Is Christianity a socialist religion?

Is Christianity a socialist religion?

I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Matthew 19:23-24

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No, it isn't
The Vatican has already denounced Communism and Socialism.
The Orthodox are still pissed at the communists for what they did to Russia.
Some prots might be okay with it, but majority Prots know it is a kike trick.

So REPENT from your false idols and -isms and come back to the Lord your God

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Socialism =/= Charity

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the vatican has been supporting charities for centuries tho

One man's socialism isn't the same as another man's socialism.


Ask a conservative capitalist if he'd like to give to charity and he'll call it something out of that sphere.

You're being way too obvious, leftypol shill.

Are you serious?

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When Mary Magdalene washed Jesus feet with expensive fragrances, this is exactly how she was criticized.

a christian society would be far-right socially and far-left economically.


Christianity does not conform to any secular theory of politics or economics. Christianity is about following the teachings of Christ, nothing more and nothing less. The biggest reason why Christianity cannot be socialist in particular is because socialism openly calls for the total destruction of Christianity, which is obviously incompatible with Christianity.

No one is gonna post the whole video?
The pope gives that piece of shit back with disgust.

Try harder

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Not gonna lie. This is also true.

Not gonna lie. Xi Jinping yourself.

Oh wow, you sure showed me, comrade. I don't think I'll ever recover from such a big brained argument like that. Truly, communism will work this time.

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There is a difference between giving to the poor yourself and using the government to extort money from others and redistribute it to parasites who don't deserve it.

That's great.
Why don't you go now and burn someone at the stake with your mad based implications?
Don't want to pay taxes? Sure, go right ahead. Move to the woods and grow your a farm while at it.
Call me a communist for the fact that there is socialism in the Bible? Go see a psychiatrist and don't punch someone in the face for glancing the wrong way at you.

Because the difference is being informed.
You can give to charity all you want, doesn't mean the money will go where it needs to.
Same thing with wellfare. But unlike charities that don't really answer much to anyone, and don't need to, government does and knowing where your tax goes is vital.
The dangers of well fare enabling the poor is a whole different issue. Ask Mr. Rockafeller here about that

I literally quoted Jewish Rabbis. Even if I wasn't from Zig Forums it doesn't change the fact that Communism is and will always be a jewish trick on people. Socialism is not in the Bible. Jesus wants individuals to do charity work, not get giant bureaucracies to force people to do it.

Please, move to Venezuela or China if you think Communism is so great I know you won't

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Evo Morales and all these nasties in SA need to gtfo.

Nice strawman. Americans are the most charitable.

That's weird, I don't seem to recall Christ declaring that humanity will never be free until the last stone of the last church is cast upon the last priest.

Much welcome polfag,
please abstain of shitposting in the future
and to answer your question,
no, Christianity doesn't adhere to either socialist or capitalist regimes, any form of materialism is against it at all

2 verses later
God can put a camel through the eye of a needle, God can get a rich man into heaven.
The parable of the wicked tenants clearly has wicked people who seize the means of production meeting a wicked end.

This post goes out to those that don't know what the Parable of the Wicked Tenants is
[Mark 12]

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Nice bait thread. Bored were we, OP?

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this triggers the Zig Forums

And they come from miles around just to add in their "anti-Jewish communism conspiracy" memes to an argument that has nothing to do with them

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does anyone have the 911 version of the first meme?

It is profoundly facetious to conflate private charity with state-enforced economic egalitarianism.

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You seem confused. Are you that communist shill from /politics general/?
Also…this thread could be kept in that containment thread. If you look it up we discussed it like 4 weeks ago.


You commie filth just can't stop lying

Yes. It's true that christianity is a socialist religion. God is a socialist. He will punish those who refuse to love their fellow humans as as He has loved them.

However, above all, christianity calls for an individual responsibility. We are told to render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. Socialists would revolt against any authority that denies their idea and steal from them, however christians should not. Christians apply socialism through the act of charity, and even above socialism because should expect nothing in return.

This is why I'm against any form of political christianity, including church endorsed christian monarchy. I think such a thing would contradict the emphasis on individuality of Christ's teachings.

The Church condemned marxism numerous times through history.

The Catholic Church approves, accepts, and even exercises the right to private property, infallibly defining that deniers of private property are heretics, blasphemers, and wicked criminals.

The Church has private property as a Natural Right (theonomic) and as Divine Positive Right , being a sacred and inviolable right, even with abuse in the use of such right.

According to the Church, the right of private property ceases only in very rare and very serious cases, such as life or death matters (such as those who steal food because of the imminent risk of dying of hunger) and similar cases.

Thomas More's utopia also had slaves. St. Thomas Aquinas advocated for Monarchy

Zig Forumscucks will never stop defendig their jewish overlords

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You just can't catch a break, can you Zig Forums?

Utopia was a satire.

The issue is with Zionist Jews and the moderate ones who stay silent for their own gain; just like why we shouldn’t let in moderate Muslims: they both are the weed amidst which the deadly snakes of Communism, Consumerism and Islam hide to attack the Christian heart of Europe and the Americas.

Piss off, /leftyfur/

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Mises and rothbard spent their lifetimes arguing against Zog's control over you brainlet
If you don't like to hear it from them just listen to hoppe. He's the inheritor of their work.

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Christianity is communal and denounces capitalistic tendencies like greed and gluttony, covetousness and envy.
However it is not communist for reasons that should be apparent to anyone who reads the Bible as a wholistic text and does the same to leftist writings.

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You have to dig a little deeper into the verse. If interpreted super literally, this would mean that if someone transferred 10 million to your bank account right before you died, you wouldn't get into heaven. This is obviously not what our good Lord means, I'm pretty sure this is about the love of money.

I can tell you that Christians today wouldn't believe in the perverted, sex and drug-obsessed garbage that passes for socialism in America.

I try to give to charity all the time. What are you even talking about?