1 Timothy 4:1-3
But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will [a]fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth.
This one hit me by surprise. Is being vegan sinful? Is MGTOW sinful?
1 Timothy 4:1-3
BTW I don't believe that MGTOW would have come about before the 20th century, seeing as how the prerequisites for it (i.e. sexual revolution) hadn't arrived in earlier centuries. I believe this fulfils the Lord's prophesy when he says "in later times".
Considering they are both cultish as well, yes.
No. Thinking that eating meat and having sex are sins and admonishing those as sins is.
Not in and of itself; but if you demand others not eat meat, then it becomes sinful. What you do is up to you.
As much as I'd love to say 1000x yes, it's not in and of itself sinful. It becomes sinful when you start demanding others not marry because "lol womenz sux". What you do is up to you.
Thank you for the clarification. I remember somewhere in the Bible where God says it's okay to do things that help us in the faith but to not try and enforce them upon other believers.
I'm not Vegan but I am MGTOW. However, after your reply and the Biblical quote I'll try to abstain from telling others not to marry.
Personally abstaining from marriage isn’t really MGTOW, it’s just celibacy. MGTOW is a (((movement))) encouraging all young men to stay celibate.
Are they enacting laws? Are they attacking those who try to get married?
Being vegan? No. Endlessly talking about it and calling meat murder? Possibly.
Jesus himself approves and even admonishes his own disciples about the virtue of celibacy.. but it's only to those who are "called to do so". Paul, also, wish others were as he was (celibate), but not everyone is called to be so.
So yeah, it's a matter of enforcement and making absolutes, I suppose.
I still wouldn't equate anything Christians do to MGTOW however. It's a love for God. Not hatred of women. And a love for God further expands your time and dedication to love for your fellow humans, without any familial biases or constraints. Those in ministry are called to love those under their teaching or care.. not hate them. MGTOW are no better than the Cynics in Jesus' day. Some became celibate as well, but none of their message was about love.
Personally I think the stuff about forbidding marriage was prophesy about the gnostics and the cathars and other such dualists, but the implication seems to be condemning judiazing and not just simply abstaining yourself for whatever reason (be it health or safety)
As I think about it, this is pretty much correct. You can be vegan and it's not a big deal. It's when you form your entire identity around being vegan that it becomes a form of gluttony.
Not all gnostics were like that. The error of their thinking was just seeing the "flesh"/material reality as fake or wrong (rather than "good" as God clearly did in Genesis). So some developed an ascetic outlook.. but others, viewing the flesh as meaningless, engaged in rampant hedonism.. because this life apparently didn't matter anyways. But the same underlying thinking was behind both.
Strangely, evangelical/ and many tv preachers teach a form of this latter Gnosticism themselves. Some in varying degrees. Sola Fide itself is a form of Gnosticism. Of just having one particular "special" knowledge of Jesus and being part of a club. Nothing else truly matters in the rest of their walk. They could live it up like hedonists if they really wanted to, and just ask for forgiveness. Because they have the "special connection" (gnosis/knowledge) of Jesus.
Teachers like Kenneth Copeland go even further though. He (and his cohorts) literally push a "little gods" theory that is very similar to Gnostics' "preexistence of souls" theory, It says we all have divine rights and we're ultimately spirit beings and parts of God (rather than mere creations). And from this, they teach the "Word of Faith" heresy.. the "name it and claim" crap that says you have the right to claim anything, because you are a little god on earth. If you don't have these things, you simply don't have enough faith and not part of the elite.
By this, they con the masses into thinking they got all of their riches and golden mansions because they "named it and claimed it" and are extremely blessed by God. Now the Gnostic crap especially comes in this bit: When you call them out for living rich and extravagantly, they say it doesn't matter. You can't guilt them with it. Some get busted in scams and fraud or very lurid sexual ordeals as well, but they wave that away and you'll see the Jim Bakkers and Benny Hinns back to their old tricks sooner or later, and the crowds seemingly forgiving them. Their sins don't matter, because these people are "clearly blessed" because God has rewarded them with riches and they're treated like little gods.
It's also why the evangelicals are so enamored with Donald Trump btw. Even when he says he's never asked God for forgiveness, these people treat him as a true child of god.. simply because he's rich and has been rewarded like a god on earth. How can one argue with God's annointed? (They love using the word "annointed" all the time btw.. which should ultimately refer to Christ, but they use it in blasphemous ways).
I'm rambling now. I'm not going to double check my post lol.. But I hope you made sense of some of that. They're wacky people. But my original point was that gnostics can be hedonists too.
Romans 14
televangelists are bemoaned by evangelicals more than anyone else
actual brainlet
sola fide, sola scriptura are explicitly the OPPOSITE of gnosticism. Under sola scriptura (which leads to sola fide), there is zero requirement for additional special revelation (gnosis in gnosticism) because of the total sufficiency of scripture
Is Steven Anderson a cult?
Lol what bible are you reading?
No, because he's somewhat mainstream.
I'm newish to Christianity.
How's he mainstreamish?
His videos get like a hundred views and his church has like 50 people max.
He's out in the mainstream, doing things, he's a known entity. He isn't a David Korriesh.
Unless we're talking about cult in the sense that he brainwashes people, which in that case he still isn't a cult leader. He doesn't incite violence. And he isn't using it for his own power.
He's a moron who misinterprets the bible but he isn't a cult leader
Yeah I know.
Just I always hear people can him a cult leader. Other than the anti gay stuff he understands the Bible pretty well.
He's mainstream in that he's a meme.
What would happen if someone sent that to him? Like tweeted that at him?
Actually veganism is 100% mortally sinful if you believe it is morally wrong to kill and eat animals. If you disagree with like modern animal farming or whatever, you may get a pass, but veganism believes that it is morally wrong to kill and eat an animal (or "exploit" it in anyway - this is why they are against even taking eggs from a pet Chicken you own etc). This is 100% sinful because you think that God's morality is wrong. Killing an animal for food in an of itself can never be morally wrong.
As for MGTOW - you should probably just become a monk and take up religious orders. Problem is I bet most MGTOWs are Prots.
I dunno user why don't you give it a try?
For it to be mortally sinful, they would need to know it is in quite direct defiance of God. Most do not and are simply ignorant, so I wouldn't call it a mortal sin.
Even St. Jerome believed in vegetarianism because it resembled the Adamic life, while it is still a flawed way of thinking, it's not necessarily mortally sinful. For people with digestive issues it could be OK, or even as simply a personal preference with no preconceptions on what is right or wrong.
Meat is murder though. It's only considered acceptable under Abrahamic religions.
And in every religion that doesn't worship animals like retards.
winnie the pooh pagans
Heck off, Molochian
God made animals for us to eat, not to worship.
Being a vegan isn't sinful, but shaming other's for NOT being vegan is.
If you are doing it to solely spite women, yes it also makes you a beta faggot
If you are doing it to stay chaste so you can be closer to God and maybe become apart His clergy, than no.
I think someone already did and IIRC he found it funny.
Thanks. That's the chapter I was referring to here:
Its a movement that tells men that women aren't worth their time but it doesn't say anything about celibacy.
Christianity and MGTOW should have nothing to do with each other. By and large it is a secular self serving movement that has nothing to do with God. Only if the individual just happens to be Christian.
You can be celibate and not MGTOW.