Hello. I was born into a Muslim household. But I want to become a Catholic Christian. The problem is I have only limited time due to work. I can visit a Catholic Christian country only for a week up to a month. Can I get all the important sacraments this way and be saved?
Hello. I was born into a Muslim household. But I want to become a Catholic Christian...
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Explain your situation to a priest, he will figure out what to do. We will be praying for you brother.
Even if you somehow did, you would still be obliged to make the Sunday mass.
If I were you, I would just wait till you can move out of your parents' home and than come to a Catholic country or America and than join RCIA to fully convert.
In the mean time, pray the rosary everyday. God Love you, pilgrim.
Sorry? What is “the Sunday mass”. Do I have to visit church every Sunday to be saved?
Yes, just like how you are obligated to go to the Mosque every friday. I'm sure if your parents noticed you not at the Mosque on Friday and coincidentally gone on Sunday morning they will know you are converting away from Islam.
Thats why I am saying it may not be wise to convert right away in your situation.
I forgot to add that you shouldn't be discouraged by that. If you pray the rosary every day, the Virgin Mary will pray for you and keep you close to God.
If you have a smart phone, download the Laudate app. It is the goto app for catholic english speakers. It has a bible, a virtual rosary, prayers, and other stuff to help you dive deeper in the faith.
When should I do it then? When I’m old I could use my money to move to a Christian country probably. But I could die before that. Quite a risk to take, no? Would I be damned to hell if I don’t visit mass?
I would think my situation excuses me
I will ask a priest about this when possible
OP, are there no Catholic churches at all in your city / country? In the absence of a proper church I would advise you observe the sabbath on sunday and spend time in prayer, meditation and reading the scriptures if there is nowhere else to worship. Do your best to be baptized and confirmed, and receive the sacraments as often as you can given your situation. Know that we will be praying for you, and you will be in good company among the saints.
The peace of the lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Thats why I'm saying to pray the rosary and others are saying to email a priest in the area you are visiting.
/ourLady/ always keeps her promises, (see pic related) even to those who are baptised by desire (your case). Unless you want to be brave and tell your parents you want to convert, but I don't know if they do anything drastic to you.
Whats the area you are visiting? I can help you look up emails of the clergy in the area.
His pagan root most likely involves child murder and faggotry. Go away LARPagan. No one wants you here
OP, please pray the rosary. It tells God that you are serious in your desire to be apart of Jesus' true Church. It has helped me immensely with my own iniquity and I know it will help you with your situation.
I'll be praying for you, brother. God speed!
This is retarded. The Sunday obligation is dispensed by being physically incapable to go. OP should not wait to convert, his salvation depends on it and he can make a spiritual communion if it is impossible to get to mass
Which country, if you don't mind the question?
And Catholics wonder why people don't see their religion as anything unique.
This. There are cases where the Church will excuse you from having to go to Sunday Mass sometimes, and this is definitely one of them. Definitely do not wait to convert, next time you're in a Christian country explain your situation to the priest and see if you can't get baptized immediately. It's fine so long as you do attend Mass whenever you're able to do so safely, ie if you can sneak into a Church whenever you happen to be in a Christian country on a Sunday.
Hey, did you know that pagans also read books? I guess you better give up your faith and start drinking cum like BASED Odin.
Pagans also believe salvation is by works. They're just like the rest of the World's religions.
and yet if I do no work then I have no faith and if I have no faith I have no salvation.
What work exactly did the thief on the cross do?
Or, how exactly could the High Priest of Israel atone for the people by killing an animal? It was their faith in the atonement.
Is one simple act of faith the same as attempting to do "works."
We are saved by faith through grace, not of works. Guess what that means? Any time "works" are mentioned in the Bible, we know from clear scripture, they do not affect our salvation.
So what you are saying is I dont have to go to church? Or go soulwinning? Or repent from my sins? Or read the Bible? As long as I accept Jesus as my personal saviour I can do what I wilt? Sweet :D
Reminder that Luther was right when he said that.
Woo! I can't wait to start watching porn again!
Let me retranslate that quote just for you first:
Sure bud, but thats just like your personal interpretation. Pastor user said I don't have to repent from my sins as repenting is works based salvation.
Then he must disagree with Luther and also the Bible
It is in the first of the 95 Theses Luther wrote to criticize the Roman Church of the time, that one believer should repent during his lifetime.
Hey man, don't mistranslate Martin Luther (pbuh). Tapfer means
So on and so forth. How dare you take the prophet out of context like that!
So I HAVE to repent? So I don't trust Jesus' strong hand to never let me go? Sounds like works based salvation. Next you'll be telling me I HAVE to go soulwinning or to church to prove I have faith.
As this user
pointed out your personal translation is wrong.
Faith without works is dead.
But thats works based salvation.
If I need to work to prove my faith than I don't trust Jesus' sacrifice to save me from the sins he already died for and paid in full.
But if you can speak German so well, I suggest you read this:
Luther was a saxon catholic monk and theologian, he was no prophet or apostle. And just because he was not, does not mean I can not debate in favour of him and his theology, and put confusions and misrepresentations aside
Yes, I don't disagree with that. You should go to church, you should read the bible, you should repent of your sins, you should and you should win souls for Christendom especially in these godforsaken times
No, only if you translate word-for-word, although it is hard to find an English word for it, if staying brave or hardy is what the Englishmen tell those that are in quail or despair, then that is the one that I would use. Because he sent that letter to someone that was in quail and despair over typical humane fears like not knowing of right and wrong, being full of self-doubts, and losing hope for it.
James 2:20
Rather not say
Do not listen to this retard, if there are no churches where you live you are not sinning by not going to mass. You can instead do other things to follow the third commandment, like reading the bible for an hour (the length of the standard mass) or other holy things like praying the rosary.
Only if it's possible brother, if you can't go because of your country then you are excused. You can pray by yourself on Sundays though in the meantime, especially the rosary
In the meantime, look up the concept of perfect contrition.
In the end, you've confused OP and pushed him away from the truth. All of you here should learn to keep your pride in check. Spiritual pride is still pride.
As for OP, you don't really have to attend church to be saved, you don't really have to do the works. Don't trust me ? You can try reading the Bible (preferably KJV) for yourself.
Also this video might help you: youtu.be
If you don't mind, OP, but what made you want to convert? Also, since you posted an image that has an Imam Ali quote on it, I'm assuming you're a Shiite Muslim.
hey OP, If you wish to convert to catholicism, talk to tutor or the mods over in the discord, they are Catholic and are very knowledgeable for laymen
You can't be saved through the Catholic church. Only by having faith in Christ can you be saved.
You're probably baiting but here is a quote from the man himself.
Also, you should understand the context of that quote you presented.
Christianity is a beautiful religion and I want to be saved, that’s basically it.
shia dog