what the h*ck. i though you guys said christian girls were based and trad
What the h*ck. i though you guys said christian girls were based and trad
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God is obviously a male and what the heck is that thing.
Since when is that a Christian? Looks like the typical liberal pagan to me.
Is that Jimmy NUtron?
Technically the male gender belongs to Jesus Christ humanity. He is truly one person, fully human being of the male sex and fully God.
It belongs to His divine nature as well. God has always been referred to as "He".
God is pure spirit lad. He is called He because He is the Father, the maker of the universe. But it's not because of gender, since that concept cannot be applied to him.
If that was true God would belong to the category of masculine, implying it existed before Him, which is false.
God IS the category of masculine. We are created in His image. The category doesn't pre-exist Him, He is the very category itself, just as He is love.
Well, man was created in the image of God, and the man was male. The woman was created later to be his companion…
"God created man in his image. Male and female he created them." - Genesis
Man and woman are both created in the image of God.
This girl's (?) argument falls down because we are not God. God created us with gender, so to reject your gender is to reject the order of God's creation, and to reject God and his authority over your life and being.
To say it's because God is that way is further to be guilty of the same crime as Lucifer and to place yourself above God and his created order.
That's actually quite helpful for me atm cheers lad
Heck off, OP. Radical leftist college kids aren't christian. Stop making up lies. Pic related shows you what a traditional christian woman looks like.
Gender is a grammatical construct, and since God constantly refers to Himself in masculine terms we can reliably infer that He is masculine. And since He is the Father of everyone and the King of everything, and since fatherhood and kingship are inherently masculine, we can even go so far as to say that He is supremely masculine, the most masculine being in all of existence.
That's not a Christian, it's just a leftist skeptic intentionally misinterpreting theology to justify their depravity.
Is the human person not God?
Yes, God in the flesh. The man is God.
Masculinity is a creaturely category. God is not masculine, rather, masculinity is like God.
No it's scriptural
It literally says in the Bible for men to dress as men and women as women. Men and women are distinct and do not become the other through self identification or taking hormones.
God is male confirmed.
How many layers of ignorance does it take to make this mistake? The most popular and well known verse in the new testament is pretty explicit
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Please tell me whatever the human being in the OP is baiting us
Sorry, lady, but fugme that's repugnant
No, you've misunderstood. God is sexLESS. You were created with a sex.
Embrace it. Stop this foolishness.
this is one of the most disgusting things ive ever seen on the chans
Why is he called Father and not Mother then? God is a mediterranean white male.
Anyone who takes issue with calling God a Father is either a Muslim or a polytheist. The fact alone that Christ called God Father is sufficient reason to despise these "God could be a woman" idiots, considering we as the faithful must follow Christ's example.
To be clear, the Godhead itself is beyond categories of masculinity or femininity, themselves creatures. However, it is no coincidence the Second Person incarnated into a male human nature and, from that vantage, referred to the First Person as Father. Metaphysics held in mind, our relationship with God appropriately demands we refer to Him in the masculine.
Frankly, if God is too much of a coward to step up and take responsibility for his actions and his followers are more than happy to enable his reckless behaviour under the common argument "muh free will exonerates God", why should I, or anyone, even bother following the impotent retard?
I see now why the kikes laugh at Christianity. It's a joke religion predicated entirely behind 'Heaven on a Stick,' don't mess up or you're going to suffer for eternity! This farce is unnecessary.
I spit on god.
Really just think about it. If your son murdered his brother then of course he should be punished. But wouldn't you contemplate your failures as a father?
God isn't infallible, so why would I follow him?