I have a question:
who is considered a heretic? is every type of protestantism heretical? or is it only the wierd american ones? (LDS, JW and etc)
im a normal Norwegian lutherian, would you consider me a heretic?
Who are heretics?
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sry somthing wrong with my internett.
did not mean to post 3 threads sry
Luther was a heretic no doubt, and protestantism is heretical. I wouldn't consider all protestants heretics, because they were simply brought up with it and don't know any better, but there's still erroneous consequences of protestantism's heresies.
Of course mods had to delete the other threads… I'll say again what I said.
A "heretic" is someone who claims to be a Christian but believes in false doctrine. This being said, "hairesis" means "to choose" or "that which is chosen", so strictly speaking a "heretic" is someone who knows of the true Christian doctrine and consciously chooses to reject it and to belong to a parallel sect, while considering himself to be the one teaching the truth.
However, many Christians today who don't have the true faith don't actively fight against the true faith, they simply are born in a doctrinally wrong sect and may not even be aware of what the true Christian faith is. Therefore, the term "heterodox" (meaning "different worship/faith") has been preferred in recent years to refer to such people.
But whether one calls such people "heretics" or "heterodox", if you are a Lutheran, then the Catholics and Orthodox on this board will call you this. As for Mormons and Jehova's Witnesses, they're understood by most to be different religions from Christianity. However, they do claim to be Christian, so sometimes they're called heretics too. There is no hard rule on this.
It's good that you reported your duplicate threads, I know how it's like when your net messes up. ;>
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Catholics are heretics since they corrupted the true message of Christ. Thats who. And orthodox are heretics too, since as much as they dont want you to think, their religion is 100% tied to nationality. Its all Roman corruption, every last bit of it.
Just because some folksy people do that doesn't have anything to do with doctrines or any of the canons.. or any patristic father.
Heresy is specifically a doctrinal matter. Not something you swing every time you find fault. Since you're a Protestant (I assume), perhaps you can very well find doctrine you will dispute.. but how about just sticking with that?
To play the devil's advocate (possibly literally), ethnophyletism did get condemned as a heresy by several Orthodox churches.
What is not heresy:
Having differences of opinion on non-crucial doctrine.
Belonging to a different denomination than the One True Church (TM), and I'm not just referring to Catholics here.
Being a non-Christian.
Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Lutherans, Anglicans, Baptists, Assembly of God, Church of God, Presbyterians, etc. are all generally NOT heretics, as they believe the words of Jesus and follow the Nicene Creed. Neither are neo-pagans, atheists, Buddhists, Orthodox Jews, or Hindus, because they don't claim to be Christians.
What is heresy:
Claiming to be a Christian while teaching doctrine contrary to core, Biblical teachings.
Jehovah's Witnesses are heretics because they believe Jesus was a creation of God, despite the opening of the Gospel of John.
Mormons are heretics because they believe God was man and that a man can become God.
Anybody who says "I am a Christian, but I believe there are multiple paths to God," is a heretic because they deny the words of Jesus that He is the only way to the Father and deny the necessity of His sacrifice.
There are some that could be argued either way, too. It's borderline heresy to say the Old Testament doesn't count, for example.
I would argue that those who follow the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed with the "filioque" clause, and do not interpret the original's "from the Father" to mean "from the Father alone", do not follow the Creed to begin with.
Every group who claims to be Christian while holding views contrary to what God wants/taught is heretical. Which is why most churches and doctrines post-Nicaean are heretical-the only way to be truly orthodox is to abandon all artificial traditions in favor of the ones Christ & the apostles teach (Since not only did they could consider what they've written as their sole traditions (although for many, they could only learn through mouth), but also the only ones we can trace to them)
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How is Christianity like in Norway?
Good definition.
Not OP, but it's on a low. I still like it in church though, a lot of nice old people here. I hope that neo-atheism is just a societal phase, but the people's church isn't doing better by accepting wordly trends like gay wedding at church, which alienates conservatives. But oh well, I still like it although I don't agree with the church, and I'm waiting for Jesus to come back.
My point is not to argue about the orthodoxy of the filioque or not (even if my stance is obvious here), but that those who use the clause with the filioque (even if they also accept to use it without) and those who use the clause without the filioque (and who condemn the doctrine) do not really follow the same Creed to begin with.
I recently came back to christianity, so i cant say much about the rest of the church, but the one i go to is nice. I dont go often, (trying to go more) but the times i have been there i have enjoyed myself. the young "woke" people who is pushing politics in to the church dont go to church, so only accual christians are there.
A heretic is someone who refuses to be corrected.