Where can I find preachers that actually try to find the truth?
Only person I can find is Steven Anderson.
Where can I find preachers that actually try to find the truth?
Only person I can find is Steven Anderson.
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Why do you need a cult leader to tell you what to think?
Why? The Orthodox Church already has the truth.
*Did but they schismed.
Them's fightin' words.
So… are you asking Rome to defend you from Rome this time?
N-no, you!
Sermons on Sensus Fidelium (youtube.com
Fr. Spyridon (youtube.com
Anderson is babby tier, user. Also a bit too abrasive imo. Check out Sproul and MacArthur.
J Vernon Mcgee
Has a wonderful, soothing voice, and often breaks things down in a way that is very easy to understand.
Easy you Come Home to Rome
look up Dr. Taylor Marshall and Fr. Don Calloway, they are both former prots that found the truth
Calloway was never protestant. His step-dad just happened to be a non-practicing Episcopalian. He was an atheist when he stumbled across some Roman propaganda.
As for this Marshall guy, I can't find anything where he discusses his conversion. I would be really interested to hear about a protestant being converted by theological arguments though. That's a rare find.
if by truth you mean heresy then anderson is your guy
Scott Hahn (forgot which specific denom, but was a Prot)
Jim Staples (was a Southern Baptist, converted to Assembly of God, then to Catholicism)
Cardinal Henry Newman (was an Anglican)
I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
Only a Catholic would think this lol.
The dude knows his stuff
Anderson teaches that homosexuals cannot be saved, which is a heresy. If Jesus Christ's sacrifice was not enough to save every sinner, then Jesus Christ's sacrifice was imperfect. When a sinner is damned, it is because they are reprobate, meaning they never repented in their life.
So yes, Anderson is a heretic.
Romans 1:25-32 says homosexuals are reprobates and that because they refused God so much he gave up on them.
In the past sense (the unrepentant who lived and died fully in their sins); homosexuals that repent of their sexual sins and live a chaste life can be saved.
to say otherwise, is to say that Jesus Christ did not, and could not die for all sins, and that His Holy Blood was not enough to save all people
That would be true with other sins but once a homosexual is a homosexual they are officially reprobate
no, they are officially reprobate when Christ damns them to Hell for eternity for their unrepentant sins.
Once a murderer is a murderer, are they officially a reprobate?
Once a thief is a thief, are they officially a reprobate?
Additionally, living a chaste life after formerly living an illicit and immoral life is the definition of repentance, is it not?
God gave them over to a reprobate mind.
Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
I mean maybe they don't officially become damned until death but they have no choice but to live on earth as a reprobate because God gave up on them. Once reprobate the laws of sinning/being saved don't apply. You're not a human.
That's the same thing.
Then no sinner can be saved.
I thank God you and Anderson are wrong.
It's one thing to call out the complete degeneracy here, but you're equating with the unforgivable sin (contempt of the Holy Spirit). It's bad, but it isn't that bad.
God hasn't given up on us. It says that God turned homosexuals into reprobate because he gave up on them. They aren't human.
It says homosexuals are rejected people
It was the curse given for rejecting God and false idols. They became gay for breaking the first commandment and God's greatest commandment said by Jesus. They did blaspheme. The entire OT especially judges is about how people that reject get punished. It hurts God when you don't worship him.
Yes, and some have repented and did just that. Rejoice in God's power! And idolatry isn't the unforgivable sin - Jesus said it specifically to Pharisees, who weren't idolaters. Jesus himself said they sat in Moses' seat. Their sin was calling the work of the Holy Spirit evil.
You have to understand.
People can repent
These are people that God gave up on. He gave them chances but they never repented.
You cannot know who this is, just as you cannot know who is damned. God knows the reprobate, just as He knows His Elect.
God loves all sinners, and calls all to repent. Nobody is given up until Christ declares them reprobate at Judgement.
Peter Kreeft too
OP you're retarded. Steve Anderson is a winnie the pooh lunatic.
OP here
Completely forgot you're all Catholic lol
I'm surprised the thread hasn't been deleted.
W.A. Criswell preached straight through the entire Bible, cover to cover weekly on Sundays at first Baptist dallas
Trad Catholic my whole life.
Have been listening to eurofolkradio.com
alot now. They really get into the Greek and Hebrew of the bible and use external literature from the Greeks and early church to back it all up. Very eyeopening.
Listen to these two podcasts.
In The Name Of Yahweh – Part 1 (The Book Of Esther; The Missing Books Referred To In The Bible; Misleading Bible Translations; The Catholic Church; The First Reference To Christians In The Bible; The Difference Between The Creation Of Man And The Creation Of Adam.)
In The Name Of Yahweh – Part 2 (The End Times; Eve’s Punishment For Having Sex With Satan; The False Gods; Feminism – Part 1.)
In the Name of Yahweh
Download the free Audio book and then
Listen to (In the Name of Yaweh - parts 1-15) where they explain it all
13 more parts here, Following along with my TS2009 and Lexham Septugent is really opening my eyes alot.
Is he actually finding the truth though? Or just creating controversial drama?
The job of a pastor isn't to "find the truth" but to preserve and teach the truth that the Church inherits.
Nah, Pastor A. knows the Bible inside-out, he is incredibly based.
Sure, for a heretic
You're a lukewarm bitch if the first pic bothers you
Probably Catholic lol where you can just make stuff up like the pope
Just read your Bible.
Well doesn't he livestream all the time? So why don't you just watch his livestreams. You don't have to attend him in person, not like you are getting sacraments from him or anything.
lol @ beta mods who can't handle bants
What's strange is a scriptural rebuke of catholicism doesn't get banned, it gets deleted. That's so they can hide it. Those are the ones they are scared of.
>>>/christianity/ for no censorship