(Exodus 22:21, Leviticus 19:33-34, Deuteronomy 10:19, Deuteronomy 23:7, Deuteronomy 27:19, Psalm 146:9, Jeremiah 22:3, Ezekiel 16:49-50, Matthew 2:13-15, Matthew 25:31-46, Mark 12:31, Luke 10:29-37, Galatians 5:14, Ephesians 2:19, Philippians 3:20)
"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the gospel," - Pope Francis 2016
"I invite you not to build walls but bridges, to conquer evil with good, offence with forgiveness, to live in peace with everyone." - Pope Francis 2017
"We know that the father of lies, the devil, prefers a community divided and bickering, This is the criteria to divide people: The builders of bridges and the builders of walls, those builders of walls sow fear and look to divide people. What do you want to be?" - Pope Francis 2019
there's a designated litterbox for you tards to poop in, please use it
Mason Garcia
Know it’s not. You know what is a sin, though? Breaking and entering, and stealing, and raping, and trafficking children and drugs. Demoncraps only want hordes of illegal immigrants because it makes adrenochrome cheaper.
Gabriel White
So supporting a wall that will reduce illegal immigration, human trafficking, and drug entry (which kills many people every single day) is a sin? From what it sounds like, not supporting it is a sin
So can Catholics explain what the point of the pope is if you guys only listen to him if he says what you agree with I say this because I am seeking a Church that holds to the fact that the Eucharist is literal but the things Francis says are seemingly bizarre and politically charged, when we are kinda told not to be a part of the world
Jackson Green
Hi Francis
Tyler Edwards
Zig Forums ruined this board
Adam Adams
Not Catholic, but from what I understand the Pope is only regarded as infallible in a very specific context, and only if infallibility is invoked. To my knowledge Papal Infallibility has only been invoked two or three times in the history of the Church. I think Lutherans still believe that, but make sure you go to one of the more conservative denominations. The liberal ones are overrun with women and fags
The Pope is infallible when it comes to theology and teaching. Personal opinions and actions can be sinful however.
Adrian Ward
This →
Christian Sullivan
Your understanding of Catholicism is as sophisticated as your understanding of scripture.
Liam Anderson
The pope is a referee when it comes to dogma not politics.
Cameron Moore
And beaners made my country significantly worse.
Luke Rivera
What do you mean by "literal"?
Brandon Lee
Transubstantiation. The bread and wine are converted to the actual flesh and blood of Christ under the appearance of their original constituents.
Jack Reed
Afraid only Rome teaches that, bud. Lutherans teach that Christ is physically present in the bread and wine, but the substance doesn't change. Orthodox don't venture to say anything about it, just that Christ is physically present somehow. Reformed Christians believe Christ is really present, albeit spiritually, His literal body remaining in Heaven at the side of His Father.
Brandon Sullivan
I know all of that, I'm not the one seeking a church that teaches it.
Kevin Morris
My apologies, didn't read the IDs. But, nonetheless, hopefully that user found those explanations fruitful.
Kevin Gonzalez
Right. Because he's a heretic he's not the pope, he's an anti-pope.
Jacob Lopez
Begone Jesuits!
Adrian Thompson
Got a verse to back that up?
Levi Clark
Don't we decide who comes in our houses? The college on who is enrolled? The business on who is employed? Wanting there be an admission to uphold ideologue/religious values is the very thing that makes a society a society. Maybe if the wall was to keep someone in, but we're not socialist dictatorships.
As someone who's lineage comes from a family several generations back who came here illegally but eventually had to come back legally, I say we should seek rapid aggressive reform on any nation we get illegal immigrants fleeing from. A country who's laws made them prosperous isn't the problem, the problem is the nations below that failed their people to the point they have to risk their lives to come here.
That I'm vehemently anti-abortion. I don't know what country you come from but in the US, it's pretty much just the abortion party vs the wall party. If you're truly Christian, you'll know which is the greater unspeakable evil.
Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
The Catholic Church has authority. Deal with it. You might want to read some history of the CHRISTAIN Church. (If you search hard enough you can find it for free)
Yeah, Peter was an important guy. You're assuming Peter only had one successor hint, Pope Gregory the Great acknowledged three Petrine sees You're also assuming that Peter in the Scriptures is synonymous with the bishop/church of Rome. The Chair of Peter at Antioch used to be a feast celebrated by Rome. But they got rid of it, since that'd be a bit inconvenient to the whole "sole successor of Peter" bit the Pope has going
Dominic Peterson
The term is Roman, but the concept that it is the actual Body and Blood of Christ is also found in the Orthodox tradition. There is variance in the details but it is said to be the actual Body and Blood of Christ.
Robert Hernandez
shiggy diggy
Sebastian Long
why does our holy father have a wall surrounding his home then?
Ryan Powell
not exactly correct. He cannot state heresy ex cathedra, however he can by his words and deeds, and even the way he performs his duties be a heretic. That is why even popes can be seen painted in murals of hell; if not then how could any pope go to hell?
Under this logic, it is even possible for the pope to be in schism with the church. At first glance this might seem impossible, how can the head be in separation from itself? however all that is necessary is that you separate the man who is pope, from the position of the papacy itself; and of course it is entirely possible for the pope to be in schism with his duties, in all sorts of ways.
Building a wall is not blocking them from entering, it's redirecting them to the bridge called Port of Entry where they can legally do so and make application for whatever cause they set upon. My sister was murdered in FL by an illegal that crossed in TX and fled back to his country.
Kayden Mitchell
Ok then. The Catholic church is bad. What is the good church then? There must be a church established by Jesus Himself in the year 33 AD.
Excommunicate yourself
Jonathan Davis
Also not exactly right either. He's only infallable in this area when said theology and teaching has already affirmed by the whole church always. In other words he's infallible at reaffirming what is already tradition. (ordinary magisterium). I could be slightly mistaken on this.
2nd is ex cathedra, which itself is for the purpose of defining dogma, so is by its very nature authoritative and infallible. This is what you find in councils. (extraordinary magisterium)
"It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble." Luke 17:2 Shiggy diggy
Leo Anderson
So the US should invade mexico?
Connor Hernandez
The Pope is part of the cathedra. So yeah. He is infallible.
You make no sense. Go back to your "not religion but personal" whatever.
Zachary Nguyen
Jesus was a divider not a uniter. The sheppard has a fence, he divides his flock from the goats and removes the wolves. The pope has been corrupted by heresy.
Levi Hernandez
He also separates the wheat from the chaff and cuts down the fruitless fig trees. God will spit out the lukewarm christians and keep those that are burning with desire for our Lord. He keeps the walls of heaven high and the gate narrow for a reason.
Not the user you asked, but the church founded by Jesus is the church of his followers, not a hierarchical power structure.
Logan Sanchez
Every nation, in accordance with natural law, has the duty to define its borders and, for the sake of the common well-being of its populace, the right to defend them. The notion that "true" Christian nations are borderless, amorphous, vague conglomerations of atomistic individuals is stupid, dangerous nonsense—even more so because, as is obvious, utopianism is idiotic because the only "perfect society" is in Heaven; anything of this world is, by its nature, flawed.
Kayden Thomas
Actually, it's only a sin to illegally immigrate. See: "Thou shall not covet".
His "wall" doesn't matter though as it's bollard fencing, which is only designed to block vehicles instead of humans.
Personal opinions aren't sins, actions are. You don't know anything about scripture nor Catholicism. If you're willing to side with pro-infanticide activists who promote sodomy to eliminate border security and subject immigrants to cheap labor, then you might want to rethink your faith.
Kinda difficult to take Il Papa seriously when he's running a pedophile ring.
Elijah Wilson
He retracted that.
Jordan Sanchez
But he said it in the first place. He's outed himself as an obvious marxist with a deficient gospel. Truthful lips will be established forever, But a lying tongue is only for a moment. (Prov. 12:19 NAS)
Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; When he closes his lips, he is counted prudent. (Prov. 17:28 NAS)>>776882
I can't judge someone for saying political crap and then retracting it later on. Otherwise I probably wouldn't be very welcome here based on things I said pre-conversion and even early in my conversion.
Australian here, it's a stitch up, there's a single accuser, the other deceased accuser made no claims, his family are, and this is after the fact that police offered a reward for anyone to come forward and accuse Pell specifically. It really sums up the whole circus down here when there's was clearly a gay man chanting at him to "go to hell" as he was led to his car.
Landon Peterson
Perhaps I've been deceived then, this is something I could see some bad actors doing.
Jackson Diaz
Homosexuals and their allies have been after him for years because he's highly conservative. There's no way in Hell he got a far trial in Victoria either, 20% Atheist and though people put Christian on the census, none of them go to Church. Even our "Republicans" let through Homo marriage and stopped funding religious schools last year. The Church is under siege in this country.
Wyatt Diaz
You would probably abandon your mother if she got a tumor as well, coward.
Levi Campbell
Different Australian here. Ozanon aint wrong. Pell may well poetry! be guilty of hiding pedo-priests, but that's not what he was on trial for … and yet I think it was. I think the jury wanted to punish him for everything the cathbro church has done in this state. ONE person accused him. The co-accuser denied the whole thing until his death, so the whole thing rests on the testimony of ONE person, even though there is circumstantial evidence to refute it. Would not at all be surprised if Pell was released on appeal. But, if he is, there will be church-burnings, mark my words (not that there hasn't already been). The shrill anti-church rhetoric in this state is pretty fierce. The abused were out for blood because the priest diddled them and then the church diddled them out of the hundreds of thousands of dollars I think some of them now think they deserve. (Or their lawyers do.) The media were out for blood because they couldn't report on Pell's conviction for three months. The populace is out for blood because he represents the church and all the abusers. And liberal catholics are out for blood because Pell's a conservative, and that's apparently bad.
I mean, I am all for stringing up the abusers, all for making the church pay what it owes for keeping all this hidden for decades, but I cannot see ONE MAN being made the carry the can for all this as being anything like justice. It just SO looks like Christ being lead to the cross, tbqhwy Zig Forums And as a prot' I never thought I'd write those words about a cathbro'
MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY OF THIS… the country's media are allowing themselves to get carried away by the whole torches-n-pitchforks parade that they're failing to see the bigger picture: FIRST RULE IN INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM IS … ?
follow the money
And what was #3-man-in-the-church's-hierarchy's job in the Vatican … something to do with the Vatican bank or something …? Gee, what a coincidence. How is no one looking into this angle? They're too busy stringing-up a proxy for all the dead pedopriests. Enough to make you sigh.