Has anybody seen what's been happening on Zig Forums?
It seems something is happening.
Every Christian thread is getting blessed with redpills and insane digits.
Massive Christian awakening
Other urls found in this thread:
That post sounds like communist propaganda to me. "Nobody owns resources", property ownership is supported by scripture. Also the idea that people who lived back in "simpler times" spent their time enjoying life and not toiling is incredibly naive, they worked hard back then which was a good thing because it gave less time for the kind of hedonistic degeneracy we see today.
Don't get caught up in leftist utopian thinking. This world is going to pass away, focus on the life that is to come.
Checked and amen.
Digits are an idol.
Zig Forums is a Christian board
Zig Forums is very close to a Christian board, too bad they are always shouting "deus vult!" without true love for the Christian roots of Europe.
Also, their hatred of other ethnic groups at times makes me fear for them (I oppose mass migration ,but to lump all Africans in one group and call them tiggers or all Arabs sandtiggers, etc…seems blind hatred to me).
I don't expect much from image boards, Zig Forums is no better sometimes. But i remember that Zig Forums thread that was like "you can only post here if Jesus loves you" and it was the comfiest Christian thread i've even seen.
The unironic race idolaters on Zig Forums seem more desperate and misguided than malicious though I won't doubt it if some are actually malicious. I love my Zig Forumsack brothers but I just wish I could get it through thier heads that only with God on their side will they be able to secure the existence of their people and a future for their children.
Are you kidding me? They're nowhere near close.
Checked &
That’s 4/pol/ not 8/pol/
^This. Viewing digits as a "sign from God" is in the realm of numerology and divination, and other such paganism and Satanic rebellion against God.
Brother, many of us started there, and are now here. How would this be possible unless God survives all possible attacks from all angles? Zig Forums for me, and at a time when i needed it, was helpful and productive for me to be able to see that Christianity was strong on intellectual and philosophical grounds, as well as faith. The ways of the Lord are mysterious, and even some of the most flagrantly anti-Christian threads can have the opposite of their intended effect and push people toward the Lord (for example, probably the closest thing to unanimous support on Zig Forums is the widespread agreement that the society is being destroyed by its degeneracy). There is debate about it’s caused , and complete chaos about how to fix it. But it does not take too many more steps from there to begin to see that the church offers a solution, people there are willing to accept that on purely intellectual grounds alone. And then it does not take too many steps from that realization to have the further realization that God is real, and that a solution is only possible through Christ. Something like the above was my own path.
Having said that, if you are not already on pol , I would not at all recommend you begin now. It also helped to push me much farther away from God then ever before before it helped to bring me back. And the black pill thing is I think very real, and dangerous to the psyche / soul. In short, I should have never left the church or abandoned God. I had done both, and Zig Forums I was very helpful for bringing me back.
Stay strong , brother. It’s a sick world out there.
They are reacting. The average Zig Forumslack would have been as cucknat as ye olde boomer if they were born in a different era. They know not what they are doing, but they are acting on God-given instincts rather than attempting to suppress their human nature ala leftist trannies.
Zig Forums has too much anger and vanity. I just go to shitpost and call people out for saying stupid shit.
No its not. There will be no property in heaven, and Christians were called to shed personal trappings. Realistic? no. but the bible does NOT give rights, only commandments, and property is not one of them.
dumbest shit i ever read.
like melchisedec didnt bless abraham in genesis 14 for defending his property rights against the proxy wars among the kings of sodom and gomorrah against chedorlaomer. like God didnt say in hosea 13:11 that God was ANGRY giving his own people a king to TAX them.
the bible is a book about property rights, and all rights do in fact come from God.
the bible also says that in heaven there are many mansions. what are thise for?
no need.
“Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life.
Literally got converted back on 4/pol/ a few years ago - just an amazing Christian thread that showed me I was wrong. If that user is here, I owe him a lot, OP absolutely delivered that day. I started investigating, thinking and eventually praying. Joined the RCC after marrying my gf (now wife), and it's all thanks to Zig Forums. Imageboards are a battleground of ideas and the truth will always out, so don't mistake all the general degeneracy for my than it is.
The only awakening is pagan awakening.
Wake up, OP.
Das Rite!
For too long the gods of our ancestors have been OPPRESSED! For too long us NeoPagans have to suffer under the rule of the Chr*sticks! We demand you evil jew worshipers respect our rights to boink whomever and whatever we want! Love is Love!
I became a Christian because of Zig Forums, so yeah.
Jesus said to go without scrip (Money;)
I've been going to 4chan since 2006. Back then, it was anti-Christian.
It's incredible, because I went to 4chan for dickgirl hentai. I once felt like conservatives were a new threat to 4chan - they'd be the end of our fapping ways, I feared.
It culminated in Zig Forums, which I started going to so I could debate against conservatives and Christians. In 2008, I celebrated their butthurt over Obama. By 2012, liberalism was beginning to fray for me.
The true degeneracy of 4chan was gone - at a certain point, I regularly saw thumbnails of CP. The weeabooism was dying down, and hentai and anime was slowly becoming irrelevent. My masturbation began to fatique me, and I didn't even enjoy it. I would jerk off to dickgirl hentai three or five times a day.
2014 saw massive republican gains, and I saw liberalism and anime as a rotting carcass. My attempts to deny white genocide made me feel ashamed because Zig Forums was right. I had to be on the winning side.
In 2015, my four year long Spice habit came to an end in a massive psychosis. My belief in God primarily stems from this psychosis, and I went from thinking 'theists are right but Christians are pointlessly restricting themselves' to a Christian myself - primarily as an act of rebellion against anti-white globalism. Anything pre-20th century became gold. If the mass media shit on Christians all the time, and the mass media is evil, then Christians are right - on the side of good.
This decision was made concrete by my belief, held since age 12, that abortion is wrong, and by the realization that I not only agreed with them morally on everything but homosex and drugs - God had done everything in his power to speak to me.
He gave me visions when I asked, 'Please, any spiritual beings, even the Christian God, show yourself to me so I can believe.'
He came into a pit of pornography, and had his followers speak to me. Why, if not to save me? This was how I felt God's hand in the world directly - his followers supported my race while I had hated it, and preserved my culture while I had condemned it. I put my penis in a hotel Bible. I profaned the word of God, but they kept it going.
Honestly, on top of having sex with my brother and abusing the home of my half-brother when he graciously let me live with him when I was homeless, it's sort of like being a demon trying to convert. I find it hard to believe anyone would ever consider me anything other than a snake in the grass.
good for you! keep the path of the Lord!
Literally retarded. Space programs take a lot of resource and manpower. It's impossible to do it without a superpower metropolis nation's help.
Glad to hear this. Actually I was just browsing Zig Forums after a long time and noticed someone was saying that the one guy the Jews hate the most is Jesus. I mean this should redpill them more than anything else. (((They))) love Islam and every other religion more than Christianity. There are Jewish families where you can't say the name Jesus - this guy wrote an article about his family and he had to type J*. There are articles about how the cross is insensitive to Jews because it'sa symbol of oppression - there are zero articles saying the cresent moon is a symbol of oppression to Jews. Just reading old papal bulls reads like medieval Zig Forums posts.
The only issue is that kikery has infiltrated the Church, but the Church can never die. I think it just means that end times are amongst us.
Also very powerful testimony. That's why I love when our Lord says he came for the sick not for the righteous. I really think the people who suffer the most here have the best chance of real redemption. God bless Pax Christi
Oh but also don't fall for the leftypol nonsense. Job says Man's life on earth is a warfare. This earth will never be a paradise for us. Anyways keep following the Lord, I'm sure he will reveal more to you.
This says nothing about property, it merely says that you will have homes. And you will receive far greater homes than anything man could create, for the entirety of the New Earth that Jesus makes will be your home, as well as the Holy City of Heaven.
What need will you have of personal property in a world that you share with God and Jesus?
What, Zig Forums are giving up the fake Christian-civilisation meme and truly embracing Christ?
Not on the devil's watch, they won't
Nope. Truly owned by Satan, tbqhwyfam.
Then theft is fine? How can you commit theft of things that no one can own?