I’m not any kind of radical or anything, I just want a normal life. The only board I use is Zig Forums, aside from sometimes arguing on the /islam/ board. Is there any possibility the law might start cracking down on this place? There have been like two or three mass shootings now associated with this place. I’m only here cause I like this board more than reddits terrible “Christian” boards. Would it be wiser to get off Zig Forums?
Pic unrelated
Would it be best to get off Zig Forums?
If this place, let alone Zig Forums makes you into a mass shooter, you have problems regardless.
Does browsing Zig Forums (browsing Zig Forums included) bring you closer to God or not? Answers differ for all of us. I returned to the faith because I stumbled across this place, and I am thankful for this place.
Zig Forums is not some superbeast or a monster of a community or elite hacker and basement dweller central that the media tries to make it to be as. It is just an anonymous imageboard for hobbies and interests with its own culture of do not take anything too seriously because sometimes it is just us shooting shit. No more and no less.
The Feds aint gonna shut down Zig Forums over the shooter just like they aint gonna shutdown Youtube or Facebook for harboring pedophiles.
As this user already stated
If an internet board convinces you mass shooting is the only answer to your problems, you have personal problems bigger than an internet board to begin with.
I'll pray for you, OP.
Pretty much this, this is really the only board i go to these days. But wasn't always like that used to browse/pol/, and /v/ a lot and wasn't till i found some resources for C.S Lewis and his arguments of getting out of Materialism. Which really helped me in returning to the Faith and finally at Orthodox Christianity. And yea i've thought of leaving to Just Because i'd rather when discussing the faith talk irl. And Zig Forums Can get pretty uncharitable with is inter denom flinging. But yea I'd still come around any day better than, sorry, but better than reddit's shit Tier Christian forum which has nothing to do with Christianity but has become a deformed Reversed Christian Apologetic Forum where each post tries to one up each other by taking the faith down with it. And as for that mass shooter, he really must have been under some Demonic oppression, or Possession to go down such a dark path as that.
He supported Israel so probably.
I’m talking secular, not spiritual ramifications. I’m never gonna be a mass shooter, I just don’t wanna get in trouble
This makes me feel better. I have always felt like the law is gonna do more than they will, I don’t know why. Even as a little kid I remember assuming police officers I saw were looking for me cause I must have committed some crime I didn’t know about. Maybe that’s just my issue, paranoia.
You are not going to get into trouble for browsing Zig Forums, but you may get into trouble if people finds out you are a regular here. Like I said, since back in the 4chan days, the internet hate machine narrative that the media pushed and make us out like some sort of evil and scapegoat while all people mostly do here are shooting shit and laugh and discuss hobbies and interests. It is not a hive of villainy, it is just an imageboard, no more no less. Why browsing Zig Forums is not normal?
If you live in the United Sodom then getting worried that some men in black or spec ops will raid you because you browse Zig Forums is the least of your worries. You are more likely to get shit on just because you are a Christian.
i just found this site from the nz shooting and then this board.
i will be visiting this board more
god bless brothers and sisters
They've always monitored the board. It would be detrimental for feds to take it down because they won't be able to monitor people anymore.
*They've always monitored the site
God bless you too, fren :)
Truly God works in mysterious ways manages to turn tragedy into good.
The Battle of Tours was literally a war between two states. The Cowardly terror attack that unfolded earlier today was a man against innocent bystanders. Those Muslims in that mosque could have become Christians, but now we will never know if they ever would convert because they're dead.
Two drastically different situations. And don't even try thinking of pulling the Just War Theory. Just War never calls for terrorism, ever. Leave the terrorism for Jews, their Zionist dogs, and the Muslims. God calls us to be better than them.
if you do intend to get off Zig Forums just dont pay your ISP
Yes. The government literally invited those muslims. Until that government declares war on Islam, than the muslims that were invited are guests in that house. Killing innocents is never okay.
Those barbarians were excommunicated, give it a rest already.
Whoever is assuming this terrorist attack is just war is a moron, a terrorist attack is completely separated from just war (which is essentially a defensive war). The fact that something like this is even being suggested shows just how low these kikes are willing to go.
I have doubts this person was really genuine, the idea that people can be blackmailed into doing this is starting to make more sense.
Terrorist attack =/= just war
Get it through your heads before your fooled into believing anything more stupid
Define normal.
Why does Zig Forums always pretend to be 4chan? Crossposting a ctrl-v from 4chan doesn't make it original to Zig Forums. For example, the Christchurch shooter never said one word about Zig Forums, but mentions 4chan dozens of times in his manifesto.
Absolutely, but you won't. Nobody ever leaves.
Jewish false flag
thats a lie Zig Forums has been slowly bleeding out users.
Zig Forums is in decline.
I'm sure it was a very spontaneous event in the city of Christchurch.