I'm not from europe...

I'm not from europe, but can eurofriends tell me if there's a big revival of christianity and european traditions right now?

I see on 4chan there's some kind of change from the edgy /b/ atheist to now I see christianity memes, some deus vult memes and I've seen christianity tan being popular as a niche meme.

But I'm not sure if this has any resemblance to IRL europe, maybe is the massive inmigration that makes europeans to want to become christians, or maybe is because the liberal kind of life leaves you with empty meaningless lives, or even could be the result of simple demographics.

Could be a mixture of all those factors, but I wonder if any eurofriend user can give me some explanation of what he sees IRL.

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Short answer is: yes, Europe is not going to be a Christian Continent as it was in the past.
Want the long, more painful answer with a glimmer of hope at the end?

I'm not sure because from what I know, all the people into gay shit, modern progressive garbage, usually abort their babies or simply don't have them.
So, their birthrate is like 0.7 or 1.2 while conservative religious parents never are into gay couples, or abort their babies and they usually have two or more kids.
All the christian comunities that are very conservative are exploding demographically, at least in the US.
Mormons have exploded in the last 40 years.
Russians religious christians have also increased a lot.
Watch the video.

God made creation, Satan corrupted it: those lobbies don’t need to breed, they “””convert””” young minds.

I repeat again, those lifestyles don't provide happyness or meaningful lives, is always empty consumerist garbage.
You can see how much suicides are in the US.

usually those lifestyles always self genocide themselves by some reason.

It's been proven that a kid that grows ups in a conservative family will be conservative, if you look at the US, most kids from republican families follow their parents idelogy like 80% of the time.

Again, you've been shown a lot of liberal and progressive propaganda, but is not what I see in reality.
Right now there's a revival of european identity and the right wing parties are increasing in popularity, even in germany.

I come from a traditional family; I just hold little hope for Western, Northern and Southern Europe: the Balts and Slavs will survive in larger numbers, tho.


Maybe you need to start lurking behind the surface.
From what it seems, societies have self preserving mechanism, just like humans have self preserving insticts.

You could see how Poland is having huge nation wide protest against islam while having less than 0.2% muslims.
If anything muslim inmigration is making the average citizen to wake up and wonder what are his values.

I don't hate muslims, simply because they're forcing to europeans to confront what it means to be european.
There's another thing I also support muslism, since they're still not brainwashed by the left, they literally opose gay progressive agendas.
The left then can't support both the gay agenda and both muslim inmigration.
So, the left will break apart.
In some sense, muslims are also part of the abrahamic religious, even if they're not christians, they still believe in jesus somehow and are very religious.
There will be a push againts the gay agenda, and I rather be with muslims simply because they opose the same things christians opose (drugs, porn, sexual degeneracy).

In some sense, I support muslims because I don't see them as my enemy, but I see muslims can cooperate with christians in some issues.

If anything we can't pronosticate or visualize what will happen in the future, we just don't know.

As I wrote, the Slavs and Balts will survive; Western Europe will become Muslim prolly.

I can't speak for the mainland but for the UK this is absolutely not happening. A portion of the population is becoming more traditional as a result of failed ideologies (hardcore liberalism, post-modernism, extreme BLT ""rights"", etc) being forced on the population, but whether this movement will ultimately die out I don't know. I seriously doubt that the course of the country will be changed, and I also doubt that these traditionalists are conservative Christians. They are likely atheist/agnostic conservatives, who cling to some form of tradition without realising they spent the last 50 years eroding the foundation of that tradition.

As for the chan; This is classic contrarianism. The chans (ad especially Zig Forums before it become a wasteland of no redeemable value) are contrarian by nature. Now that tradition is out the window, Christians are evil, good is bad, and the West is on a steady march toward moral destruction, it is natural for contrarians to cling to tradition. 90% of the people posting those memes are not true Christians, and they will likely be cast into hell on the Day of Judgement because they never truly trusted on the Lord, they only saw Christianity as a means to an end, or a relic of a bygone era.

This resurgence of the so called right that you may read about is mostly fringe, a natural push back against rampant atheistic moral nihilism. Where it is not fringe, it is most certainly temporary. The Soldiers of Odin are not going to be forming a government anytime soon, and I suspect they will likely be arrested. As more and more of society rejects Christ, the results will be horrific. Polls are useless and you shouldn't bank too mucc on them, but many polls indicate that Gen Z (Zoomers) are more conservative than Gen Y and Millennials, yet they are even more atheistic. What's going on?? It is a push back against the leftism pushed by the earlier generations. Some of them have seen just how destructive these ideologies are, and they don't want it. They are the generation being raised by transgender parents and two dads and who knows what else. Millennials are the peak of degeneracy (so far) and now they are trying to raise children in their same reprobate ways.

However this does not mean that there is a resurgence of Christianity. Some 1/5 people between 11-25 have "attempted" suicide. They didn't just think about it, they gave it a try. These people are hurting, and only the Gospel can fix this.

You should not be too worried about this. God is 'the LORD of Hosts', the Almighty Creator, King over all the world. If He wants a sudden revival in Europe, then that's exactly what will happen. Do not despair when you see falling rates of Christianity and rampant degeneracy. We do not trust in governments or in polls or demographics, rather we cling to the Lord. It's ok to be upset at abortion and forced homosexuality, but none of this happens without the Lord willing it to happen. He is in control of ALL things,; he orchestrates the dances of the largest galaxies, and determines the interactions of the smallest particles. Do not despair, but when things get difficult, and the world begins to persecute you for Christ's sake, cling to Him who has power over your soul. The world will be damned to the lake of fire one day, but God will never forsake you if you are His.

I'm sure there will be some ethnic conflict between europeans and muslims in the future.

It seems foreign invadors are a typical God punishment when the tribe of israel became too degenerate.

Jews were forced to become slaves to foreign invadors, but this seem just a way of God as punishment to degenerates people.

However I think the muslim invassion will only make even the most liberal european to question this faith in securalism and humanistic ideals.
It seems humans need to fall into disgrace only to found God.
Some of the most fervent christians are people that overcome drug adiction and saw hell on life until they converted to jesus in the process.

It seems jesus didn't came to save religious or conservative jews, but he came to save always the ones that were the most degenerates and morally sick people.

We're seeing a revival of moral lifes, in things like nofap, even if is a meme and maybe if is just reddit, nofap is a rediscovery of ancient wisdom on sexual alchemy.

Not sure about the future, only God knows it, but I do have some hope for europeans.

I do agree that is seems God punishes wickedness, and perhaps that extends to nations in our modern era. Though we should be careful to take Israel's physical blessings and apply them to ourselves; the physical blessings (and curses) for Israel in the OT are now spiritual blessings in NT times.

Jesus said that he did not come for the righteous, but for the unrighteous, just as a doctor doesn't do house calls for a healthy man, but for a sick man who sees his illness and knows his need for the Doctor. It is as if Jesus accepts the judgment of the self-righteous man; "Ok, you are righteous, a you have said, so I will leave you alone". Of course anyone who has not received Christ's righteousness will be having a bad day when Christ returns, but just as a sick man who refuses to recognize his illness and need for a doctor cannot receive the cure, so too can a self-righteous man not receive the saving grace of Christ because said man refuses to acknowledge his sin and his need form a saviour.

This is, in some regards, good. It is good that people are rejecting degeneracy and are seeking after traditional values. Society works better when that society is striving after conservative (read: Christian) values. But ultimately these people need Christ. If they are not saved, then all you will end up with is a good and well functioning nation for people to go to hell from. Even if every country on Earth is following Biblical principals, if they are not doing it because the Holy Spirit is working in their hearts to produce these good works, then every single last one of them will live good and moral lives, and then be damned to hell for eternity. This is the futility of trusting on politics. By all means be a political guy if you want, and if God has equipped you to go into that realm then you go for it, but I think it is important to remember what makes a nation 'great'. It isn't political leanings or government policies or even church attendance, it is the state of a nation's soul that will ultimately make it great. You can have every person in a country go to church every single Sunday (which would be a good thing), but if they are unregenerate, that nation will not stay good and moral for too long.

"Why is there evil and suffering in the world?" Because the world is filled with evil, sinful people who hate God and His goodness.

Yeah, most leftists will defect the other side…or be killed by them.

God permits us to do these vile things but He does not will us to do these things. To say that God wills abortion and faggotry would be calling God:
1) a murderer (which He is not)
2) a hypocrite (because He literally obliterated two cities for doing those exact things, on top of making Laws agianst it)

Attached: lamlooking-at-some-serious-heresy-21578148.png (500x522, 167.44K)

I agree, but I don't see evil as particularly something that isn't against God wisdom.

Just like hunger exist for a reason, and hunger feels bad, and hunger makes people commit sometimes awful things and you can even die of hunger, I see hunger as having a purpose so you can eat.

I think humans have a need to seek spiritual food, and I think you can starve spiritualy.

Of course everything I've spoken so far doesn't come from my biblical or christian knowledge, but comes from what I can see and observe in real life and my own personal experience.

It makes sense that wickeness and inmorality, are like cheap fast food, it sure feels good, but you then in the end suffer consequences, you become fat, you can't move, you suffer from diseases.

Eventually most fat people want to stop being fat, maybe some fat people wrongly will want to push for fat acceptance, but I think most fat people will eventually wake up at some point.

I like to view sin not as something God forbids, but more in the view of food, we need food, but there's also cheap food that is poison and too much food has consequences, however food is something that can also be done in a responsible way and help you to grow as a person.

Just like sex feels good because in God wisdom he made it feel good, maybe lust is not particularly something evil, as long as is done in a responsible way, which is a christian marriage.

Of course this comes from my own personal opinion on long mental debates over the topic.

Maybe sin and suffering and evil serves a purpose in the grand scheme of God, maybe we as simple cartoons in God creations can't understand why God, if he's all too god will allow the devil to do all those evil things.

Maybe just like cold is needed for heat to exist and the night is needed so we can appreciate the beauty of light, maybe there's a purpose on also inmorality.

Maybe God uses inmorality to test humans and to punish them, but maybe is not even fault of God to punish us for inmorality.
Maybe the consequences of sin are inherent to sin, just like eating too much fast food will have consequences, but this doesn't mean food is evil.

I don't disagree, and saying *permit* is clearer than *will*, however for the sake of argument, you could say that if God did not will something to happen, then it would not have happened. What he permits is part of his greater will. God most certainly hates abortion, but in a sense He 'wanted' these disgusting laws in the US to be passed because if He explicitly did not want them to be passed, they would not have happened at all. It was a part of his will to permit that sin, which He will sinlessly use for His purposes.

Usually sin is defined as a violation of God's perfect and Just Laws. It was God's Law that Adam and Eve would not eat of the fruit; they sinned by breaking that law. That is why the punishment of sin is death, because it is a violation of God's laws. It is part of God's moral law that you should not murder. So if you murder, you are violating God's law (sinning). Sin isn't just an oops moment, or falling short of a standard, it is an egregious violation of God's Justice, which is why He punishes it so severely.

Paul writes in Romans that every (unregenerate) human being is not only alienated from God, but actively hostile towards Him. We crave sin because we in our very nature hate God. God does sinlessly use our sin for His purposes, and he does 'test' us, though it might be better to use the word 'prove'. The imagery is like how in ancient times they would refine or prove precious metals by heating it in an extremely hot furnace.

I think I see your point.

I do see the issue of sin and morality in dualistic terms, more like you need both oposites for something to exist, at least it seems the world plays heavily on dualism.

It seems sin and evil are just the natural oposite force of Good and love.

If we trust in God, victory is assured.

I can conform that at least in Finland churches are very empty. On the Sunday morning mass I attend there are mostly few old women.

Evil is absence of good as cold is the absence of hot (agitation of molecules).
Good is going along God's Will.

What you're seeing is a pendulum swing into what's edgy for the current generation. It's was explicit atheism before, now it's still atheism but masked under "cultural Christianity".

If you're yearning for the faith of Medieval Europe then you don't have to wait for long. The new Earth that God will create for his people will quench our thirst for a holy nation. Glory be to God forever and ever, Amen.

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There can’t ever be peace in the heart of European man until he accepts that he is infinitely evil by comparison to the infinitely good God. He must realize, as the prophet Isaiah shows us, that God himself bore our iniquities and blotted them out. There is no way to Heaven by human effort. God has sacrificed himself for us already, since before the world began. It is up to European man to have faith in that sacrifice and accept God. But, man is evil, and he will choose to believe he ought to work in some way to reach heaven, not believing God can do anything, not believing he can bare infinite iniquities.