The fact is that you can't be a racist and a christian at the same time. Jesus came to save all people regardless their ethnicity. In fact most people in heaven will be non-white.
The fact is that you can't be a racist and a christian at the same time...
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Why is it that most people who come here to decry racism always have to include a racist jab against White people in their arguments?
im not racist, im ethicist
I agree with you, but…
How do you figure? You could be right, but the Catholic Church converted millions of Europeans in the Middle Ages
Souls do not have races. The concept of race will be completely irrelevant in heaven.
I agree with OP's sentiment, especially considering how popular racialism has been, but we need to remember that hating white people is also racist. White people have honestly been some of the least racist and loving towards others
Because the most prominent form of racism is anti-white bigotry and the posters are hypocrites.
What about after the ressurection of the body after the Second Coming?
We're not just souls, we also have a body, and that body will be resurrected into glory or shame. God loves variety, there's no such thing as an inferior race.
Ok, but what about race realism?
Bodies after the resurrection will be different, they will be healthier and free from disease, they won't be dependent on the expression of genes for their maintenance.
Most of the time that's some basement dwelling white kid who barely graduated high school claiming he's smarter than Neil Degrass-Tyson because of skin color. It's laughable.
Nothing wrong about loving your race and your people. The problem comes in when you start thinking other races are inferior and need to be exterminated (its basically race idolatry).
God is racist, He commanded us not to racemix in the OT.
This user gets it.
All the people living around Ancient Hebrews would be considered the same race as them today.
Define "race". Is a Judean and a Moabite the same race? Not according to the OT. Different tribe = different race. Yet Ruth, a Moabite, married a Judean (a refugee Judean at that!) and then later became a refugee herself and married Boaz, a Judean Israelite. So, any children they'd have would be of "mixed race".
Ya know who is of that line? King David! The entire Davidic line is what you'd call a "mutt" due to a racemixing grandmother. Are you suuuure you want to continue this line of thinking?
Because the nature of the Chans. What other website do you see such hatred of other ethnicities? Where you post statistics to prove that other races are inferior and refer to them as shit skins, poo in loos, low iq, mudslims and a hoast of other things.
You can point to BuzzFeed and the Huffington post but their naive racism is nothing compared to chans. I've seen black users on Christian discords do nothing and get bombarded with pictures of Congolese with their hands cut off and blacks getting lynched for no reason. You won't experience that type of racism at BuzzFeed or whatever example you try to use to prove that you are a victim yourself.
You're not a victim. Stop trying to be
If he won't do it, I will: According to you, Jesus was a product of racemixing. Basically you believe Jesus was a product of sin. Good job.
So you don't believe in the virgin birth?
Christs ancestors certainly did sin, they were human just like the rest of us.
Are you deliberately trying to be retarded or are you just this dense? Actually, better question. Let's say you had a son or daughter who wanted to marry a black woman or man and they black individual was very pious and devoted to God. Would you allow it?
A jew (Trotsky) created the term racism. Its a meaningless subversion of the teachings of race realism. Nature associates colors with awareness. It's an early warning system to spot dangers.
No. They should not mix together what God created to be separate.
t. American Marxist that has never been to Detroit, Chicago, or South Africa
One has freedom of speech the other does not. Look at the US…even with jews constantly tforcing the races on top of each other, natural segregation happens every time. Why? Because natural instinct drives incompatibilities away from each other because of self preservation. Blacks stay urban, Whites in the suburbs, Hispanics into the barrios, Asian build Chinatown.
Numbers 12:1
And the people were cursed with a leprosy that turned their skin "white":
Numbers 12:10
You are not a Christian end of story.
Wow, it must be true. Maybe white people are being oppressed. Must be so hard to be white in modern society. You must be scared to go outside. Damn I feel sorry for you. Don't you just wish you were black or brown? They have it so easy you as a white man must be jealous.
I'm a nationalist myself and am anti race mixing but if two people who were Christian loved each other and were devoted to God then I have nothing to say against it.
My reasons for being a black nationalist are different from yours though.
If you actually think it's that clear cut, you've obviously never been to any major urban city in the US before.
If you're a nationalist then you know the importance of blood and race. If you mix it you create inferiority. Your child will be less then you. Why would anyone do this?
It's not that clear cut in cities because they're as unnatural as it gets. Urban environments corrupt and kills human lives. It's too compressed, too toxic, too orchestrated…a prison.
Non of that had anything to do with what I said aside from the very first one and it's so far out of context no meaning can be derived from it.
Whatever wage they are paying you shills is too much.
As a student in an urban center… just no. I get that stereotypes exist for a reason, and believe me there are parts of town to avoid if you aren't a very particular kind of black person, but overall there's not really any racial tension.
So what you're saying is that there are still Jews, Greeks, Slaves, and Frees? KK.
Shitskins literally outnumber whites by that much. Europe was always sparsely populated compared to most everywhere else.
What I don't understand is how someone can serve two fundamentally divergent principles at the same time. It seems to me that an ethnocentric view is not based on anything that is Christian. Furthermore, several ethnonationalists seem to want to become Christians as a type of entryism, where they view Christianity as an inferior ideology that they want to co-opt. I don't really see how they could become sincere Christians with such an attitude.
Was he right ? Also French literature from the 17th century is full of debates like this :
Oh I'm laughing. See 1st pic related and you will see how ignorant you are. You SJWs are worse than Zig Forums, because at least Zig Forums is honest about their racism.
But I guess literal black communists in South Africa saying how they are going to steal land from the white farmers isn't proof. Nor is the countless black on white crimes. You are pathetic and your -isms won't save you on judgement day.
On the contrary, YOU are not a Christian.
"You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly." Deuteronomy 7:3-4
“You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material." Leviticus 19:19
"And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place" Acts 17:26
"As soon as the people heard the law, they separated from Israel all those of foreign descent." Nehemiah 13:3
"And behold, one of the people of Israel came and brought a Midianite woman to his family, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of the whole congregation of the people of Israel, while they were weeping in the entrance of the tent of meeting. When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose and left the congregation and took a spear in his hand and went after the man of Israel into the chamber and pierced both of them, the man of Israel and the woman through her belly. Thus the plague on the people of Israel was stopped." Numbers 25:6-8
"And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:25
"When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God." Deuteronomy 32:8
"And Ezra the priest stood up and said to them, “You have broken faith and married foreign women, and so increased the guilt of Israel." Ezra 10:10
You're young, naive and haven't seen through humanities biggest deception yet. You are NOT an individual. An entire world full of lies and deception is telling you that you are, but statistically it's impossible for you to be one. If you look in our history books, you gonna see that only a handful of humans were even worth mentioning. The rest is white noise. See individuality is born out of a healthy collective, which originates out of clean race and strong blood. Only if you have those conditions can an individual emerge. So what is individuality? It's the ability of the one to create for the collective. This means that the most important part of humanity is the collective, because it's where our future is created. Chasing after individuality like it's been taught to you, not only severely damages the collective, but puts you onto the path of hedonism aka self destruction. Which is exactly what our favorite (((parasites))) want you to be…a replaceable slave.
Urban environments are defiling the laws of nature and the consequences of that are catastrophic for the human species. You just can't see it because a) there are too many deceptions in front of you and b) you're too ignorant to admit your own wrongdoings when you look at the big picture of how mankind destroys itself by defiling the laws of nature.
This is in reference to gentiles who were unable to maintain covenant with the lord, which is not the case after the coming of the messiah. So this is like quoting "eye for an eye" to justify the death penalty. If you know the context relative to the gospels is doesn't really work.
This means nothing relative to your point. You're just reading meaning into it that isn't there in an attempt to justify your view (which is a statement that could be applied to nearly all of these quotations, but let's press on).
Again, you're reading meaning into that that isn't there. All it's saying is God made all of the nations. Nation =/= Race.
When read literally this still has nothing to do with racial mixing, and when read symbolically it's about the separation of those who follow the teachings of god from those who do not, and how they will be outcast by society.
Again, old testament rules apply here. Now that gods covenant has be opened to the gentiles, this has nothing to do with race but belief.
Are you implying that if a child is born of mixed decent god did not create him? Because that is a whole other level racism that I'm not sure even people in the 1700s and 1800s would agree with you on. You're effectively calling mixed race children demonic.
Again, nations =/= race. This is about God assigning lesser pagan deities to nations outside of Israel. There's no statement about racial mixing here.
Again, GENTILE ISRAEL THING A LA THE OLD COVENANT! Does not apply under the new one, where the covenant is opened to the gentiles.
You tried really hard, I'll give you that much, but speaking as someone who used to be alt-right before converting to Christianity, just stop. You're letting your political convictions take precedent over religious ones. You're following king Saul over king David, and you need to stop and realize what you're doing. I was the same way in the beginning, yet the more I learned about the historic church the less and less I could justify my views, until i eventually just gave up on them. If you don't want to have interracial relations, fine, but you can't condemn others for having them, let alone via religious ideology.
forgot to embed like an idiot
I really hope I didn't sound this way back in the days when I'd listen to Father Coughlin and argued for christian fascism to preserve the white race and European heritage, all while effectively denying salvation to nonwhites… I know I did, but it's just really cringe worthy now seeing a post in the same vein.