Is there a sect of Christendom I can join that will allow me to eat bacon every day of the week and let me to dance when I want to? Preferably one that doesn't abide modern globohomo degeneracy.
Is there a sect of Christendom I can join that will allow me to eat bacon every day of the week and let me to dance...
Lutheranism. Sin boldly, my brother.
You should be asking "Is there a sect of Christendom I can join that will give me authentic faith in accordance with God's will?"
Tbh there isn't a single one that is mainstream. Everything is infected and under attack from the inside.
Best you can hope for is sedevacantism or True Orthodoxy, but they fast so you can't eat bacon daily. Or the Independant Fundamentalist Baptists, but I'm not sure they're fine with dancing.
You can dance if you want to
I think that most Christian denomonations do allow both of those things, within reason. Like there's a couple of judaizers who will tell you that bacon is a sin and a few fringe puritans who will claim that dancing is a sin, but in general you're good pretty much anywhere. Well, there are some denominations that will temporarily ban meat on Fridays during Lent, but that's only 6 days out of the year that you can't eat bacon. Mind you, if you binge on bacon to the point of gluttony, or if your dancing promotes deviant sexuality, now you've sinned.
I don't eat bacon daily, I just don't want to have to worry about not being able to eat bacon because of some arbitrary calendar date.
I could probably capitulate in some way but I definitely wouldn't want money collected to go to Israel or Sudan and instead being focused on helping out the poor in my local community.
I already left my friends behind, They didn't really dance and because they didn't dance I wouldn't consider them friends of mine.
What about being on a keto diet? Ribbing aside hue, bacon is probably 10% or less of my diet. Not for lack of wanting but I just eat lots of different things and there's only so much real estate in my stomach.
Well obviously. I just want to be able to cut a rug when a song I like comes on without having to worry about some busy body explaining to me how I'm a heathen. I mean, I am a heathen, but I'm not THAT kinda heathen.
Also, this.
Yeah, OP, if you are fine with getting a heart attack at 45 and having little faith, Lutheransism or even a Hilltop denom is right for you.
Why did this deserve its own thread? You could have instead Googled your questions and got answers immediately.
I didn't go to church today, I figured I may as well attempt to commune with Christians I could somehow relate to. Church of anonymous isn't the best but it's better than nothing.
There are some prot churches that don't tolerate homosexuality and are fine with you eating bacon and dancing. The one I go to has made it clear a many times that homosexuality is not right. They even urged us to call congress to stop some bill that would make it so that we can't teach its bad Bill 2943
Also are you really not allowed to dance at your church? I don't personally but nobody would care if I did. If anything it would seem like I'm really enjoying the music
I heard baptists didn't allow dancing. And I know Catholics don't like it when you eat bacon on certain days among other weird shit. I'll probably go Lutheran as suggested so I can call the pope a faggot without any dogma saying I shouldn't.
My relationship before going full agnostic was personal as is often the case for a ruralite. I don't like the idea of having to go through an intermediary to speak with Jesus.
I agree. That is one of the major reasons I disagree with Catholics. I'd much rather pray and ask repentance directly to Jesus instead of asking Mary to pray for me or going to confession
Busy bodies gonna busy body. If you try to dance in secular crowds you'll eventually get some busy body telling you you're being mysogynistic or something. The only way to completely avoid busy bodies is to stay locked up in your room and never do anything ever.
Ok, stop asking other people to pray for you then because you're in trouble. In truth God is the sole mediator but everyone in heaven already has eternal life to pray for you. Hence, anyone who prays for you either here or in heaven interceedes on your behalf.
No Christian allows a man to baptize himself, but when it comes to your (often shameful) sins, everyone wants to insist that you go past the middle-man and confess them "directly to God"… interesting how that works…
Try one of the many liberal Protestant churches.
Isn't it? At the end of the day, it's a pride thing.
African or pente church bruder
We can leave your friends behind
Why won't you be allowed to dance? The psalms promote it tho.
but only if your friends don't dance. Because at that point, if your friends don't dance then they're no friends of mine
Catholics have always danced, Lutherans and Anglicans as well but not Presbyterians
Nope. Be a pagan instead.
Cause if we don't, than no body will.
Are you capable of dropping the bacon on fast days? Because fast days are important. In return you can have double bacon on feast days and appreciate the Lord"s bounty.
I suggest everyone be heathens. You can suck your boyfriend off without angering some mythological figure.
Can you provide an argument for why the world is a better place after having gay sex?
Will you even argue that pairbonding between gays is a thing, and useful for some reason?
And you can act real rude and totally removed
And i can act like an imbecile
Strange question friend!
I want to go to a church where we can act like we come from out of this world and leave the real one far behind
I'm gay and am not ashamed to admit it.
Why do gay people have to be of use to you in order to be of any value?