ITT: post the greatest Christian rulers in history.
ITT: post the greatest Christian rulers in history
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Louis IX was the most Christ-like of the Latin monarchs.
Wait…do we still consider deists Christians?
He wasn't a deist. There's an extremely large effort by (((secularists))) to make it seem like the founders were non Christians by and large, with Washington being the biggest prize. He belonged to the Episcopal church before it was the cucked mess it is now.
You mind giving me the sauce, boss? I want to learn more about the religious Life of George Washington. I wish not to be misinformed about him.
I second that. Would like to read a thing abou that
*blocks your path*
Read his letters. He was extremely private about his faith, which I think is due to the culture of his particular sect at the time. I think he's the type that wanted to show his faith through his actions and pray in private a la the sermon on the mount than the evangelical type, of which other founders were part of. Here's a fairly good summary on Washington's faith:
The guy certainly was not perfect, as many men in this thread, but a deist he was not.
I would like to add that a great many of our greatest American men were outstanding men of Christ. I would argue better than many Europeans in terms of deed, as the latter usually kept concubines, had bastards, etc. while professing Christ. Honestly, it's phenomenal to read about them. For example, Andrew Jackson, while not exactly a Christian during his presidency, became an ardent believer later in his life, and it's incredibly admirable how this changed him as a man. He went from a proud, impulsive, ambitious man to a man who would humble himself frequently, like turning down the leadership of his congregation AFTER being president of the nation because he thought he did not have the knowledge to hold such a prestigious and important position. America was and is deep inside a great and pious nation who longs for Christ as a lost child longs for his mother. It's very sad to see it die such a pathetic death, like seeing a great man in a ditch after hitting the meth train for the day. I pray that we find our way back
still a mason though, like most founding fathers..that is undeniable. Glad andrew jackson turned from his past ways, but say, Benjamin Franklin seemed to be a staunch deist. Ultimately they still founded the secular freemasonic american empire, that plagues us until this very day. Death to america.
for shame.
There’s some just terrible takes in this thread.
Habsburg or nothing
What's wrong with Gustavus Adolphus?
Could have to do with the fruits of his legacy. Case in point:
On top of his intervention of the 30 years war that helped shatter Christendom. No doubt he was a good military leader, but it cost Europe and Sweden it's future.
His military success against the Catholics obviously didn't do Sweden any favors
Considering the state of Western Europe in general, the fruits of his legacy aren't particularly unique. And the 30 years and the shattering of Christendom was well under way before he got involved. Gustavus' soldiers at least were the only ones that weren't going around looting and raping, which was entirely because of his Christian convictions.
Again, look at France, the first daughter of the Catholic Church. How is it any different than Sweden today? The Catholic countries suffered the same fate as the Protestant ones.
As opposed to the totally pious catholic countries like France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, or any Latin American nation, right?
France still has a Catholic presence and a sense that something is wrong, see the Yellow Vest riots. Sweden is completely folded, however. Don't even have a church to fall back on.
They're still better off than Sweden, arguably.
google "swedish religion rates"
first thing you see "religion in sweden is diversified". also, islam has more presence than the Catholics.
oh, it's actually "sweden religion rates", it does actually differ lol
I was wondering why a bunch of anons leapt to bite my ear off, and it's because Sweden is majority Lutheran. Look how good that turned out to be.
France has outlawed criticism of abortion and allowed a grown man to have a sexual relationship with an 11 year old. It's just as bad.
France has people rioting in the street and a strong conservative reaction. Sweden has…SWEDEN YES!
Because they didn't like want to pay a tax. Apparently taxes are worse than pedophilia in the mind of your average Frenchman.
You missed the guy calling Macron "a whore of the Jews".
Yeah, so much better.
Over economic issues.
The most "conservative" candidate france had only got 21% of the vote, and she's supports islamic immigrants and gays, while also banning "racists" from her party.
It is better, my point was that Islam is larger than the Catholics in Sweden. Now, all Sweden has left for a shield is Luther…some shield!
I'll pray for Sweden if you pray for France. deal?
This one's probably my favorite.
Ew no
Apologise to pic related.
I'm being ironic, new friend.
They were ugly yes, but good devout leaders.
Not an argument.
Not devout enough to seek healthy marriages.
Mortal sin kept the bloodline alive.
pretty sure it isnt black and white as that
Biblical moral law is always black and white.
but the thing is, did the church do anything about it? they were permitted to marry.
Not all Habsburgs were Spanish Habsburgs.
Charles II is like the punchline of a running joke after you look at the faces in that family tree
great christian ruler
What a thicc man.
Definitely had his place in history although he got blackpilled by catholics pretty hard.
There's nothing Christian about the Jacobins whom he joined first. They literally outlawed Christianity, disemboweled priests in gruesome ways and killed entire crowds of Christians by mass execution drowning. Even children. And when some royal followers finally got tired of the degeneracy and wanted to fight back, Napoleon used tactics that were cruel even to the Jacobins in his day.. he fired cannons directly into crowds.
That he finally let Catholicism back in doesn't say much, just by that very pic of him and the pope, yanking the crown for himself. He exalted himself above the church and crowned himself. That's a dead giveaway of what he was: He "Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
He was "an" antichrist.
And like all antichrists, he went straightway towards attacking Orthodox Christianity (Russia), like the next one will. And like Nero did before them all. Another dead giveaway, just so you know next time.
Thank God for the Church's ban on cousin marriage to the sixth degree and the Hajnal line.
My favorite president
He’s cool too
The Jews also thought Napolean was the Messiah for a while.
Ok, take a vacation to North Korea- it’s way better over there!
Catholicism is extraordinarily pro-worker and pro-union.
To be honest what I've read about her shift of religious views in his last year's was very touching.
i know about all that, i was being ironic
C'mon, we can do better than that. Every christian should pray for the fall of the american empire, or that it at least gets christianized.
Funny because America is more christian than Europe.
The death of America means the death of Christianity for the white men.
GOod riddance I say.
But America spreads its degeneracy more than any other government.
Im more talking about the government, really. Would christianity in North america die if the american government collapsed?
It has more christians per capita than Europe.
Don't think so tbh.
God gave us free will, didn’t He?
Just because we can use our free will to allow religious relativism doesn't mean we should.
Without this guy Christianity would've remained a small sect. Constantine is the prerequisite of everyone else in this thread.
Obviously we should try and convert people and put them in the right path, but that doesn’t mean to force it upon them.
If they want to enjoy the fruits of a fully Christian nation they ought to convert before they come here.
Allowing them to lead our sheep astray will only cause religious relativism and harm the stability of the nation. If they want to apostatize they are banished.
Look at the Kingdom of Israel, they disobeyed God's direct orders, allowed diversity of religion, and God took away their kingdom
Look at America today. You allow diversity of religion and look at all the moral chaos the country is in. Heck, atheism is now the biggestreligious group there is
With religious relativism, we now have the LGBTQPWTFBBQ community making demands on normal society. They are turning kids into trannies and making them dance at sodomite bars.
With religious relativism we now have legal infanticide being defended as a "right".
Freedom of religion is a mistake and a cancer on society. Only when a country comes home to Rome completely will the degeneracy end.
The church has always had blasphelmy laws, what you are speaking of is the error of liberalism. Countries should be married to the church, not whores who believe whatever. It is incorrect to think "productivity" and "common interests" is more important the true faith.
Only reason people actually care about this moron is that he was killed by commies.
Every Russian emperor since Peter I belong to >>>/trash/ for what they did to Russian Orthodox Church
And he wasn't great either in any sense considering that he plunged Russia in needless war and his shitty rule resulted in revolution
The absolute state of republicanism. Sad!
On a more recent note, Blessed Karl von Habsburg and King Baudouin of Belgium are both examples of very pious Christian rulers.
Mad Monarchist wrote a good summary on both:
True points for both of you, but if we force religion on people, there are consequences for that too. Even if you’re Catholic, it’s undeniable that there was corruption when they were in power in Europe. Not all was bad, but forcing a single thought unto people is a dangerous idea- Communism being an example
He’s my personal favorite
Because modern day republics relatively newly gained popularity, so we don't have a large timeframe yet. Plus Christendom was more United back then and political map was more diverse, so there was much larger pool of population to take from.
Plus Roman and Byzantine empires were practically stratocratic republics as well, elective dictatorships to be exact. Hereditary Monarchy was practically an anathema for Roman worldview, hence why concept of co-emperor existed, so that the office wouldn't technically be vacant (though it didn't always work)
P.S. just for note: oldest continuous Republic is San Marino, founded by Saint Martin and First president of the Republic of Cyprus was archbishop Macarius III, who was ironically better at maintaining balance with Mud minority in North, than its successors who overthrew him, which resulted in t*Rk invading the island.
No because modern day republics are cucked and liberal, and it's leaders are chosen by the (((oligarchs))), and they usually are either zionist tools or marxist subversives.
Let us spit on his image. tfu…
Best post. Napoleon Was no Model Christian Ruler. There is the letter he wrote on St Helena, where he repents, which take it either way, i hope Napoleon Genuinely repented and admitted to all his wrongs. Within his Catholic Teaching, And i'm not Catholic, but better than some Rationalism/Quasi Deism of, My will power over all which was what most of Napoleons Military and Governmental Career was.