What is your favorite Christian motto?

What is your favorite Christian motto?

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Initium sapientae timor Dei

John 3:16, John 14:6, or good’ol Revelation 3:9

Ave Christus Rex
Hail Christ the King

Gott mit uns

gas the kikes
race war now

Sic Deus Pro Nobis, Qui Contra Nos



That's not very charitable, user.

Not exactly Christian, tbh…

I hope without the Pagan undertones of the National Fascist party.

You know Gott mit uns was the motto of the Prussian nobility far far before the fascist party took over Germany, right?

Deo Vindice

Christus Vincit.

But I like those too. As well as

In hoc signo vinces

Cristo Vence

Quo Vadis

Lux Lucet In Tenebris!

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Job 1:21
Jeremiah 17:7-8

acknowledged for being the only one

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Memento mori (remember (that) you will die)

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Why do you even internet?

"God first served!"
From pic related

Attached: Joan of arc.jpg (1111x1358, 231.65K)

Hello, fellow Southern Baptist.

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CathAnon double saluting

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I LOVE St. Joan of Arc. She's so cool honestly

Ora et labora

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Christianus mihi nomen est, catholicus vero cognomen

Nam et si ambulavero in valle umbrae mortis, non timebo mala, quoniam tu mecum es. Virga tua et baculus tuus, ipsa me condolata sunt.

If you spoke a latin based language it would be easier,

not LARPagan pls no buly

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May God Bless My State

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Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris.

God bless that state. May they gain favour with God if such a law is passed.


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God became man so that men could become gods.

Google translate is hard to use isn't it?

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Beat me to it damn it.

¡Viva Cristo Rey!

Deus Vult
Deus Vult
Deus Vult
Deus Vult
Deus Vult



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Vade retro Satana! Nunquam suade mihi vana! Sunt mala quae libas. Ipse venena bibas!

The South will rise again !


lex orandi, lex credendi


Lex injusta non est lex.

Charlie Manson died for your sins.

Trust in God, but carry a spare tire.

Men don't become gods. That's new age bullshit bro. Don't get sucked in.

Divinization/theosis. Men become gods in the sense that we become perfect and immortal through our Lord Jesus Christ, not in the sense that we become "Gods".


I like coffee and I like tea but I dont like tiggers. No siree.

But tiggers are wunnerful things.
Their tops are made of rubber, their bottoms are made out of springs.

Nice strawman.

New age has corrupted the meaning of things, to the point now where we can say "men become gods" and then shrug it off when called on it, and say it means something else.

Novus ordo seclorum

In God we trust, all others pay cash

We can't expect God to do all the work

Sic Semper Tyrannis
The South will Rise Again Dixie Two: This time, we’ll be running the Underground Railroad ourselves

Kill them all and let god sort them out.

There are no atheists in foxholes.


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Ephesians 4:26

Non Nobis Domine


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Thats the weirdest christian motto ive ever heard.

They must belong to one of those new Neopentecostal churches.



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