Ukraine's autocephaly be like

Ukraine's autocephaly be like

Attached: ukraine.jpg (607x608, 65.13K)

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Roman Catholic here

Can Orthobros explain those autocephalies and patriarchates? Are they similar to the Catholic Archdioceses?

The Ukrainian separatists are useful idiots, their hatred of Russia is being used as a means to force them into the luciferian EUSSR… thus crippling Russia. This is an old german game that goes back more than a century


No, it's more like this:

Autocephalous churches conduct independent policy in matters of governing and local laws, consecrate bishops on their own and dont have to rely on others on such matters, unlike in Catholicism, where pope appoints everyone. In Orthodoxy in general all bishops are considered equal in general and patriarchs are essentially "primus inter pares", usually holding title of bishop of the capital city of the state (Moscow, Tbilisi, Bucharest etc) or pentarch cities. Though there are also seniority amongst churches, and primus inter pares in this case is considered to be Constantinople (though before the schism, Rome held this honour).

Unbiased opinions, no doubt

No, these are the catholic equivalents:
But they self-govern, and the first see can only intervene in their affairs in the case of really serious problems.
That awful feeling when you’re part of GOARCH and are technically in communion with these wives of Lot.

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Well, there goes that I guess.
These CIA memes aren't so far fetched now.

I can't tell where the attack on the Church begins and the merely Political ends. It's all mixed up into one mess.

It doesn't seem like Ukranian independence would be so bad in itself, if he didn't say trash like that.

I don't think Putin particularly cares. He just has a that vision of a Eurasian union, and wants Ukraine part of that (besides that, the land is a great defense on the Black Sea).

Nah, the salvic hatred of each other is in their blood

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Cia influence really isn't starting to sound all the crazy.

When you have people like Songbird helping out the fake Ukrainian fascists in order to help out the (((EU))) just to spite Russia you know the CIA tiggers are involved.

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Thanks, guys. When the Orthodox create missions in non-Orthodox countries (say, the USA or Latin America), there's a patriarchate for overseas parishes or they're under the patriarchates that sent the clergy?

I don't know if I made myself clear.

No, they are dependent parishes of patriarchates. If mission ends with significant success, local church may be granted autonomy (like Japanese Orthodox Church). there are cases when several church parishes overlap even. Currently larges missions are conducted by Antioch, I believe (which I think has to do with emigration of Orthodox Christians from MENA to North America). If Church grows large enough to constitute majority of country autocephaly may be granted, though this is not always so. America is largely protestant country, yet American Orthodox Church was given autocephaly by Russian Orthodox Church.

Kremlin's propaganda agency, into the trash it goes


Of course he cares that's why, together with Moscow state's church, they tried to force a schism in Orthodoxy. Now that their plan failed, after personal attacks, threats, bribing, fake news, army of fake fb and twitter accounts spreading discomfort and hate between the Orthodox, they are ready for "dialogue" again lmao.

Another example of Moscow's neo-orthodox "theology"


Enjoy your ban

Yeah because in the early medieval period, Rome was a weakened city with no real power, and so PIP was just some 'honorary' title that meant nothing. The patriarch of Constantinople was the 'big dog'. But as Rome regrew into a power city, suddenly PIP became a bit of an issue.

It had serious role that has nothing to do with political power of Rome. Bishop of Rome, while not being absolute ruler over other churches was definitely a mediatory in disputed subjects and several rights were granted to him by several councils such as council of Serdica for example. the title wasn't only "honourable", but actually had power.
And the your statement is inaccurate anyway. Rome held serious power. Reason why papacy wanted to assert absolute dominance later was BECAUSE it held serious power and remained only functional institution on shithole lands pillaged by naked barbarians who couldn't even read.

Stop glowing in the dark. And stop destroying the Church with your will to power.

I don't entirely disagree regarding the church councils but…
When Constantine moved the capitol, the City lost quite a bit of power. Then when it was sacked, it became a battle zone for a couple hundred years (Gothic wars) and the city emptied out. It wasn't until Charlemagne (9th century) that the city itself began to reassert itself as a political force in Europe. That's when trouble started brewing because Byzantium was no longer the undisputed power base.

So tell me now… who's more powerful atm, the current Constantinople patriarch or the Russian patriarch?


That depends on whether you regard power as honour, legitimacy and functions (in which case, Constantinople) or quantity and political influence (in which case, Moscow).

Please stop spamming this fake news state's propaganda site.

Well Barth is more humble and animals who grew up in the KGB mistake that as weakness. But after literally begging Moscow to solve the issue themselves or at least suggest something but insted being ignored and looked down upon as weak, he actually stepped up and solved the issue himself. I think this shows who's really powerful and who's all talk. Now Kirill and Putin can screech all they want. Also Barth is not just Constaninople's patriarch but the Ecumenical Patriarch.

Sure thing moishe it's the germans.

You are state propaganda, lol. I know who you are.

How about this one?

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