My school is pozzed

I work at a catholic college. The last nun President was in the 70s. We just got our first female lay president, and within a few years of her presidency we’ve had transgender day with clothing swap, we’re building multiple gender non-binary bathrooms, we are hiring “diverse” people, and we have to go to inclusivity training.

The previous male president was semi pozzed by allowing a gay pride club, but he did BTFO them by saying they couldn’t do something on campus because we had to respect the teachings of the Catholic Church.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Some years ago our """Catholic University""" had an event with wet shirts

My catholic high school had a aboriginal smoking ceremony infront of the cross

Who the hell is hiring those types of people in the first place? The same shit happens EVERYWHERE.

If I were you, I would reach the ranks and fire all of the pozzed leftists there through layoffs. If you don't, then they will eventually deplatform you over it for minor offenses. It might seem harsh, but they have no excuse to do what they're doing if they have the scriptures of Paul. You cannot coerce those people with words, you have to do it by force. Don't be like the conservatives that complain afterwards because it's not going to get better, you NEED to act and force them out ASAP.

Otherwise, they will fire you for "microaggressions" like they did with the student from UVA ( ) , but will defend their indoctrinated students that commit riots.

My Baptist seminary explicitly forbids "heterosexual misconduct, homosexual or bisexual behavior, transgenderism or any other form of sexual misconduct."

Time to convert, friends

lol ok l8r fag enabler B^)

Running away never works, challenging that shit in the first place does.

People think, "If I give them x, they'll stop!", but they NEVER will. If you finally stop, then they consider you a threat and ruin your livelihood over lies. You have to be the dominant force instead of a doormat for a dumber ideology that can't determine genders.

Well, it's a college, so my guess is the Jesuits are up to their fückery again.

Hilarious how you call Baptist kike enablers when Nostra Aetate does literally what you are saying. Nice projection papist. Watch "Marching to Zion" before you project again.

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My evangelical college is kinda pozzed, but as bad as yours. The system is rigged with races, but otherwise we would be the whitest school in America. Gay shit isn't allowed but we have a gay straight alliance thing and a female pastor as well.


check your calendar m8

wrong year

Everytime I hear this, I cannot help but think of that story where a boy but bisexual as his sexual orientation thinking it meant he was down to shagg two girls.

If only St. Ignatius knew what would happen…
Then again they were a major force of good for a long time.

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It's already too late bro, give them an inch and they take a mile. At least you're not on a very liberal campus like mine, you still have something to hold onto.


>first "female" lay president
makes sense

Attached: pope-no-judge-gays-blease.jpg (1280x720, 117.39K)

Get a new job elsewhere. All your whining will come to naught.

Did the mods delete or did the poster? If we had a public log we could find out

Worth noting: Catholic universities are often not Catholic at all. Back in the 50s, calling yourself "Catholic" means you could tap into the cheap labour force of religious societies. They are literally secular institutes that just call themselves Catholic.

Such are the woes of being the largest Church in the world, every niqqa wanna be like you till it comes to doctrine

This pic is brilliant, it's really the Catholic faith in a nutshell - godless and homosexual. Nice dubs too.

Running away is never good. Those leftists are keeping others astray from God's path. They're a corrosive element that will make people lose their faith in God.

If I were him, I would politely voice my views anonymously to all staff via email. Here are guidelines to keep in mind:
1. Include yourself, stick it inbetween your addresses
2. Use a throwaway one-use email like gmail/protonmail on a VPN
3. Write that email in a different one-use different browser that you've rarely used
4. State Cathecisms and biblical verses that back your claim (Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6:9).
5. State that while it's great that sinners are accepted, it's unacceptable for their sin to be promoted as a good thing.
6. Voice your views politely. This is to prevent them from calling an FBI investigation for violence.
Pray that they will listen and cease their activism, but if they're feeling vindictive they won't find you.

You do realize that real life is not like internet forums/chans right? If your job sucks, you find a new job and ask for a reference letter. That's real life. You don't stick around and "winnie the pooh with them".


I wasn’t whining. I was explaining a problem that is happening in society. It’s you who interprets my explanation as whining, most likely because you want to feel superior to me. You likely have an inferiority complex.

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The Jesuits used to be orthodox, zealous missionaries.
used to be.