I never understood this concept. How is shoving your hard genitals inside your wife that you love unconditionally suppose to be something out of LOVE? To even have an erection, you're suppose to be aroused. To get aroused, you need to think of your wife as something "sexy". I don't get aroused with women I have a thing for. What I wanted to do instead was maybe get to know her a bit, hug and cuddle with her at a park, and maybe grab some lunch… but the thought of pounding her like an animal doesn't cross my mind ever. I've had friends who also dealt with this. Many of them have told me that they never get aroused or masturbate to the girl they truly care about… they only do that to sidechicks or whores. Interestingly enough, there this is study where men want to cuddle but women prefer to have sex. telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/8629374/Men-want-cuddles-but-women-prefer-sex-survey-finds.html
Am I missing something here? I'm tired of all these pro-sex tiggers on this board saying otherwise. To have arousal and an erection is to have dirty perverted sexual thoughts. One thing is to have sex to reproduce and another is to have sex purely because some pro-sex tiggers said it's suppose to be LOVE
Stop being such a faggot on Zig Forums, on Zig Forums of all places.
Andrew Hernandez
Show me a verse where it says I'm suppose to find women sexy, retard.
Xavier Torres
Low IQ posts ITT
Isaac Brown
No one is made a heretic by like or dislike of something is a matter of consciousness. They are made so, however, by falsely espousing something which is up to consciousness as a commandment of God. OP did not claim he is more favourable to God than any of yoh on account of his opinion on sex. You, however, do.
Nicholas Jackson
You don't shove all of your genitals into your wife, just the penis.
Nathaniel Gomez
Ouch sounds like I hit a nerve. Maybe if you stopped acting like a tigger then maybe God wouldn't prevent you from having sex.
Sex is for procreation. Love of your kind thru sex is the act of creating more of your kind.
Justin Howard
Maybe you are asexual. That is fine, no one is going to chew you out for it (although I'm not sure if asexuals can get sacramental marriage).
Eros (that is, "love" in the sense of intensely wanting someone because of their uniqueness and particularity, hence the term "eroticism") is not evil in itself. I would even dare to say that God loves us "erotically". This is most properly seen in how Christ is the bridegroom of the Church, although the Song of Songs is more literally about a man and a woman erotically loving each other, as a symbol of God's relationship with Israel. St. John Chrysostom wrote on the divine eros: johnsanidopoulos.com/2014/04/divine-eros-according-to-saint-john.html Even Christ's love for us, and our love for Him, is "erotic". I of course do not mean that it is about sexual lust, but He desires us so much and we desire Him so much that we literally eat His Body and drink His Blood that He gives us so that we may be grafted onto Him. While it would be strongly inappropriate to say that the Eucharist is of a sexual nature, it is true that sex within marriage, if it is done with faith in God and love for one's spouse, is itself an act of koinonia (communion), it is itself an eucharist (thanksgiving to God). And indeed, just as one can commune to the Eucharist unworthily (by not being baptized, by not being Chrismated, by having gravely sinned since one's last Eucharist and not having confessed it…), one can also have sexual intercourse unworthily (by doing it outside of marriage, by doing it with more than one person at once, by doing it for self-gratification rather than self-sacifice, by going against natural law in the intercourse itself…).
It is nomal, even good, to desire others (that which is called "eroticism", although I mean in the literal sense and not in the modern, purely sexual definition of it). And it is normal, even good, to express this desire as sexual intercourse (but again, this must be done lawfully).
Appreciation of one of God’s gifts is not perversion. There are many passages in the Bible that praise women’s physical beauty, clearly written by men.
No, I am merely pointing out that despising something that is objectively good sounds suspiciously like Gnosticism (“physical world bad” :^| ).
YOU read it. You literally can’t commit adultery with your own wife. Don’t be absurd.
Jose Taylor
You know, as a Christian, I really don't make a habit of telling people to get laid, but now I'm really starting to see the logic behind people telling others to get laid. Only in marriage though.
Zachary Harris
Thanks man for your post what books do you recommend on this subject?
Kayden Flores
In itself, the act ot sex indeed has nothing to do with love. But consider also that the act of handing someone money has in itself nothing to do with charity: it's the accompanying circumstances that determine whether it is or not an act of charity.
You seriously came to the Internet and expected honest discussion about the difference between making a baby and fornication? There is no way to describe it until you actually make a baby with a woman obviously within marriage you are deeply in love with. It's a level of intimacy that would be far too inappropriate to describe here on Zig Forums don't even bother being a smuggie and asking, you pervert. Just stop thinking too hard about it and just marry the woman God wanted you to have and experience it for yourself.
obligatory QTDDTOT thread is where this belongs, newfriend
Are you actually insane? You’re the one that apparently can’t distinguish between appreciating your wife’s beauty and thinking about bestiality. Disgusting lunatic.
Lincoln Johnson
Electromagnetic fields of the female and male merge during copulation, made possible by vaginal secretions which conduct electricity when skin is on skin. Two become one. The interference of our energy field acts similar to acupuncture, a reboot if you will, and calms us down after the frictional explosive responsive ignites a sensory storm of sensation not unlike spontaneous combustion. The aftermath of such an experience is bonding if done with the intent of bonding. That’s my take on it.
Isaac Wood
Why would anyone ask you anyways when you haven't experienced it yourself?
Aaron Thomas
You're the one who thinks having sexual perverted thoughts about your wife is ok as long as she is your wife… idiot
Matthew Jackson
Oh wow, good one user. How will someone who is married like myself EVER recover? I'm sure all the Stacies are swooning after you.
My goodness, I didn't know we had Catholic schoolmarms here.
Evan Myers
The term "love" is another scheme that corrupts natural laws (attraction) to divide human beings. It's all about nature in relationships…attraction, procreation, bonding, securing offspring, keeping the the family unit intact. All of these are happening instinctual. As for Sex…lust is a psychological event that can become a vice so it needs common sense to prevent it from harming yourself and others. A great rule is to not go out in search for sex, but in search for a true partner. So now let's unwind what you perceive as love…it's a lie to yourself about the quality of attraction. It has as much meaning to another human as to your favorite meal, movie etc. Inside the relationship it's been used as a tool for self validation by tricking your partner into committing to you. It's a very hedonistic thing to do even if the majority doesn't realize it. From the outside (and why it was created) it has the effect that humans fall prey to rejecting partners because of the perceived notion that they don't "love" them enough. This is what the creators intended to happen, a small wound that festers inside a race and prevents a natural lineage of offspring.
Jacob Myers
You need to stop watching porn; it has obviously skewed your perceptions on the opposite sex and how we relate to them.
Stop. Watching. Porn.
Ayden Anderson
Noah Rodriguez
This is your brain on Protestantism. I bet you also think anal sex is ok as long as it is with your wife.
Luis Martinez
Interesting user. Please continue if there is more.
Aaron Evans
Context matters. Sex is good within marriage. Find scripture to prove me wrong. You can’t though, because the Bible says that marital sex is good.
Alexander Butler
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from unchastity; that each one of you know how to take a wife for himself in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like heathen who do not know God; that no man transgress, and wrong his brother in this matter, because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we solemnly forewarned you. For God has not called us for uncleanness, but in holiness. (1 Thes 4:3-7) GET OFF MY BOARD YOU NEWFAG SCUM
The books of the Bible where God's relationship with Israel is shown like a romance, or a marriage, are already clear enough, I believe. See: - Hosea - Song of Songs - Proverbs (chapter 31, where Lady Wisdom and the ideal wife are portrayed as one and the same thing, and we know that Jesus is the Wisdom of God according to 1 Corinthians 1:24, although St. Irenaeus applies the title to the Holy Spirit) - Ephesians (chapter 5, verses 22-32)
But I can also point out that, at least in Orthodoxy, the service of marriage intentionally mirrors that of the second half of the Divine Liturgy. The Divine Liturgy is:
Colton Peterson
Wrong again. Obviously there are boundaries, but you're drawing them incorrectly.
Julian Morgan
Lust is disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive purposes. Therefore sexual thoughts in of itself is not ok.
Leo Torres
Well, there you go.
Gabriel Reyes
Except I have, swine. Hence why I am telling you like it is. Look man if you want to be celibate within your marriage, that's cool. There are some saints that have done exactly that. You do you. To be honest we don't need your genes in the gene pool. So please do everyone and yourself a favor and just don't ever procreate, ever. Don't be fruitful and multiply. Please, just don't.
Treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (2 Timothy 3:4) Woe to those who rise early in the morning that they may pursue strong drink, Who stay up late in the evening that wine may inflame them!(Isaiah 5:11) You're obviously not a Christian.
Tyler Murphy
Sorry, I realize I didn't actually answer your question directly. No, I don't know of a book on the subject. However, this is one of the first results I find and, quickly scrolling through it, it seems to be good: orthodoxchristianbooks.com/downloads/88_THE_THEOLOGY_OF_EROS.pdf
Sebastian Cook
Lust in your heart is specific to people outside of marriage. Married Men and Woman share each other in full unity, if I was married I wouldn't feel "lust" even If wanted to have sex with her.
Your idea of lust is wrong.
Jackson Gutierrez
You hear that everybody? You're not allowed to think of things like a beautiful sunrise!
Adam Anderson
That doesn’t make sex with your wife bad, not thoughts thereof. You are taking things out of context again. “7 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. 4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. 5 ==Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.== Here oil clearly states that married couples should not ovarian from sex for long periods of time, so as to avoid sin. This clearly means that a sexless marriage is a sinful marriage, for marriage is a sacrament, and God designed sex for marriage. So to avoid the sin of forbication, that is, sex outside of marriage, men and women are to marry, and engage in sexual intercourse (in such a manner that may lead to children), as God deemed it to be “very good” on day 6 of creation.
Brayden Fisher
Nah. Your entire posts are full of cringe. Why would anyone become celibate when I can clearly how celibacy has made you bitter? And they're honorable, unlike you. Who's this "we"? Are you speaking for God himself? My lord, what a """Christian""" you truly are. Seems like that user really made you mad kek. See, people see this irrational behavior from Christians and yet wonder why no one takes them seriously. Who gave you authority over who can have sex or who can't? You're such a loser LOL
Pegging is an intrinsically homosexual act, which is explicitly forbidden by the Bible.
Landon Allen
Where did he mention pegging? There you go again. I think you might have a porn addiction if that’s the first place your mind goes.
Well you won’t be reproducing anyway, since you believe marital sex is bad. But that aside, you keep making things up. God explicitly states marital sex to be a good thing. For clarification, marital sex should be restricted to PIV with no contraceptive measures.
Jackson Evans
There you go, lying again. Read the ENTIRE passage. Married sex=good, extramarital sex=fornication=bad.
Connor Wood
Can't tell if you actually think anyone who doesn't agree with you is a virgin or you're so stupid can't read IDs
And I bet God also states it's good to dictate who should reproduce and who shouldn't, huh?
Now I know you never ever seen a vagina.
Thanks for the laughs
Juan Evans
This came straight out of the abyss of my mind. If you want to know more you need to ask the right questions. So what do you want to know?
James Rogers
By that logic, sexual thoughts are lust too then.
I think you might have a porn addiction if that’s the first place your mind goes. Talking from experience eh?
Jack Gutierrez
Thank you for your replies. I appreciate it. Will read into them.
Ethan James
What? You're a retard. Get off this board.
Cooper Robinson
1: I didn’t change the goalpost, 2: of physical sex with your wife is good, as stated in the Bible, then logically, thoughts thereof are not bad. No more than looking forward to a meal is bad. 3: I am simply stating that from what I’ve seen on this board, people who immediately think of the most perverse things when they even read the word “sex” have something wrong with them.
You’re the one who keeps using “virgin” as an insult.
You must be new, because personal insults are against the rules of this board.
Matthew Walker
You don't have authority to call anyone a retard with that sub-IQ 80 of yours.
It was descriptive, not an insult. Coming up with a complete non-sequitur thinking that it was logically relevant is retard behavior and should be discouraged.
I'm the one arguing AGAINST sexual thoughts of your wife being a sin, user.
Owen Hughes
Low impulse non whites should not be allowed to post here
Christian Thomas
Wow, more things I didn’t say. God demands that me and women be fruitful and multiply, unless they are called to priesthood. There is no getting around this.
Who are you to judge what constitutes as animal behavior? I've seen two legged beast committing so many senseless and vicious atrocities no other creature could ever compete.
This is the natural act of cleansing yourself from the waste you shoved down your throat. Just because humans tricked themselves into perceiving the act as shameful, doesn't mean it's not an ingenious, natural mechanism. Next time you get offended by it you should pray for the gift of self healing.
Literally the act of celebrating life itself…and here you mock it as primitive. You really need to learn more about nature before you post your statements.
Joshua Harris
Just stop overthinking it.
When you get the cuddle you wanted you'll want other things, and after you get those you'll want something else, and eventually you'll want your wife as God intended her.
It's nice that you aren't constantly distracted during the day with thoughts of these (rather graphic) sexual fantasies you mention. That doesn't mean that you aren't attracted to women you love. (In fact, many perverts find the exact opposite: that they are aroused by thinking about some vile fetish that, when it confronts them in real life, is totally disgusting.)
How is changing a baby's diapers supposed to be something done out of LOVE? We have natural disgust of certain things that protects us from disease and spiritual impurity, if we obey the inclination. But a mother who loves her baby will also make sure the baby is clean and dry…
Luke Ramirez
Jaxon Diaz
A man and a woman can love each other very much in that way, but at the end of the day they are still people. Not one. Sex in its original intents and purposes. Brings them closer, body to body, heart to heart, spirit to spirit, as close as a man and a woman can ever get; and at the end of the process, creates the offspring of their loving union.
It is a beautiful thing, but the enemy twisted it into spiritual cocaine, advertised it as such and as a result sometimes people think like you do as a reaction (understandable, it comes from the enemy after all). Not the voluntarily chose to remain celibate, but think of sex as dirty and unclean in of and itself.
Brandon Stewart
Eros, agape and philia are all different aspects of love. Not being sexually attracted by girls you like sounds pretty asexual to me.