Jay dyer

What does Zig Forums think of Jay Dyer?

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Just another person to ignore entirely

Prime example of what happens when people convert to Orthodoxy in order to be edgy.

literally who?

I've never ever watched him. I don't like his "dude debate me" attitude.
As a convert he could spend more time learning stuff instead of trying to teach others.


I'd rather listen to 3 hours of Jonathan Pageau than half an hour of Jay Dyer. Jay has the theology, but he lacks the spirit.

I agree. Jay is good with the memorization of concepts that comes from reading a lot of books, but that is not what Orthodoxy is.

I honestly think he's a meme, I don't buy his apologetic's for Orthodoxy against Catholicism. Too much false dialectics and I honestly think it's emotionally rooted.

I like his stuff about the jews/NWO/bankers whatever you want to call them, like the videos about HG Wells or the Council on Foreign Relations. His theology work is kind of dry and he comes off a bit arrogant though. All in all he's alright.

Even then, he doesn't seem to actually understand what he's reading.
His article calling the filioque "arianism applied to the Holy Spirit" (or whatever it was) argues against a strawman while not giving an actually accurate depiction of Orthodox pneumatology.

That he supports conspiracy theories and accuses our hierarchs of being corrupt is schismatic behavior as well.
As said, Jonathan Pageau is a much better "Youtube layman". BibleIllustrated is alright but pretty simple, and I disagree with him on some things.

Pick one and only one.

you clearly haven't watched very much of him if you think he's uneducated. He's certainly cocky, but i guess that kind of confidence is to be expected when someone actually bothers to autistically study all the major christian sects in depth.

Not an argument. Talking about well documented events and relations with a bit of speculation isn't a sin just because such information is obscure. It's not like he's claiming to have "secret knowledge" or doing any occulting himself.

I don't even know much about the guy, but from that alone it seems you've been led astray. Humility is the greatest of Christian virtues, from it comes all other virtuous behaviour, without it comes all vice and sin.

Did I say humility wasn't a virtue? What I am saying is that forgiveness is the utmost virtue, regardless of how obnoxious another christian's sins may seem to us. He may not fit our vision for an ideal christian, but that is literally what Jesus is for, not the rest of us sinners. Who are we to judge him for lacking humility in his preaching? Surely many of us have done much worse than that. Meanwhile, he has managed to convert many to orthodoxy, and has admitted that he aggressively focuses on apologetics precisely because it's a field dominated by protestants and not something the orthodox focus on very much. Judge him by his fruits if you must, but it is ultimately not our arbitrary earthly opinions of him that matter. To suggest I am somehow "led astray" for merely reminding christians of this, is amusing, but I try to constantly remind myself that we're all horrendously imperfect, for otherwise we would have no reason to follow Jesus.

I never called him uneducated. But theology is not just reading books and then trying to pick up fights on the internet and calling everyone a mason, especially Orthodox theology. There are illiterate monks who are much better theologians than Dyer. When i said that he could spend more time learning stuff i meaned to work on his own passions, according to the Orthodox theachings, before he takes the role of the teacher and prophet. Arrogance and pride are the mothers of all heresies.

Yeah what's up with that?

Dyer is the -voice- of american orthodox. Shrill, querulous, and eager to prove itself.

Lmao, why don't you debate dyer or list what you think is wrong with his theology?

i rest my case

Perhaps, but then, so what? He's not a father, nor claiming to be anything more than a nerdy apologist for orthodoxy. He might not be the greatest at it, but it's obvious he's resonating with at least *some* people that might've otherwise not found the faith, or been interested in the writings of the church fathers. If he's actually getting more westerners to be legitimately interested in Orthodoxy over RC and Protestantism, then fair play to him. He could be nothing more than a well-trained labrador for all I care, his judgement is not in my hands.

That would be ideal of course, but that's ultimately up to him and particular to his own personal journey. The rest of us in the peanut gallery have no basis on which to cast the first stone when it comes to matters of pride, surely.

Personally, I find his videos a bit tiring to listen to because of how he rambles and goes on endless tangents, but I appreciate his book reviews and recommendations at least.

lol what? What's your case? If you think you know more do a video about what you disagree with or at least name one here if you can't do the latter.

This. I don't dislike him and he's a smart guy for sure but if he really wants to educate people about God he should become a priest instead of a youtube personality.

That is why Fr. Spyridon is my favorite Orthodox yt person to watch.

lol why?

That's some patrician taste right there

Jay's based awtp tbf. For all his faults (see also ) he puts out great content that's v interesting and yeah he may be a little cocky here and there (though I think that might only be in debates with total numbskull atheists/materialists because I haven't seen many of his debates and but have watched/listened to a fair amountof his stuff over the past few months and he doesn't seem too bad at all, sometime's he has to clarify that 'he's not bragging' but is overall just confident and speaking his view on things). Overall he seems to put out great stuff, interesting topics, good tone with the occassional well timed dick joke or a some funny impression or two often of a questionable quality/accuracy, all part of the fun and for for a sensible chuck'l, what's not to love ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You're only proving my point, Dyer is a lay-man, he is neither a priest nor an actual qualified theologian, but he has read a lot of books and occupies a very specific niche - an orthodox american who knows a lot about orthodox theology and has a youtube channel.

I'm not interested in debating him, nor can I, because I do not know a fig about Orthodox theory, nor do I care.

He is however, intensely interested in self-promotion, so instead of seeking real avenues of theological debate (you know, becoming a qualified theologian and holding actual academic debates with other qualified theologians) Dyer roams the world seeking people to roast on youtube. Shrill, querulous, and over-eager to prove himself.

Well he is claiming to be an authority in theology and he've also badmouthed other, actual, theologians and hierarchs so i'm judging his according to this. And the worst part in my opinion is that his audience are new converts mostly from America that he's leading astray from Orthodoxy and into conspiracy theories and useless polemics with Catholics. I don't say that you shouldn't watch him but really there're more useful sources to learn about Orthodoxy from than him. At least i hope his book recommentations are good.

to be perfectly honest, as a catholic, I find he is a great figure-head to point out why people shouldn't be orthodox.

i checked out his web-site for the first time, and it is decked with A E S T H E T I C faux-80's meme imagery, this could be a good reason why nobody actually accredited wants to be seen with this guy

It's a bit unfair to hold Dyer as the main example for Orthodoxy though. More than half of us are heretics for him anyway. And that's what i'm trying to explain to the other user here, it's not that Dyer is bad for our "image" or anything but that his attitude confuses people, both Orthodox and Catholics, about our point of view. The fact that he's popular with new converts makes things even worse.

This channel is way better in my opinion when it comes to Orthodox matters, i'm more into these stuff than yt debates.

I agree, but it is something that will keep on happening because there is no other face for American Orthodoxy; additionally, the pseudo-conspiracy 80's facade is explicitly targeting the American Orthodox convert.

He doesn't talk about jews as much as he should given the subject matter of his work, but he does bring them up like in the Tragedy and Hope review. The only Orthodox person I can think of that actually talks about jews in depth is Matt Johnson though.

And there will never be any other face for American Orthodoxy, people will find whatever they are looking for. The real faces of Orthodoxy try to remain concealed from the world.


Sounds gnostic

Orthodoxy doesn't work with celebrities that's what i mean
wat why

Christianity has a very public character to it, we are called to go out into the world and witness the gospels. The idea that "true adherents" of Christianity hide away from the world is antithetical to the Gospels.

Even the old-time monastics always took the time to go on preaching tours in the older days, or at least do public services. Moreover, they are many famous preachers (i'm sure on both sides) who converted legions of souls while assuming vows of poverty.

People call anything slightly hidden, obscure, or mystical "gnostic" these days.

No, that's genuinely gnostic. They believed they were enlightened, that anyone not like them was automatically doomed to never be saved.

It's an insular character that's foreign to Christianity, but very familiar to pseudo-christian cults (and protestants)

Can you tell me about the public services and preachings of Saint Mary of Egypt? Where exactly did see preach?

I know, the wonders of westernized Christianity.

There's literally tens of thousands of Saints, many of which - on both sides - are extraordinarily accomplished public preachers. This isn't really an argument you can round down to a single Saint with.

So she isn't worthy enouph for you? Then tell me about Saint Antony the Great, or is he a gnostic too?
Of course i didn't mean that we should all live like that (we can't) when i said that about people who stay concealed from the world. But indeed it's well known that most holy men always like to spend time alone and not boast about their holines and wisdom. That's what i meaned "concealed".



You seem to misunderstand, my point was that Christianity has an explicit evangelical character to it - and to suggest that it is OK that the main representative for the true religion (for you, anyway) is someone you admit isn't the best isn't a great state of affairs.

boasting about holiness and wisdom is not the same thing as preaching, at best it is a sort of wayward rhetoric

The real faces of Orthodox do not try to remain concealed from the world. They try to conceal their holiness because their holiness makes them know their unworthiness and they do not want to deceive the world. That's why it is vitally important for every Orthodox to have acquired at least a little of the gifts of the Holy Spirit because only through the Holy Spirit we can recognize such people. And we have to know such people in order not to be deceived in this cunning time. The following is from Chrysostom:

There may be saints, who are much waited on by every one. Do not visit these, who are in the enjoyment of plenty, but those who are in tribulation, who are unknown, or known to few. He who has "done it unto the least of these," He says, "has done it unto Me." Matthew 25:40

Tell me then, you will say, whether any one could wash the Saints' feet in the Church? Whether such are to be found among us? Yes: undoubtedly they are such. Let us not, however, when the life of these saints is described despise those that are in the Churches. There are many such often among us, though they are in secret. Nor let us despise them, because they go from house to house, or go into the forum, or stand forth in public. God has even commanded such services, saying, "Judge the fatherless, plead for the widow." Isaiah 1:17 Many are the ways of being virtuous, as there are many varieties of jewels, though all are called jewels; one is bright and round on all sides, another has some different beauty. And how is this? As coral has, by a kind of art, its line extended, and its angles shaped off, and another color more delicious than white, and the prasius above every green, another has the rich color of blood, another an azure surpassing the sea, another is more brilliant than the purple, and thus rivaling in their varieties all the colors of flowers or of the sun. Yet all are called jewels. So it is with the Saints. Some discipline themselves, some the Churches. Paul therefore has well said, "If she have washed the Saints' feet, if she have relieved the afflicted." For he speaks thus, that he may excite us all to imitation. Let us hasten then to perform such actions, that we may be able hereafter to boast that we have washed the Saints' feet. For if we ought to wash their feet, much more ought we to give them our money with our own hands, and at the same time study to be concealed. "Let not your left hand know," He says, "what your right hand does." Matthew 6:3 Why do you take so many witnesses?

I think you first started misunderstand what i was saying.
But i finally found the quote from Fr Isaac the Syrian:
while he who runs away from honor has it chasing him"
And that's exactly what i meaned and that's also my opinion about Dyer. Not everyone is good at evangelizing others, actually there very few who have that gift. Orthodox evangelization has more to do with being an example with your life to others so you'll bring them closer to God than hitting doors and preaching the gospel to total strangers.

Every Christian is considered "edgy" now for not supporting sodomy and saying incorrect pronouns.

All apostolic evangelization is like this, yes.

I agree with every word of Saint Chrysostomos.

Yes, there's a reason monasticism is also called hermitism. Please don't confuse it with gnosticism. Praying for the word in isolation is also an act of evangelizing.

He claims to be well read on it, but he's open about not being a priest nor a real theologian. Does simply squabbling about things you study a lot automatically insinuate that you claim to be an authority on them?

Just seems like the usual vice of pride from both sides of the debate to me.

And Jesus badmouthed the Jewish hierarchs of his time. Why should this be any of our business? Let said hierarchs deal with him if it matters that much. Forgive your perceived enemies user.

Anyone who thinks Dyer is bad should read about Léon Bloy.

Léon Bloy was based. Although it's hard to discern love for the bourgeois Parisians he spent so much time roasting in his books.

Catholic missionaries went to the ends of the earth to give people the gospel and often died because of it, the Orthodox 99% of the time exist in insular ethnic tribes with no intention of reaching outside of their bubble. I've been told by two different Orthodox priests that "we don't evangelize", this is a large part of why I'm choosing Rome over Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy hasn't been a real force in the world throughout history, Catholicism has been the de facto visible pillar of truth for all nations to see.

You've never been told such a thing but what kind of a fake Christian you'll be without lying?

Why would I lie on Zig Forums? From my experience, this was word for word what I was told, at a Serbian church and an OCA church. I'm not being payed by the Vatican, friend.

Because i can bring countless examples of evangelization by Orthodox in America alone let alone that OCA is made up entirelly by converts. So either you're lying or two different priests lied to you for whatever reason.

Both the Old and the New Israel haven't been a real force in the world throughout history. And yet, these are the chosen people of God.


One has to have a very advanced imagination in order to see the modern Catholicism as a pillar of truth. The modern Catholicism is no longer any pillar, it doesn't care even for its own false doctrines.

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You can believe whatever you want, I'm simply sharing my own personal experiences, that are not unusual. I can't justify schism and exclusion of the most historically prominent part of the church.

The past 60 years in the church is not the norm, we live in dark times both outside and inside the church. Fatima has been proven correct so far, it's not hard to see where things are headed, but in the end truth will prevail. I'm simply concerned about saving myself and those around me, I know there's rot everywhere.

Maybe you misunderstood them? Perhaps they meant they don't stand on street corners yelling or go around knocking on people's doors.

The Catholics are used to think of their Church as a "real force" and a "visible pillar" as you wrote in your previous comment – a great, influential organization. But the state in the world is such that in order for the truth to prevail in the Catholic church, it will have to give up all this visible "greatness" and prefer to it the invisible greatness of being together with God. The right choice is clear, but do we, the feeble vicious men have the strength to make it?

Why? I don't get your line of reasoning.

Because "the light has come into the world, and people have loved the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone who practices evil hates the light and does not come to the light, for fear that his works would be exposed." Because the world hates the Church, when the Church bear witness concerning it, that its works are evil. (3:19-20; 7:7) The choice is to be the light in world or to be visibly great in the world. Because the great day of the Lord will not take place unless the apostasy comes first. Because God sends to those who did not receive the love of the truth a strong delusion so that they should believe a lie and those who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness shall all be judged. (2 Thess. 2:3,10-12)

I thought you meant whitewashing churches and iconoclasm for a moment, but I agree and there are signs that things are beginning to turn and people are picking up the pieces again

Which is why MRJ is EMJ-tier and (((Dyer))) isn't.

Jay Dyer is a prime example of the dangers of intellectual pride. He's very learned about theology but he demonstrates very little of the actual spirit of Christ. Far from showing the humility and charity that he should, Dyer is often haughty and aggressive in his debates and talks down to people like he considers them inferiors. It's all well and good to know your churches positions, but it's all for naught if you don't actually live your faith. God isn't going to give you a theological exam to enter the Kingdom, He is going to examine your life and every action and thought.

Dyer should spend less time researching theology and more time focusing on his spiritual life. I doubt he even prays every day.

True, baptism of desire, invincible ignorance and all that.
But how are you ment to discern between catholicism, orthodoxy and protestantism? Some people aren't given simple faith. You have to give kudos to him either way for actually trying above and beyond, now hes trying to help others.

this is always true, but doesn't orthodoxy proceed orthopraxis?

There is just as much pride in that comment as there in the man it's critiquing. Whether or not someone has "enough" of the "spirit of Christ" in them personal matter between them and God. It appears he is in the process of being saved just like the rest of us, and that's all that matters. Any sinners casting stones on others for not being higher on the ladder of divine ascent is a hypocrite.

Does it though? Looks more like he treats his faith like learning D&D lore. He shows zero fruits of the spirit which should be a real concern. Knowledge means nothing at all, you're not saved by knowing esoteric theological facts

Don't do this user.

Do you mean he is not saved because he knows some esoteric theological facts? No. What you seem, however, to imply is that he is not saved because he is missing something important for the salvation. But the facts are that we are unable to judge the other people in this way. When we do this we are projecting our own spiritual experience on other people. In some cases we see in the others our sins and weaknesses ("they are like me"). In other cases we are overreacting about faults our pride makes us think we are free of or when we try very hard to fight some vice ("they are not like me"). In yet other cases we are simply jealous about something we don't have ("they can't be better than me"). But in all cases our accusations tell more about our own spiritual state than about the spiritual state of the accused.

"Who are you who judge someone else’s servant? He stands or falls to his own master! Yes, that one will be made [able] to stand, because God has the power to make someone stand. But [as for] you, why do you judge your brother? Or you again, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ." (Romans 14:4,10)

Jay Dyer and the others have always struck an odd chord. I don't approve of anything they do and I've never been a particularly big fan. In a way, I agree with and all other criticisms of him. He doesn't leave a good impression, regardless of his intellectual correctness. I doubt he is making any serious in-roads with Catholics. He, and the others he's mainly associated with, ran in the same circles as TDS and folks like Dean Esmay or Matthew Heimbach. "Know them by the fruit of their works."

I cannot agree, however, with the assertion that they are truly and utterly un-Christian or that they're not genuine in their faith. I can only suspect it, and pray God for forgiveness for such a grave sin. I can only say rightly that they are at worst completely erroneous and counterproductive in their application and at best simply not for me. I lean more to the former, especially with Heimbach and Esmay.

I hope that is about this concern more than it is about standing up and raising concern. God forgive us all, we are hypocrites and short-sighted. But I must do and I must say what I truly believe is right, and when I fail I must ask for forgiveness. If you haven't yet, read up on St. Maximos the Confessor.

He is usually too arrogant to actually debate and defeat his opposition with actual arguments.


Case in point. Throughout this debate, he didn't really address his opponent, he made references to stuff he didn't even explain, and was generally an asshole to such an extent that he actually made the perennialsit guy sympathetic and I decided to look up his channel instead.

Dyer claims that his oppositin is simply wrong in this video, without explaining and arguing why. Maybe I'm a brainlet but I actually wanted to hear a detailed refutation.

Maya is self refuting and Jay went over this with Aarvoll. Did you actually watch the video?

Probably has 40 more iq than the vast majority of the people on this board.



Dyer is a West-hating (Judaic tier contempt) conspiratainment goon. Has to be some kind of plant or just has eaten up shit ideology and been given over. His story goes: Calvinist convert to RCC, years studying Thomism, before finally rejecting everything else and converting to Orthodoxy. Joseph Farrell (pics related) converted him to Orthodoxy. Even though Dyer to this day recommends him as an expert on theology, Farrell left Orthodoxy years ago and now trumpets the gospel of the perennial intergalactic Nazi conspiracy. Hesychasm “has obvious parallels in yoga and among the sufis of Islam” says Orthodox bishop Kallistos Ware, Oxford doctoral advisor of Joseph Farrell. Andrew Louth, who observed the similarity of ‘essence-energies’ to Kabbalah, was also on Farrell’s doctoral committee.

Jay Dyer: ‘I think what Richard Spencer is looking for in the Nietzschean ubermensch is found in Eastern Orthodoxy and lacking in the West and Catholicism’

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Don't put words in my mouth please. I never said he's not saved (which is a very Protestant way of phrasing it), I don't presume to know who is within Gods grace and who is not. I only said that he doesn't display the humility and charity that is becoming of a follower of Christ. We are told not to involve ourselves in meaningless disputes and yet Dyer relishes meaningless disputes, he actively seeks them out and what is worse when he finds someone to dispute with he talks down to them and acts with extreme hubris.

See for an example.

Jay Dyer is very knowledgeable about Orthodox theology. I acknowledge that. However from the way he behaves on his Youtube channel I believe he needs to work on his own spiritual development and work on increasing his virtue, particularly humility and kindness.

"For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

I think Jay forgot that we need to die to this world in order to be resurrected into life, that involves humbling ourselves and letting go of sinful attachments. The resurrection is not a proud humanistic triumph, it proceeds the final judgement. The reason we put an emphasis on the crucifixion, is because this world is not the end all be all, it's a trail in which we are dying day by day, will we die with Christ or love the world and all it's vices?

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I think he's smart, but he isn't really a theologian. I mainly only like him because he debated JF Gariepy on the existence of God and humiliated him.
t. American ortho-convert

Every Christian man should be able to humiliate atheists.

wow, really? Dyer definitely has that self-important calvinist streak

I agree but JF is a tough cookie. The guy's a doctor of biology or something. I don't think I would have had the brain power to do what Jay did to him.

This is exactly problem with Jay.
He asserts something without explaining it.
Yes I did watch the video. No, Jay didn't elaborate sufficiently on his assertion that Maya is self-refuting.
We are not 130+ IQ nibbas here. DO UNPACK.

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I'm not disputing with anyone though, I'm making an observation. You're entitled to your opinion and so am I. I actually have no idea why you're so desperate to try and find a way to characterize my very valid criticism of Dyers lack of humility as a sin.

The form of criticism being made was no mere casual statement of observation, but one of judgement. None of our earthly judgements are "valid" in the eyes of God. The very way you started your engagement with was with defensiveness (as if it were a dispute), attempting to justify yourself instead of overlooking the minor details of its phrasing and focusing on the bigger picture of its clearly good intentions.

If I am "desperate" to do anything (itself already a judgemental and uncharitable interpretation of my message), it's to remind Christians that Jesus held legalistic hypocrites in higher contempt than the sinners they disavowed. And divisive characters like Dyer are quite effective in bringing out the Pharisees. Such men should serve as a reminder to look more closely at ourselves, not as target practice for our righteousness.

So justify your opinions/observations/condemnations of men however you wish, but we are all still sinners at the end of the day, and it is not the rest of us who will be your final judgers.

Looking at that video I would say he has a twisted view of Catholicism (surprise surprise for American convert). It is not fair to say "nitzschean ubermensch" since he said only "ubermensch". However even using this concept is kind of mockery if you take into account the fact that Nietzsche's philosophy is basically anti-traditional, modern bs. Why would anyone push the whole concept of "ubermensch" in christian sense? The ubermensch literally tries to be his own God because Nietzsche has no moral compass. For ubermensch the God is dead and what remains is that he becomes one.
Tbh it seems like wrecking Spencer in the debate is not very difficult when it comes to religion since he regurgitates atheist talking points from Zig Forums and tries to appeal to pagans while insulting christians as little as possible. If you look at this video Spencer literally talks as some little boy that heard "christianity bad". He is not even a good speaker. I am not going to derail the thread to be about spencer but the guy is literally a retard magnet. If you pay attention to what the guy says and take his "opinions" seriously you should reconsider what you are doing with your life

It should then concern you that Jay Dyer by all appearances is one of those legalistic hypocrites by the way he focuses on ritual and theology while not practicing according to the spirit of the law.

We need to hold each other accountable. You're forgetting that. Remember Ezekiel 3:18 "If I say to the wicked person, 'You will surely die,' but you do not warn him–you don't speak out to warn him about his wicked way in order to save his life–that wicked person will die for his iniquity. Yet I will hold you responsible for his blood."

If you retreat into yourself when you see one of your brothers straying off the path and allowing it because "Who am I to judge" you bring condemnation on yourself because their damnation is something you will be held accountable for.

Letting brothers in Christ off the hook for not living in the spirit of Christ because "we're all sinners dude" is antithetical to how we should actually behave. Correct your brothers in love and kindness, don't let Jay continue condemning himself because you're his fanboy.

Some remarks on this:

1: Farrell and Dugin are obviously nutcases and not to be trusted.
2: Kallistos Ware is nearly the James Martin of Orthos, so I don't know what interpretive retardation might be going on in his mind, but what does he actually say in that respect?
3: I've frequently heard the comparison of the EED to kabbalah (from opponents of the doctrine) but having reverted to Catholicism following years of unfortunate interest in the occult, the EED thing still confuses me as to what EXACTLY it means, but it never struck me as sounding like kabbalistic garbage. I'm aware that both make reference to a "light" but from what I can tell the understanding of this light is completely different between the two.

Again, these are just remarks on this and I remain anti-Dyerite.

No one is debating this.

and what do you think I am doing here?

by critiquing him on an anonymous image board that he likely doesn't read? If this is truly your goal, there are better ways of reaching him.

Yet another needless accusation.

what did he mean by this

Sure thing, Jay..

Farrell shows up twice on Dyer’s recommended reading list. Thick books on nature of East/West and Christology. Dyer interviews Dugin and generally shares anti-West sentiment. Both conceive of Moscow as Third Rome. Spencer too has a weird fascination with Rome.
For the history of it, check out Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together, long-been-banned book in English, available just recently anonfile.com/A7f8R9ebb6/200_Years_Together.pdf - if you don’t trust the link, you can google an alternative. Crazy how susceptible 15th century Orthodox Russia was to the Judaizing heresy.
As for the theology, here is academic paper by Michael Morbey web.ncf.ca/an359/parallels_byzantine-hesychast_divine_essence-energies.pdf

Judaizing is always a temptation, as EMJ frequently points out with respect to Calvinism and the whole Puritan ethos of America.

What are you talking about. These are all ongoing pushes I can come up with just off of the top of my head.

no one's going to take you seriously if you dont learn greek and latin jay

Do you have source on Jay dyer being converted by Joseph farrel and Joseph farrel on orthodoxry?

Sorry for bumping this thread

I've seen his debate with Styxhexenhammer666 and that french guy on The Public Space, and I thought he did a pretty terrible job in both.

I just don't see how someone can pretend to speak knowledgeably about geopolitics and never mention jews once. I do like his theology talks but I'm going to cancel my subscription and give the money to TruNews.

Well firstly its not all converts because it it includes ethnic diocese within it but more relevantly according to the Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Churches they only have about 33,000 active members and are not particulary representative of Eastern Orthodoxy in the US. Indeed in my country Orthodoxy has been here for over a century yet 60ish percent of its members were born overseas and evangelising is mainly through marriage - which even in the US continues to be the largest source of new converts.

Still perhaps what the priests meant was that their church was too small to engange in co-ordinated evangelising.

I didn't see his Styx debate but he mopped the floor with JF.