I agree, but I don't see evil as particularly something that isn't against God wisdom.
Just like hunger exist for a reason, and hunger feels bad, and hunger makes people commit sometimes awful things and you can even die of hunger, I see hunger as having a purpose so you can eat.
I think humans have a need to seek spiritual food, and I think you can starve spiritualy.
Of course everything I've spoken so far doesn't come from my biblical or christian knowledge, but comes from what I can see and observe in real life and my own personal experience.
It makes sense that wickeness and inmorality, are like cheap fast food, it sure feels good, but you then in the end suffer consequences, you become fat, you can't move, you suffer from diseases.
Eventually most fat people want to stop being fat, maybe some fat people wrongly will want to push for fat acceptance, but I think most fat people will eventually wake up at some point.
I like to view sin not as something God forbids, but more in the view of food, we need food, but there's also cheap food that is poison and too much food has consequences, however food is something that can also be done in a responsible way and help you to grow as a person.
Just like sex feels good because in God wisdom he made it feel good, maybe lust is not particularly something evil, as long as is done in a responsible way, which is a christian marriage.
Of course this comes from my own personal opinion on long mental debates over the topic.
Maybe sin and suffering and evil serves a purpose in the grand scheme of God, maybe we as simple cartoons in God creations can't understand why God, if he's all too god will allow the devil to do all those evil things.
Maybe just like cold is needed for heat to exist and the night is needed so we can appreciate the beauty of light, maybe there's a purpose on also inmorality.
Maybe God uses inmorality to test humans and to punish them, but maybe is not even fault of God to punish us for inmorality.
Maybe the consequences of sin are inherent to sin, just like eating too much fast food will have consequences, but this doesn't mean food is evil.