United Methodists Reject One Church Plan
Too little too late.
The SBC is still feeling shockwaves from the conservative resurgence decades ago, and we were never this bad. The UMC will continue to fade into irrelevancy.
Even if I'm not a Methodist, I'm glad they didn't fold under pressure. Hopefully this is a sign of the pendulum beginning to swing right again.
I've been getting a lot of lulz from the "progressives" in the UMC lamenting the passage of the traditional plan
That second blog has a half dozen or so salty posts about it.
The "Hacking Christianity" blog is another source of amusement.
I agree with you, but I also agree with that it is still a good sign.
Thanks for that! I needed to have a laugh. Also, apparently shit is hitting the fan down in St. Louis
Are the progs throwing a tantrum and not allowing things to go forward again? I remember when they did that in 2012.
Now people are staying there and shouting. Sounds like they're complaining about procedure and think the vote is illegitimate.
Not to crap on Methodists, but their structure is like if you took America and tried to make it into a church.
This last bit is just gold.
Sounds like what they did in 2012. The progs aren't known for allowing votes to stand. They just throw a tantrum until the whole thing is over with and go home with their ball. And nothing changes.
Imagine being this delusional. What part of
You don't even know how dangerous it is. Before the One Church plan was defeated, an amendment was put forward that would bar gays who were in even worse relationships than just being homosexual. I'm sorry, I don't recall the exact wording of it and can't find a transcript of the meeting at the moment, but that caused an uproar and the amendment didn't pass.
So it would have been OK for gays to be promiscuous? Sounds about right.
I remember when Andrew Sullivan said that monogamy to a gay male couple meant that you share your side partner with your main partner.
Honestly, I'm glad I can find discussions like this.
I've been wanting to talk about this all day, but don't know anyone who wouldn't immediately assume I want to ban same sex marriage.
After the accusations came out on rampant homosexuality being the problem with the Catholic clergy (from Vigano's letter to "In the Closet of the Vatican"), I've been more and more hesitant about the One Church Plan. I'd be perfectly fine with a split, I'd rather see both sides take their stance and move on.
I'm Methodist in a liberal community though, so it's guaranteed to come up this Sunday.
I left my UMC church because it was too progressive for my tastes. The worship leader was this weasily soy boy who had to sprinkle left-wing propaganda between songs and I grew tired of it. So I hit the road.
My brother, I'm definitely praying for you. I was Methodist once but like I left the church because the pastor used the pulpit exclusively to spread propaganda. My last service there came when she gave a hypocritical sermon and made half of it about how great she is for supporting gays. She made references to profane language during it as well and I couldn't take it.
Brother, the Orthodox Church would accept you with open arms if you decide to leave as well. But if you stay, remain firm and don't let those communists corrupt the faithful.
Please report back to us with what you hear on Sunday! I'm almost curious enough to go back to my old church but I don't want to go to another service there, as I said before.
I think I found the problem, user.
I'm still a little new, so bear with me if I mess up.
Our sermons aren't really propagandized, they're just insanely boring. It used to be great. Pastor would explain the deeper meaning of a parable or explore a Bible story. Now he does "sermon series," where it's three weeks of him reading a Bible verse and then talking about nothing. January was "restart", February was "renew." This seems like something he can't avoid talking about.
I've thought about that for a while. I stay mostly because they pay me. I sing and drum for the choir, play handbells when they need it, and I really like the music director. I'll be moving in the Fall, and figure that'll be my time to explore denominations that are a better fit. I'll listen to Billy Graham in the meanwhile.
I definitely will! If this thread is still active I'll reply here. If not, I'll make a new one.
Thank you all!
You know it. Part of that last sermon I went to involved her talking about how great it was that man and woman became one, and taking the same name was a great expression of that love. Good stuff right? Except she followed that up by saying "But I didn't take my husband's name, I kept mine becauseā¦" and it became a feminist lecture.
I know exactly what you mean about the boring sermons too. My parent's pastor is the same way as yours. Definitely keep us posted when you start looking into other denominations, You're probably the only practicing Methodist on this board so I'll remember you.
A report from a traditionalist who was there:
Lord have mercy, that sounds terrible. Seriously guys, we need to pray for the traditionalist Methodists.
Now I'm curious, what denominations are still alive and well? Lent might be the perfect time to explore a bit.
There were more at one time, but the mods chased many of them off.
Methodism, before it was subverted by modernist garbage, was truly protestant Kino.
What's the point of following the faith if you're going to ammend it's rules frequently?
It's funny, reading about this whole debacle has reacquainted me with lots of names of bloggers and commenters that used to drive me insane when I was still in the UMC. Gotta say it's been nice to get away and I don't envy actual Christians in the UMC one bit.
The one Jesus setup here on this earth and and gave St. Peter the responsibility of running it.
He said alive and WELL
I agree with you on that one. I never followed the politics of the church until after I left though, as strange as that sounds.
Czech out Orthodoxy, an Eastern rite service is like nothing else you've ever experienced. Especially if its Russian, in my opinion.
You can still find good Methodist churches, as long as they aren't apart of the UMC.
The Church is both.
If it wasn't well, it wouldn't be getting rid of the (((filth))) that is infecting it. The fact The Church is attacked by satan from outside and within the church is proof that:
1) Our Lady of Fatima was right
2) Satan hates the true Church Jesus established.
The UMC was attacked by Satan and is getting rid of fags now too. Is the UMC alive and well?
Well, considering they still serve satan for being heretics, no they aren't.
Because your true faith is to secular materialism & critical theory, and you think that if you reinterpret the Bible in the just the right way & truly believe in it, you'll still go to heaven. And of course Sola Fide can easily lead to holding this type of position. I've met enough of this sort.
We'll let God decide that.
No, that line of thinking begins with the notion that Bible isn't inerrant and that the miracles in it aren't meant to be taken literally, which isn't uncommon in Catholic circles either.
I'm aware of the Free Methodist church. Any other denominations?
Has anyone ever used one of these hearings to go over the scientific case for why homosexuality is a sin? We have the data proving why God banned it.
Frankly, if God is too much of a coward to step up and take responsibility for his actions and his followers are more than happy to enable his reckless behaviour under the common argument "muh free will exonerates God", why should I, or anyone, even bother following the impotent retard?
I see now why the kikes laugh at Christianity. It's a joke religion predicated entirely behind 'Heaven on a Stick,' don't mess up or you're going to suffer for eternity! This farce is unnecessary.
I spit on god.
Really just think about it. If your son murdered his brother then of course he should be punished. But wouldn't you contemplate your failures as a father?
God isn't infallible, so why would I follow him?