda? They somehow care about the "words" of scripture more… even though they murdered the Word himself? Please.


The Church officially decided on using St.Jerome's Latin Vulgate in the Council of Trent. Although i'm inclined to agree with St.Augustine on this issue, out of the virtue of obedience, I side with St.Jerome

Yep Augustine was definitely right.
Although St. Jerome used an earlier version of the Masoretic text and when in doubt he looked at the LXX sometimes.
Its free from error obviously but the translation would be better with the LXX since most fathers believe it was inspired and its free from Jewish corruption.

Seems like no matter what, the Church makes mistakes…this is worrying me more and more: maybe we all have come to a false faith…

Ok kid