Catholic here

Catholic here.

I have been looking into Sedevacantism since last year, as I'm not supportive of the current Pope. While this is more for political reasons than spiritual reasons, I do not approve of the path the Pope is taking, and for the longest time, I've felt no real inclination towards going to Mass every weekend (I've usually gone along with my parents, but during my time alone in college, I only went to Mass two to three times out of the four years). Maybe I'm tired of visiting the same Church, and tired of the same people who attend. Maybe I'm looking for some reaffirmation or reason to attend Church, but I've also been looking for alternatives to my Christian faith, such as Sedevacantism and the Eastern Orthodox faith.

I just feel disillusioned with my faith as a whole. I do strive to be a good Christian, and I do profess a belief in God (better to believe in Him and do good, than to believe in nothing and spout hatred of Him). What should I do with my faith?

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You're going to get the opposite of what you want. Rather local heretics such as sodomite supporters to stop praying and going to church.

oh ye of little faith

Don't run away then. Stand your ground and be an example of what a christian should be. The Church will only fall if good christians abandon it, but they won't. The gates of Hell will not prevail.
Read christian literature and learn humility.

Your becoming lukewarm

why would sedevacantism or orthodoxy change that?

Because sedevacants urge people to not go to Mass if there's no Latin Mass nearby, which for most people there isn't.

That feel you feel is God telling you the truth. You know in your heart what you must do BEGOME

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that assumes OP is already sede


And what arguments do they make for that?
I just felt the urge to go to mass a few days ago in a long time. Should I not go?

Whenever anyone of any denomination or religion posts something like this, the vultures begin to circle.

They say the new rite of the Mass is satanic because it isn't the tridentine mass. They say that the laity shouldn't participate on it, although St Pius X was the one to allow the laity to participate on the Mass, they contest it should be in Latin because they are larpers and that the Latin Mass is more profound that the new one (with that I agree) and the the current mass is prone to liturgical abuses (right again) but none of this arguments prove it is satanic at the very best.
Satanic are they because they are barring people from receiving the blessed Sacrament.
I agree with them that the current rite is worse and kinda of a watered down version but it's still valid and licit and every Christian must go to Mass whether in Latin, vernacular or Greek.


The core issue is the very doctrine of the papacy. Given the state of Catholicism, presuming you're anti-vat 2, is it possible that the office is illegitimate and protestantism has it right? Are you aware of the arguments that the papacy is unbiblical?

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Matthew 16:18, John 21, the first part of Acts and the apostolic Fathers would like to have a word with you.

All addressed in short form in the article I shared

That's why I love how protestants word out the passages against them.
Either way, Tradition tells us your interpration is wrong. I prefer to stand by St. Ignatious of Antiochy, St. Papias, St Iraneus etc that some random burger with his one out of 30000 interpretation of the Bible.
As for your cute pic read this
And we are "moking" him, that is to stop him from getting in heresy, because sedevacantism is a literal heresy, when Catholic larpers ironically follow Martin Luther by rejecting papal authority.

Ok kid

Sedevacantism is not the way. I encourage you to look more thoroughly into Orthodoxy, I think you'll find that you share much more in common with us than you think. This way you will be part of an apostolic Church and can attend services, as a sede you will be on your own and justifiably mocked.

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Any time someone uses the 30,000 lie (and it is), I know to stop listening. It’s equally absurd as the “muh inquisition” meme.

The core of Europe being torn into parts dates back to protestant deformation.
A mere look upon US tells me that protestantism cannot have it right, sorry sweetie.
Also I find it funny when particularly american prots call pope a communist (yeah I know he's a subversive) Let's not forget that it was their country that wholeheartedly supported "uncle joe" while he subjugated europe. Roosevelt adored by large amounts of american prots had no problem having Stalin by his side. So what's the fuss suddenly with the "communist"?
Not all of them. But if America let Europe alone and sticked to their business, Europe would be definitely better off. Basically thanks for nothing, great job for the last 100+ years btw.
America never challenged marxist ideals because the last century it was as materialistic as marxism itself. So memeing US as "anti-communist" is laughable since the soviet union's industry was created by US finances.
But you are right that the current pope is a marxist. That does not make Luther right however.

Are you ok?

It’s demoncraps that worship Roosevelt, and the people who supported Joseph Stalin are long dead, and we do not run Europe. The EU is a disaster, and it is run by Europeans, albeit subversive Juden like George Soros.
I do not see you as my enemy. You are my brother in Christ.

Why would you want to be a heretic? Honest question.

50% of sedevacantists are Vatican 2 shitposters, 40% literally just want Benedict back and 10% are fringe autists.
I can't really get angry at a man for wanting Benedict back.


I want Benedict back but that's not reality, reality is Pope Francis.