Who created the creator ?

One of the most common christian arguments to debunk the godless theory of the creation of the Big-Bang, is to say that "what is, cannot come from what is not". In other words, it is absurd to say that "atoms formed" out of nothing and yet from itself, and that those atoms exploded and created the universe…And thus, there must have had a creator, a God which created the universe, or created those atoms if you stick to this specific theory.
It's a very convincing argument against atheists Darwinism…But the next logical question is: Who created the creator? Who create God? Did God come from itself? If so, how could he have been created from nothing and yet from itself? Is there a creator of the creator? And if so, who created the creator who created the creator ?
We can continue like that at the infinity…
Is it the point that we have to just have faith in God? Because I'm ok with that, but I wanted to know if there is a rational explanation to the creation of God. What we are sure, with the argument used above to debunk the theory of the Big-Bang, it is that we have the certainty that there is a cause, that there is a creator to this universe…Which we call God. But who created God and who or what is the creator of all the creations ? Is it the same God that we are talking about ?

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web.mnstate.edu/gracyk/courses/web publishing/aquinasfiveways_argumentanalysis.htm


pick one:

- modern materialism/rationalism
- God

God made us rational creatures. We are no animals, he gave us reason,he gave us rationality, he gave us free will. That doesn't mean that we don't believe in him, quite the contrarily.


God is more akin to 'natural law' or metaphysical concepts like numbers, than any kind of concrete entity that has definite starting/ending points for its existence.

For example, what created numbers? Humans discovered the concepts of quantity and numbers at some point, but it would be silly to say we "created" the value of 2 for example, because 'two-ness' simply exists whenever there is more than 1 of something. Similarly, God simply exists because it is implied by our own existence.

A turning point for me was when I was grappling with the idea of love. How can God be love? Love isn't physical, and then it hit me that God can be comprised of things that to us are merely conceptual, but are actually have very real substance.

Where are all these 14-year old brainlets coming from? Also to have the audacity to post a book without apparently having read the Bible

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How does a timeless being gets created before time?

God is not part of creation. God is outside of creation. It wouldn't make sense otherwise.

God is beyond creation due to Him being unbound by almost all concepts of our universe (i.e. creation). He exists somewhere outside of space and time, as both were created at the beginning. It's difficult for us to wrap our heads around the concept of an immutable, 'uncreated' eternal yet timeless being(s) because we're pretty limited compared to the immense complexity of creation and it's wonders, let alone an omnipresent, omnipotent, and omni-loving God.

The big bang is basically using important sounding words to say it just happened.

What part of "I AM THAT I AM" do you not understand?

Time only exists because events occur after another in a chronological order. Prior to creation, there were no events, and hence no time. Therefore it's perfectly conceivable that God was the only thing in a state of being before and at the inception of the universe. "Who created God" implies there was something that existed before God that could have given rise to him on an eventual basis, which is not a Christian belief at all.

That's a good argument.

God wasn't "created", God always existed. He never created himself, he wasn't born from chaos. He just was. Always. He has no origin.

You mean that he is eternal. There are no movement in eternity.

Exactly. It's like asking if there's a bigger number than infinity. The question itself just indicates a misunderstanding of the concept.


It's not the next logical question. Well, rather, it is for the retarded fedoras that do not understand that at some point you need an uncaused cause, something that is fully actual without potential, etc etc. And that is known by everyone as God.

What si that even supposed to mean?

I wonder what the word God means
pro tip, God is the One who was, who IS and the one who will always be. "I AM WHO I AM" in other words God is the Absolute Being. Without him nothing is. Only creatures have a Creator.

How the winnie the pooh did atheists worked this one out?
The Big bang theory destroyed every atheist physicist back there.
Even Einstein said Father Lamaître's physics was atrocious.

"atoms formed". There you have it.

When atheists don't get past high school physics but LOVE SCIENCE LMAO

Erm, this guy would like to have a word with you

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People really need to stop linking to us in leddit threads.

God is not contingent on anything else to exist. God is the non-contingent ground of contingent existence. His very nature is fully actualized being. Read the writings of Edward Feser (Aristotle and Aquinas) for a better explanation. There is no problem of infinite regress because there is nothing to suggest everything necessarily needs a cause to exist i.e. God.

Well, wouldn't atheists use the same argument to say that the first atoms were not contingent on anything else to exist ?

except that their existence was contingent on the big bang

If something created God, he wouldn't be God. To assume that God has a creator would assume that there is greater than God, which there is not. God IS the creator.

Caring about such things is big gay. Accept that you are not in control.

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Think about it… why doesn’t God have a creator?
Well… what is God’s name?
God IS. That is his definition. And from IS came everything else.
You just have to be BigBrains to understand this.

Two paths to look at this:
1. The creator existed before time itself therefore makes the question null and void since it would require a time when the creator didn’t exist and would reduce the ultimacy of the being that supposed to lord over all things
2. If believe time is eternal and have no problems with it then you can apply that to the creator

Seriously I thought these brainlet questions were over by now

No because that would have obvious implications for physics if we had eternal inviolable atoms floating around

This. And modern physics is still compatible with the belief in God. I especially like arguments 1 and 3 St. Thomas Aquinas makes.
web.mnstate.edu/gracyk/courses/web publishing/aquinasfiveways_argumentanalysis.htm

its because of the NZ Shooter, all of the news outlets have been name dropping Zig Forums

Oh please

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See pic related. Look specifically at the metaphor of the boxcars. Each boxcar in the train is moving because the boxcar in front of it is pulling on it. The whole train of boxcars is moving because the engine is pulling on all of them. It's silly to ask, "Well, what's pulling on the engine?" because the engine is not like the boxcars. The engine is unlike the boxcars because it contains within it the ability to pull itself. It's sort of like that with God. God doesn't need to proceed from anything, because He is unlike all created things, because He contains within Him the ability to proceed from Himself.

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Sorry to bother, but…do you happen to have the one with the "back and forth" of rebuttals? That was even more interesting.

NZ shooter is a freemason.

God is a human description for nature. Humans created religions by exploiting the laws of nature, and exchanged them with the lie that are the laws of man, to control other humans. By going against the laws of nature humans committed the original sin, lost their purpose of being creators and became parasites to their own ecosystem.

It's not that God was created.
He IS the THRUTH absolutely nothing can exist
or will make sense WITHOUT HIM.