What a wonderful sermon lulz

What a wonderful sermon lulz

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I agree with him on the point that the dude lacked morals and behave a jackass.
But on the other hand, why people here pay so much attention to him?

he's the meme pastor we need but not the meme pastor we deserve

I'm not even Baptist or Protestant, but I appreciated his film on Zionism. He even quoted St. John Chrysostom! It was refreshing to see that sort of fearlessness in evangelical circles (truly admirable fearlessness would be what the Syrian and Iraqi Christians deal with on a daily basis though, due to Zionist wars).

Pastor Rick Wiles is miles better than Pastor Anderson on this point

So have you got any other decent speeches of him?

Yeah, he posted one about Christmas

Ah, I ran across something from him once. About evangelical and Israeli Kabbalism "allies". Is that the same vid? Sad stuff.

Redpill me on Pastor Rick Wiles.
Is he as crazy as Anderstone?

Sounds very mormonistic to me.

People need to be kicked out of church more often. If this happened to fags and feminists, we'd have no problems. But preachers today are too worried about that new car or boat so they want as much "offering" as they can get.

If I recall, he's just some general evangelical. He was part of CBN (Pat Robertson's network) and lost faith in them once he saw the Zionism up close.

Rick Wiles is not Mormon.

Yep, here his testimony from 1998

TruNews is the world’s leading news source that reports, analyzes, and comments on global events and trends with a conservative, orthodox Christian worldview. Our vision is to build a global news network that provides a credible source for world news, events, and trends while giving respect and honor to Christians of all major denominations — Evangelical, Orthodox, Anglican, Catholic, and Protestant.

We believe Christians need and deserve their own global news network to keep the worldwide Church informed, and to offer Christians a positive alternative to the anti–Christian bigotry of the mainstream news media.


Attached: logo.jpg (900x900, 107.62K)

It's a bit vague, but regardless, I have no issue with a man who calls the world to repentance.

Whiny Xers.

That moment when the old man suggests praying for the man instead of public humiliation and "Pastor" Anderson kicks him out

Anderson is being no less contentious and unbiblical. Did he confront him privately? Did he take two or three witnesses? He certainly didn't give him a chance to repent when he took it before the church, better to just shame him publicly.

Anderson has a habit of confronting people publicly, in front of everyone. I wonder if he would act differently were he not standing at the pulpit, with a bunch of people mumbling with him in agreement.

LOL, seriously?

Did you watch the entire video? I don't understand what's vague about Rick Wiles' testimony

Attached: 03bb716abf38e13ee010c641cb7a6db48dd5d56a7ba6ff17c93c7105ffef327f.png (1691x1691, 1.31M)

That was me. My IP changed.

You're asking me to accept his visions about destruction and war (which war or where isn't clear). There isn't much to go on here, een to him.. just images. I'm fine with him being awake to the truth about Zionists though and God's demand for repentance. That much is true, and the important thing.

Amen, brother.

I bet Anderson skipped Matthew 5:39