‘Father, please stop’: Parents horrified after priest used teen’s funeral to condemn suicide
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Why did the kid even get a Catholic funeral? Is that normal in Catholicism? People who kill themselves in Orthodoxy do not get a funeral, I thought Catholics did the same thing.
Either way what the priest did was good and it is a grave offense that his diocese is punishing him rather than recognising him as a true pastor of Christ's flock.
suicide is worse than murder
You get the funeral in Orthodoxy too, they don't get the rites. Unless you m an rites by funeral.
lefties are hijacking terms like "compassionate" and twisting their meaning
Nevertheless, since there was a funeral the priest could be more discreet and not make assumptions if the boy is in heaven or not. That's not his job to decide. The parents of the other hand, since they are devout Catholics, should expect something along the lines and not freak out so much.
Not a religious funeral but a civic one, like atheists or people who are burned after death and not buried.
Agreed. In their current state of mourning and being traumatized by not only their son's death, but the circumstances and timing of his death (right before Christmas,) it's understandable that they are not going to exactly be receptive to a priest publicly saying "Your son dun goofed and there's a good chance he's in Hell right now."
I feel bad for the parents, and I agree that the priest might have handled the circumstances with a bit more tact, but I find it hard to blame him, given that he is right. Also, it’s generally Catholic practice not to give funerals to those who die by suicide. I’ve heard of some kind of service for them, but I thought it was understood that the full, proper funeral rites are not given to suicide deaths. So this is a strange circumstance indeed.
And what do you think you are?
Works salvation
And the edgy shill trolls apishly defend some stupid act yet again. That being said the article comes from a known sensationalist source too.
If true I think most people in any age would have probably agreed that it would have been more decent to save such censure for another moment. Which is why the responsible administrators who actually hold the job unlike those defending it made the appropriate decision.
Again assuming it is as the article states, the priest probably has a huge superiority complex. But what can be done? The planet inhabited by billions of people, and of retards there is probably more than one.
Flow of angry trollish screeching incoming.
Pretty much this, doesn't matter if he is probably in hell, especially in his position he should have some tact. Guy is straight retarded if the stories facts are straight.
Good. They shouldn't have had a catholic funeral in the first place. These types of stories always bring out these types of "devout" Catholics. They want all the trimmings to show how great they are but the second even a small amount of actual Catholicism reaches their ears they screech like demons. You wanted to celebrate how he lived and not how he died? Congratulations, he died the same way he lived. A sinner.
It's to little that our eternal resting spots is are candy coated for the weak willed and it should be called into question at all funerals. I will make sure that at mine I will have it brought up that I was a sinner and by the grace of God I'll be lucky enough to land in the bottom most part of purgatory, hoping hell fire doesn't scorch my backside to much.
And what do you think you are?
A sinner. Did you not read the rest of the post or did you get so butt mad that you had to post what you thought was a witty and deep post of yours.
Prime example of pride and anger.
Prime example of a lack of reading comprehension.
I recommend that you go to your priest for confession. You have a lot of anger in you.
I'm "angry" in the same way the poor priest in article is "mean". They are just buzzwords used by the weak willed to get their way. The families hurt feelings doesn't change what their son did, and neither does yours change he the fact you can't read what I wrote.
Go and show what you wrote to your priest. He will tell you that you are infact angry and prideful.
This one. Sorry.
So God bestowed you mind reading powers to tell what my priest thinks.
If saying
is prideful to you I'm glad I'm not taking any advice from you.
So you refuse to show this to him?
I wouldn't mind a bit. Just because your feelings were hurt doesn't mean someone else sinned. Which is also a good lesson for the family in the article. Maybe you should be more prudent and read better before you start jumping to unsupported usumptions.
based priest tbh
He is, but now his whole life will be ruined like the priest who refused a lesbian Buddhist communion. Good priests are always thrown under the bus.
Thought you were joking. Welperino.
HE WOUND UP IN MOSCOW, wow, Wurel don't play
Here's the relevant part of the catechism:
2282 If suicide is committed with the intention of setting an example, especially to the young, it also takes on the gravity of scandal. Voluntary co-operation in suicide is contrary to the moral law. Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide.
2283 We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives.
gee … why is anyone surprised …
I thought it WAS still viewed as such.
It is on /cathodox/ er, I mean, Zig Forums
If anyone needed to know what kind of flowery and saccharine type of funeral people like these expect, read the comments on the families GoFundMe.
I'll boil it down to anyone that doesn't want to bother. Mostly its "it doesn't matter what my family member did, if they aren't in heaven then Gods mean".
The balls on these people to demand he be removed.
Yes, compassion means moral relativistic.
fricking retarded normies. yes, everyone is in heaven. so yeah, don't try to be a good person or be obedient to God or anything, because everyone winds up in heaven anyway. hell, we all might as well kill ourselves to get there sooner!
Why does this not surprise me. I bet if the son was gay and died from AIDS or even a bad run in with the wrong hookup, and Fr. LaCuesta had called him out on that, the exact same thing would happen.
The biggest redpill you will ever realize is when you know “dindu nuffen” doesn’t just apply to black people, but all unrepentant sinners and their condoning families and friends.
I enjoy Schadenfreude as much as the next guy but we should realize it's not healthy.
You know? Being appaled by how lukewarm people are while subconsciously feeling superior because we aren't.
This is the same hidden pride that push people from here (and pushed me) to lurk r/christianity and other liberal christian places.
Let's remember that "many are called, few are chosen" and we are not safe either… neither are our friends and immediate family.
“If we Christians are right in believing that salvation belongs to Jesus Christ, that it does not come from us — and that our hand cannot stop what God allows for us, then yes, there is hope in eternity even for those who take their own lives,” the homily reads. “Having said that, I think that we must not call what is bad good, what is wrong right. Because we are Christians, we must say what we know is the truth — that taking your own life is against God who made us and against everyone who loves us. Our lives are not our own. They are not ours to do with as we please.”
The homily would go on to say, “Nothing — not even suicide — can separate us from the unconditional love of God.”
Yeah, real fire and brimstone homily. I can totally get why they were so scared and disgusted by what the priest said. The bastard should be canned for that.
But really, that was the worst that a rag like the times could come up with you know the whole thing was probably just as mild. If the family couldn't take that then they are thinned skinned grievance mongers.
They also got the kids former high school football coach fired over a just as mild social media post. They want to insinuate the coach was a "bully" to him and I doubt that would go over well with anyone.
And you can certainly take your crap right back to those hell holes if it offends you so.
I was right. His homily was perfectly fine.
In Catholicism, you can do what you want because God loves everybody.
Soon coming to a denomination near you.
I mean, he shouldn't have, really. Well, iirc they are buried separately to Church grounds at the least.
The priest likely felt obligated to explain that it was at most something of an exception, and that suicide is still a sin.
This kid is probably in hell, but the priest could have used a little more tact.
He should've briefly, and clearly left judgement of the man to God before addressing the congregation concerning their state before Him. Most people already have an intuition that suicide is a sin so for the most part they already understand the gravity of the situation. You can't bring the kid back, but you can go minister the love of Christ to his family.
But he did all that. What you're reading is the way the media portrayed it.
You can read the actual homily on
Cool thanks.
Wow, he handled this perfectly.
What a baffling theology. That a sin may be pardonable does not mean its a done deal that it will be pardoned.
It's actually the opposite.
I'm not the one reading buzzfeed-tier articles and making threads about it to feel smug though.
Have a nice day people, and this might interest you
Okay then
Didn't make a thread but this was blasted on every level of the media to punish a decent priest. So if going to bat for the guy is somehow abhorrent to you then I understand why you like r/christianity better.
As an Orthodox Christian, I have to say that homily was more than appropriate. There was literally wrong with what that priest said, and he even dedicated two paragraphs explaining the mercy of God towards those who commit suicide. This is one of many reasons why I'm not Catholic, btw. You people are so quick to condemn decent clergyman I'm honestly surprised there's priests like this left in your Church.
Argue about apostolic succession, or about the titles which are recognized to be required to the church such as "One, Holy, Catholic and Orthodox", or the schism, whatever, but
>I'm not Catholic because most Catholics…
I hate Catholic/Orthodox debates in this board so much.
yeah, thats the whole point of being hardline, so you don't end up fricking your eternal fate up by being a lukewarm. if people are put off by that, then thats their problem. what a horrible post. this is the exact mentality that has gotten christianity to the sorry state its currently in. if people aren't going to submit fully to jesus, then there's no point in lowering the standards for them because they're going to hell anyway. no one is ever helped by lowering the standards, but plenty of people are hurt by it because they don't know how deep they should be dedicated, they are taught that being lukewarm is okay, even by the church itself. being an "asshole" and calling out lukewarms is the best thing you can do for them
I just defended one of your own and, predictably, an autistic Thomist appears, tipping his fedora and frothing at the mouth about theological minutia while your fellow AnCaths burn your traditional Clergy st the stake for daring to preach the teachings of Masonic Church.
*your Masonic Church
We all call God the greatest person but there's still room for disagreement around us, isn't that odd?
Well not at all.
This is far as you can get form Minutia. There is literally no salvation outside of the church.
Lol i love how Catholics call us spergs and yet they embarrass themselves constantly with low-tier reddit shit like this. We're not gonna convince each other over Zig Forums, Mr. Autismo. You know that.
I actually edited that in before I posted because I thought it would make you fall for theological minutia.
what is this called? when you give someone a compliment, but only as a way to disparage them in the next sentence? like if a chick says "you look great in that dress, becky, it totally hides your fat rolls!"
God bless him. I'd be happy to know of more churches with an unflinching priest like this. If he can do that, it's a good sign he can say much more.
I'll accept that polite chastening …
"back-handed compliment"?
That's what we in ozfailia would call it.
Although, a bank-hander is usually more subtle than what you wrote. That would be a full insult.
Pic related
perhaps this one is more obvious
even if they commited suicide, a priest should still pray for them
This is the first I have ever heard of this.
Based priest dabbing on sinners and sinner apologists
What a moron, everyone here agrees he may not have acted with enough tact, but what he said isn't morally objectionable the way it's being portrayed you numskull. Oh but wait, according to it turns out that the homily actually WAS perfectly sympathetic as well, so I'm sure your apology will be forthcoming, correct? I won't hold my breath.
Triggered much?
The criticism was toward the frequent tendency to defend things uncritically such as in the manner it had been described in the OP.
That said you appear to easily overlook the part where my post says the article comes from a known sensationalist source and "assuming it is as the article states".
So yes get your oxygen tank. I'll get mine.
Oh stop pretending. You made that post because you want us to become modernists like Pope Francis. Every time a small-time Priest says something he gets reprimanded, and when the thread defends them you reprimand them too. Meanwhile when we talk about something Pope Francis said the defense force comes out of the woodwork.
There's no good will here, just pure maliciousness and modernism, let me show you:
Because 50%~ our Bishops have been so responsible and heterosexual/chaste, right?
B-but remember I totally don't trust the article because I said so, see I wrote "That being said the article comes from a known sensationalist source too.".
You're just angry because all the modernists are literally dying out due to becoming old and you want Zig Forums to convert quickly.
le everyone who doesn't follow the polarized rhetoric must be a modernist liberal
Also nice reworking of the sentence. Here's the actual word order.
You don't suggest the administration is fully composed of evil anti-Christians trying to keep da good priest down as can similarly be observed being alleged in other instances of bureaucratic controversy elsewhere in the world involving conflicts between the lower stratums and higher ones.
Not to say that the belief of power being prone to being abused may not be true, but it would likely then also have to be true that responsibility comes with it.
While the written homily may seem inoffensive at a glance, you couldn't fully understand unless you had put yourself truly in the shoes of the people who were mourning the loss of their relative at the moment they heard the homily being given, and possibly also without taking into consideration the priest's perspective at the moment also, which even if not ill intended, may have not been useful.
I'm not claiming that you're a modernist liberal, I'm claiming you're a outright jew and you need to leave NOW.
I could write a reply to what you said but you're clearly not interested. I mean who even writes this kind of argument here?
Fr. LaCuesta is going to heaven SPECIFICALLY because of his courage, nothing you can do anymore.
That's a loaded assumption if I've ever seen one.
No one cares. We all know you have no good intentions here. The priest was in the right and the family and people like you are in the wrong. I'd say get use to it but I doubt you have enough self awareness to do so.
Clearly a significant number of people do since the person in question was relieved of funerary duties. Not like he was excommunicated or anything.
There's no argument about your lack of having one.
Oh the shock. People with ill intentions blasted this over the media to persecute a innocent priest.
Like I said the priest was in the right and the family and the likes of you are in the wrong. You can't even argue claiming ignorance anymore and only going on with what the family says happened because the whole homily is out. If anything in it offends you then I doubt you're a christian at all.
This is sick.
Priest should have left his own Church a long time ago.
I dont need an argument if you are presenting no argument to that user's post.
You clearly appear to have an axe to grind since your assumptions about intentions appear to be all over the place and may possibly well be a self projection to an extent.
People undergoing tragedies might not be in the mood to hear certain things in their wake which is why it would be better to reserve them for another occasion as being tactful would imply.
On the contrary, the argument if the post would be somewhat perceivable unless one is perhaps really a brainlet as it implies.
You are quite the annoying person so I hope you can see why someone would not want to argue with you.
Lol pour some water on that fuming mind of yours and get you vision checked.
It's rather your sophist twisting of logic aimlessly that's annoying.
Yes, against anyone who would pull down any good man, let alone a good priest.
Unless you are confusing me with other people, my intentions gave been on point from the start.
Maybe for you bud.
Seems to me the family was never in the mood to hear anything they didn't want. It doesn't matter what has happened, you either listen to what is good and right. If you can't then that's your problem not the person saying it.
you can take your irrelevant and quite offensive opinions and get out of this thread, or board even.
Referred to it as a persecution a moment ago though.
I'll restate my intentions
This is a public conversation. If you can't handle to people not agreeing with you then that seems to be your problem.
No one cares, anyone with half a brain could see this was a frame job. And as time went on it came out it was.
Wild CRYPTO-TURKOMON appeared!
No u
Besides that user isn't wrong and neither was that preist.
The Israelites mocked and imprisioned Jeremiah because he had the bravery to preach the truth, no matter how hard it was going to be to those that heard him. Ye lukewarm catholics ought to be thanking that pastor for telling the truth instead of sugar coating the funeral attendants' ears with comforting lies.
Funny from the someone that complains about being replied to on the cause of others to begin with
Talk about deliria
You can castigate yourself on your own free time pal.
Says the guy accepting the news report uncritically
You also said this.
No I said you were either wrong or confusing me with another poster. If that's to tough for you maybe a place like this isn't your speed.
No need to, because my conscious is clear. If you can't handle the truth maybe being a Christian is too much for you.
Except you did as my post proves
Cept I didn't as my post proves.
And I heard pride was a sin, aside from everyone being a sinner
I think you answer yourself pretty well.