I say we expel all Protesatans from this board. They are heretics and we shouldn't be afraid of them. Instead we need to get rid of them all. Please mods, I am begging you, ban them all.
Expelling Prots from this board
This board wouldn't be Zig Forums anymore though since Cathodox are not Christians.
that's gonna be a yikes for both of you.
You sound like you need a good burning at the stake, heretic. Protesatans are not Christian.
You sound like you need Jesus.
Listen up kiddo and listen well. Domestic terrorism is a mortal sin.
I receive him everyday. But your silly little pretend rituals only invoke Satan, Protesatan.
It's not terrorism, it's fighting for the truth.
Jesus is the Son of God, not the sun of God. Cease your solar worship and accept Jesus as your Lord (Romans 10:9).
You aren't doing your denomination any favours by LARPing as an inquisitor instead of proving all of your points and rebuking protties
I say we expell all pol baiters.
Thanks for proving Protesatans are basically Muslims. Now get out, or be burned at the stake.
Anyone who claims that an established and accepted Denomination on this board is "un-Christian" should be banned/warned.
Catholicism IS Christianity. Protesatanism and Eastern Orthodoxy are just silly little sects.
The sectarianism on this board hurts. We all affirm the creed, as required by rule 3. There is nothing wrong with healthy debate though that has been stifled by the mods somewhat as of late but why are you trying to divide us?
this is a bait thread, I wouldn't be suprised if
were in kahoots.
This board is nothing but Catholics.
Zig Forums = /Catholic/
This board is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
ackshually neither Catholics nor Protestants are Christians
Catholicism and war-mongering, name a more iconic duo.
Islam and Jihad
Why hello there, Schlomo!
Peace among Christians
Protestants are sort of "Christians," but god is not just Jesus. They completely forget about god the father and just blatantly deny most, if not all, of the works of the Holy Spirit, which is why they will go to hell. (blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven)
The time for burning them has passed though, unfortunately. Still, they must be rebuked, and hopefully made aware of their sins so that they covert.
Ironically, this is actually a unification thread. protestants are the ones who divide believers into 30,000 different churches.
Request Denied
We're not, but clearly you are since you want them gone.
You do realize there's a /catholic/, right? If you're so afraid of Prots that you can't stand to share a board with them, then go to a board where they're not allowed.
Why don't you go post on /x/, where all fake mystical worldviews loosely based on the Bible are accepted, you would fit in more over there.
More like a third at most
If you want to be retarded enough to try your own denomination board then go ahead, but people saying "this denomination isn't christian" even though they follow the nicean creed is just lies. I dont calim (most) protestant are unchristian. Take your needless division somewhere else.
Being united with heretics is not a good thing. If Catholics and protestants aren't divided, then Catholicism is just another set of Christianity. You can't be a Catholic and accept protestants as Christians, it's self-defeating. If you think protestants are Christians who will go to heaven then go be one.
Top Kek! It is funny how one church decides to make up their own rules, walk away, but pass the blame on the other 4 churches. Catholics really are retarded.
This is serious. I come to 8ch to look for degenerate porn and then when I see Zig Forums in the fast threads I remember that Christ died for my sins and maybe I should shape the winnie the pooh up.
In the Church itself hierarchy and "better fewer, but better" is the way to go but online a larger flock is better.
(Of course acrimony from pointlessly hostile threads and fake controversies might be a good way to drum up activity, but whatever.)
I hope for a miracle to cure this Cancer.
If a Protestant posted a thread like this or said Catholics need "a good burning at the stake" like OP they would be permanently banned within the hour. This is just another example of the moderators' bias and hatred towards Christians that aren't a part of their sect.
This would be hilarious if millions of Europeans didn't die because of 'muh prot' and 'muh cathodox' autism. But hell, it's still hilarious to see you Christkikes argue like this, while real European men (i.e., pagans) get shit done.. Hail Odin.
And here we have the reason this thread was made, children,
go sodomize your bros.