Statue of Mary crying in Sri Lankan church

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Lord have mercy.

Okay, Papists, what did you do this time to make Mary sad again?

i don't want to offend papists but all that involves the catholic church is fulfilled by sin
this new can't be more fake and i say it without madness or hatred

Somethin' ain't right there, son.

For those with faith, no evidence is needed.
For those without faith, no evidence will suffice.

i have faith

i want too help papists

She is crying because prots keep calling her a sinner as well as the bombings.

You're not helping anyone by pointing out the speck in their eye. All you're doing is being an asshole - something Christ never was.

given my opinion with love

That's not love.

who are you to say i don't love my neighbor? i love catholic people and try to drag him out of those cathedrals

You don't change someone by insulting them and denigrating them. You catch more flies with honey, etc.

the truth is not an insult and it doesn't mean denigration , all the opposite!

I've yet to see you speak truth. All you do is insult Catholics. If you have truth, speak it.

to say don't adora or venerate maria is not an insult to say catholic church say repetitive sayings instead of really praying is not an insult. I am evangelical, my duty is to fight against false teachings

Don't talk trash if you don't want to get bashed.
Do protestants refuse to believe in miracles?

Pick one
and don't forget to die for israel goy

So, you don't believe in "pray without ceasing"? How many times a day do you say the Our Father? That's not "repetitive" to you? It's only when Catholics do it that it's "vain repetitions"? Do you actually know anything about Catholics or do you just regurgitate Jack Chick?

That doesn't give you the right to act like a moron who doesn't understand theology.
Even the baptists understand theology and the workings of God.

you definitely don't want to accept the truth, a truth i don't impose to you, this is my love

So, you can't answer any questions posed to you. Alright, Mr. Chick. So be it.

You state falsehoods and roleplay.

The thing is, bud, we have already accepted the truth of our lord & savior Jesus Christ and rejected the man made traditions of people like Luther and Calvin.

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She cries because the video is filmed vertically.

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You'd think people would think twice before reviling the Judges' Mother.

So what is the honest explanation of this from my anonymous internet friends. Do you all believe there's some divinity in this statue or that it's staged?

no idea. There has been no investigation, only some video. I don't know if there are natural explanations of this, if some knowledgeable user could tell us more or point something out, i would appreciate it.

Just a reminder to all:
There is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church.

Haven’t we been over this?

If you don't want to offend and you want to help, you should stop using that slur.

faith is fundamentally based on trusting a source. People only come to trust a source based on evidence or on someone else's word.

Why is catholicism so prevalent on 8ch?

Because it's the truth

Because there's more Catholics than all the tiny schismatic denominations combined?

All of this is fundamentslly wrong
Soft methods fail to work on stronger personalities.

Sonis anyone going to provide evidence that they’re human tears, or is it just the leaking toilet incident again?

Beat me to it
Don't get me wrong; I want a miracle to happen and to see the Glory of God made physical in this age of sin. However, buildings from this part of the world are not exactly known for their structural integrity and cleanliness.

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