Broke up with my gf. We had premarital sex

I really thought she was the one I'd marry. I lost my virginity to her. What do now? I committed a big sin

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Are you sorry you sinned?

Get yourself to confession if you haven't already, resolve to never do that again, and carry on with a contrite heart.

And pray.

Not actually catholic but I've been thinking about becoming one

I thought I was in the clear because I was convinced I'd be with her forever but now I see how foolish I was. I'm very upset that I did this sin

Pretty gay. I guarantee you while your being a little beta soy boy cry baby bitch she's out getting all types of better cock. Don't be stupid be a winnie the pooh man grow balls and get moving on with life.

you sinned OMG go to priss confess your sins and repent

go back to your gf marrry her and winnie the pooh her pussy good everyday

Saying anything useful here will be difficult given the standpoint I have, but the best advice I can give you is talk to a priest. I'm not just throwing that out there as lame copypasta advice - find the local parish, schedule some time, have a chat. They are generally extremely approachable people.

The fact that you regret doing it means your heart is in the right place. Pray and seek forgiveness.

there is schedule for confessions

just repent and never do it again until you are married then you can winnie the pooh her allday

Its okay brother, we all make mistakes. What matters is you are still alive and more than enough time to repent and try again.

And if you are still on the fence on becoming Catholic, pray the rosary tonight. Mother Mary's prayers will keep you close to God and your heart free from vice. If you still don't notice a change your behavior than you have your answer.

God Love you, OP.

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winnie the pooh

wniiie the fuking pooh

rosary is the anwer

thanks friend. About becoming a catholic, I'm tired of protestantism. Every protestant church I've been to is more like a dr phil self help session than a church. I want something more spiritual but the current state of Catholicism with the pope and all the child abuse scares me away.

All right

catholic is corrupted . participate in Latin mass or Tridentine mass. traditional Catholic. anything after Vatican II is corrupt and pagan

I'll read up on all that. Dont really know what it means but thanks for the advice

Tbh, I was in the same boat. As the previous user said, the Tridentine Latin Mass is really traditional and better than the Novs Ordo Mass.

But not all NO parishes are pozzed. If the region you are in leans (((liberal))) than more likely your NO parish will be pozzed.

nos ordo mass aint for God but directed to people
they mixed in protestantism which is winnie the poohed up

I live in richardson Texas, ill look for a catholic church around me.

I know, brother. Prots winnie the poohed everything up. But these next generations will fix Luther's mistakes.

You trads are pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. We have a guy here in mortal sin and wants to repent and you're worried he doesn't get to Latin mass.. I live in one of the biggest Catholic cities in the US, and there's ONE SSPX church, for example.

You would rather let people live in sin if they don't join your super special club which 4 geezers and some angry Prot converts go to, and can barely be found in a 500 mile radius. If you aren't LARPs, then you simply have a serious issue of priorities. You've completely lost sight of what's important and need to go to confession yourselves.

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Worst thing you can do user.
You broke the seal, now make the deal.
You break it, you take it.

There is a bond you have made with your GF that you can _never_ break off now, no matter if you "break up" or not. Honor her as your wife.

Pray for guidance, but don't be a coward because you amde a mistake: Own up to it.

if he cant, we are not forcing him to as he need to repent.

adviced to go to Latin mass

The SSPX should just begome already.

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*pats pew*

come home to Rome

Calm down
Nobody is condemming him for going to a NO mass.
And not all Latin Masses are SSPX.

Check yourself for any beams in your eye, friend, and keep your anger in check. It's not good for your soul.

I cant marry her. We're opposed in everything, she's 100% pro abortion, gay rights, tranny stuff. She said after the fact that if she was pregnant shed abort the child

Thank God you lucked out and not married that Jezebelle.

This is like the 5th time I've seen a post like this and it's always "My girlfriend who is pansexual" or "My girlfriend who is pro-choice" Why the heck do so many "Christian" men get into relationships with these ungodly women?

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Forgot to put ETC after

Well, good riddance for you
That is no woman, a women that would abort your child is your enemy, it is the killer of your children
Would you marry someone that goes to your first-born son and slits his throat?

Welcome to liberalism, where you can't forcce women to marry the guys they had sex with.
Congratulations! This is where nominalism and strict legalism got you.
You played yourself.



Out of desperation, I believe. Nearly all authentic Christian women get swept up during high school or college, and for the few gems that aren't, you just have to get lucky in meeting one.
That's the vast majority of Christian women today, and if you're anything less than a 6/10 in terms of looks, then they are your only realistic choice. It's still no excuse to settle for a woman who's like that, however. Thankfully, I've had the strength to turn down several women who fit that description.

I've had no luck with church girls, it's almost like they're just there to virtue signal.

The university makes women unfeminine, prideful and fills their head with liberalism. Feminism is the sin of pride.

Never marry a college girl unless she has humbled herself before you.

Even in high school many of the girls are fallen and depraved.

There is nothing wrong with celibacy and the single life if God is calling us to that. Read 1 Cor 7.

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Cant speak for other people, but i thought i could change her, as she believed in God and was "christian". When i found out she was pro-choice i was already "in love" with her, and worried for her for holding such views, and was constantly worrying for her soul. But i was terrified when i was speaking to my girlfriend that if we had sex she would abort my child! i imediatelly tried to change her mind, and i thought she really had changed her, as she didnt have objections to what i've said. But when after we broke up, one day we were arguing she mentioned how i was trying to force my views on abortion on her, what a winnie the pooh sham. I didn't have sex with her, thank GOD.

Don't sweat over the novus ordo / tridentine mass discussions. What matters is both are in communion with rome and both have valid sacraments. Confession plays no part in this anyway and you can see any priest for it

We really need to start teaching boys how to be men again, how to be husbands in the original meaning of the word. Just as the term animal husbandry means to domesticate animals, women too must be domesticated, and boys need to be taught to do this.

There is something very wrong with your brain

Thanks for reminding me…

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most young women are clay, you can mold them however you want to pretty much, just dont choose someone compromised like non-virgins

Hey buddy with all due respect let’s keep it together, alright?

How long ago was it?

Are you Orthodox? I can see those women having high standards. More often than not, women go to church for emotional support, to chat with their circle of friends, or to attract a "good" man (tall, fit, handsome, full head of hair, lots of hobbies, etc.)… at least, that's been my past experience in Prot churches. I'm a candidate in the RCC right now, and don't know what Catholic women are like.
Indeed. Some of the freshman and sophomore women at my college aren't completely corrupted, and there was one I recently had my eye on (nothing special; tall, average looking brunette with a bubbly personality), but I found out she has an 8/10 boyfriend. I notice her friend (short, average looking brunette with glasses) stares at me during class, so with any luck, she's Christian, single, and interested… but enough about that anyway. Women drive me nuts sometimes.

Sorry for the blackpills, my friend. With the current state of affairs, that's all I have on offer.

I begome Orthodox from RCC.

Idk about high standards, but there are certainly more Gatholic gurls than Orthodox in the USA. I'm visiting Russia though and not sure what to expect there.

My old RC novus ordo church was very liberal, feminist, modernist. I wonder are there church girls at these SSPX or sedevecantist masses?

You're not supposed to know what it means, it doesn't matter. The traditionalist larp pushes people away from faith.
not to say traditionalism is bad, but this shit is getting really tired