It's such a baseless and ignorant "argument" that it became a meme of it's own sort of.
But is there a good answer to it? That's what I want to find out, since telling people that someone who's omnipotent, all knowing and responsible for creating life might just be a bit beyond their understanding seems like a cop out to most who actually use this as an argument.
It seems to especially come up when events beyond our control (like crazy birth defects) happen at seemingly random which makes people who didn't believe anyway come out into the open with this argument.
If you don't already know the answer to this question, then you probably need to lurk more.
Oliver Russell
Not always what we need is what is good for us immediately. Such as death is regarded with fear by so many people, it isn't good or bad, but just something that we to go through such as birth.
Colton King
Death is the result of "original sin". And that fear of death is what creates a fallen world, by so many trying to escape the reality of it. Men walk over other men, out of fear of death and prolonging survival. Men amass wealth and leave others to suffer, out of death, and a need to have as much in this life to distract him. Men chase empty pleasure out of fear of death, and end up abusing others to get it as well.
It isn't "sin" itself that Adam passed on. It's death. But the end result is sin.
And to answer the OP, bad things happen because of humanity first and foremost. It isn't God's fault. He warned Adam. "Surely you shall die.."
Andrew Ward
The cross
The magnitude of the world's evil is directly proportional to the magnitude of God's love. But, his love has overcome the world meaning his love is even greater than the magnitude of the world's evil. His love covers it all. A vast ocean of blood.
Robert Walker
I blame mister rogers and bob ross they paint an alluring tone which suggest that the world is a beautiful neighborhood by mere existence of it, but they avoid revealing what's behind the studio, that is, what it takes for a natural scenery to survive…Did you that scientists can tell what kind of carcass used as fertilizer by examining their cells?
Carter Reyes
You see a lot of the, "if God real, y bad thing?", phrases because they don't understand what God actually does in the Bible.
God doesn't necessarily promise a good wish like a genie, he promises a good outcome/path. It's a theme present in every biblical story. Jesus was tortured and killed over lies from the mob, but he was able to redeem our sins because of it. Following God's path will eventually give eternal good. In contrast, Satan's path will give a permanent bad outcome.
Owen Campbell
They are like the bad thief "If You really are what you say you are, them save Yourself and us"
Logan Anderson
I agree. Those types do more harm than good because they aren't telling the pragmatic unfiltered truth present in the bible. In the Bible: In Mister Roger's land: I knew a lot of atheists who left Christianity because of people like Mister Rogers. Those former Christians always leave at the moment they saw a bad event or "bad christian". Either a dead relative or Pastor saying that sodomy is bad.
People like Mister Roger teach that Christianity is about being a doormat who says nice words. When in reality, it's about the truth and God choosing the proper path for you.
Luis Moore
You know the bad thief gets a bad wrap. Pretty much all the religions before that characterized gods as pretty personal. It wasn’t too outlandish for someone if put in a bad situation (even if it’s their own fault) to say, when you’re in a corner with God beside you, “can you help us out of this?”
Ryan Moore
I know he is muslim but it has precedent in Christianity
Christian Ortiz
The freewill explanation covers some of this. Without freewill, then sinners were chosen by God to sin and be condemned, which is unfair. Freewill gives people accountability and choice.
The trouble comes when talking about natural disasters, children dying of disease etc.
Noah Howard
No, hardly in relation to Orthodox Christianity. All the pagan faiths taught the opposite of the Christian faith. That all the gods of the pagan faiths were impersonal, that they didn't teach bodily resurrection. As far as i'm aware. But usually when people are looking for similarities. It's usually an attempt to one up the faith. By usually going down some Zietgiest route of *look!Look! see all these religions are same!*As sort of a gotcha moment. When really far from the truth, there's far more dissimilarities, then there are similarities. Teat's always what's made this faith distinct from the whole world. Bodily resurrection, That God is personal not Impersonal, or some Form. Basically, God, Enters history. What the teaching is, of the thief on the cross in Orthodoxy theology, i'm not sure. But Orthodox theology, so far in what i've been learning is ground in pretty solid theology. Which i started with Genesis.
Dominic Edwards
Free will and Demons, Fedoras always Ignore Demons, HOW CONVENIENT.
Asher Gutierrez
If you punched a homeless man, would you ask God as to why he let you do this? Would the homeless man likewise be angry at God or at you? How would it please God if we couldn't freely love him and freely commit works of good as opposed to works of evil.
I don't know how to explain these things to Agnostics and Atheists. Only God can make the blind see.
Athiest here, really the best argument here is the God is the source of the Big Bang and is now dead
Sebastian Martin
god created daemons
Justin Thompson
Demons also have free will to a great degree, they already lost so they want to drag to hell the most souls they can no matter how. The great battle is not about evil trying to win over God.
William Carter
based pic
Easton Green
Nah, they're just fallen angels who have disobeyed him.
That's a strawman you're building. Atheism does not imply moral nihilism, nor do moral values do not imply a creator.
Colton Evans
i find our current culture very hedonistic (even in "christian" circles (t. john piper)). their view on good and bad happenings are calculated by the immediate pleasure or pain that occurs. animalistic. i think the correct answer is very meta-physical, but you could easily come up with metaphors for why things are the way they are. why does your hand hurt when you place it on a hot eye? because you wouldn't take your hand off the eye if it didn't hurt. is god evil because he allowed this? no; he's actually pretty caring.
Pretty much this. I noticed that most atheists accept any immoral thing as long as it's rebranded. (ie. murder and abortion ; bacha bazi and child drag queens ; child molestation and sex education)
It's like a three year old asking why he can't have another piece of candy. We are literal children and we cannot fathom God's wisdom. Any suffering we feel is temporary. This life is a blink of an eye.
Jose Turner
Yeah, this shows how intellectually sterile the new atheist arguments are. They're mewling because God hasn't given them enough toys to play with.