why are atheists so winnie the pooh cringy ffs, every time i come across the shit they write i just unironically feel like i want to take my eyeballs out
what is it that causes this?
why are atheists so winnie the pooh cringy ffs, every time i come across the shit they write i just unironically feel like i want to take my eyeballs out
what is it that causes this?
Most are more than just atheists and are anti christians, and they are as such because they had incredibly shitty church experiences ( looking at you Catholic Schools) or their understanding of the Bible was dictated to them by Jews in Media.
The sin of wrath. You need to calm down, look at things objectively, then bring atheists to the rightful path. If all you do is kvetch and scream and be wrathful, then you'll never win a single soul.
They think there is this realm of impartiality, when there is not. And they think people who disagree that there is such thing as le pure facts and logic are inferior to them.
Fedoras literally believe they do not exist, because whenever any Truth statement is made there is always the Subject, the Object, and what they fail to realize is that there is always the Self. Which is the context and the personal creed.
But the majority of atheists complaints are from experiences of sunday school in evangelical churches.
prove it
Those who ask for evidence never have enough.
I don't think this is true. I think they are just regurgitating the media's propaganda. Statistically you're more likely to be molested by your public school teacher than your priest/pastor but we don't have armies of neckbeards screaming for the abolition of public schools.
You made a claim
Thanks, I’m using this whenever someone asks me to back up my claims.
i think its hilarious how cringe athiests inherently are. its like
God put that in them to make them look retarded
Zig Forums:
When you deny God, you deny objective truth, it's all in accordance with Scripture when it says that "thinking themselves wise, they became fools".
It's said that God "laughs them to scorn", and it's readily apparent that straying from God leads one into a foolish damnation.
Amazing, almost every word in that sentence is wrong. I like how you see the “all men are equal” belief that we Christians live by, totally ignore it, and accuse us of believing the opposite.
Buddy, it’s called free will. He gave us a chance to do the right thing, and we winne the poohed it up (Adam and Eve). These bad things happen when people turn away from God
What are you even talking about? “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
Is Varg even capable of being saved or is his so hardened that he's doomed to be a reprobate?
Everyone has until death to repent.
I think he's so far off that God would have to force him to believe.
Nothing to repent. Nobody to repent to.
well even if you're an atheist, he could at least repent to the family of the guy he murdered
In them … and in you.
Ignore their shizzle. It's just noise, the bleeting of goats.
I mean it's not even atheism or paganism that is the majority in growth, it's the religious-nones or "idk man who cares". Anti-theists are the loud minority of the non-thiestic category that are in a growth, but really are louder than the other groups so they appear larger. Varg-tier pagans are a really small minority of the whole pagan group, I have yet to meet a right-winged pagan irl who isn't either a Wiccan fluffbunny, cringe inducing newage lefty, or some other sodomite. The mean non-theistic group is the NPC-tier "Nones" who simply don't think about any belief.
And the best part is Varg isn't even a real Pagan, just a guy who's gone off the deep-end in his insanity and hate.
*The main non-theistic group
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.