I'm a traditionalist Catholic who goes to Latin mass almost every day, but recently I've been listening to a lot of Pastor Steven Anderson sermons and I think I'm in serious danger of becoming an independent fundamentalist baptist. It's kind of messing me up. Convince me that Pastor Anderson is wrong please.
Also, why are Catholic priests incapable of giving even one decent 20 minute sermon once a week when Pastor Anderson gives amazing one-hour sermons three times a week?
Is this a thing? Daily mass? I wish I had a church nearby that did traditional mass every day.
Logan Bennett
sermons three times a week?
Joseph Johnson
Why would you be sad about this?
Robert Garcia
The only appeal I see in Anderson is his open statements of political nature. He says what a lot of people have think but won’t say. Maybe you’re getting too caught up in the politics of things. You’re certainly not thinking about Sacraments.
Kayden Bailey
Pastor Anderson's zeal is something that is hard to find, even in "tradcath" Churches–and while it is beguiling, do you think Christ wants His message to be undergirded by fear? Also, are you really willing to change all of your theological views (as you are tradcath) for the IFB beliefs? If you want critiques of Evangelicalism, read Darryl Hart. Sola Scriptura/Sola Fide is going to be very hard for a tradcath to accept, and the criticisms leveraged against it (ignoring Church history and just ripping the Bible out of it–we know that God preserved His Word using His Divine Providence, but if that's the case, how exactly is the canon erroneous? And you also have to realize that Sola Scriptura is a Muslim/Mormon thing…) are fair.
Chase Morgan
you're under the influence of his rhetoric
Eli Rodriguez
The fact that you need to go to latin mass everyday already tells me that you just want to be edgy like sanderson.
David Garcia
How many threads do we need on this guy? Anderson is running a heretical cult. I'd be careful if I were you.
Jason Thompson
I mean, have you not listened to Sensus Fidelium at all?
Jonathan Murphy
What gets to me is the way he thoroughly proves everything from scripture. When Catholics present arguments they quote Popes or Church fathers. They go to the opposite extreme of sola scriptura and don't even bother getting doctrine from the Bible at all.
Also lots of Catholics are like this guy and don't seem to take religion seriously at all, or they mock anyone who is too "extreme" and they NEVER evangelize. What really impresses me about Pastor Anderson is that I believe he 1) believe in God, and 2) cares about all the people who are going to hell. This is more than you can say for most Catholic priests and bishops, including traditional ones. I've never even heard of Catholics going door-to-door to share the Gospel with people. I heard Pastor Anderson call non-soulwinning churches "social clubs that are playing church" and I kind of started to think that Catholic churches might be like that.
Anthony Gray
Even the ones he tells to commit suicide?
Parker Bell
It's just too bad there aren't more Catholics willing to hate homosexuals and other wicked sinners as much as Pastor Anderson, LIKE THE BIBLE AND JESUS EXPLICITLY SAY WE SHOULD DO.
Instead modern-day Christians want to love sin. They get programmed to believe something by TV and then they insist that their priests get up there and tell them the TV is right and the Bible is wrong.
Isaiah Baker
The liberals and Anderson are both wrong, we should be telling them to stop sinning. Not telling them there is no way out.
Jacob James
They're never going to stop sinning if no-one ever rebukes them sharply or punishes them for continuing to sin. When Christians act kind and loving towards homosexuals or adulterers or divorcees, they are actually condemning them to hell. This should be the most basic, easily-understood doctrine imaginable. If Catholics are filled with the Holy Ghost, how come they can't even understand something this basic? It makes me think maybe Catholics are just spiritually dead and baptism didn't actually do anything for them.
Anthony Long
I called it in a different post saying you got too caught up in the politics. Stop falling for rhetoric, you’re desperate for a leader, and it’s causing you to miss why we are we doing what we are doing as Catholics in the first place.
Lincoln Moore
Exactly, so rebuke them sharply for their sins instead of telling them the best thing they can do is kill themselves since they have no hope of salvation.
Joshua Cook
Steven Anderson's politics aren't that radical. He even tells people to stay away from politics. I'm not sure why you think he is political in the first place. Or are you just trying to dismiss criticism of sin as "politics"?
Jordan Wood
As much as I dislike Diamond brothers, their video on Anderson is pretty decent They are capable, but this is not the main focus of the mass. You're going there to receive Christ, not to listen to some old guy screaming at fags. If you want more you can listen to Sensus Fidelium, they have lots of good and long stuff
That's because we don't believe in OSAS, so it's not enough to just approach someone, have them say a prayer and off you go to the next one. You have to convince them to change their whole life for Christ, which cannot be done in one conversation, at least most of the time
Asher Watson
lol, my priest maxes out at 10 mins. OP is definitely fibbing.
Josiah Robinson
Telling them they should kill themselves because they have no hope IS a sharp rebuke. Even Jesus basically told wicked people to kill themselves!
Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Notice he doesn't spew a bunch of garbage about hating the sinner and loving the sin and emphasizing that he still loves child rapists.
This is frankly just an excuse for Catholics not obeying Jesus Christ's command to preach the Gospel. "Oh, the chances of people getting saved from just one conversation are low, so I'm just not even going to try." Complete garbage. You can invite them to church. You can explain to them that Jesus died for their sins. You can give them a list of resources for them to learn more. To the ones who want more than one conversation, you can agree to meet them again to explain more. One conversation is infinitely better than nothing, which is what Catholics currently do.
Jackson Brooks
The context is the sinner leading the innocent astray. When homosexuals do their abominable act, this is a crime they do against themselves and each other, but not against an innocent.
Christ never actually professed hatred of anyone. Yet, in Revelations, He professes that He has hated the works of one of the churches! Our Lord is very careful with His Words.
Telling people to commit what is very likely the ultimate sin (suicide) is not preaching the Gospel. Nor is telling people that the Passion of Jesus Christ isn't worthy enough to clean even the worst sinner. In fact, that is downright heretical, and a belief worthy of Satan.
Speak for yourself. You speak blasphemy and false doctrine, I have every bit of courage to tell you, that you deal falsely. Moreover, how do you know what I, or any other Catholic, believes or tells people?
Joseph Rogers
Every crime is a crime because it offends God. Homosexuals offend God. There is no difference between this and a crime that affects "the innocent." Anyway, the point was just to show that telling people to kill themselves is a Biblical example of a sharp rebuke.
Psalm 5:4-5 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.
Psalm 11:5 The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
Psalm 26:5 I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked.
So unless you believe that Jesus is not God, you can clearly see that Jesus hates the WORKERS of iniquity, and THE WICKED and HIM that loveth violence, and THE CONGREGATION of evildoers. He professes hatred of the people, not just their deeds.
Great, I agree that suicide is a major sin (and so does Pastor Anderson). How come the Catholic Church doesn't anymore? How come it folded to worldly pressure and changed its teachings on suicide? How come it will perform funerals for suicides and bury them in consecrated ground? How come it will bring up "mental illness" to try to excuse it?
This is not what Paster Anderson preaches.
My own personal experience and the regular polls which show that the vast majority of Catholics think there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, abortion, fornication, and divorce.
Brayden Thompson
God hates sinners for His hate is infinite and hence He cannot hate sins without hating those who commit them, He created the fires of hell for those whose sins can't be forgiven. However God loves sinners for His love is infinite, He will never cease giving up on loving His creations, and technically no sin is unforgivable as long as you want His forgiveness. Even muslims understand that Allah can forgive any sin. Your false doctrine is worse than Islam.
Is this the same Jesus who prayed for forgiveness for those who persecuted Him as they laughed at Him and nailed Him on the cross? And what should we really do to sinners? Luke 6:28. If you're supposed to bless and pray for those who sin against YOU, why can't do the same for those who sin against God and themselves?
But we rebuke them from time to time, and it is explicitly said that the sins they commit are grave sins. Punishment is in God's hands, for they sin against God and not us. Let them fear God and not us.
Jeremiah Williams
Then how come Father James Martin is in Pope Francis's inner circle? How come sodomite priests will have their crimes covered up for 20 years but priests who burn a rainbow flag will have the entire weight of the Church hierarchy brought down on them instantly? You lie. No important Catholic EVER rebukes homosexuals.
By the time God punishes them they will be in hell and it will be too late to repent. How can you claim you love people like Jesus commanded us to do when you won't even try to stop people from going to hell? This is such a pathetic excuse, and isn't it just convenient that this excuse allows you to avoid being persecuted by society for being against the fags?
Chase Brown
I am very confused sir.
Jason Rogers
So you're saying that what Sanderson didn't tell sinners to kill themselves even though he basically did? So that basically means he's a liar.
Carter Scott
Are you actually denying that the Church used to refuse to bury suicides in consecrated ground and that now they do despite the fact that suicide is a mortal sin?
Colton Clark
Yes, they are called the REPROBATE. The Reprobate are those who die in their sin, without repentance. You do not know the final fate of men, nor the state of their heart as God does.
Neither you nor the Wolf Anderson has the power to proclaim anyone damned, and the Church Herself has never actually gone so far as to proclaim anyone damned either.
You seem to defy Christ on this point, because He is clearly saying that it'd be better for corrupter of sheep to die.
Christ was making a proclamation on the seriousness of this sin, not justifying you to tell people to commit the ultimate sin!
Nathan Morris
The Church has relented and has acknowledged that mental illness may be reasonable cause to relent from a full judgement of mortal sin.
Since you're not a Catholic, a mortal sin is something that must be done by the sinner with their -full- understanding. Obviously, mentally ill psychotics do not necessarily fall under this definition. And once more, the Church Herself has no proclaimed anyone actually damned, because that would infringe on Christ's judgement.
Josiah Ward
Are you claiming that that constitutes a tangible change of doctrine, in contradition infallible sacred scripture, as defined by, say, an ecumenical council or an ex cathedra statement, which it could never be as it contradicts the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, as opposed to a simple change whereby some public sinners are burried alongside the wealth of other public sinners that have always been burried in christian graveyards?
Wyatt Perry
Note: "it were better for him". Losing your body/life is better than losing your eternal soul is the meaning, I believe. Also it is framed as something done to the person, not him doing it himself, so is not about suicide. Contrast that with Pastor Anderson saying people should kill themselves, not to save their soul, but because they are beyond salvation so should just be done with it and send themselves to hell.
Jack Bennett
Is this a dogmatic criticism or an organizational criticism?
Every catholic is equally important for God, such as everyone else. But if you're specifically talking about Francis, he DOES explicitly rebuke homosexuality. Here's a very recent news. bbc.com/news/world-europe-46420146
We have told them, and they have rejected our words, so we cleaned the dust off our feet and moved on. Matthew 10:14
Well this God you're talking about is the God who loves sinners.
Michael Ramirez
So you acknowledge that the doctrine of the Church HAS changed on the matter, despite the fact that one post ago you said it hadn't…
I am a Catholic, I just reject the Talmudism of trying to twist this and insinuate that mortal sins weren't really mortal because someone didn't have a "full" understanding. Someone with depression who commits suicide DOES have a full understanding of what they are doing. Period. And the Church has declared MANY, MANY classes of people damned in the past, even if they didn't name individual names.
Sebastian King
It's also worth noting that, in the 4th century, the vast majority of the bishops of Christensom were Arians who denied the Godhood of Christ himself, and it was only the Church in her first ecumenical council that saw the salvation preserved from ruin. The moral anf doctrinal laxity of today compares absolutely nothing to that, either as a threat or as a challenge for God to overcome. As a traditionalist catholic, I implore another to have more faith in God in this matter.
Catholic teaching has always held that the use of reason is an essential element of any act of mortal sin, clarifying that it extends to one specific act in recent years is in no way, as user says, a change in doctrine.
Oliver Stewart
What the Church does with the burial of the dead has nothing to do with the actual salvation of the individual.
That's not Talmudism, the entire point of discerning is or what is not a mortal sin comes to the full apprehension of it. Otherwise, even those who suffer from wet dreams due to celibacy are guilty of fornication!
Still debatable.
No, the Church acknowledges that they have failed the conditionals of salvation on this Earth, but the Church has never infringed on the right of Judgement of Jesus Christ.
The Church has freely declared who has made it to Heaven, but has never declared anyone in Hell. Doesn't St. Paul tell us to not judge those outside the Church?
Jason Bell
Then what is? Telling people to stop sinning at gunpoint?
Austin Myers
I would settle for "what you are doing is wrong and if you don't stop you will go to hell."
All he winnie the pooh says is that homosexuals ought not to become priests. He isn't even addressing it to homosexuals in particular. That is not a winnie the pooh rebuke.
Brody Ross
So is a weak rebuke on one issue a reason for a traditional catholic to completely leave the Church, because Pope Steven VI exhumed the corpse of his predecessor to posthumously excommunicate him on the grounds of changing diocese, chop off his blessing fingers, and throw his body down a river, and Pope Alexander VI openly sired multiple children with a mistress while in office, and Benedict IX ended up selling the office to an archpriest, and then ended up seizing the position again after a coincil deposed both? If the answer is no, as it should obviously be, then you need to man up and learn to deal with these issues as the rest of the truly faithful catholics of the world have done throughout history; work and prayer.
And for obvious reason. Not everyone needs to be spoonfed about the Church's strong and neverchanging stance that homosexual acts are a grave sin.
Anderson for Mental Health Treatments 2020
Dominic Hughes
The best advice I could give you that works for me right now: stop listening to Youtube personalities and find a spiritual director, i.e. a humble priest. People with a strong online presence like Anderson, Jay Dyer, etc. are often more interested in themselves and not enough in others.
Liam Gutierrez
We've seen Baptists B E G O M E on here before. Wouldn't surprise me if the reverse happened as well.
Gavin Rogers
Yup; even if it’s going to take a long time, that’s the best solution.
Parker Hill
FSSP los angeles has it. They also have Latin mass in Vienna (Austria) every day.
Zachary Butler
He prayed for Obama's death and said homosexual people can never get to heaven. He also acts as a cult leader by kicking out people in his congregation that criticise him, calling other brethren "trash", and many other things.
I find little evidence of the Holy Spirit in this man. I used to like him before I realised he had little to no love in him. No love in his rebukes, and no love in his sermons.
Landon Foster
BTW, I believe he was somewhat justified in kicking out the guy who believes in the one-ness heresay. But as God says, he should have tried to turn him away from his heresay by trying to convince him as opposed to just verbally abusing him.
I was a one-ness guy myself, it took time for me to better understand who God is. If I was abused like that guy I would have l likely stayed a one-ness guy myself, attaching the Trinity belief with those who hate me.
Aiden Hill
That Diamond Brothers video is awful, I', not sure what deluded planet you live on to think that. There are plenty of reasons to bang on Anderson, TDB video provides none of them.
Isaiah Martinez
Don't know you have been convinced already, but that's the thing you already said it, he is influential, good at speeches and influencing people, he is not necessarily right. This is a skill and people have and can improve on, it makes him convincing, but is up to you to dissect the information and think for yourself. eg: good and influential speeches are the basis for cults and pyramid schemes, don't fall for them.
Logan James
Stephen Anderson is a Christian Varg Vikernes End of story
Jayden Rogers
My sspx church has it daily. If there is a school run by the sspx it will probably have daily mass at the church or the school daily. Theres one that has three daily masses.
Hudson Ramirez
Hey OP I've dealth with a similar struggle recently. I started out trying to be tradcath but can't shake arguments from people like Anderson (while also feeling pulled by some other denoms).
I've been pretty gaslit on the whole thing because it feels like I'm being pulled every which way and don't know which way is correct.
Jayden Jones
Obvious troll
Jace Brooks
Generally speaking moving to the extremes isn't a good thing.
Christian White
Reasons I will never listen to Christian Varg Vikernes include avoiding this sort of prelest. No cost to the soul of not seeking knowledge from idiots, propagandists and fundamentalists.
“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek, A goodly apple rotten at the heart. O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”
~ Bill Shakespeare
Brayden Powell
When devoid of persistent scriptural teaching, even the mad man with a bible can seem appealing. The heart of a Christian yearns for the Word of God, and the Word isn't simply told through sacrament…or even listening to a saint… or some other gateway. It's direct, like sword.
That isn't to say traditional Catholics don't know scripture: The problem is that many usually do know and are good company to talk about it with! But the whole focus of church life is on the sacraments. While the post V2 Catholics do emphasize scripture a bit more, but in an awful, Higher Criticism form that actually destroys faith among the weak and doesn't guide anyone pastorally. Jesus told Peter "Feed my sheep", but apparently Peter's Roman succesors saw fit to "feed the sheep" by engaging in pointless explanations of how grass grows rather than just leading the sheep to the actual grass. And that's on a good day. Mostly they just lead them to dead fields where sheep can't feed and end up dying.
What is a traditionalist supposed to do? You become Orthodox hopefully. ;) They emphasize scripture and sacrament in perfect unison.
Kevin Cooper
Jonathan Hernandez
Granted his sermons are alright and plenty of what he says is true on matters such as the Jews and the state of the world, but I would take everything he says with a grain of salt, because of said heresy
Eli Ortiz
Watch this video on him.
(also the job of a priest isnt just to preach. Only if you knew how great a single mass is)
Levi Barnes
That's obviously true and also not an excuse for terrible, ultra-short sermons. Priests are supposed to catechize their flock as well as provide the sacraments. I completely understand why baptists would call Catholics superstitious when most of them have never read the Bible but are really knowledgeable about all kinds of traditional prayers and signs and blessed objects.
Zachary Powell
I go to Latin Mass and the homilies are generally good. Anderson might frequently do long sermons and certainly he's very passionate but what good is it if he believes a bunch of heretical nonsense?
Jordan Bell
Considering Traditional Catholics I feel like that's a stereotype. The church has a lot of Biblical Symbolism although straight up reading the Bible isn't as common as with Baptists. That's because we have to manage our time with reading History and the lives of the saints, etc. and a bit of it's a hold over from the times when only Nobled and Clerics could read. Protesantism is a novel idea and developed when alot of people were able to read
Charles Hill
Read some of Chrysostom's homilies. He teaches his congregations for extensive periods. This is early Byzantium. The supposed dark ages.. and you have a preacher actually preaching at length. And not only that, but he railed against his own congregation once for not reading the scriptures. And not just wanted them to come to the church and read the scriptures, but constantly be engaged and discuss these things among themselves.
“Let us not simply imprint this on our minds, but also discuss it constantly with one another in our get-togethers; let us constantly revive the memory of this story both with our wives and with the children. In fact, if you want to talk about a king, see, there is a king here; if about soldiers, about a household, about political affairs, you will find a great abundance of these things in the Scriptures. These narratives bring the greatest benefit: it is impossible – impossible, I say—for a soul nourished on these stories ever to manage to fall victim to passion.”
After hearing it, I was so destroyed I don’t think I’ll go back to confession ever again. I’m a deviant and I came to believe God made me like this and there’s to hope for my soul. Am I wrong? Is this sinning against the Holy Spirit? Because both are a sentence to Hell anyway.
Evan Cook
Truly repent and go to confession. God forgives every sin. I don't get the Baptist autism of making faggotry worse than the fall.
Caleb Anderson
I don't get why people think that he's extreeeeeeme. He's just not afraid of telling the truth. If you've been with the crowd that he criticizes, then you'll understand why he harshly rebukes them.
A lot of the naive Christians think that the worst homosexuals just screw other men. When in reality, the worst ones promote child drag queens and fine you for incorrect pronouns. That's what anderson is directing his suicide attack towards. If you don't hate them now, then you will hate them in the future. Anderson hates homosexuals because he believes that they're antithetical to Christ. Instead of being forgiving, benevolent, truthful, and humble, they're vindictive, hateful, dishonest, and vain.
Ayden Ross
1) God did obliterate two cities full of faggots 2) Unrepentant faggots are reprobates 3) Sodomites are cancer on a society
God gave us Leviticus 20:13 for a reason. Now that humanity has been ignoring it due to """tolerance""" we have sodomite clergy raping alter boys, sodomite pride parades, sodomites trying to force christians to bake them cakes, kids encouraged to become trannies, or God forbid the state can legally take your children away from you if you disagree with your child trying to become a tranny winnie the pooh you Canada, the day of the rake is comming for you!
I'm not even a Baptist, but even I think Anderson is doing us sinners a favor by being hard on the faggots
I don't disagree. But doesn't he say that once a faggot you're doomed to hell right away with no chance of forgiveness?
Julian Garcia
I am stuck with this idea I don’t have ever apologised enough; plus, what’s the point? I’m going wain again and just displease God even more.
William Sullivan
Maybe, I stopped watching his sermons after he released "Baptist the Gathering" trading card game. Besides he is a OSAS prot so it would make sense that he believes sodomites are incapable of repentance.
This is why the RCC will fall soon…when you start chasing people through their mundane things, and refuse to just stare at God no matter what, you end up torn apart by the world, its “zeitgeist “ and its infernal master.
Grayson Wright
Thingsthatneverhappened.txt If you're traditional Catholic that goes to latin mass almost every day you would know Anderson is wrong because he's protestant. I do not buy the "amazing one hour sermon three times a week" either.
Nice bait.
Aaron Evans
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Colton Moore
Anderson is wrong when he stops just looking at scripture and runs it through the filter of Reformed ideals (Sola Fide is a big one for him). It doesn't mean he's always wrong. Sometimes he's just expounding the plain sense of scripture, that is neutral to any Christian hearer. The only people who should technically hate some of those are things are atheists.
Isaiah Gutierrez
Just so you know Pastor Anderson doesn't own that Framing the World shop, it belongs to the filmmaker he collaborates with for his documentaries.
Michael Davis
Do you speak Latin? Why the heck would you go to a service for which you don't speak the language?
Joseph Perez
Why do you think it matters whether or not you speak the language? What do you think the mass is? Some kind of Bible study?
Try actually attending a Latin mass and then come back here and tell us with a straight face that your happy-clappy Lutheran novus ordo mass is better.
William Anderson
That's exactly what is supposed to happen from the pulpit
Hunter Mitchell
The sermon isn't in Latin.
Leo Perry
Why would any part of the mad be in Latin if you can't understand it? I don't understand papists
I’m Lutheran and find myself watching his videos here and there. It’s refreshing to hear in an age where everyone is afraid to condemn. He has an interesting perspective on things and his sermons will put hair on your chest.
Also despiteyour doctrinal differences you’re both Conservative Christians so it makes sense
Sebastian Perry
You're better than that user
Isaiah Bennett
We're not the ones who need to understand the Latin parts, God is. We pray to Him in Latin because that's how it used to be done, and in keeping the traditional language we ensure there are no translation errors. I haven't been to a Latin mass in a while, but they're absolutely beautiful.
Josiah Gomez
user… you… you know it's possible to understand more than one language, right?