I was raised as a catholic since I was a child, although in my teenage years i've been through the dark fase of "God doesn't exist because bad things happen", some years ago I decided to search for my faith again and I think I finally found it. I think I can finally say that i believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior.
But i'm getting along with you guys and i see that everyone hates each other here, only because of their denominations. I have some friends that are from the LDS and I tried to study their faith (because why not), but I found it to be totally heretical(I'll not further explain it, it would take a long time), and now I'm trying to study about other denons as I did to the LDS. As you can see, I am unhappy with the Catholic Church (some heresys committed by the people who attend to the same church as mine, liberalism, false believers, the situation with the CNBB here where I live), but I'm not fully decided yet, I love the church, I was raised in it and I attended to the mass since a child, it isn't a easy task to just simply "quit".
I want this thread to be a debate about which Denon is truly the closest to Jesus teachings, i am truly compromised in accepting the one faith that is the closest to God, no matter which one.
Please, keep the debate civil, we, Christians, shouldn't fight with each other even if you think that someone is heretical, just try to convert them, that's what a true Cristian should always do.
So, I need you, Christian who already have a denomination, to defend it and teach me why you think it is the closest to Jesus teachings.
Please forgive me if my english is bad, it isn't my first language.
I'm trying to find the true Christ's Church, teach me about why your denon is the right one
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You should've seen what it was like back when we still had flags.
Most people wouldn't say that Mormons qualify as Christians.
Which country do you live in?
There's so much that can be said about each sect of Christianity that I'm not sure where to begin. And you know well that debates get very rude around here.
I'm not in the mood to argue about anything right now but let me bring up something: if anyone brings up only one argument for their denomination, treating it as a one-shot kill, don't listen to what they have to say. The Gospel clearly does not come down to agreeing or disagreeing with one key doctrine. Even if you believe said doctrine is essential to the faith, do not make it the sole point to argue on, because it'll convince no one who has a developped faith and it will make you come off like a cultist at best. It's usually "muh pope" for Catholics, "muh faith alone" or "muh Bible alone" for Protestants, and… Orthodox don't always have a similar "one-shot" argument to die on, but when they do, the essence-energy distinction is a pretty stupid one.
Only you can teach yourself which is the right one
I see. I'll probably try learning more by myself, I think I'll start with catholicism and see where it goes.
I'm Brazilian, the CNBB is the National Conference of Bishops here, and they are involved with a lot of problems recently, such as: they received donations from Catholics and gave the money to an NOG that helps women to get abortions and they are mostly Communists (in the past one of the Bishops in the CNBB helped the communist party in a coup they were planning), it's just so many things that's hard to explain.
The Prots here are very similar to the muslins (they even use similar clothes), and you probably already know about their relationship to zionism, that makes me not even consider becoming a prot. About Orthodoxy, I've never met an orthodox in my whole life, I don't have any impression on them yet.
Thanks for answering.
Can't say I know exactly but I can give you pointers;
Essentially, the only options that exist is either Orthodoxy or Catholicism, this is because we know Christ established a church and against said Church the gates of hell shall not prevail.
To add to this, the Bible is the written word of God, if we do not hold to the fact that the church that compiled the Bible (the very early church) is the true church (or endorsed by God) we cannot use the Bible as a basis for our faith, as without the certainty that God has endorsed the Bible, we do not know if the Bible is even correct.
So essentially, this rules out Protestantism as it denies the fact that Christ established a Church among other things (such as the Eucharist which is proven by the Bible)
Personally, looking at the scriptures there is alot of places were Peter is singled out by Christ specifically (such as John 21:15-17, Matthew 16:18), if the Church is built on the scriptures and that all of the Apostles are to look after his flock, he would of said so to all of the Apostles. This points to Catholicism in my opinion, but as other anons of stated you should look for yourself, as God opens the door to anyone who truly seeks him.
Independent Fundamental Baptist
Because everything we believe, preach, and follow all come directly from the Bible.
I've been a part of catholic, orthodox, non-denominational, and (ashamed to admit this one) gnostic groups.
Ultimately they all fell short. Whether the congregation wasnt welcoming because I was a different ethnicity, their preaching was too lax, or their practices seemed to directly contradict what I was reading in the Bible.
It wasnt until years later that I attended a service at a small, hole-in-the-wall IFB church that I truly felt "home". A week later I was baptized at that same church.
A year later Im now soulwinning once a week, have dropped a lot of bad habits I once had, have ate dinner and become friendly with the pastor and his family, and read my Bible as often as I can.
Its an inner peace I can only describe as being filled with the holy spirit.
Hope my testimony helps, God bless.
what is soulwinning? Evangelism?
Great testimony, brother.
You don't "pick" a "denomination" like Christianity is some kind of buffet for your enjoyment. There is one church. You're either called to it or you're merely looking for some kind of earthly self improvement social club. The RCC isn't just it's earthly members, it consists of all the members who went before us, so don't get discouraged by a bunch of faggot scumbags in the clergy. They will eventually be burned away as chaff, like all the other "members" of the church who were evil before them. Truly and unironically, the church only gets better and more holy as time goes on and more members are added who go on living after death, while the evil ones are sorted out upon their deaths. Like a mighty oak tree, the good souls go on and become part of the trunk as the tree grows. The branches who are alive in the present, who connect the tree to the world, are only one part. They are the most visible part. The branches that are good will go on living forever and add to the trees glory, but the dead branches will fall away. Don't be a cuck who gives up when the going gets tough.
Blessed and Breadpilled
Part of being a Christian is something called the great commission.
We are commanded by God, not asked, commanded, to spread the gospel to all creatures and nations. Basically getting people saved from hell.
I actually just got back an hour ago from knocking on a bunch of doors in an apartment complex in the next town over. Of the dozens of doors we hit and people talked to, only one lady got saved.
But you know what? For all of the other people that either threatened to call the cops, refused to open the door, had a different belief system, or just acted 'nice' just so we'll leave, that one lady that did take the few minutes to listen to the gospel, got saved, and trusted Jesus?
Worth it.
Dead memes calling catholics pagans isn't valid criticism. Insulting others by taking photos and scripture out of context isn't valid criticism. Lie all you want it will get you no where but a one way ticket to >>>/christianity/ the designated heretic board where you are free to say whatever you want and make up lies about catholics as much as you want.
o b s e s s e d
Says the ban evading prot that comes here to spread lies every day.
Typical e-catholic neuroticism, all dissenters need a stomping right?
Good, stay there, never come back, and spread your lies there as much as you want. You will be at home with your fellow heretics. God bless you.
There are many Christian boards. This one just happens to be the most popular.
This is one glaring example of the wickedness of catholics. They try to prevent truth from being spoken. If what I said was wrong or a lie and they had truth on their side, they could just respond to it and show my error. But since they are wicked people using Christianity to veil their pagan worship of the host of heaven, they immediately delete all truth and ban those that speak it. Everything they say and do proves that they are guilty of all the wickedness they are accused of
Based and truth-pilled
This. Zig Forums will only be a quality board when the Cathomods stop deleting posts that don't break the rules.
Retard. I'm a Catholic and I get banned all the time for calling out protestant heresies in an aggressive way. Mods aren't biased, they're just pussies who get offended by any kind of conflict
No, they're biased.
Look at which one was deleted
None of them?
The last one was, that's what the trash can symbol means
Then why can you see the post if it got "deleted?"
Absolutely. I've been here asking them to change the rules back to the old ones and warning against the abuses of rule 2 as a way to smack down stuff for a long time.
It was already open on my side
The rules currently in place have been in place for so long, they ARE the old ones. Stop clinging to the past. Learn to adapt.
I go to a Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church in America.
I found that the Eastern Orthodox have kept the most to tradition. For example, as a former Catholic I would cross myself from left to right instead of the traditional way of right to left (the way Catholics used to do it until the 15th century I think). The Orthodox cross ourselves from right to left.
There's obviously more to it especially the essence-energy distinction. I would recommend going to an Orthodox service just to observe.
This series was made for you:
Spread the gospel to all nations
Who did it?
The papacy gets to the root of all the distinctions, watch these two.
Op here. Didn't you guys read my post? If you did, why the winnie the pooh you are being agressive with other Christians here?
That's why we can't have nice things, I come here to ask people why they chose their Denon and then I'm some kind of heretic because I TRY TO UNDERSTAND OTHER PEOPLES CHOICES (>>793006). Later on prots say that Catholics are pagans (without even explaining why he thinks that way) and again the shitshow begins, with a bunch of grown-ups fighting like kids BECAUSE THEY CAN'T DISCUSS ANY SUBJECT.
I'm tired of this board, seriously.
I want to keep it real here, research deeply into the church and BE CAUTIOUS, do not fall into something because of memes or emotions. Find what truly will be the best, keep all options open. YOU WILL FALL INTO PRELEST IF YOU ARE NOT CAUTIOUS
Your job is to be the best Christian you can be in the here and now.
Try reposting the question on /christianity/
No heavy handed moderation there.
most protestants convert from Protestantism to Catholicism when studying history of the early Christians.
However really you should focus most of all on repenting of your sins, giving thanks to God showing genuine gratitude (everyone knows how to say thank you), and further seeking the truth. God gives wisdom to those he is pleased with Ecclesiastes 2:26. If you know you have repented, God absolutely will guide you. One day you will be able to rely on him a little.
well, on second thought maybe you should focus on joining the right church first. I might be getting ahead of myself.
This is /catholic/, come to
Ah, the good old days
It seems to me that each thread except for relationship/purity gets quickly into interdominational dispute. Sorry I am just too lazy to put a coherent response. It's all so tiresome after all those threads why not look there. We have every two weeks "ortho vs catholic" thread. It is getting tiresome.
most protestants convert from >"Protestantism to Catholicism when studying history of the early Christians."
Except the huge amount that become reformed or lutheran. Which is probably alot more than the amount becoming catholic. Cathodox aren't the only ones who get to claim the church fathers.
It just keeps happening
No censorship at >>>/christianity/