Why would God make Satan and demons to deliberately temp people to do evil and posses them? Isn't man's free will to choose evil or good by itself enough? Why make something that pushes them to sin?
Why would God make Satan and demons to deliberately temp people to do evil and posses them...
Well, He respected the free-will of both humans and angels according to Thomas Aquinas. Part of omni-benevolence includes not forcing your will on your creations.
Why would people reject Jesus Christ and deliberately hate God and listen to Satan's lies? Isn't man supposed to be the perfect one and God the one who messes things up? Why should we bend towards God's Will?
It was the Devil's choice whether or not to defy God, same as with the rest of the hosts who followed him. It may eventually be their choice to return, but angels tend to be fixed in their behavior.
In a way everything is inherently possessed by God. He’s the one who wrote the big plan after all. Your body, your will, everything that makes you unique can all be traced back to God. You’re only along for the ride.
Mate, there are so many things that push you to sin on earth, what makes demonic possession different? Its actually a great wake up call if anything.
To get a demon you need to sin in first place anyways.
laugh here
I want off this ride.
Genuinely curious, any idea why they have the ability to possess?
Damn, I thought about that too, being in God's cringe compilation.
We all do. The point of the Good News is that we will exit at a good place. Failure to heed this gets you stuck on Mr Bones' wild ride for eternity.
No, pretty much anyone can get possessed. It's got nothing to do with sins, and it doesn't make you sin. Demons just love terrorizing people. Sins happen when the demons tempt you to sin and you accept it.
Because they're spirits. They can hijack bodies for a while and reside in inanimate objects.
The only correct answer is so that He may be glorified in His demonstrations of power over them.
The fact that God has complete power over the supernatural (forces we can neither fully comprehend nor control) only gives us more reason as to why we should worship and praise Him.
Wouldn't this mean that after we are in heaven for all of eternity wouldn't this mean that it's possible for there to be a second angel who goes rogue like Satan and brings a couple humans down with him?
You clearly didn't read OPs post, which implies that the Devil and his angels were created evil.
Aren't all devils just angels who have fallen into sin and rebel against God?
Its more than our understanding and couldnt be summed up in one semtence. People write full length novels on this user . Its deeper than you and I user.
Nope, free will doesn't exist, at least not in the libertarian sense, because of the Bible:
No, free will does exist in it's purest form, but God being a supreme being has the capability to do incredible things beyond our understanding. This is the being that created the whole universe out of nothing and the whole humanity out of a process that looks like pure coincidence to us.
I disagree
You and everyone else in this thread are mislead followers of "The Spirit known as YHWH." Lucifer "The Light Bringer" is a might bit stronger in power than YHWH himself….yet he is Honest, Truthful, and has a soft spot for mortals. We know him to be a slightly different version of the spirit Prometheus and/or a combination of both spirits into one. YHWH thinks he is so strong because he is cruel to the mortals and can murder and create (((some))) of them at will. I hear that Lucifer and Satan have met Jesus Christ many times when he was not simply a mortal man.
YHWH hates everyone and everything good, green, and beautiful; Lucifer The Most High chose to stop being indifferent because he honestly felt bad for mortal men and the evil that YHWH inflicted upon his (((slaves))).
Lucifer is Christ Himself, heretic.
Yes. And they were not made to deliberately tempt people. They later chose to do so.
Enjoy your vacations.
Fake Juden are so ugly aren't they scumcunt?
I would make a supposition that almost all Spirits maintain themselves in an individual manner. However, lesser spirits often make pacts with mortals who have "reincarnated many times."
YHWH will send you to suffering because he is an evil spirit that is a wannabe God. There are many stronger spirits than he; though they are sleeping or not "here" at the moment.
/\/igger bo-figger.
No its not, according to Classical Theist in embed related
Christ is often referred as Lucifer in Latin prayers. He's the light bringer, the bright morning star.
Baal's maw will change your tune too late.
Sorry, what I meant was does anybody know why God made it so spirits could possess?
No, once angels choose God that's it, they won't switch randomly. Same for Humans I would guess since you worked so hard to get into heaven anyway.
James 1:26
I really want to know if there's an answer to op's question. If free will is inherently good then why does God allow demons and sophisticated propaganda. You can't look at the masses of similar grey blob sheep and tell me they all have a unique unhindered free will.
Give me a single verse in the bible that states that humans have free will.
give me a single verse in the bible that says I can't sell high risk financial securities to my clients for profit in the bible
this is what you sound like
Here we can clearly see God has given us free will. God could have easily forced us to never eat it, but He didn't. Instead He gave us a choice.
I don't think user's denying the existence of choice. I think he's denying there's any possibility to make a completely independent decision. Eve didn't want to eat the fruit until Satan influenced her.
Who here /demon browsing a christian imageboard to corrupt souls/?
Isaiah 14:12.
Very weak argumentation tbqh.
Eve knew better but she allowed satan to influence her. It was her own sin, her own failure that caused the fall, not because God forced her to.
Not an argument
Yet the best way to get rid of a demon is confession.
Because that's just how spirits function?
What is with this board and other boards anyways? A argument like would be seen as persuasive in other boards, while here its "weak".
At the same time, some very weak arguments are propped up.
Because we're attacked by LARPagans that try to subvert us every day.
Do you even understand catholicism.
Seeing as I had a Exorcist doing a sermon on how Priests that heard confessions did "important exorcist work"? Yeah, I believe I understand Catholicism. Very well at that.
You can't be possessed if you're a Christian sweaty…
What's his reasoning behind that? I know an exorcist too and he never said anything like that.
annaliese michel
Because if all sin is forgiven, the demon has no legal hold on the person.
Of course that's not all there is to that, it can get rid of possessions but not all of them, mostly big demons such as the five generals.
Well that's normal, you can't be treated with the whole knowledge of the church in a few sittings, even if the subject is confined to something particular such as exorcism. I don't actually know much either.
You're talking about demonic oppression/obsession friend, not demonic possession. There are many innocent people who got possessed by demons. Those with demonic obsession or welcome demons inside their body will get possessed more easily, but that doesn't mean that those without it can't get possessed. I think you missed a few key points.
Maybe the other boards you browse are filled with retards.
Claiming that man doing evil implies the existence of free will is extremely weak argumentation, in particular when held against "And the Lord hardened the Pharaoh's heart" and citations in the exact opposite direction.
Except that is not at all what the scripture is saying. Pardon my childish ad hominem but it seems the boards (you) browse have bad reading comprehension I blame the public schools.
I'm going to post it again and hold your hand on this one.
You see, friend, what God is doing is giving Adam and Eve (A&E) a CHOICE. A&E had not committed their sin nor did God assume that A&E would disobey Him.
Just so we are clear their choices were as follows:
1) Listen to God's command and live in paradise with Him for all eternity
2) Disobey God and eventually die
Our God is a God of love. You can't love someone if you already planned on killing them at a predestined time. You also can't love someone if you are literally forcing them to love you. Thats why God gave us a CHOICE.
Or maybe Zig Forums, with all its redditors and all the people that don't understand, is the one in the wrong. Who'd been know?
demons got free will too they just use it poorly